const url = require('url') const transformAssetUrls = { 'audio': 'src', 'video': ['src', 'poster'], 'img': 'src', 'image': 'src', 'cover-image': 'src', // h5 'v-uni-audio': 'src', 'v-uni-video': ['src', 'poster'], 'v-uni-image': 'src', 'v-uni-cover-image': 'src', // nvue 'u-image': 'src', 'u-video': ['src', 'poster'] } function urlToRequire (url) { const returnValue = `"${url}"` // same logic as in transform-require.js const firstChar = url.charAt(0) if (firstChar === '.' || firstChar === '~' || firstChar === '@') { if (firstChar === '~') { const secondChar = url.charAt(1) url = url.slice(secondChar === '/' ? 2 : 1) } const uriParts = parseUriParts(url) if (!uriParts.hash) { // fixed by xxxxxx (v3 template中需要加/) return `"/"+require("${url}")` } else { // fixed by xxxxxx (v3 template中需要加/) // support uri fragment case by excluding it from // the require and instead appending it as string; // assuming that the path part is sufficient according to // the above caseing(t.i. no protocol-auth-host parts expected) return `"/"+require("${uriParts.path}") + "${uriParts.hash}"` } } return returnValue } /** * vuejs/component-compiler-utils#22 Support uri fragment in transformed require * @param urlString an url as a string */ function parseUriParts (urlString) { // initialize return value const returnValue = url.parse('') if (urlString) { // A TypeError is thrown if urlString is not a string // @see if (typeof urlString === 'string') { // check is an uri return url.parse(urlString) // take apart the uri } } return returnValue } function rewrite (attr, name, options) { if ( === name) { const value = attr.value // only transform static URLs if (value.charAt(0) === '"' && value.charAt(value.length - 1) === '"') { attr.value = attr.value .replace('"@/', '"/') .replace('"~@/', '"/') if (options.service || options.view) { // v3 attr.value = urlToRequire(attr.value.slice(1, -1)) } return true } } return false } module.exports = { postTransformNode: (node, options) => { if (!node.attrs) { return } const attributes = transformAssetUrls[node.tag] if (!attributes) { return } if (typeof attributes === 'string') { if (node.attrs.some(attr => rewrite(attr, attributes, options))) { if (options.service || options.view) { node.hasBindings = true } } } else if (Array.isArray(attributes)) { attributes.forEach(item => { if (node.attrs.some(attr => rewrite(attr, item, options))) { if (options.service || options.view) { node.hasBindings = true } } }) } } }