提交 b2fa9cd6 编写于 作者: D DCloud_LXH

chore(mp): hostName

上级 6fadc886
import Vue from 'vue';
import { initVueI18n } from '@dcloudio/uni-i18n';
let realAtob;
const b64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';
const b64re = /^(?:[A-Za-z\d+/]{4})*?(?:[A-Za-z\d+/]{2}(?:==)?|[A-Za-z\d+/]{3}=?)?$/;
if (typeof atob !== 'function') {
realAtob = function (str) {
str = String(str).replace(/[\t\n\f\r ]+/g, '');
if (!b64re.test(str)) { throw new Error("Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.") }
// Adding the padding if missing, for semplicity
str += '=='.slice(2 - (str.length & 3));
var bitmap; var result = ''; var r1; var r2; var i = 0;
for (; i < str.length;) {
bitmap = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++)) << 18 | b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++)) << 12 |
(r1 = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++))) << 6 | (r2 = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++)));
result += r1 === 64 ? String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255)
: r2 === 64 ? String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255, bitmap >> 8 & 255)
: String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255, bitmap >> 8 & 255, bitmap & 255);
return result
} else {
// 注意atob只能在全局对象上调用,例如:`const Base64 = {atob};Base64.atob('xxxx')`是错误的用法
realAtob = atob;
function b64DecodeUnicode (str) {
return decodeURIComponent(realAtob(str).split('').map(function (c) {
return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2)
function getCurrentUserInfo () {
const token = ( wx).getStorageSync('uni_id_token') || '';
const tokenArr = token.split('.');
if (!token || tokenArr.length !== 3) {
return {
uid: null,
role: [],
permission: [],
tokenExpired: 0
let userInfo;
try {
userInfo = JSON.parse(b64DecodeUnicode(tokenArr[1]));
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('获取当前用户信息出错,详细错误信息为:' + error.message)
userInfo.tokenExpired = userInfo.exp * 1000;
delete userInfo.exp;
delete userInfo.iat;
return userInfo
function uniIdMixin (Vue) {
Vue.prototype.uniIDHasRole = function (roleId) {
const {
} = getCurrentUserInfo();
return role.indexOf(roleId) > -1
Vue.prototype.uniIDHasPermission = function (permissionId) {
const {
} = getCurrentUserInfo();
return this.uniIDHasRole('admin') || permission.indexOf(permissionId) > -1
Vue.prototype.uniIDTokenValid = function () {
const {
} = getCurrentUserInfo();
return tokenExpired > Date.now()
let realAtob;
const b64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';
const b64re = /^(?:[A-Za-z\d+/]{4})*?(?:[A-Za-z\d+/]{2}(?:==)?|[A-Za-z\d+/]{3}=?)?$/;
if (typeof atob !== 'function') {
realAtob = function (str) {
str = String(str).replace(/[\t\n\f\r ]+/g, '');
if (!b64re.test(str)) { throw new Error("Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.") }
// Adding the padding if missing, for semplicity
str += '=='.slice(2 - (str.length & 3));
var bitmap; var result = ''; var r1; var r2; var i = 0;
for (; i < str.length;) {
bitmap = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++)) << 18 | b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++)) << 12 |
(r1 = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++))) << 6 | (r2 = b64.indexOf(str.charAt(i++)));
result += r1 === 64 ? String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255)
: r2 === 64 ? String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255, bitmap >> 8 & 255)
: String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255, bitmap >> 8 & 255, bitmap & 255);
return result
} else {
// 注意atob只能在全局对象上调用,例如:`const Base64 = {atob};Base64.atob('xxxx')`是错误的用法
realAtob = atob;
function b64DecodeUnicode (str) {
return decodeURIComponent(realAtob(str).split('').map(function (c) {
return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2)
function getCurrentUserInfo () {
const token = ( wx).getStorageSync('uni_id_token') || '';
const tokenArr = token.split('.');
if (!token || tokenArr.length !== 3) {
return {
uid: null,
role: [],
permission: [],
tokenExpired: 0
let userInfo;
try {
userInfo = JSON.parse(b64DecodeUnicode(tokenArr[1]));
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('获取当前用户信息出错,详细错误信息为:' + error.message)
userInfo.tokenExpired = userInfo.exp * 1000;
delete userInfo.exp;
delete userInfo.iat;
return userInfo
function uniIdMixin (Vue) {
Vue.prototype.uniIDHasRole = function (roleId) {
const {
} = getCurrentUserInfo();
return role.indexOf(roleId) > -1
Vue.prototype.uniIDHasPermission = function (permissionId) {
const {
} = getCurrentUserInfo();
return this.uniIDHasRole('admin') || permission.indexOf(permissionId) > -1
Vue.prototype.uniIDTokenValid = function () {
const {
} = getCurrentUserInfo();
return tokenExpired > Date.now()
const _toString = Object.prototype.toString;
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ const promiseInterceptor = {
const SYNC_API_RE =
const CONTEXT_API_RE = /^create|Manager$/;
......@@ -546,37 +546,164 @@ var previewImage = {
const UUID_KEY = '__DC_STAT_UUID';
let deviceId;
function addUuid (result) {
deviceId = deviceId || wx.getStorageSync(UUID_KEY);
if (!deviceId) {
deviceId = Date.now() + '' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e7);
key: UUID_KEY,
data: deviceId
result.deviceId = deviceId;
function addSafeAreaInsets (result) {
if (result.safeArea) {
const safeArea = result.safeArea;
result.safeAreaInsets = {
top: safeArea.top,
left: safeArea.left,
right: result.windowWidth - safeArea.right,
bottom: result.windowHeight - safeArea.bottom
function _getDeviceBrand (model) {
if (/iphone/gi.test(model) || /ipad/gi.test(model) || /mac/gi.test(model)) { return 'apple' }
if (/windows/gi.test(model)) { return 'microsoft' }
return ''
const UUID_KEY = '__DC_STAT_UUID';
let deviceId;
function useDeviceId (result) {
deviceId = deviceId || wx.getStorageSync(UUID_KEY);
if (!deviceId) {
deviceId = Date.now() + '' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e7);
key: UUID_KEY,
data: deviceId
result.deviceId = deviceId;
function addSafeAreaInsets (result) {
if (result.safeArea) {
const safeArea = result.safeArea;
result.safeAreaInsets = {
top: safeArea.top,
left: safeArea.left,
right: result.windowWidth - safeArea.right,
bottom: result.screenHeight - safeArea.bottom
function populateParameters (result) {
const {
brand = '', model = '', system = '',
language = '', theme, version,
hostName, platform, fontSizeSetting,
SDKVersion, pixelRatio, deviceOrientation,
} = result;
const isQuickApp = "mp-weixin".indexOf('quickapp-webview') !== -1;
// osName osVersion
let osName = '';
let osVersion = '';
osName = system.split(' ')[0] || '';
osVersion = system.split(' ')[1] || '';
let hostVersion = version;
// deviceType
const deviceType = getGetDeviceType(result, model);
// deviceModel
const deviceBrand = getDeviceBrand(brand, model, isQuickApp);
// hostName
const _platform = 'WeChat' ;
let _hostName = hostName || _platform; // mp-jd
if (environment) {
_hostName = environment;
} else if (result.host && result.host.env) {
_hostName = result.host.env;
// deviceOrientation
let _deviceOrientation = deviceOrientation; // 仅 微信 百度 支持
// devicePixelRatio
let _devicePixelRatio = pixelRatio;
// SDKVersion
let _SDKVersion = SDKVersion;
// wx.getAccountInfoSync
const parameters = {
appId: process.env.UNI_APP_ID,
appName: process.env.UNI_APP_NAME,
appVersion: process.env.UNI_APP_VERSION_NAME,
appVersionCode: process.env.UNI_APP_VERSION_CODE,
uniCompileVersion: process.env.UNI_COMPILER_VERSION,
uniRuntimeVersion: process.env.UNI_COMPILER_VERSION,
uniPlatform: process.env.UNI_SUB_PLATFORM || process.env.UNI_PLATFORM,
deviceModel: model,
devicePixelRatio: _devicePixelRatio,
deviceOrientation: _deviceOrientation,
osName: osName.toLocaleLowerCase(),
hostTheme: theme,
hostLanguage: language.replace('_', '-'),
hostName: _hostName,
hostSDKVersion: _SDKVersion,
hostFontSizeSetting: fontSizeSetting,
windowTop: 0,
windowBottom: 0,
osLanguage: undefined,
osTheme: undefined,
ua: undefined,
hostPackageName: undefined,
browserName: undefined,
browseVersion: undefined
Object.assign(result, parameters);
function getGetDeviceType (result, model) {
let deviceType = result.deviceType || 'phone';
const deviceTypeMaps = {
ipad: 'pad',
windows: 'pc',
mac: 'pc'
const deviceTypeMapsKeys = Object.keys(deviceTypeMaps);
const _model = model.toLocaleLowerCase();
for (let index = 0; index < deviceTypeMapsKeys.length; index++) {
const _m = deviceTypeMapsKeys[index];
if (_model.indexOf(_m) !== -1) {
deviceType = deviceTypeMaps[_m];
return deviceType
function getDeviceBrand (
isQuickApp = false
) {
let deviceBrand = model.split(' ')[0].toLocaleLowerCase();
if (
) {
deviceBrand = brand.toLocaleLowerCase();
} else {
deviceBrand = _getDeviceBrand(deviceBrand);
return deviceBrand
var getSystemInfo = {
returnValue: function (result) {
var getSystemInfo = {
returnValue: function (result) {
var showActionSheet = {
......@@ -587,6 +714,57 @@ var showActionSheet = {
var getAppBaseInfo = {
returnValue: function (result) {
const { version, language, SDKVersion, theme } = result;
let _hostName = "mp-weixin".split('-')[1]; // mp-jd
if (result.host && result.host.env) {
_hostName = result.host.env;
Object.assign(result, {
hostVersion: version,
hostLanguage: language.replace('_', '-'),
hostName: _hostName,
hostSDKVersion: SDKVersion,
hostTheme: theme,
appId: process.env.UNI_APP_ID,
appName: process.env.UNI_APP_NAME,
appVersion: process.env.UNI_APP_VERSION_NAME,
appVersionCode: process.env.UNI_APP_VERSION_CODE
var getDeviceInfo = {
returnValue: function (result) {
const { brand, model } = result;
const deviceType = getGetDeviceType(result, model);
const deviceBrand = getDeviceBrand(brand, model);
Object.assign(result, {
deviceModel: model
var getWindowInfo = {
returnValue: function (result) {
Object.assign(result, {
windowTop: 0,
windowBottom: 0
// import navigateTo from 'uni-helpers/navigate-to'
const protocols = {
......@@ -595,7 +773,10 @@ const protocols = {
getSystemInfoSync: getSystemInfo,
const todos = [
......@@ -861,7 +1042,7 @@ function invokeGetPushCidCallbacks (cid, errMsg) {
getPushCidCallbacks.length = 0;
function getPushCid (args) {
function getPushClientid (args) {
if (!isPlainObject(args)) {
args = {};
......@@ -877,13 +1058,13 @@ function getPushCid (args) {
let res;
if (cid) {
res = {
errMsg: 'getPushCid:ok',
errMsg: 'getPushClientid:ok',
hasSuccess && success(res);
} else {
res = {
errMsg: 'getPushCid:fail' + (errMsg ? ' ' + errMsg : '')
errMsg: 'getPushClientid:fail' + (errMsg ? ' ' + errMsg : '')
hasFail && fail(res);
......@@ -915,7 +1096,7 @@ const offPushMessage = (fn) => {
var api = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
getPushCid: getPushCid,
getPushClientid: getPushClientid,
onPushMessage: onPushMessage,
offPushMessage: offPushMessage,
invokePushCallback: invokePushCallback
......@@ -1609,172 +1790,172 @@ function getEventChannel (id) {
return eventChannelStack.shift()
const hooks = [
function initEventChannel () {
Vue.prototype.getOpenerEventChannel = function () {
// 微信小程序使用自身getOpenerEventChannel
return this.$scope.getOpenerEventChannel()
const callHook = Vue.prototype.__call_hook;
Vue.prototype.__call_hook = function (hook, args) {
if (hook === 'onLoad' && args && args.__id__) {
this.__eventChannel__ = getEventChannel(args.__id__);
delete args.__id__;
return callHook.call(this, hook, args)
function initScopedSlotsParams () {
const center = {};
const parents = {};
Vue.prototype.$hasScopedSlotsParams = function (vueId) {
const has = center[vueId];
if (!has) {
parents[vueId] = this;
this.$on('hook:destroyed', () => {
delete parents[vueId];
return has
Vue.prototype.$getScopedSlotsParams = function (vueId, name, key) {
const data = center[vueId];
if (data) {
const object = data[name] || {};
return key ? object[key] : object
} else {
parents[vueId] = this;
this.$on('hook:destroyed', () => {
delete parents[vueId];
Vue.prototype.$setScopedSlotsParams = function (name, value) {
const vueIds = this.$options.propsData.vueId;
if (vueIds) {
const vueId = vueIds.split(',')[0];
const object = center[vueId] = center[vueId] || {};
object[name] = value;
if (parents[vueId]) {
destroyed () {
const propsData = this.$options.propsData;
const vueId = propsData && propsData.vueId;
if (vueId) {
delete center[vueId];
delete parents[vueId];
function parseBaseApp (vm, {
}) {
if (vm.$options.store) {
Vue.prototype.$store = vm.$options.store;
Vue.prototype.mpHost = "mp-weixin";
beforeCreate () {
if (!this.$options.mpType) {
this.mpType = this.$options.mpType;
this.$mp = {
data: {},
[this.mpType]: this.$options.mpInstance
this.$scope = this.$options.mpInstance;
delete this.$options.mpType;
delete this.$options.mpInstance;
if (this.mpType === 'page' && typeof getApp === 'function') { // hack vue-i18n
const app = getApp();
if (app.$vm && app.$vm.$i18n) {
this._i18n = app.$vm.$i18n;
if (this.mpType !== 'app') {
initMocks(this, mocks);
const appOptions = {
onLaunch (args) {
if (this.$vm) { // 已经初始化过了,主要是为了百度,百度 onShow 在 onLaunch 之前
if (wx.canIUse && !wx.canIUse('nextTick')) { // 事实 上2.2.3 即可,简单使用 2.3.0 的 nextTick 判断
console.error('当前微信基础库版本过低,请将 微信开发者工具-详情-项目设置-调试基础库版本 更换为`2.3.0`以上');
this.$vm = vm;
this.$vm.$mp = {
app: this
this.$vm.$scope = this;
// vm 上也挂载 globalData
this.$vm.globalData = this.globalData;
this.$vm._isMounted = true;
this.$vm.__call_hook('mounted', args);
this.$vm.__call_hook('onLaunch', args);
// 兼容旧版本 globalData
appOptions.globalData = vm.$options.globalData || {};
// 将 methods 中的方法挂在 getApp() 中
const methods = vm.$options.methods;
if (methods) {
Object.keys(methods).forEach(name => {
appOptions[name] = methods[name];
initAppLocale(Vue, vm, wx.getSystemInfoSync().language || 'zh-Hans');
initHooks(appOptions, hooks);
return appOptions
const hooks = [
function initEventChannel () {
Vue.prototype.getOpenerEventChannel = function () {
// 微信小程序使用自身getOpenerEventChannel
return this.$scope.getOpenerEventChannel()
const callHook = Vue.prototype.__call_hook;
Vue.prototype.__call_hook = function (hook, args) {
if (hook === 'onLoad' && args && args.__id__) {
this.__eventChannel__ = getEventChannel(args.__id__);
delete args.__id__;
return callHook.call(this, hook, args)
function initScopedSlotsParams () {
const center = {};
const parents = {};
Vue.prototype.$hasScopedSlotsParams = function (vueId) {
const has = center[vueId];
if (!has) {
parents[vueId] = this;
this.$on('hook:destroyed', () => {
delete parents[vueId];
return has
Vue.prototype.$getScopedSlotsParams = function (vueId, name, key) {
const data = center[vueId];
if (data) {
const object = data[name] || {};
return key ? object[key] : object
} else {
parents[vueId] = this;
this.$on('hook:destroyed', () => {
delete parents[vueId];
Vue.prototype.$setScopedSlotsParams = function (name, value) {
const vueIds = this.$options.propsData.vueId;
if (vueIds) {
const vueId = vueIds.split(',')[0];
const object = center[vueId] = center[vueId] || {};
object[name] = value;
if (parents[vueId]) {
destroyed () {
const propsData = this.$options.propsData;
const vueId = propsData && propsData.vueId;
if (vueId) {
delete center[vueId];
delete parents[vueId];
function parseBaseApp (vm, {
}) {
if (vm.$options.store) {
Vue.prototype.$store = vm.$options.store;
Vue.prototype.mpHost = "mp-weixin";
beforeCreate () {
if (!this.$options.mpType) {
this.mpType = this.$options.mpType;
this.$mp = {
data: {},
[this.mpType]: this.$options.mpInstance
this.$scope = this.$options.mpInstance;
delete this.$options.mpType;
delete this.$options.mpInstance;
if (this.mpType === 'page' && typeof getApp === 'function') { // hack vue-i18n
const app = getApp();
if (app.$vm && app.$vm.$i18n) {
this._i18n = app.$vm.$i18n;
if (this.mpType !== 'app') {
initMocks(this, mocks);
const appOptions = {
onLaunch (args) {
if (this.$vm) { // 已经初始化过了,主要是为了百度,百度 onShow 在 onLaunch 之前
if (wx.canIUse && !wx.canIUse('nextTick')) { // 事实 上2.2.3 即可,简单使用 2.3.0 的 nextTick 判断
console.error('当前微信基础库版本过低,请将 微信开发者工具-详情-项目设置-调试基础库版本 更换为`2.3.0`以上');
this.$vm = vm;
this.$vm.$mp = {
app: this
this.$vm.$scope = this;
// vm 上也挂载 globalData
this.$vm.globalData = this.globalData;
this.$vm._isMounted = true;
this.$vm.__call_hook('mounted', args);
this.$vm.__call_hook('onLaunch', args);
// 兼容旧版本 globalData
appOptions.globalData = vm.$options.globalData || {};
// 将 methods 中的方法挂在 getApp() 中
const methods = vm.$options.methods;
if (methods) {
Object.keys(methods).forEach(name => {
appOptions[name] = methods[name];
initAppLocale(Vue, vm, wx.getSystemInfoSync().language || 'zh-Hans');
initHooks(appOptions, hooks);
return appOptions
const mocks = ['__route__', '__wxExparserNodeId__', '__wxWebviewId__'];
......@@ -2062,10 +2243,10 @@ function parsePage (vuePageOptions) {
function createPage (vuePageOptions) {
return Component(parsePage(vuePageOptions))
function createPage (vuePageOptions) {
return Component(parsePage(vuePageOptions))
function createComponent (vueOptions) {
......@@ -2110,23 +2291,23 @@ function createSubpackageApp (vm) {
return vm
function createPlugin (vm) {
const appOptions = parseApp(vm);
if (isFn(appOptions.onShow) && wx.onAppShow) {
wx.onAppShow((...args) => {
vm.__call_hook('onShow', args);
if (isFn(appOptions.onHide) && wx.onAppHide) {
wx.onAppHide((...args) => {
vm.__call_hook('onHide', args);
if (isFn(appOptions.onLaunch)) {
const args = wx.getLaunchOptionsSync && wx.getLaunchOptionsSync();
vm.__call_hook('onLaunch', args);
return vm
function createPlugin (vm) {
const appOptions = parseApp(vm);
if (isFn(appOptions.onShow) && wx.onAppShow) {
wx.onAppShow((...args) => {
vm.__call_hook('onShow', args);
if (isFn(appOptions.onHide) && wx.onAppHide) {
wx.onAppHide((...args) => {
vm.__call_hook('onHide', args);
if (isFn(appOptions.onLaunch)) {
const args = wx.getLaunchOptionsSync && wx.getLaunchOptionsSync();
vm.__call_hook('onLaunch', args);
return vm
todos.forEach(todoApi => {
......@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ export function populateParameters (result) {
const deviceBrand = getDeviceBrand(brand, model, isQuickApp)
// hostName
let _hostName = hostName || __PLATFORM__.split('-')[1] // mp-jd
const _platform = __PLATFORM__ === 'mp-weixin' ? 'WeChat' : __PLATFORM__.split('-')[1]
let _hostName = hostName || _platform // mp-jd
if (__PLATFORM__ === 'mp-weixin') {
if (environment) {
_hostName = environment
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