import { initVueI18n } from '@dcloudio/uni-i18n'; import Vue from 'vue'; let realAtob; const b64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; const b64re = /^(?:[A-Za-z\d+/]{4})*?(?:[A-Za-z\d+/]{2}(?:==)?|[A-Za-z\d+/]{3}=?)?$/; if (typeof atob !== 'function') { realAtob = function (str) { str = String(str).replace(/[\t\n\f\r ]+/g, ''); if (!b64re.test(str)) { throw new Error("Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.") } // Adding the padding if missing, for semplicity str += '=='.slice(2 - (str.length & 3)); var bitmap; var result = ''; var r1; var r2; var i = 0; for (; i < str.length;) { bitmap = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++)) << 18 | b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++)) << 12 | (r1 = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++))) << 6 | (r2 = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++))); result += r1 === 64 ? String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255) : r2 === 64 ? String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255, bitmap >> 8 & 255) : String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255, bitmap >> 8 & 255, bitmap & 255); } return result }; } else { // 注意atob只能在全局对象上调用,例如:`const Base64 = {atob};Base64.atob('xxxx')`是错误的用法 realAtob = atob; } function b64DecodeUnicode (str) { return decodeURIComponent(realAtob(str).split('').map(function (c) { return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2) }).join('')) } function getCurrentUserInfo () { const token = ( xhs).getStorageSync('uni_id_token') || ''; const tokenArr = token.split('.'); if (!token || tokenArr.length !== 3) { return { uid: null, role: [], permission: [], tokenExpired: 0 } } let userInfo; try { userInfo = JSON.parse(b64DecodeUnicode(tokenArr[1])); } catch (error) { throw new Error('获取当前用户信息出错,详细错误信息为:' + error.message) } userInfo.tokenExpired = userInfo.exp * 1000; delete userInfo.exp; delete userInfo.iat; return userInfo } function uniIdMixin (Vue) { Vue.prototype.uniIDHasRole = function (roleId) { const { role } = getCurrentUserInfo(); return role.indexOf(roleId) > -1 }; Vue.prototype.uniIDHasPermission = function (permissionId) { const { permission } = getCurrentUserInfo(); return this.uniIDHasRole('admin') || permission.indexOf(permissionId) > -1 }; Vue.prototype.uniIDTokenValid = function () { const { tokenExpired } = getCurrentUserInfo(); return tokenExpired > }; } const _toString = Object.prototype.toString; const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function isFn (fn) { return typeof fn === 'function' } function isStr (str) { return typeof str === 'string' } function isPlainObject (obj) { return === '[object Object]' } function hasOwn (obj, key) { return, key) } function noop () { } /** * Create a cached version of a pure function. */ function cached (fn) { const cache = Object.create(null); return function cachedFn (str) { const hit = cache[str]; return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str)) } } /** * Camelize a hyphen-delimited string. */ const camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g; const camelize = cached((str) => { return str.replace(camelizeRE, (_, c) => c ? c.toUpperCase() : '') }); const HOOKS = [ 'invoke', 'success', 'fail', 'complete', 'returnValue' ]; const globalInterceptors = {}; const scopedInterceptors = {}; function mergeHook (parentVal, childVal) { const res = childVal ? parentVal ? parentVal.concat(childVal) : Array.isArray(childVal) ? childVal : [childVal] : parentVal; return res ? dedupeHooks(res) : res } function dedupeHooks (hooks) { const res = []; for (let i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) { if (res.indexOf(hooks[i]) === -1) { res.push(hooks[i]); } } return res } function removeHook (hooks, hook) { const index = hooks.indexOf(hook); if (index !== -1) { hooks.splice(index, 1); } } function mergeInterceptorHook (interceptor, option) { Object.keys(option).forEach(hook => { if (HOOKS.indexOf(hook) !== -1 && isFn(option[hook])) { interceptor[hook] = mergeHook(interceptor[hook], option[hook]); } }); } function removeInterceptorHook (interceptor, option) { if (!interceptor || !option) { return } Object.keys(option).forEach(hook => { if (HOOKS.indexOf(hook) !== -1 && isFn(option[hook])) { removeHook(interceptor[hook], option[hook]); } }); } function addInterceptor (method, option) { if (typeof method === 'string' && isPlainObject(option)) { mergeInterceptorHook(scopedInterceptors[method] || (scopedInterceptors[method] = {}), option); } else if (isPlainObject(method)) { mergeInterceptorHook(globalInterceptors, method); } } function removeInterceptor (method, option) { if (typeof method === 'string') { if (isPlainObject(option)) { removeInterceptorHook(scopedInterceptors[method], option); } else { delete scopedInterceptors[method]; } } else if (isPlainObject(method)) { removeInterceptorHook(globalInterceptors, method); } } function wrapperHook (hook) { return function (data) { return hook(data) || data } } function isPromise (obj) { return !!obj && (typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'function') && typeof obj.then === 'function' } function queue (hooks, data) { let promise = false; for (let i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) { const hook = hooks[i]; if (promise) { promise = Promise.resolve(wrapperHook(hook)); } else { const res = hook(data); if (isPromise(res)) { promise = Promise.resolve(res); } if (res === false) { return { then () { } } } } } return promise || { then (callback) { return callback(data) } } } function wrapperOptions (interceptor, options = {}) { ['success', 'fail', 'complete'].forEach(name => { if (Array.isArray(interceptor[name])) { const oldCallback = options[name]; options[name] = function callbackInterceptor (res) { queue(interceptor[name], res).then((res) => { /* eslint-disable no-mixed-operators */ return isFn(oldCallback) && oldCallback(res) || res }); }; } }); return options } function wrapperReturnValue (method, returnValue) { const returnValueHooks = []; if (Array.isArray(globalInterceptors.returnValue)) { returnValueHooks.push(...globalInterceptors.returnValue); } const interceptor = scopedInterceptors[method]; if (interceptor && Array.isArray(interceptor.returnValue)) { returnValueHooks.push(...interceptor.returnValue); } returnValueHooks.forEach(hook => { returnValue = hook(returnValue) || returnValue; }); return returnValue } function getApiInterceptorHooks (method) { const interceptor = Object.create(null); Object.keys(globalInterceptors).forEach(hook => { if (hook !== 'returnValue') { interceptor[hook] = globalInterceptors[hook].slice(); } }); const scopedInterceptor = scopedInterceptors[method]; if (scopedInterceptor) { Object.keys(scopedInterceptor).forEach(hook => { if (hook !== 'returnValue') { interceptor[hook] = (interceptor[hook] || []).concat(scopedInterceptor[hook]); } }); } return interceptor } function invokeApi (method, api, options, ...params) { const interceptor = getApiInterceptorHooks(method); if (interceptor && Object.keys(interceptor).length) { if (Array.isArray(interceptor.invoke)) { const res = queue(interceptor.invoke, options); return res.then((options) => { return api(wrapperOptions(interceptor, options), ...params) }) } else { return api(wrapperOptions(interceptor, options), ...params) } } return api(options, ...params) } const promiseInterceptor = { returnValue (res) { if (!isPromise(res)) { return res } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { res.then(res => { if (res[0]) { reject(res[0]); } else { resolve(res[1]); } }); }) } }; const SYNC_API_RE = /^\$|Window$|WindowStyle$|sendHostEvent|sendNativeEvent|restoreGlobal|requireGlobal|getCurrentSubNVue|getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect|^report|interceptors|Interceptor$|getSubNVueById|requireNativePlugin|upx2px|hideKeyboard|canIUse|^create|Sync$|Manager$|base64ToArrayBuffer|arrayBufferToBase64|getLocale|setLocale|invokePushCallback|getWindowInfo|getDeviceInfo|getAppBaseInfo|getSystemSetting|getAppAuthorizeSetting/; const CONTEXT_API_RE = /^create|Manager$/; // Context例外情况 const CONTEXT_API_RE_EXC = ['createBLEConnection']; // 同步例外情况 const ASYNC_API = ['createBLEConnection', 'createPushMessage']; const CALLBACK_API_RE = /^on|^off/; function isContextApi (name) { return CONTEXT_API_RE.test(name) && CONTEXT_API_RE_EXC.indexOf(name) === -1 } function isSyncApi (name) { return SYNC_API_RE.test(name) && ASYNC_API.indexOf(name) === -1 } function isCallbackApi (name) { return CALLBACK_API_RE.test(name) && name !== 'onPush' } function handlePromise (promise) { return promise.then(data => { return [null, data] }) .catch(err => [err]) } function shouldPromise (name) { if ( isContextApi(name) || isSyncApi(name) || isCallbackApi(name) ) { return false } return true } /* eslint-disable no-extend-native */ if (!Promise.prototype.finally) { Promise.prototype.finally = function (callback) { const promise = this.constructor; return this.then( value => promise.resolve(callback()).then(() => value), reason => promise.resolve(callback()).then(() => { throw reason }) ) }; } function promisify (name, api) { if (!shouldPromise(name)) { return api } return function promiseApi (options = {}, ...params) { if (isFn(options.success) || isFn( || isFn(options.complete)) { return wrapperReturnValue(name, invokeApi(name, api, options, ...params)) } return wrapperReturnValue(name, handlePromise(new Promise((resolve, reject) => { invokeApi(name, api, Object.assign({}, options, { success: resolve, fail: reject }), ...params); }))) } } const EPS = 1e-4; const BASE_DEVICE_WIDTH = 750; let isIOS = false; let deviceWidth = 0; let deviceDPR = 0; function checkDeviceWidth () { const { platform, pixelRatio, windowWidth } = xhs.getSystemInfoSync(); // uni=>xhs runtime 编译目标是 uni 对象,内部不允许直接使用 uni deviceWidth = windowWidth; deviceDPR = pixelRatio; isIOS = platform === 'ios'; } function upx2px (number, newDeviceWidth) { if (deviceWidth === 0) { checkDeviceWidth(); } number = Number(number); if (number === 0) { return 0 } let result = (number / BASE_DEVICE_WIDTH) * (newDeviceWidth || deviceWidth); if (result < 0) { result = -result; } result = Math.floor(result + EPS); if (result === 0) { if (deviceDPR === 1 || !isIOS) { result = 1; } else { result = 0.5; } } return number < 0 ? -result : result } const LOCALE_ZH_HANS = 'zh-Hans'; const LOCALE_ZH_HANT = 'zh-Hant'; const LOCALE_EN = 'en'; const LOCALE_FR = 'fr'; const LOCALE_ES = 'es'; const messages = {}; let locale; { locale = normalizeLocale(xhs.getSystemInfoSync().language) || LOCALE_EN; } function initI18nMessages () { if (!isEnableLocale()) { return } const localeKeys = Object.keys(__uniConfig.locales); if (localeKeys.length) { localeKeys.forEach((locale) => { const curMessages = messages[locale]; const userMessages = __uniConfig.locales[locale]; if (curMessages) { Object.assign(curMessages, userMessages); } else { messages[locale] = userMessages; } }); } } initI18nMessages(); const i18n = initVueI18n( locale, {} ); const t = i18n.t; const i18nMixin = (i18n.mixin = { beforeCreate () { const unwatch = i18n.i18n.watchLocale(() => { this.$forceUpdate(); }); this.$once('hook:beforeDestroy', function () { unwatch(); }); }, methods: { $$t (key, values) { return t(key, values) } } }); const setLocale = i18n.setLocale; const getLocale = i18n.getLocale; function initAppLocale (Vue, appVm, locale) { const state = Vue.observable({ locale: locale || i18n.getLocale() }); const localeWatchers = []; appVm.$watchLocale = fn => { localeWatchers.push(fn); }; Object.defineProperty(appVm, '$locale', { get () { return state.locale }, set (v) { state.locale = v; localeWatchers.forEach(watch => watch(v)); } }); } function isEnableLocale () { return typeof __uniConfig !== 'undefined' && __uniConfig.locales && !!Object.keys(__uniConfig.locales).length } function include (str, parts) { return !!parts.find((part) => str.indexOf(part) !== -1) } function startsWith (str, parts) { return parts.find((part) => str.indexOf(part) === 0) } function normalizeLocale (locale, messages) { if (!locale) { return } locale = locale.trim().replace(/_/g, '-'); if (messages && messages[locale]) { return locale } locale = locale.toLowerCase(); if (locale === 'chinese') { // 支付宝 return LOCALE_ZH_HANS } if (locale.indexOf('zh') === 0) { if (locale.indexOf('-hans') > -1) { return LOCALE_ZH_HANS } if (locale.indexOf('-hant') > -1) { return LOCALE_ZH_HANT } if (include(locale, ['-tw', '-hk', '-mo', '-cht'])) { return LOCALE_ZH_HANT } return LOCALE_ZH_HANS } const lang = startsWith(locale, [LOCALE_EN, LOCALE_FR, LOCALE_ES]); if (lang) { return lang } } // export function initI18n() { // const localeKeys = Object.keys(__uniConfig.locales || {}) // if (localeKeys.length) { // localeKeys.forEach((locale) => // i18n.add(locale, __uniConfig.locales[locale]) // ) // } // } function getLocale$1 () { // 优先使用 $locale const app = getApp({ allowDefault: true }); if (app && app.$vm) { return app.$vm.$locale } return normalizeLocale(xhs.getSystemInfoSync().language) || LOCALE_EN } function setLocale$1 (locale) { const app = getApp(); if (!app) { return false } const oldLocale = app.$vm.$locale; if (oldLocale !== locale) { app.$vm.$locale = locale; onLocaleChangeCallbacks.forEach((fn) => fn({ locale })); return true } return false } const onLocaleChangeCallbacks = []; function onLocaleChange (fn) { if (onLocaleChangeCallbacks.indexOf(fn) === -1) { onLocaleChangeCallbacks.push(fn); } } if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { global.getLocale = getLocale$1; } const interceptors = { promiseInterceptor }; var baseApi = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, upx2px: upx2px, getLocale: getLocale$1, setLocale: setLocale$1, onLocaleChange: onLocaleChange, addInterceptor: addInterceptor, removeInterceptor: removeInterceptor, interceptors: interceptors }); const UUID_KEY = '__DC_STAT_UUID'; let deviceId; function useDeviceId (result) { deviceId = deviceId || xhs.getStorageSync(UUID_KEY); if (!deviceId) { deviceId = + '' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e7); xhs.setStorage({ key: UUID_KEY, data: deviceId }); } result.deviceId = deviceId; } function addSafeAreaInsets (result) { if (result.safeArea) { const safeArea = result.safeArea; result.safeAreaInsets = { top:, left: safeArea.left, right: result.windowWidth - safeArea.right, bottom: result.screenHeight - safeArea.bottom }; } } function populateParameters (result) { const { brand = '', model = '', system = '', language = '', theme, version, platform, fontSizeSetting, SDKVersion, pixelRatio, deviceOrientation } = result; // const isQuickApp = "mp-xhs".indexOf('quickapp-webview') !== -1 // osName osVersion let osName = ''; let osVersion = ''; { osName = system.split(' ')[0] || ''; osVersion = system.split(' ')[1] || ''; } let hostVersion = version; // deviceType const deviceType = getGetDeviceType(result, model); // deviceModel const deviceBrand = getDeviceBrand(brand); // hostName const _hostName = getHostName(result); // deviceOrientation let _deviceOrientation = deviceOrientation; // 仅 微信 百度 支持 // devicePixelRatio let _devicePixelRatio = pixelRatio; // SDKVersion let _SDKVersion = SDKVersion; // hostLanguage const hostLanguage = language.replace(/_/g, '-'); // wx.getAccountInfoSync const parameters = { appId: process.env.UNI_APP_ID, appName: process.env.UNI_APP_NAME, appVersion: process.env.UNI_APP_VERSION_NAME, appVersionCode: process.env.UNI_APP_VERSION_CODE, appLanguage: getAppLanguage(hostLanguage), uniCompileVersion: process.env.UNI_COMPILER_VERSION, uniRuntimeVersion: process.env.UNI_COMPILER_VERSION, uniPlatform: process.env.UNI_SUB_PLATFORM || process.env.UNI_PLATFORM, deviceBrand, deviceModel: model, deviceType, devicePixelRatio: _devicePixelRatio, deviceOrientation: _deviceOrientation, osName: osName.toLocaleLowerCase(), osVersion, hostTheme: theme, hostVersion, hostLanguage, hostName: _hostName, hostSDKVersion: _SDKVersion, hostFontSizeSetting: fontSizeSetting, windowTop: 0, windowBottom: 0, // TODO osLanguage: undefined, osTheme: undefined, ua: undefined, hostPackageName: undefined, browserName: undefined, browserVersion: undefined }; Object.assign(result, parameters); } function getGetDeviceType (result, model) { let deviceType = result.deviceType || 'phone'; { const deviceTypeMaps = { ipad: 'pad', windows: 'pc', mac: 'pc' }; const deviceTypeMapsKeys = Object.keys(deviceTypeMaps); const _model = model.toLocaleLowerCase(); for (let index = 0; index < deviceTypeMapsKeys.length; index++) { const _m = deviceTypeMapsKeys[index]; if (_model.indexOf(_m) !== -1) { deviceType = deviceTypeMaps[_m]; break } } } return deviceType } function getDeviceBrand (brand) { let deviceBrand = brand; if (deviceBrand) { deviceBrand = brand.toLocaleLowerCase(); } return deviceBrand } function getAppLanguage (defaultLanguage) { return getLocale$1 ? getLocale$1() : defaultLanguage } function getHostName (result) { const _platform = "mp-xhs".split('-')[1]; let _hostName = result.hostName || _platform; // mp-jd return _hostName } var getSystemInfo = { returnValue: function (result) { useDeviceId(result); addSafeAreaInsets(result); populateParameters(result); } }; // import navigateTo from 'uni-helpers/navigate-to' // import getUserProfile from '../../../mp-weixin/helpers/get-user-profile' // 需要做转换的 API 列表 const protocols = { // navigateTo, // redirectTo, // previewImage, getSystemInfo, getSystemInfoSync: getSystemInfo // getUserProfile }; // 不支持的 API 列表 // TODO: 补充 const todos = [ 'getSelectedTextRange' ]; // 存在兼容性的 API 列表 const canIUses = []; const CALLBACKS = ['success', 'fail', 'cancel', 'complete']; function processCallback (methodName, method, returnValue) { return function (res) { return method(processReturnValue(methodName, res, returnValue)) } } function processArgs (methodName, fromArgs, argsOption = {}, returnValue = {}, keepFromArgs = false) { if (isPlainObject(fromArgs)) { // 一般 api 的参数解析 const toArgs = keepFromArgs === true ? fromArgs : {}; // returnValue 为 false 时,说明是格式化返回值,直接在返回值对象上修改赋值 if (isFn(argsOption)) { argsOption = argsOption(fromArgs, toArgs) || {}; } for (const key in fromArgs) { if (hasOwn(argsOption, key)) { let keyOption = argsOption[key]; if (isFn(keyOption)) { keyOption = keyOption(fromArgs[key], fromArgs, toArgs); } if (!keyOption) { // 不支持的参数 console.warn(`The '${methodName}' method of platform '小红书小程序' does not support option '${key}'`); } else if (isStr(keyOption)) { // 重写参数 key toArgs[keyOption] = fromArgs[key]; } else if (isPlainObject(keyOption)) { // {name:newName,value:value}可重新指定参数 key:value toArgs[ ? : key] = keyOption.value; } } else if (CALLBACKS.indexOf(key) !== -1) { if (isFn(fromArgs[key])) { toArgs[key] = processCallback(methodName, fromArgs[key], returnValue); } } else { if (!keepFromArgs) { toArgs[key] = fromArgs[key]; } } } return toArgs } else if (isFn(fromArgs)) { fromArgs = processCallback(methodName, fromArgs, returnValue); } return fromArgs } function processReturnValue (methodName, res, returnValue, keepReturnValue = false) { if (isFn(protocols.returnValue)) { // 处理通用 returnValue res = protocols.returnValue(methodName, res); } return processArgs(methodName, res, returnValue, {}, keepReturnValue) } function wrapper (methodName, method) { if (hasOwn(protocols, methodName)) { const protocol = protocols[methodName]; if (!protocol) { // 暂不支持的 api return function () { console.error(`Platform '小红书小程序' does not support '${methodName}'.`); } } return function (arg1, arg2) { // 目前 api 最多两个参数 let options = protocol; if (isFn(protocol)) { options = protocol(arg1); } arg1 = processArgs(methodName, arg1, options.args, options.returnValue); const args = [arg1]; if (typeof arg2 !== 'undefined') { args.push(arg2); } if (isFn( { methodName =; } else if (isStr( { methodName =; } const returnValue = xhs[methodName].apply(xhs, args); if (isSyncApi(methodName)) { // 同步 api return processReturnValue(methodName, returnValue, options.returnValue, isContextApi(methodName)) } return returnValue } } return method } const todoApis = Object.create(null); const TODOS = [ 'onTabBarMidButtonTap', 'subscribePush', 'unsubscribePush', 'onPush', 'offPush', 'share' ]; function createTodoApi (name) { return function todoApi ({ fail, complete }) { const res = { errMsg: `${name}:fail method '${name}' not supported` }; isFn(fail) && fail(res); isFn(complete) && complete(res); } } TODOS.forEach(function (name) { todoApis[name] = createTodoApi(name); }); var providers = { oauth: ['xhs'], share: ['xhs'], payment: ['xhs'], push: ['xhs'] }; function getProvider ({ service, success, fail, complete }) { let res = false; if (providers[service]) { res = { errMsg: 'getProvider:ok', service, provider: providers[service] }; isFn(success) && success(res); } else { res = { errMsg: 'getProvider:fail service not found' }; isFn(fail) && fail(res); } isFn(complete) && complete(res); } var extraApi = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, getProvider: getProvider }); const getEmitter = (function () { let Emitter; return function getUniEmitter () { if (!Emitter) { Emitter = new Vue(); } return Emitter } })(); function apply (ctx, method, args) { return ctx[method].apply(ctx, args) } function $on () { return apply(getEmitter(), '$on', [...arguments]) } function $off () { return apply(getEmitter(), '$off', [...arguments]) } function $once () { return apply(getEmitter(), '$once', [...arguments]) } function $emit () { return apply(getEmitter(), '$emit', [...arguments]) } var eventApi = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, $on: $on, $off: $off, $once: $once, $emit: $emit }); /** * 框架内 try-catch */ /** * 开发者 try-catch */ function tryCatch (fn) { return function () { try { return fn.apply(fn, arguments) } catch (e) { // TODO console.error(e); } } } function getApiCallbacks (params) { const apiCallbacks = {}; for (const name in params) { const param = params[name]; if (isFn(param)) { apiCallbacks[name] = tryCatch(param); delete params[name]; } } return apiCallbacks } let cid; let cidErrMsg; let enabled; function normalizePushMessage (message) { try { return JSON.parse(message) } catch (e) {} return message } function invokePushCallback ( args ) { if (args.type === 'enabled') { enabled = true; } else if (args.type === 'clientId') { cid = args.cid; cidErrMsg = args.errMsg; invokeGetPushCidCallbacks(cid, args.errMsg); } else if (args.type === 'pushMsg') { const message = { type: 'receive', data: normalizePushMessage(args.message) }; for (let i = 0; i < onPushMessageCallbacks.length; i++) { const callback = onPushMessageCallbacks[i]; callback(message); // 该消息已被阻止 if (message.stopped) { break } } } else if (args.type === 'click') { onPushMessageCallbacks.forEach((callback) => { callback({ type: 'click', data: normalizePushMessage(args.message) }); }); } } const getPushCidCallbacks = []; function invokeGetPushCidCallbacks (cid, errMsg) { getPushCidCallbacks.forEach((callback) => { callback(cid, errMsg); }); getPushCidCallbacks.length = 0; } function getPushClientId (args) { if (!isPlainObject(args)) { args = {}; } const { success, fail, complete } = getApiCallbacks(args); const hasSuccess = isFn(success); const hasFail = isFn(fail); const hasComplete = isFn(complete); Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (typeof enabled === 'undefined') { enabled = false; cid = ''; cidErrMsg = 'unipush is not enabled'; } getPushCidCallbacks.push((cid, errMsg) => { let res; if (cid) { res = { errMsg: 'getPushClientId:ok', cid }; hasSuccess && success(res); } else { res = { errMsg: 'getPushClientId:fail' + (errMsg ? ' ' + errMsg : '') }; hasFail && fail(res); } hasComplete && complete(res); }); if (typeof cid !== 'undefined') { invokeGetPushCidCallbacks(cid, cidErrMsg); } }); } const onPushMessageCallbacks = []; // 不使用 defineOnApi 实现,是因为 defineOnApi 依赖 UniServiceJSBridge ,该对象目前在小程序上未提供,故简单实现 const onPushMessage = (fn) => { if (onPushMessageCallbacks.indexOf(fn) === -1) { onPushMessageCallbacks.push(fn); } }; const offPushMessage = (fn) => { if (!fn) { onPushMessageCallbacks.length = 0; } else { const index = onPushMessageCallbacks.indexOf(fn); if (index > -1) { onPushMessageCallbacks.splice(index, 1); } } }; var api = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, getPushClientId: getPushClientId, onPushMessage: onPushMessage, offPushMessage: offPushMessage, invokePushCallback: invokePushCallback }); const MPPage = Page; const MPComponent = Component; const customizeRE = /:/g; const customize = cached((str) => { return camelize(str.replace(customizeRE, '-')) }); function initTriggerEvent (mpInstance) { const oldTriggerEvent = mpInstance.triggerEvent; const newTriggerEvent = function (event, ...args) { return oldTriggerEvent.apply(mpInstance, [customize(event), ...args]) }; try { // 京东小程序 triggerEvent 为只读 mpInstance.triggerEvent = newTriggerEvent; } catch (error) { mpInstance._triggerEvent = newTriggerEvent; } } function initHook (name, options, isComponent) { const oldHook = options[name]; if (!oldHook) { options[name] = function () { initTriggerEvent(this); }; } else { options[name] = function (...args) { initTriggerEvent(this); return oldHook.apply(this, args) }; } } if (!MPPage.__$wrappered) { MPPage.__$wrappered = true; Page = function (options = {}) { initHook('onLoad', options); return MPPage(options) }; Page.after = MPPage.after; Component = function (options = {}) { initHook('created', options); return MPComponent(options) }; } const PAGE_EVENT_HOOKS = [ 'onPullDownRefresh', 'onReachBottom', 'onAddToFavorites', 'onShareTimeline', 'onShareAppMessage', 'onPageScroll', 'onResize', 'onTabItemTap' ]; function initMocks (vm, mocks) { const mpInstance = vm.$mp[vm.mpType]; mocks.forEach(mock => { if (hasOwn(mpInstance, mock)) { vm[mock] = mpInstance[mock]; } }); } function hasHook (hook, vueOptions) { if (!vueOptions) { return true } if (Vue.options && Array.isArray(Vue.options[hook])) { return true } vueOptions = vueOptions.default || vueOptions; if (isFn(vueOptions)) { if (isFn(vueOptions.extendOptions[hook])) { return true } if (vueOptions.super && vueOptions.super.options && Array.isArray(vueOptions.super.options[hook])) { return true } return false } if (isFn(vueOptions[hook])) { return true } const mixins = vueOptions.mixins; if (Array.isArray(mixins)) { return !!mixins.find(mixin => hasHook(hook, mixin)) } } function initHooks (mpOptions, hooks, vueOptions) { hooks.forEach(hook => { if (hasHook(hook, vueOptions)) { mpOptions[hook] = function (args) { return this.$vm && this.$vm.__call_hook(hook, args) }; } }); } function initUnknownHooks (mpOptions, vueOptions, excludes = []) { findHooks(vueOptions).forEach((hook) => initHook$1(mpOptions, hook, excludes)); } function findHooks (vueOptions, hooks = []) { if (vueOptions) { Object.keys(vueOptions).forEach((name) => { if (name.indexOf('on') === 0 && isFn(vueOptions[name])) { hooks.push(name); } }); } return hooks } function initHook$1 (mpOptions, hook, excludes) { if (excludes.indexOf(hook) === -1 && !hasOwn(mpOptions, hook)) { mpOptions[hook] = function (args) { return this.$vm && this.$vm.__call_hook(hook, args) }; } } function initVueComponent (Vue, vueOptions) { vueOptions = vueOptions.default || vueOptions; let VueComponent; if (isFn(vueOptions)) { VueComponent = vueOptions; } else { VueComponent = Vue.extend(vueOptions); } vueOptions = VueComponent.options; return [VueComponent, vueOptions] } function initSlots (vm, vueSlots) { if (Array.isArray(vueSlots) && vueSlots.length) { const $slots = Object.create(null); vueSlots.forEach(slotName => { $slots[slotName] = true; }); vm.$scopedSlots = vm.$slots = $slots; } } function initVueIds (vueIds, mpInstance) { vueIds = (vueIds || '').split(','); const len = vueIds.length; if (len === 1) { mpInstance._$vueId = vueIds[0]; } else if (len === 2) { mpInstance._$vueId = vueIds[0]; mpInstance._$vuePid = vueIds[1]; } } function initData (vueOptions, context) { let data = || {}; const methods = vueOptions.methods || {}; if (typeof data === 'function') { try { data =; // 支持 Vue.prototype 上挂的数据 } catch (e) { if (process.env.VUE_APP_DEBUG) { console.warn('根据 Vue 的 data 函数初始化小程序 data 失败,请尽量确保 data 函数中不访问 vm 对象,否则可能影响首次数据渲染速度。', data); } } } else { try { // 对 data 格式化 data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); } catch (e) {} } if (!isPlainObject(data)) { data = {}; } Object.keys(methods).forEach(methodName => { if (context.__lifecycle_hooks__.indexOf(methodName) === -1 && !hasOwn(data, methodName)) { data[methodName] = methods[methodName]; } }); return data } const PROP_TYPES = [String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, null]; function createObserver (name) { return function observer (newVal, oldVal) { if (this.$vm) { this.$vm[name] = newVal; // 为了触发其他非 render watcher } } } function initBehaviors (vueOptions, initBehavior) { const vueBehaviors = vueOptions.behaviors; const vueExtends = vueOptions.extends; const vueMixins = vueOptions.mixins; let vueProps = vueOptions.props; if (!vueProps) { vueOptions.props = vueProps = []; } const behaviors = []; if (Array.isArray(vueBehaviors)) { vueBehaviors.forEach(behavior => { behaviors.push(behavior.replace('uni://', `${"xhs"}://`)); if (behavior === 'uni://form-field') { if (Array.isArray(vueProps)) { vueProps.push('name'); vueProps.push('value'); } else { = { type: String, default: '' }; vueProps.value = { type: [String, Number, Boolean, Array, Object, Date], default: '' }; } } }); } if (isPlainObject(vueExtends) && vueExtends.props) { behaviors.push( initBehavior({ properties: initProperties(vueExtends.props, true) }) ); } if (Array.isArray(vueMixins)) { vueMixins.forEach(vueMixin => { if (isPlainObject(vueMixin) && vueMixin.props) { behaviors.push( initBehavior({ properties: initProperties(vueMixin.props, true) }) ); } }); } return behaviors } function parsePropType (key, type, defaultValue, file) { // [String]=>String if (Array.isArray(type) && type.length === 1) { return type[0] } return type } function initProperties (props, isBehavior = false, file = '', options) { const properties = {}; if (!isBehavior) { properties.vueId = { type: String, value: '' }; // scopedSlotsCompiler auto properties.scopedSlotsCompiler = { type: String, value: '' }; properties.vueSlots = { // 小程序不能直接定义 $slots 的 props,所以通过 vueSlots 转换到 $slots type: null, value: [], observer: function (newVal, oldVal) { const $slots = Object.create(null); newVal.forEach(slotName => { $slots[slotName] = true; }); this.setData({ $slots }); } }; } if (Array.isArray(props)) { // ['title'] props.forEach(key => { properties[key] = { type: null, observer: createObserver(key) }; }); } else if (isPlainObject(props)) { // {title:{type:String,default:''},content:String} Object.keys(props).forEach(key => { const opts = props[key]; if (isPlainObject(opts)) { // title:{type:String,default:''} let value = opts.default; if (isFn(value)) { value = value(); } opts.type = parsePropType(key, opts.type); properties[key] = { type: PROP_TYPES.indexOf(opts.type) !== -1 ? opts.type : null, value, observer: createObserver(key) }; } else { // content:String const type = parsePropType(key, opts); properties[key] = { type: PROP_TYPES.indexOf(type) !== -1 ? type : null, observer: createObserver(key) }; } }); } return properties } function wrapper$1 (event) { // TODO 又得兼容 mpvue 的 mp 对象 try { = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(event)); } catch (e) {} event.stopPropagation = noop; event.preventDefault = noop; = || {}; if (!hasOwn(event, 'detail')) { event.detail = {}; } if (hasOwn(event, 'markerId')) { event.detail = typeof event.detail === 'object' ? event.detail : {}; event.detail.markerId = event.markerId; } if (isPlainObject(event.detail)) { = Object.assign({},, event.detail); } return event } function getExtraValue (vm, dataPathsArray) { let context = vm; dataPathsArray.forEach(dataPathArray => { const dataPath = dataPathArray[0]; const value = dataPathArray[2]; if (dataPath || typeof value !== 'undefined') { // ['','',index,'disable'] const propPath = dataPathArray[1]; const valuePath = dataPathArray[3]; let vFor; if (Number.isInteger(dataPath)) { vFor = dataPath; } else if (!dataPath) { vFor = context; } else if (typeof dataPath === 'string' && dataPath) { if (dataPath.indexOf('#s#') === 0) { vFor = dataPath.substr(3); } else { vFor = vm.__get_value(dataPath, context); } } if (Number.isInteger(vFor)) { context = value; } else if (!propPath) { context = vFor[value]; } else { if (Array.isArray(vFor)) { context = vFor.find(vForItem => { return vm.__get_value(propPath, vForItem) === value }); } else if (isPlainObject(vFor)) { context = Object.keys(vFor).find(vForKey => { return vm.__get_value(propPath, vFor[vForKey]) === value }); } else { console.error('v-for 暂不支持循环数据:', vFor); } } if (valuePath) { context = vm.__get_value(valuePath, context); } } }); return context } function processEventExtra (vm, extra, event) { const extraObj = {}; if (Array.isArray(extra) && extra.length) { /** *[ * ['data.items', '',], * ['metas', 'id',] *], *[ * ['data.items', '',], * ['metas', 'id',] *], *'test' */ extra.forEach((dataPath, index) => { if (typeof dataPath === 'string') { if (!dataPath) { // model,prop.sync extraObj['$' + index] = vm; } else { if (dataPath === '$event') { // $event extraObj['$' + index] = event; } else if (dataPath === 'arguments') { if (event.detail && event.detail.__args__) { extraObj['$' + index] = event.detail.__args__; } else { extraObj['$' + index] = [event]; } } else if (dataPath.indexOf('$event.') === 0) { // $ extraObj['$' + index] = vm.__get_value(dataPath.replace('$event.', ''), event); } else { extraObj['$' + index] = vm.__get_value(dataPath); } } } else { extraObj['$' + index] = getExtraValue(vm, dataPath); } }); } return extraObj } function getObjByArray (arr) { const obj = {}; for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { const element = arr[i]; obj[element[0]] = element[1]; } return obj } function processEventArgs (vm, event, args = [], extra = [], isCustom, methodName) { let isCustomMPEvent = false; // wxcomponent 组件,传递原始 event 对象 if (isCustom) { // 自定义事件 isCustomMPEvent = event.currentTarget && event.currentTarget.dataset && event.currentTarget.dataset.comType === 'wx'; if (!args.length) { // 无参数,直接传入 event 或 detail 数组 if (isCustomMPEvent) { return [event] } return event.detail.__args__ || event.detail } } const extraObj = processEventExtra(vm, extra, event); const ret = []; args.forEach(arg => { if (arg === '$event') { if (methodName === '__set_model' && !isCustom) { // input v-model value ret.push(; } else { if (isCustom && !isCustomMPEvent) { ret.push(event.detail.__args__[0]); } else { // wxcomponent 组件或内置组件 ret.push(event); } } } else { if (Array.isArray(arg) && arg[0] === 'o') { ret.push(getObjByArray(arg)); } else if (typeof arg === 'string' && hasOwn(extraObj, arg)) { ret.push(extraObj[arg]); } else { ret.push(arg); } } }); return ret } const ONCE = '~'; const CUSTOM = '^'; function isMatchEventType (eventType, optType) { return (eventType === optType) || ( optType === 'regionchange' && ( eventType === 'begin' || eventType === 'end' ) ) } function getContextVm (vm) { let $parent = vm.$parent; // 父组件是 scoped slots 或者其他自定义组件时继续查找 while ($parent && $parent.$parent && ($parent.$options.generic || $parent.$parent.$options.generic || $parent.$scope._$vuePid)) { $parent = $parent.$parent; } return $parent && $parent.$parent } function handleEvent (event) { event = wrapper$1(event); // [['tap',[['handle',[1,2,a]],['handle1',[1,2,a]]]]] const dataset = (event.currentTarget ||; if (!dataset) { return console.warn('事件信息不存在') } const eventOpts = dataset.eventOpts || dataset['event-opts']; // 支付宝 web-view 组件 dataset 非驼峰 if (!eventOpts) { return console.warn('事件信息不存在') } // [['handle',[1,2,a]],['handle1',[1,2,a]]] const eventType = event.type; const ret = []; eventOpts.forEach(eventOpt => { let type = eventOpt[0]; const eventsArray = eventOpt[1]; const isCustom = type.charAt(0) === CUSTOM; type = isCustom ? type.slice(1) : type; const isOnce = type.charAt(0) === ONCE; type = isOnce ? type.slice(1) : type; if (eventsArray && isMatchEventType(eventType, type)) { eventsArray.forEach(eventArray => { const methodName = eventArray[0]; if (methodName) { let handlerCtx = this.$vm; if (handlerCtx.$options.generic) { // mp-weixin,mp-toutiao 抽象节点模拟 scoped slots handlerCtx = getContextVm(handlerCtx) || handlerCtx; } if (methodName === '$emit') { handlerCtx.$emit.apply(handlerCtx, processEventArgs( this.$vm, event, eventArray[1], eventArray[2], isCustom, methodName )); return } const handler = handlerCtx[methodName]; if (!isFn(handler)) { const type = this.$vm.mpType === 'page' ? 'Page' : 'Component'; const path = this.route ||; throw new Error(`${type} "${path}" does not have a method "${methodName}"`) } if (isOnce) { if (handler.once) { return } handler.once = true; } let params = processEventArgs( this.$vm, event, eventArray[1], eventArray[2], isCustom, methodName ); params = Array.isArray(params) ? params : []; // 参数尾部增加原始事件对象用于复杂表达式内获取额外数据 if (/=\s*\S+\.eventParams\s*\|\|\s*\S+\[['"]event-params['"]\]/.test(handler.toString())) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-sparse-arrays params = params.concat([, , , , , , , , , , event]); } ret.push(handler.apply(handlerCtx, params)); } }); } }); if ( eventType === 'input' && ret.length === 1 && typeof ret[0] !== 'undefined' ) { return ret[0] } } class EventChannel { constructor (id, events) { = id; this.listener = {}; this.emitCache = {}; if (events) { Object.keys(events).forEach(name => { this.on(name, events[name]); }); } } emit (eventName, ...args) { const fns = this.listener[eventName]; if (!fns) { return (this.emitCache[eventName] || (this.emitCache[eventName] = [])).push(args) } fns.forEach(opt => { opt.fn.apply(opt.fn, args); }); this.listener[eventName] = fns.filter(opt => opt.type !== 'once'); } on (eventName, fn) { this._addListener(eventName, 'on', fn); this._clearCache(eventName); } once (eventName, fn) { this._addListener(eventName, 'once', fn); this._clearCache(eventName); } off (eventName, fn) { const fns = this.listener[eventName]; if (!fns) { return } if (fn) { for (let i = 0; i < fns.length;) { if (fns[i].fn === fn) { fns.splice(i, 1); i--; } i++; } } else { delete this.listener[eventName]; } } _clearCache (eventName) { const cacheArgs = this.emitCache[eventName]; if (cacheArgs) { for (; cacheArgs.length > 0;) { this.emit.apply(this, [eventName].concat(cacheArgs.shift())); } } } _addListener (eventName, type, fn) { (this.listener[eventName] || (this.listener[eventName] = [])).push({ fn, type }); } } const eventChannels = {}; const eventChannelStack = []; function getEventChannel (id) { if (id) { const eventChannel = eventChannels[id]; delete eventChannels[id]; return eventChannel } return eventChannelStack.shift() } const hooks = [ 'onShow', 'onHide', 'onError', 'onPageNotFound', 'onThemeChange', 'onUnhandledRejection' ]; function initEventChannel () { Vue.prototype.getOpenerEventChannel = function () { if (!this.__eventChannel__) { this.__eventChannel__ = new EventChannel(); } return this.__eventChannel__ }; const callHook = Vue.prototype.__call_hook; Vue.prototype.__call_hook = function (hook, args) { if (hook === 'onLoad' && args && args.__id__) { this.__eventChannel__ = getEventChannel(args.__id__); delete args.__id__; } return, hook, args) }; } function initScopedSlotsParams () { const center = {}; const parents = {}; Vue.prototype.$hasScopedSlotsParams = function (vueId) { const has = center[vueId]; if (!has) { parents[vueId] = this; this.$on('hook:destroyed', () => { delete parents[vueId]; }); } return has }; Vue.prototype.$getScopedSlotsParams = function (vueId, name, key) { const data = center[vueId]; if (data) { const object = data[name] || {}; return key ? object[key] : object } else { parents[vueId] = this; this.$on('hook:destroyed', () => { delete parents[vueId]; }); } }; Vue.prototype.$setScopedSlotsParams = function (name, value) { const vueIds = this.$options.propsData.vueId; if (vueIds) { const vueId = vueIds.split(',')[0]; const object = center[vueId] = center[vueId] || {}; object[name] = value; if (parents[vueId]) { parents[vueId].$forceUpdate(); } } }; Vue.mixin({ destroyed () { const propsData = this.$options.propsData; const vueId = propsData && propsData.vueId; if (vueId) { delete center[vueId]; delete parents[vueId]; } } }); } function parseBaseApp (vm, { mocks, initRefs }) { initEventChannel(); { initScopedSlotsParams(); } if (vm.$ { Vue.prototype.$store = vm.$; } uniIdMixin(Vue); Vue.prototype.mpHost = "mp-xhs"; Vue.mixin({ beforeCreate () { if (!this.$options.mpType) { return } this.mpType = this.$options.mpType; this.$mp = { data: {}, [this.mpType]: this.$options.mpInstance }; this.$scope = this.$options.mpInstance; delete this.$options.mpType; delete this.$options.mpInstance; if (this.mpType === 'page' && typeof getApp === 'function') { // hack vue-i18n const app = getApp(); if (app.$vm && app.$vm.$i18n) { this._i18n = app.$vm.$i18n; } } if (this.mpType !== 'app') { initRefs(this); initMocks(this, mocks); } } }); const appOptions = { onLaunch (args) { if (this.$vm) { // 已经初始化过了,主要是为了百度,百度 onShow 在 onLaunch 之前 return } this.$vm = vm; this.$vm.$mp = { app: this }; this.$vm.$scope = this; // vm 上也挂载 globalData this.$vm.globalData = this.globalData; this.$vm._isMounted = true; this.$vm.__call_hook('mounted', args); this.$vm.__call_hook('onLaunch', args); } }; // 兼容旧版本 globalData appOptions.globalData = vm.$options.globalData || {}; // 将 methods 中的方法挂在 getApp() 中 const methods = vm.$options.methods; if (methods) { Object.keys(methods).forEach(name => { appOptions[name] = methods[name]; }); } initAppLocale(Vue, vm, normalizeLocale(xhs.getSystemInfoSync().language) || LOCALE_EN); initHooks(appOptions, hooks); initUnknownHooks(appOptions, vm.$options); return appOptions } const mocks = ['__route__', '__wxExparserNodeId__', '__wxWebviewId__']; function findVmByVueId (vm, vuePid) { const $children = vm.$children; // 优先查找直属(反向查找: for (let i = $children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const childVm = $children[i]; if (childVm.$scope._$vueId === vuePid) { return childVm } } // 反向递归查找 let parentVm; for (let i = $children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { parentVm = findVmByVueId($children[i], vuePid); if (parentVm) { return parentVm } } } function initBehavior (options) { return Behavior(options) } function isPage () { return !!this.route } function initRelation (detail) { this.triggerEvent('__l', detail); } function selectAllComponents (mpInstance, selector, $refs) { const components = mpInstance.selectAllComponents(selector); components.forEach(component => { const ref = component.dataset.ref; $refs[ref] = component.$vm || component; }); } function initRefs (vm) { const mpInstance = vm.$scope; Object.defineProperty(vm, '$refs', { get () { const $refs = {}; selectAllComponents(mpInstance, '.vue-ref', $refs); // TODO 暂不考虑 for 中的 scoped const forComponents = mpInstance.selectAllComponents('.vue-ref-in-for'); forComponents.forEach(component => { const ref = component.dataset.ref; if (!$refs[ref]) { $refs[ref] = []; } $refs[ref].push(component.$vm || component); }); return $refs } }); } function handleLink (event) { const { vuePid, vueOptions } = event.detail || event.value; // detail 是微信,value 是百度(dipatch) let parentVm; if (vuePid) { parentVm = findVmByVueId(this.$vm, vuePid); } if (!parentVm) { parentVm = this.$vm; } vueOptions.parent = parentVm; } function parseApp (vm) { return parseBaseApp(vm, { mocks, initRefs }) } function parseApp$1 (vm) { return parseApp(vm) } function createApp (vm) { App(parseApp$1(vm)); return vm } const encodeReserveRE = /[!'()*]/g; const encodeReserveReplacer = c => '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); const commaRE = /%2C/g; // fixed encodeURIComponent which is more conformant to RFC3986: // - escapes [!'()*] // - preserve commas const encode = str => encodeURIComponent(str) .replace(encodeReserveRE, encodeReserveReplacer) .replace(commaRE, ','); function stringifyQuery (obj, encodeStr = encode) { const res = obj ? Object.keys(obj).map(key => { const val = obj[key]; if (val === undefined) { return '' } if (val === null) { return encodeStr(key) } if (Array.isArray(val)) { const result = []; val.forEach(val2 => { if (val2 === undefined) { return } if (val2 === null) { result.push(encodeStr(key)); } else { result.push(encodeStr(key) + '=' + encodeStr(val2)); } }); return result.join('&') } return encodeStr(key) + '=' + encodeStr(val) }).filter(x => x.length > 0).join('&') : null; return res ? `?${res}` : '' } const isComponent2 = xhs.canIUse('component2'); function initSpecialMethods (mpInstance) { if (!mpInstance.$vm) { return } let path = || mpInstance.route; if (!path) { return } if (path.indexOf('/') === 0) { path = path.substr(1); } const specialMethods = xhs.specialMethods && xhs.specialMethods[path]; if (specialMethods) { specialMethods.forEach(method => { if (isFn(mpInstance.$vm[method])) { mpInstance[method] = function (event) { if (hasOwn(event, 'markerId')) { event.detail = typeof event.detail === 'object' ? event.detail : {}; event.detail.markerId = event.markerId; } // TODO normalizeEvent mpInstance.$vm[method](event); }; } }); } } const handleWrap = function (mp, destory) { const vueId = mp.props.vueId; const list = mp.props['data-event-list'].split(','); list.forEach(eventName => { const key = `${eventName}${vueId}`; if (destory) { delete this[key]; } else { // TODO remove handleRef this[key] = function () { mp.props[eventName].apply(this, arguments); }; } }); }; const hooks$1 = [ 'onShow', 'onHide', 'onUnload' ]; hooks$1.push(...PAGE_EVENT_HOOKS); function parsePage (vuePageOptions) { const [VueComponent, vueOptions] = initVueComponent(Vue, vuePageOptions); const pageOptions = { mixins: initBehaviors(vueOptions, initBehavior), data: initData(vueOptions, Vue.prototype), onLoad (query) { const properties = this.props; const options = { mpType: 'page', mpInstance: this, propsData: properties }; // 初始化 vue 实例 this.$vm = new VueComponent(options); initSpecialMethods(this); // 触发首次 setData this.$vm.$mount(); const copyQuery = Object.assign({}, query); delete copyQuery.__id__; this.$page = { fullPath: '/' + this.route + stringifyQuery(copyQuery) }; this.options = query; this.$vm.$mp.query = query; // 兼容 mpvue this.$vm.__call_hook('onLoad', query); }, onReady () { // initChildVues(this) this.$vm._isMounted = true; this.$vm.__call_hook('mounted'); this.$vm.__call_hook('onReady'); }, onUnload () { this.$vm.__call_hook('onUnload'); this.$vm.$destroy(); }, // __r: handleRef, __e: handleEvent, __l: handleLink, __w: handleWrap, triggerEvent: function noop () {} }; initHooks(pageOptions, hooks$1, vuePageOptions); initUnknownHooks(pageOptions, vuePageOptions); if (Array.isArray(vueOptions.wxsCallMethods)) { vueOptions.wxsCallMethods.forEach(callMethod => { pageOptions[callMethod] = function (args) { return this.$vm[callMethod](args) }; }); } return pageOptions } function createPage (vuePageOptions) { { return Page(parsePage(vuePageOptions)) } } function parseBaseComponent (vueComponentOptions, { isPage, initRelation } = {}) { const [VueComponent, vueOptions] = initVueComponent(Vue, vueComponentOptions); const options = { multipleSlots: true, addGlobalClass: true, ...(vueOptions.options || {}) }; const componentOptions = { options, data: initData(vueOptions, Vue.prototype), behaviors: initBehaviors(vueOptions, initBehavior), properties: initProperties(vueOptions.props, false, vueOptions.__file), lifetimes: { attached () { const properties =; const options = { mpType: ? 'page' : 'component', mpInstance: this, propsData: properties }; initVueIds(properties.vueId, this); // 处理父子关系, { vuePid: this._$vuePid, vueOptions: options }); // 初始化 vue 实例 this.$vm = new VueComponent(options); // 处理$slots,$scopedSlots(暂不支持动态变化$slots) initSlots(this.$vm, properties.vueSlots); // 触发首次 setData this.$vm.$mount(); }, ready () { // 当组件 props 默认值为 true,初始化时传入 false 会导致 created,ready 触发, 但 attached 不触发 // if (this.$vm) { this.$vm._isMounted = true; this.$vm.__call_hook('mounted'); this.$vm.__call_hook('onReady'); } }, detached () { this.$vm && this.$vm.$destroy(); } }, pageLifetimes: { show (args) { this.$vm && this.$vm.__call_hook('onPageShow', args); }, hide () { this.$vm && this.$vm.__call_hook('onPageHide'); }, resize (size) { this.$vm && this.$vm.__call_hook('onPageResize', size); } }, methods: { __l: handleLink, __e: handleEvent } }; // externalClasses if (vueOptions.externalClasses) { componentOptions.externalClasses = vueOptions.externalClasses; } if (Array.isArray(vueOptions.wxsCallMethods)) { vueOptions.wxsCallMethods.forEach(callMethod => { componentOptions.methods[callMethod] = function (args) { return this.$vm[callMethod](args) }; }); } if (isPage) { return componentOptions } return [componentOptions, VueComponent] } function parseComponent (vueComponentOptions) { return parseBaseComponent(vueComponentOptions, { isPage, initRelation }) } /** * 用于延迟调用 setData * 在 setData 真实调用的时机需执行 fixSetDataEnd * @param {*} mpInstance */ function fixSetDataStart (mpInstance) { const setData = mpInstance.setData; const setDataArgs = []; mpInstance.setData = function () { setDataArgs.push(arguments); }; mpInstance.__fixInitData = function () { this.setData = setData; const fn = () => { setDataArgs.forEach(args => { setData.apply(this, args); }); }; if (setDataArgs.length) { if (this.groupSetData) { this.groupSetData(fn); } else { fn(); } } }; } /** * 恢复真实的 setData 方法 * @param {*} mpInstance */ function fixSetDataEnd (mpInstance) { if (mpInstance.__fixInitData) { mpInstance.__fixInitData(); delete mpInstance.__fixInitData; } } // import parseBaseComponent from '../../../mp-weixin/runtime/wrapper/component-parser' function parseComponent$1 (vueComponentOptions) { const componentOptions = parseComponent(vueComponentOptions); const oldAttached = componentOptions.lifetimes.attached; componentOptions.lifetimes.attached = function attached () { // 暂不区分版本 if ( { fixSetDataStart(this); setTimeout(() => { fixSetDataEnd(this); }, 0); }; }; return componentOptions } function createComponent (vueOptions) { { return Component(parseComponent$1(vueOptions)) } } function createSubpackageApp (vm) { const appOptions = parseApp$1(vm); const app = getApp({ allowDefault: true }); vm.$scope = app; const globalData = app.globalData; if (globalData) { Object.keys(appOptions.globalData).forEach(name => { if (!hasOwn(globalData, name)) { globalData[name] = appOptions.globalData[name]; } }); } Object.keys(appOptions).forEach(name => { if (!hasOwn(app, name)) { app[name] = appOptions[name]; } }); if (isFn(appOptions.onShow) && xhs.onAppShow) { xhs.onAppShow((...args) => { vm.__call_hook('onShow', args); }); } if (isFn(appOptions.onHide) && xhs.onAppHide) { xhs.onAppHide((...args) => { vm.__call_hook('onHide', args); }); } if (isFn(appOptions.onLaunch)) { const args = xhs.getLaunchOptionsSync && xhs.getLaunchOptionsSync(); vm.__call_hook('onLaunch', args); } return vm } function createPlugin (vm) { const appOptions = parseApp$1(vm); if (isFn(appOptions.onShow) && xhs.onAppShow) { xhs.onAppShow((...args) => { vm.__call_hook('onShow', args); }); } if (isFn(appOptions.onHide) && xhs.onAppHide) { xhs.onAppHide((...args) => { vm.__call_hook('onHide', args); }); } if (isFn(appOptions.onLaunch)) { const args = xhs.getLaunchOptionsSync && xhs.getLaunchOptionsSync(); vm.__call_hook('onLaunch', args); } return vm } todos.forEach(todoApi => { protocols[todoApi] = false; }); canIUses.forEach(canIUseApi => { const apiName = protocols[canIUseApi] && protocols[canIUseApi].name ? protocols[canIUseApi].name : canIUseApi; if (!xhs.canIUse(apiName)) { protocols[canIUseApi] = false; } }); let uni = {}; if (typeof Proxy !== 'undefined' && "mp-xhs" !== 'app-plus') { uni = new Proxy({}, { get (target, name) { if (hasOwn(target, name)) { return target[name] } if (baseApi[name]) { return baseApi[name] } if (api[name]) { return promisify(name, api[name]) } { if (extraApi[name]) { return promisify(name, extraApi[name]) } if (todoApis[name]) { return promisify(name, todoApis[name]) } } if (eventApi[name]) { return eventApi[name] } if (!hasOwn(xhs, name) && !hasOwn(protocols, name)) { return } return promisify(name, wrapper(name, xhs[name])) }, set (target, name, value) { target[name] = value; return true } }); } else { Object.keys(baseApi).forEach(name => { uni[name] = baseApi[name]; }); { Object.keys(todoApis).forEach(name => { uni[name] = promisify(name, todoApis[name]); }); Object.keys(extraApi).forEach(name => { uni[name] = promisify(name, todoApis[name]); }); } Object.keys(eventApi).forEach(name => { uni[name] = eventApi[name]; }); Object.keys(api).forEach(name => { uni[name] = promisify(name, api[name]); }); Object.keys(xhs).forEach(name => { if (hasOwn(xhs, name) || hasOwn(protocols, name)) { uni[name] = promisify(name, wrapper(name, xhs[name])); } }); } xhs.createApp = createApp; xhs.createPage = createPage; xhs.createComponent = createComponent; xhs.createSubpackageApp = createSubpackageApp; xhs.createPlugin = createPlugin; var uni$1 = uni; export default uni$1; export { createApp, createComponent, createPage, createPlugin, createSubpackageApp };