提交 a43a551e 编写于 作者: 雪洛's avatar 雪洛

feat(harmony): 导出uni-runtime

上级 e212af2d
......@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
"@dcloudio/uni-i18n": "<rootDir>/packages/uni-i18n/src",
"@dcloudio/uni-platform": "<rootDir>/packages/uni-app-harmony/src/platform",
"@dcloudio/uni-shared": "<rootDir>/packages/uni-shared/src",
"@dcloudio/uni-runtime": "./uni-app-harmony-framework-dev.js"
"@dcloudio/uni-runtime": "../../../resources/rawfile/uni-app/uni-app-harmony-framework-dev"
"externals": ["./uni-app-harmony-framework-dev.js"],
"externals": ["../../../resources/rawfile/uni-app/uni-app-harmony-framework-dev"],
"replacements": {
"__PLATFORM__": "'app-harmony'",
"__DEV__": "false",
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"__APP_VIEW__": "false",
"__NODE_JS__": "false"
"banner": "import { IUniError, UTSObject, string } from './uts'\nimport { UniError, UTSJSONObject } from './uni-app-harmony-framework-dev.js'\nimport { defineAsyncApi, ApiExcutor, ProtocolOptions, ApiOptions, ErrRes } from './uni-api-shared'\n",
"banner": "import { IUniError, UTSObject, string } from './uts'\nimport { UniError, UTSJSONObject } from '../../../resources/rawfile/uni-app/uni-app-harmony-framework-dev'\nimport { defineAsyncApi, ApiExcutor, ProtocolOptions, ApiOptions, ErrRes } from './uni-api-shared'\n",
"wrapper": {
"name": "initUniExtApi",
"args": [["APP_ID", "string"]]
......@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
"../uni-runtime/src/helpers/api/index.ts": "uni-api-shared.ets"
"alias": {
"@dcloudio/uni-runtime": "./uni-app-harmony-framework-dev.js"
"@dcloudio/uni-runtime": "../../../resources/rawfile/uni-app/uni-app-harmony-framework-dev"
"externals": ["./uni-app-harmony-framework-dev.js"],
"externals": ["../../../resources/rawfile/uni-app/uni-app-harmony-framework-dev"],
"replacements": {
"__PLATFORM__": "'app-harmony'",
"__DEV__": "false",
import { defineAsyncApi as originalDefineAsyncApi } from "../../../resources/rawfile/uni-app/uni-app-harmony-framework-dev";
type Anything = Object | null | undefined;
type NullType = null | undefined;
interface ErrRes {
errMsg?: string | null;
errCode?: number | null;
interface ApiExcutor<K> {
resolve: (res: K | void) => void;
reject: (errMsg?: string, errRes?: ErrRes) => void;
interface ProtocolOptions {
name?: string | null;
type?: string | null;
required?: boolean | null;
validator?: (value: Object) => boolean | undefined | string;
interface ApiOptions<T> {
beforeInvoke?: (args: Object) => boolean | void | string;
beforeAll?: (res: Object) => void;
beforeSuccess?: (res: Object, args: T) => void;
formatArgs?: Map<string, Function>;
interface AsyncMethodOptionLike {
success?: Function | null;
const TYPE_MAP = new Map<string, Object>([
function getPropType(type: string | NullType): Anything {
if (!type) {
return TYPE_MAP[type];
function defineAsyncApi<T extends AsyncMethodOptionLike, K>(name: string, fn: (options: T, res: ApiExcutor<K>) => void, protocol: Map<string, ProtocolOptions>, options: ApiOptions<T>): Function {
const originalProtocol = {} as Record<string, Object>;
protocol.forEach((value, key)=>{
const protocol = originalProtocol[key] = {} as Record<string, Anything>;
protocol.name = value.name;
protocol.type = getPropType(value.type);
protocol.required = value.required;
protocol.validator = value.validator;
const originalFormatArgs = {} as Record<string, Function>;
if (options.formatArgs) {
options.formatArgs.forEach((value, key)=>{
originalFormatArgs[key] = value;
const originalOptions = {} as Record<string, Anything>;
originalOptions.beforeInvoke = options.beforeInvoke;
originalOptions.beforeAll = options.beforeAll;
originalOptions.beforeSuccess = options.beforeSuccess;
originalOptions.formatArgs = originalFormatArgs;
return originalDefineAsyncApi<(options: T) => Promise<K>>(name, fn, originalProtocol, originalOptions);
export { ErrRes as ErrRes };
export { ApiExcutor as ApiExcutor };
export { ProtocolOptions as ProtocolOptions };
export { ApiOptions as ApiOptions };
export { defineAsyncApi as defineAsyncApi };
import { IUniError, UTSObject, string } from './uts'
import { UniError, UTSJSONObject } from '../../../resources/rawfile/uni-app/uni-app-harmony-framework-dev'
import { defineAsyncApi, ApiExcutor, ProtocolOptions, ApiOptions, ErrRes } from './uni-api-shared'
import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';
import picker from '@ohos.file.picker';
import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image';
import media from '@ohos.multimedia.media';
import { ReadOptions } from '@ohos.file.fs';
import { getRealPath } from "../../../resources/rawfile/uni-app/uni-app-harmony-framework-dev";
import picker1 from '@ohos.file.picker';
import picker2 from '@ohos.file.picker';
export function initUniExtApi(APP_ID: string) {
type MediaOrientation = 'up' | 'down' | 'left' | 'right' | 'up-mirrored' | 'down-mirrored' | 'left-mirrored' | 'right-mirrored';
type MediaErrorCode = 1101001 | 1101002 | 1101003 | 1101004 | 1101005 | 1101006 | 1101007 | 1101008 | 1101009 | 1101010;
interface IMediaError extends IUniError {
errCode: MediaErrorCode;
class ChooseImageSuccess extends UTSObject {
errSubject!: string;
errMsg!: string;
tempFilePaths!: Array<string>;
tempFiles!: Object;
type ChooseImageFail = IMediaError;
type ChooseImageSuccessCallback = (callback: ChooseImageSuccess) => void;
type ChooseImageFailCallback = (callback: ChooseImageFail) => void;
type ChooseImageCompleteCallback = (callback: Object) => void;
class ChooseImageCropOptions extends UTSObject {
width!: number;
height!: number;
quality: (number) | null = null;
resize: (boolean) | null = null;
class ChooseImageOptions extends UTSObject {
count: (number) | null = null;
sizeType: (string[]) | null = null;
sourceType: (string[]) | null = null;
extension: (string[]) | null = null;
crop: (ChooseImageCropOptions) | null = null;
success: (ChooseImageSuccessCallback) | null = null;
fail: (ChooseImageFailCallback) | null = null;
complete: (ChooseImageCompleteCallback) | null = null;
type ChooseImage = (options: ChooseImageOptions) => void;
type GetImageInfo = (options: GetImageInfoOptions) => void;
class GetImageInfoSuccess extends UTSObject {
width!: number;
height!: number;
path!: string;
orientation: MediaOrientation | null = null;
type: string | null = null;
type GetImageInfoFail = IMediaError;
type GetImageInfoSuccessCallback = (callback: GetImageInfoSuccess) => void;
type GetImageInfoFailCallback = (callback: GetImageInfoFail) => void;
type GetImageInfoCompleteCallback = ChooseImageCompleteCallback;
class GetImageInfoOptions extends UTSObject {
src!: string.ImageURIString;
success: (GetImageInfoSuccessCallback) | null = null;
fail: (GetImageInfoFailCallback) | null = null;
complete: (GetImageInfoCompleteCallback) | null = null;
class ChooseVideoSuccess extends UTSObject {
tempFilePath!: string;
duration!: number;
size!: number;
height!: number;
width!: number;
type ChooseVideoFail = IMediaError;
type ChooseVideoSuccessCallback = (callback: ChooseVideoSuccess) => void;
type ChooseVideoFailCallback = (callback: ChooseVideoFail) => void;
type ChooseVideoCompleteCallback = ChooseImageCompleteCallback;
class ChooseVideoOptions extends UTSObject {
sourceType: (string[]) | null = null;
compressed: boolean | null = true;
maxDuration: number | null = null;
camera: string | null = null;
extension: (string[]) | null = null;
success: (ChooseVideoSuccessCallback) | null = null;
fail: (ChooseVideoFailCallback) | null = null;
complete: (ChooseVideoCompleteCallback) | null = null;
type ChooseVideo = (options: ChooseVideoOptions) => void;
class GetVideoInfoSuccess extends UTSObject {
orientation: MediaOrientation | null = null;
type: string | null = null;
duration!: number;
size!: number;
height!: number;
width!: number;
fps: number | null = null;
bitrate: number | null = null;
type GetVideoInfoFail = IMediaError;
type GetVideoInfoSuccessCallback = (callback: GetVideoInfoSuccess) => void;
type GetVideoInfoFailCallback = (callback: GetVideoInfoFail) => void;
type GetVideoInfoCompleteCallback = ChooseImageCompleteCallback;
class GetVideoInfoOptions extends UTSObject {
src!: string.VideoURIString;
success: (GetVideoInfoSuccessCallback) | null = null;
fail: (GetVideoInfoFailCallback) | null = null;
complete: (GetVideoInfoCompleteCallback) | null = null;
type GetVideoInfo = (options: GetVideoInfoOptions) => void;
interface MediaFile {
fileType: 'video' | 'image';
tempFilePath: string;
size: number;
width?: number;
height?: number;
duration?: number;
thumbTempFilePath?: string;
interface chooseMediaOptions {
mimeType: picker.PhotoViewMIMETypes.VIDEO_TYPE | picker.PhotoViewMIMETypes.IMAGE_TYPE;
count?: number;
interface chooseMediaSuccessCallbackResult {
tempFiles: MediaFile[];
const _getVideoInfo = async (uri: string): Promise<GetVideoInfoSuccess> =>{
const file = await fs.open(uri, fs.OpenMode.READ_ONLY);
const avMetadataExtractor = await media.createAVMetadataExtractor();
let metadata: media.AVMetadata | null = null;
let size: number = 0;
try {
size = (await fs.stat(file.fd)).size;
avMetadataExtractor.dataSrc = {
fileSize: size,
callback: (buffer: ArrayBuffer, length: number, pos: number | null = null)=>{
return fs.readSync(file.fd, buffer, {
offset: pos,
} as ReadOptions);
metadata = await avMetadataExtractor.fetchMetadata();
} catch (error) {
throw error;
} finally{
await avMetadataExtractor.release();
await fs.close(file);
const videoOrientationArr = [
] as MediaOrientation[];
return {
size: size,
duration: metadata.duration ? Number(metadata.duration) / 1000 : undefined,
width: metadata.videoWidth ? Number(metadata.videoWidth) : undefined,
height: metadata.videoHeight ? Number(metadata.videoHeight) : undefined,
type: metadata.mimeType,
orientation: metadata.videoOrientation ? videoOrientationArr[Number(metadata.videoOrientation) / 90] : undefined
} as GetVideoInfoSuccess;
const _getImageInfo = async (uri: string): Promise<GetImageInfoSuccess> =>{
const file = await fs.open(uri, fs.OpenMode.READ_ONLY);
const imageSource = image.createImageSource(file.fd);
const imageInfo = await imageSource.getImageInfo();
const orientation = await imageSource.getImageProperty(image.PropertyKey.ORIENTATION);
let orientationNum = 0;
if (typeof orientation === 'string') {
const matched = orientation.match(/^Unknown value (\d)$/);
if (matched && matched[1]) {
orientationNum = Number(matched[1]);
} else if (/^\d$/.test(orientation)) {
orientationNum = Number(orientation);
} else if (typeof orientation === 'number') {
orientationNum = orientation;
let orientationStr: MediaOrientation = 'up';
case 2:
orientationStr = 'up-mirrored';
case 3:
orientationStr = 'down';
case 4:
orientationStr = 'down-mirrored';
case 5:
orientationStr = 'left-mirrored';
case 6:
orientationStr = 'right';
case 7:
orientationStr = 'right-mirrored';
case 8:
orientationStr = 'left';
case 0:
case 1:
orientationStr = 'up';
return {
path: uri,
width: imageInfo.size.width,
height: imageInfo.size.height,
orientation: orientationStr
} as GetImageInfoSuccess;
const _chooseMedia = async (options: chooseMediaOptions): Promise<chooseMediaSuccessCallbackResult> =>{
const photoSelectOptions = new picker.PhotoSelectOptions();
const mimeType = options.mimeType;
photoSelectOptions.MIMEType = mimeType;
photoSelectOptions.maxSelectNumber = options.count || 9;
const photoPicker = new picker.PhotoViewPicker();
const photoSelectResult = await photoPicker.select(photoSelectOptions);
const uris = photoSelectResult.photoUris;
if (mimeType !== picker.PhotoViewMIMETypes.VIDEO_TYPE) {
return {
tempFiles: uris.map((uri)=>{
const file = fs.openSync(uri, fs.OpenMode.READ_ONLY);
const stat = fs.statSync(file.fd);
return {
fileType: 'image',
tempFilePath: uri,
size: stat.size
} as MediaFile;
const tempFiles: MediaFile[] = [];
for(let i = 0; i < uris.length; i++){
const uri = uris[i];
const videoInfo = await _getVideoInfo(uri);
fileType: 'video',
tempFilePath: uri,
size: videoInfo.size,
duration: videoInfo.duration,
width: videoInfo.width,
height: videoInfo.height
} as MediaFile);
return {
} as chooseMediaSuccessCallbackResult;
const API_GET_IMAGE_INFO = 'getImageInfo';
const GetImageInfoApiProtocol = new Map<string, ProtocolOptions>([
type: 'string',
required: true
const GetImageInfoApiOptions: ApiOptions<GetImageInfoOptions> = {
formatArgs: new Map<string, Function>([
(src: string, params: GetImageInfoOptions)=>{
params.src = getRealPath(src);
const API_CHOOSE_IMAGE = 'chooseImage';
const ChooseImageApiProtocol = new Map<string, ProtocolOptions>([
type: 'number',
required: false
type: 'array',
required: false
type: 'array',
required: false
type: 'array',
required: false
const ChooseImageApiOptions: ApiOptions<ChooseImageOptions> = {
formatArgs: new Map<string, Function>([
(count: number, params: ChooseImageOptions)=>{
if (count == null) {
params.count = 9;
(sizeType: string[], params: ChooseImageOptions)=>{
if (sizeType == null) {
params.sizeType = [
(sourceType: string[], params: ChooseImageOptions)=>{
if (sourceType == null) {
params.sourceType = [
(extension: string[], params: ChooseImageOptions)=>{
if (extension == null) {
params.extension = [
const API_GET_VIDEO_INFO = 'getVideoInfo';
const GetVideoInfoApiProtocol = new Map<string, ProtocolOptions>([
type: 'string',
required: true
const GetVideoInfoApiOptions: ApiOptions<GetVideoInfoOptions> = {
formatArgs: new Map<string, Function>([
(src: string, params: GetVideoInfoOptions)=>{
params.src = getRealPath(src);
const API_CHOOSE_VIDEO = 'chooseVideo';
const ChooseVideoApiProtocol = new Map<string, ProtocolOptions>([
type: 'array',
required: false
type: 'boolean',
required: false
type: 'number',
required: false
type: 'string',
required: false
type: 'array',
required: false
const ChooseVideoApiOptions: ApiOptions<ChooseVideoOptions> = {
formatArgs: new Map<string, Function>([
(sourceType: string[], params: ChooseVideoOptions)=>{
if (sourceType == null) {
params.sourceType = [
(compressed: boolean, params: ChooseVideoOptions)=>{
if (compressed == null) {
params.compressed = true;
(maxDuration: number, params: ChooseVideoOptions)=>{
if (maxDuration == null) {
params.maxDuration = 60;
(camera: string, params: ChooseVideoOptions)=>{
if (camera == null) {
params.camera = 'back';
(extension: string[], params: ChooseVideoOptions)=>{
if (extension == null) {
params.extension = [
interface TempFileItem {
path: string;
size: number;
const chooseImage: ChooseImage = defineAsyncApi<ChooseImageOptions, ChooseImageSuccess>(API_CHOOSE_IMAGE, (options: ChooseImageOptions, res: ApiExcutor<ChooseImageSuccess>)=>{
mimeType: picker1.PhotoViewMIMETypes.IMAGE_TYPE,
count: options.count!
} as UTSJSONObject).then((chooseMediaRes)=>{
errMsg: '',
errSubject: 'uni-chooseImage',
tempFilePaths: chooseMediaRes.tempFiles.map((file)=>file.tempFilePath),
tempFiles: chooseMediaRes.tempFiles.map((file)=>{
return {
path: file.tempFilePath,
size: file.size
} as TempFileItem;
} as ChooseImageSuccess);
}, (err: Error)=>{
}, ChooseImageApiProtocol, ChooseImageApiOptions) as ChooseImage;
const chooseVideo: ChooseVideo = defineAsyncApi<ChooseVideoOptions, ChooseVideoSuccess>(API_CHOOSE_VIDEO, (options: ChooseVideoOptions, res: ApiExcutor<ChooseVideoSuccess>)=>{
mimeType: picker2.PhotoViewMIMETypes.VIDEO_TYPE
} as UTSJSONObject).then((chooseMediaRes)=>{
const file = chooseMediaRes.tempFiles[0];
errMsg: '',
errSubject: 'uni-chooseVideo',
tempFilePath: file.tempFilePath,
duration: file.duration,
size: file.size,
width: file.width,
height: file.height
} as ChooseVideoSuccess);
}, (err: Error)=>{
}, ChooseVideoApiProtocol, ChooseVideoApiOptions) as ChooseVideo;
const getImageInfo: GetImageInfo = defineAsyncApi<GetImageInfoOptions, GetImageInfoSuccess>(API_GET_IMAGE_INFO, (options: GetImageInfoOptions, res: ApiExcutor<GetImageInfoSuccess>)=>{
}, (err: Error)=>{
}, GetImageInfoApiProtocol, GetImageInfoApiOptions) as GetImageInfo;
const getVideoInfo: GetVideoInfo = defineAsyncApi<GetVideoInfoOptions, GetVideoInfoSuccess>(API_GET_VIDEO_INFO, (options: GetVideoInfoOptions, res: ApiExcutor<GetVideoInfoSuccess>)=>{
size: getVideInfoRes.size,
duration: getVideInfoRes.duration!,
width: getVideInfoRes.width!,
height: getVideInfoRes.height!,
type: getVideInfoRes.type!,
orientation: getVideInfoRes.orientation!
} as GetVideoInfoSuccess);
}, (err: Error)=>{
}, GetVideoInfoApiProtocol, GetVideoInfoApiOptions) as GetVideoInfo;
interface UniExtApi {
chooseImage: ChooseImage;
getImageInfo: GetImageInfo;
chooseVideo: ChooseVideo;
getVideoInfo: GetVideoInfo;
return {
} as UniExtApi;
import picker from '@ohos.file.picker';
import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';
import media from '@ohos.multimedia.media';
import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image';
import http from '@ohos.net.http';
import { ref, injectHook, createVNode, render, queuePostFlushCb, getCurrentInstance, onMounted, nextTick, onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue';
async function _getVideoInfo(uri) {
const file = await fs.open(uri, fs.OpenMode.READ_ONLY);
const avMetadataExtractor = await media.createAVMetadataExtractor();
let metadata = null;
let size = 0;
try {
size = (await fs.stat(file.fd)).size;
avMetadataExtractor.dataSrc = {
fileSize: size,
callback: (buffer, length, pos) => {
return fs.readSync(file.fd, buffer, {
offset: pos,
metadata = await avMetadataExtractor.fetchMetadata();
catch (error) {
throw error;
finally {
await avMetadataExtractor.release();
await fs.close(file);
const videoOrientationArr = [
return {
size: size,
duration: metadata.duration ? Number(metadata.duration) / 1000 : undefined,
width: metadata.videoWidth ? Number(metadata.videoWidth) : undefined,
height: metadata.videoHeight ? Number(metadata.videoHeight) : undefined,
type: metadata.mimeType,
orientation: metadata.videoOrientation
? videoOrientationArr[Number(metadata.videoOrientation) / 90]
: undefined,
async function _getImageInfo(uri) {
const file = await fs.open(uri, fs.OpenMode.READ_ONLY);
const imageSource = image.createImageSource(file.fd);
const imageInfo = await imageSource.getImageInfo();
const orientation = await imageSource.getImageProperty(image.PropertyKey.ORIENTATION);
let orientationNum = 0;
if (typeof orientation === 'string') {
const matched = orientation.match(/^Unknown value (\d)$/);
if (matched && matched[1]) {
orientationNum = Number(matched[1]);
else if (/^\d$/.test(orientation)) {
orientationNum = Number(orientation);
else if (typeof orientation === 'number') {
orientationNum = orientation;
let orientationStr = 'up';
switch (orientationNum) {
case 2:
orientationStr = 'up-mirrored';
case 3:
orientationStr = 'down';
case 4:
orientationStr = 'down-mirrored';
case 5:
orientationStr = 'left-mirrored';
case 6:
orientationStr = 'right';
case 7:
orientationStr = 'right-mirrored';
case 8:
orientationStr = 'left';
case 0:
case 1:
orientationStr = 'up';
return {
path: uri,
width: imageInfo.size.width,
height: imageInfo.size.height,
orientation: orientationStr,
* 注意
* - 使用系统picker,无需申请权限
* - 仅支持选图片或视频,不能混选
* 差异项记录
* - 鸿蒙的PhotoViewPicker可以选择视频、图片。PhotoViewPicker不支持sizeType参数、maxDuration参数。
* - PhotoViewPicker进行媒体文件选择时相机按钮无法屏蔽,因此不支持sourceType参数。
* 关键文档参考:
* - [用户文件uri介绍](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/harmonyos-guides/user-file-uri-intro-0000001821000049)
* - [系统能力使用说明](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/harmonyos-references-V5/syscap-0000001774120846-V5)
* - [requestPermissions标签](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/harmonyos-guides-V5/module-configuration-file-0000001820879553-V5#ZH-CN_TOPIC_0000001881258481__requestpermissions%E6%A0%87%E7%AD%BE)
* - [向用户申请授权](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/harmonyos-guides-V5/request-user-authorization-0000001774279718-V5)
* - [应用/服务签名](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/harmonyos-guides/ide-signing-0000001587684945#section9786111152213),ohos.permission.READ_IMAGEVIDEO权限需要自助签名方可使用
* - [AVMetadataExtractor](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/harmonyos-references/js-apis-media-0000001821001557#ZH-CN_TOPIC_0000001811157018__avmetadataextractor11)
async function _chooseMedia(options) {
const photoSelectOptions = new picker.PhotoSelectOptions();
const mimeType = options.mimeType;
photoSelectOptions.MIMEType = mimeType;
photoSelectOptions.maxSelectNumber = options.count || 9;
const photoPicker = new picker.PhotoViewPicker();
const photoSelectResult = await photoPicker.select(photoSelectOptions);
const uris = photoSelectResult.photoUris;
if (mimeType !== picker.PhotoViewMIMETypes.VIDEO_TYPE) {
return {
tempFiles: uris.map((uri) => {
const file = fs.openSync(uri, fs.OpenMode.READ_ONLY);
const stat = fs.statSync(file.fd);
return {
fileType: 'image',
tempFilePath: uri,
size: stat.size,
const tempFiles = [];
for (let i = 0; i < uris.length; i++) {
const uri = uris[i];
const videoInfo = await _getVideoInfo(uri);
fileType: 'video',
tempFilePath: uri,
size: videoInfo.size,
duration: videoInfo.duration,
width: videoInfo.width,
height: videoInfo.height,
return {
* @vue/shared v3.4.21
* (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors
......@@ -203,33 +44,6 @@ const capitalize = cacheStringFunction$1((str) => {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
const CHOOSE_SIZE_TYPES = ['original', 'compressed'];
const CHOOSE_SOURCE_TYPES = ['album', 'camera'];
const HTTP_METHODS = [
function elemInArray(str, arr) {
if (!str || arr.indexOf(str) === -1) {
return arr[0];
return str;
function elemsInArray(strArr, optionalVal) {
if (!isArray(strArr) ||
strArr.length === 0 ||
strArr.find((val) => optionalVal.indexOf(val) === -1)) {
return optionalVal;
return strArr;
function validateProtocolFail(name, msg) {
console.warn(`${name}: ${msg}`);
......@@ -707,9 +521,6 @@ function wrapperAsyncApi(name, fn, protocol, options) {
function defineOnApi(name, fn, options) {
return wrapperOnApi(name, fn, options);
function defineTaskApi(name, fn, protocol, options) {
return promisify(name, wrapperTaskApi(name, fn, ('production' !== 'production') ? protocol : undefined, options));
function defineSyncApi(name, fn, protocol, options) {
return wrapperSyncApi(name, fn, ('production' !== 'production') ? protocol : undefined, options);
......@@ -809,8 +620,8 @@ function once(fn, ctx = null) {
const encode$2 = encodeURIComponent;
function stringifyQuery$1(obj, encodeStr = encode$2) {
const encode$1 = encodeURIComponent;
function stringifyQuery(obj, encodeStr = encode$1) {
const res = obj
? Object.keys(obj)
.map((key) => {
......@@ -1275,6 +1086,7 @@ E.prototype = {
return this;
var Emitter = E;
const borderStyles = {
black: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)',
......@@ -1328,41 +1140,6 @@ function normalizeStyles(pageStyle, themeConfig = {}, mode = 'light') {
return styles;
* 主要文件路径分为如下四种
* - 安装文件路径(仅能访问rawfile)鸿蒙$rawfile('index.html')对应一个Resource对象,为方便拼接路径,使用`resource://`协议表示
* - 临时文件路径(temp) 系统api如下载、选择图片产生的压缩文件会存放于此处,应用退出后自动删除
* - 缓存文件路径(cache) 用于存储图片缓存等,达到一定大小或时间会被系统自动清理
* - 用户文件路径(files) 持久保存
* TODO fileManager、原生fs对象?沙箱
* 参考文档:
* - [微信小程序文件系统](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/ability/file-system.html)
* - [鸿蒙应用沙箱目录](https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/harmonyos-guides/app-sandbox-directory-0000001774280086)
* 内部使用不暴露给用户
const env = {
// RESOURCE_PATH: 'resource://',
// 以下路径均不以`/`结尾
function initEnv() {
const context = getContext();
env.USER_DATA_PATH = context.filesDir;
env.TEMP_PATH = context.tempDir;
env.CACHE_PATH = context.cacheDir;
return env;
const initEnvOnce = once(initEnv);
function getEnv() {
return initEnvOnce();
const isObject = (val) => val !== null && typeof val === 'object';
const defaultDelimiters = ['{', '}'];
class BaseFormatter {
......@@ -1838,7 +1615,7 @@ function initPullToRefreshI18n(pullToRefresh) {
function initBridge(subscribeNamespace) {
const emitter = new E();
const emitter = new Emitter();
return {
on(event, callback) {
return emitter.on(event, callback);
......@@ -2314,222 +2091,6 @@ defineSyncApi(API_GET_LAUNCH_OPTIONS_SYNC, () => {
return getLaunchOptions();
const API_CHOOSE_IMAGE = 'chooseImage';
const ChooseImageOptions = {
formatArgs: {
count(value, params) {
if (!value || value <= 0) {
params.count = 9;
sizeType(sizeType, params) {
params.sizeType = elemsInArray(sizeType, CHOOSE_SIZE_TYPES);
sourceType(sourceType, params) {
params.sourceType = elemsInArray(sourceType, CHOOSE_SOURCE_TYPES);
extension(extension, params) {
if (extension instanceof Array && extension.length === 0) {
return 'param extension should not be empty.';
if (!extension)
params.extension = ['*'];
const ChooseImageProtocol = {
count: Number,
sizeType: [Array, String],
sourceType: Array,
extension: Array,
const API_CHOOSE_VIDEO = 'chooseVideo';
const ChooseVideoOptions = {
formatArgs: {
sourceType(sourceType, params) {
params.sourceType = elemsInArray(sourceType, CHOOSE_SOURCE_TYPES);
compressed: true,
maxDuration: 60,
camera: 'back',
extension(extension, params) {
if (extension instanceof Array && extension.length === 0) {
return 'param extension should not be empty.';
if (!extension)
params.extension = ['*'];
const ChooseVideoProtocol = {
sourceType: Array,
compressed: Boolean,
maxDuration: Number,
camera: String,
extension: Array,
const API_GET_IMAGE_INFO = 'getImageInfo';
const GetImageInfoOptions = {
formatArgs: {
src(src, params) {
params.src = getRealPath(src);
const GetImageInfoProtocol = {
src: {
type: String,
required: true,
const API_GET_VIDEO_INFO = 'getVideoInfo';
const GetVideoInfoOptions = {
formatArgs: {
src(src, params) {
params.src = getRealPath(src);
const GetVideoInfoProtocol = {
src: {
type: String,
required: true,
const API_REQUEST = 'request';
const dataType = {
JSON: 'json',
const RESPONSE_TYPE = ['text', 'arraybuffer'];
const encode$1 = encodeURIComponent;
function stringifyQuery(url, data) {
let str = url.split('#');
const hash = str[1] || '';
str = str[0].split('?');
let query = str[1] || '';
url = str[0];
const search = query.split('&').filter((item) => item);
const params = {};
search.forEach((item) => {
const part = item.split('=');
params[part[0]] = part[1];
for (const key in data) {
if (hasOwn$1(data, key)) {
let v = data[key];
if (typeof v === 'undefined' || v === null) {
v = '';
else if (isPlainObject(v)) {
v = JSON.stringify(v);
params[encode$1(key)] = encode$1(v);
query = Object.keys(params)
.map((item) => `${item}=${params[item]}`)
return url + (query ? '?' + query : '') + (hash ? '#' + hash : '');
const RequestProtocol = {
method: String,
data: [Object, String, Array, ArrayBuffer],
url: {
type: String,
required: true,
header: Object,
dataType: String,
responseType: String,
withCredentials: Boolean,
const RequestOptions = {
formatArgs: {
method(value, params) {
params.method = elemInArray((value || '').toUpperCase(), HTTP_METHODS);
data(value, params) {
params.data = value || '';
url(value, params) {
if (params.method === HTTP_METHODS[0] &&
isPlainObject(params.data) &&
Object.keys(params.data).length) {
// 将 method,data 校验提前,保证 url 校验时,method,data 已被格式化
params.url = stringifyQuery(value, params.data);
header(value, params) {
const header = (params.header = value || {});
if (params.method !== HTTP_METHODS[0]) {
if (!Object.keys(header).find((key) => key.toLowerCase() === 'content-type')) {
header['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
dataType(value, params) {
params.dataType = (value || dataType.JSON).toLowerCase();
responseType(value, params) {
params.responseType = (value || '').toLowerCase();
if (RESPONSE_TYPE.indexOf(params.responseType) === -1) {
params.responseType = DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TYPE;
const API_DOWNLOAD_FILE = 'downloadFile';
const DownloadFileOptions = {
formatArgs: {
header(value, params) {
params.header = value || {};
const DownloadFileProtocol = {
url: {
type: String,
required: true,
header: Object,
timeout: Number,
const API_UPLOAD_FILE = 'uploadFile';
const UploadFileOptions = {
formatArgs: {
filePath(filePath, params) {
if (filePath) {
params.filePath = getRealPath(filePath);
header(value, params) {
params.header = value || {};
formData(value, params) {
params.formData = value || {};
const UploadFileProtocol = {
url: {
type: String,
required: true,
files: Array,
filePath: String,
name: String,
header: Object,
formData: Object,
timeout: Number,
function encodeQueryString(url) {
if (!isString(url)) {
return url;
......@@ -2806,417 +2367,6 @@ const SetTabBarBadgeOptions = {
}, IndexOptions.formatArgs),
const chooseImage = defineAsyncApi(API_CHOOSE_IMAGE, function ({ count } = {}, { resolve, reject }) {
mimeType: picker.PhotoViewMIMETypes.IMAGE_TYPE,
.then((res) => {
return {
tempFilePaths: res.tempFiles.map((file) => file.tempFilePath),
tempFiles: res.tempFiles.map((file) => {
return {
path: file.tempFilePath,
size: file.size,
.then(resolve, reject);
}, ChooseImageProtocol, ChooseImageOptions);
const chooseVideo = defineAsyncApi(API_CHOOSE_VIDEO, function ({} = {}, { resolve, reject }) {
mimeType: picker.PhotoViewMIMETypes.VIDEO_TYPE,
.then((res) => {
const file = res.tempFiles[0];
return {
tempFilePath: file.tempFilePath,
duration: file.duration,
size: file.size,
width: file.width,
height: file.height,
// TODO 修正chooseVideo的类型
// @ts-expect-error tempFile、name 仅H5支持
.then(resolve, reject);
}, ChooseVideoProtocol, ChooseVideoOptions);
// TODO 网络图片
const getImageInfo = defineAsyncApi(API_GET_IMAGE_INFO, function ({ src }, { resolve, reject }) {
_getImageInfo(src).then(resolve, reject);
}, GetImageInfoProtocol, GetImageInfoOptions);
const getVideoInfo = defineAsyncApi(API_GET_VIDEO_INFO, function ({ src }, { resolve, reject }) {
.then((res) => {
return {
size: res.size,
duration: res.duration,
width: res.width,
height: res.height,
type: res.type,
orientation: res.orientation,
.then(resolve, reject);
}, GetVideoInfoProtocol, GetVideoInfoOptions);
// copy from uni-app-plus/src/service/api/network/request.ts
const cookiesParse = (header) => {
let cookiesStr = header['Set-Cookie'] || header['set-cookie'];
let cookiesArr = [];
if (!cookiesStr) {
return [];
if (cookiesStr[0] === '[' && cookiesStr[cookiesStr.length - 1] === ']') {
cookiesStr = cookiesStr.slice(1, -1);
const handleCookiesArr = cookiesStr.split(';');
for (let i = 0; i < handleCookiesArr.length; i++) {
if (handleCookiesArr[i].indexOf('Expires=') !== -1 ||
handleCookiesArr[i].indexOf('expires=') !== -1) {
cookiesArr.push(handleCookiesArr[i].replace(',', ''));
else {
cookiesArr = cookiesArr.join(';').split(',');
return cookiesArr;
class RequestTask {
constructor(requestTask) {
this._requestTask = requestTask;
abort() {
onHeadersReceived(callback) {
offHeadersReceived(callback) {
const request = defineTaskApi(API_REQUEST, (args, { resolve, reject }) => {
let { header, method, data, dataType, timeout, url, responseType } = args;
let contentType;
// header
const headers = {};
for (const name in header) {
if (name.toLowerCase() === 'content-type') {
contentType = header[name];
headers[name.toLowerCase()] = header[name];
if (!contentType && method === 'POST') {
headers['Content-Type'] =
'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8';
// url data
if (method === 'GET' && data && isPlainObject(data)) {
url +=
'?' +
.map((key) => {
return (encodeURIComponent(key) +
'=' +
data = undefined;
else if (method !== 'GET' &&
contentType &&
contentType.indexOf('application/json') === 0 &&
isPlainObject(data)) {
data = JSON.stringify(data);
else if (method !== 'GET' &&
contentType &&
contentType.indexOf('application/x-www-form-urlencoded') === 0 &&
isPlainObject(data)) {
data = Object.keys(data)
.map((key) => {
return (encodeURIComponent(key) +
'=' +
// 其他参数
let expectDataType = http.HttpDataType.STRING;
if (responseType === 'arraybuffer') {
expectDataType = http.HttpDataType.ARRAY_BUFFER;
else if (dataType === 'json') {
expectDataType = http.HttpDataType.OBJECT;
else {
expectDataType = http.HttpDataType.STRING;
const httpRequest = http.createHttp();
const emitter = new E();
const requestTask = {
abort() {
onHeadersReceived(callback) {
emitter.on('headersReceive', callback);
offHeadersReceived(callback) {
emitter.off('headersReceive', callback);
httpRequest.on('headersReceive', (header) => {
// TODO headersReceive在重定向时会多次触发,这点与微信不同,暂不支持回调给用户
// emitter.emit('headersReceive', header);
httpRequest.request(url, {
header: headers,
method: (method || 'GET').toUpperCase(), // 仅OPTIONS不支持
extraData: data,
connectTimeout: timeout, // 不支持仅设置一个timeout
readTimeout: timeout,
}, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
* TODO abort后此处收到如下错误,待确认是否直接将此错误码转为abort错误
* {"code":2300023,"message":"Failed writing received data to disk/application"}
else {
data: res.result,
statusCode: res.responseCode,
header: res.header,
cookies: cookiesParse(res.header),
httpRequest.destroy(); // 调用完毕后必须调用destroy方法
return new RequestTask(requestTask);
}, RequestProtocol, RequestOptions);
class UploadTask {
constructor(uploadTask) {
this._uploadTask = uploadTask;
abort() {
onProgressUpdate(callback) {
offProgressUpdate(callback) {
onHeadersReceived(callback) {
offHeadersReceived(callback) {
const uploadFile = defineTaskApi(API_UPLOAD_FILE, (args, { resolve, reject }) => {
let { url, timeout, header, formData, files, filePath, name } = args;
// header
const headers = {};
for (const name in header) {
headers[name.toLowerCase()] = header[name];
headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data';
const multiFormDataList = [];
for (const name in formData) {
if (hasOwn$1(formData, name)) {
contentType: 'text/plain',
data: String(formData[name]),
if (files && files.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
const { name, uri } = files[i];
name: name || 'file',
contentType: 'application/octet-stream', // TODO 根据文件后缀设置contentType
filePath: getRealPath(uri),
else {
name: name || 'file',
contentType: 'application/octet-stream', // TODO 根据文件后缀设置contentType
filePath: getRealPath(filePath),
const httpRequest = http.createHttp();
const emitter = new E();
const uploadTask = {
abort() {
onHeadersReceived(callback) {
emitter.on('headersReceive', callback);
offHeadersReceived(callback) {
emitter.off('headersReceive', callback);
onProgressUpdate(callback) {
emitter.on('progress', callback);
offProgressUpdate(callback) {
emitter.off('progress', callback);
httpRequest.on('headersReceive', (header) => {
// TODO headersReceive在重定向时会多次触发,这点与微信不同,暂不支持回调给用户
// emitter.emit('headersReceive', header);
httpRequest.on('dataSendProgress', ({ sendSize, totalSize }) => {
emitter.emit('progress', {
progress: Math.floor((sendSize / totalSize) * 100),
totalBytesSent: sendSize,
totalBytesExpectedToSend: totalSize,
httpRequest.request(url, {
header: headers,
method: http.RequestMethod.POST,
connectTimeout: timeout, // 不支持仅设置一个timeout
readTimeout: timeout,
expectDataType: http.HttpDataType.STRING,
}, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
* TODO abort后此处收到如下错误,待确认是否直接将此错误码转为abort错误
* {"code":2300023,"message":"Failed writing received data to disk/application"}
else {
data: res.result,
statusCode: res.responseCode,
httpRequest.destroy(); // 调用完毕后必须调用destroy方法
return new UploadTask(uploadTask);
}, UploadFileProtocol, UploadFileOptions);
class DownloadTask {
constructor(downloadTask) {
this._downloadTask = downloadTask;
abort() {
onProgressUpdate(callback) {
offProgressUpdate(callback) {
onHeadersReceived(callback) {
offHeadersReceived(callback) {
const downloadFile = defineTaskApi(API_DOWNLOAD_FILE, (args, { resolve, reject }) => {
let { url, timeout, header } = args;
const httpRequest = http.createHttp();
const emitter = new E();
const downloadTask = {
abort() {
onHeadersReceived(callback) {
emitter.on('headersReceive', callback);
offHeadersReceived(callback) {
emitter.off('headersReceive', callback);
onProgressUpdate(callback) {
emitter.on('progress', callback);
offProgressUpdate(callback) {
emitter.off('progress', callback);
httpRequest.on('headersReceive', (header) => {
// TODO headersReceive在重定向时会多次触发,这点与微信不同,暂不支持回调给用户
// emitter.emit('headersReceive', header);
httpRequest.on('dataReceiveProgress', ({ receiveSize, totalSize }) => {
emitter.emit('progress', {
progress: Math.floor((receiveSize / totalSize) * 100),
totalBytesWritten: receiveSize,
totalBytesExpectedToWrite: totalSize,
const { TEMP_PATH } = getEnv();
const tempFilePath = TEMP_PATH + '/download/' + Date.now() + '.tmp'; // TODO 正在咨询有无内置mimeType,目前无法根据content-type获取文件后缀
const stream = fs.createStreamSync(tempFilePath, 'w+');
let writePromise = Promise.resolve(0);
async function queueWrite(data) {
writePromise = writePromise.then(async (total) => {
const length = await stream.write(data);
return total + length;
return writePromise;
httpRequest.on('dataReceive', (data) => {
httpRequest.requestInStream(url, {
method: http.RequestMethod.GET,
connectTimeout: timeout, // 不支持仅设置一个timeout
readTimeout: timeout,
}, (err, statusCode) => {
// 此回调先于dataEnd回调执行
if (err) {
* TODO abort后此处收到如下错误,待确认是否直接将此错误码转为abort错误
* {"code":2300023,"message":"Failed writing received data to disk/application"}
else {
writePromise.then(() => {
httpRequest.destroy(); // 调用完毕后必须调用destroy方法
return new DownloadTask(downloadTask);
}, DownloadFileProtocol, DownloadFileOptions);
let config;
* tabbar显示状态
......@@ -3854,14 +3004,14 @@ function encode(val) {
return val;
function initUniPageUrl(path, query) {
const queryString = query ? stringifyQuery$1(query, encode) : '';
const queryString = query ? stringifyQuery(query, encode) : '';
return {
path: path.slice(1),
query: queryString ? queryString.slice(1) : queryString,
function initDebugRefresh(isTab, path, query) {
const queryString = query ? stringifyQuery$1(query, encode) : '';
const queryString = query ? stringifyQuery(query, encode) : '';
return {
arguments: JSON.stringify({
......@@ -4791,30 +3941,31 @@ function _switchTab({ url, path, query, }) {
// export * from './media/chooseImage'
// export * from './media/chooseVideo'
// export * from './media/getImageInfo'
// export * from './media/getVideoInfo'
// export * from './network/request'
// export * from './network/uploadFile'
// export * from './network/downloadFile'
var uni$1 = {
__proto__: null,
chooseImage: chooseImage,
chooseVideo: chooseVideo,
downloadFile: downloadFile,
getImageInfo: getImageInfo,
getLocale: getLocale,
getSystemInfoSync: getSystemInfoSync,
getVideoInfo: getVideoInfo,
hideTabBar: hideTabBar,
hideTabBarRedDot: hideTabBarRedDot,
navigateBack: navigateBack,
navigateTo: navigateTo,
onLocaleChange: onLocaleChange,
removeTabBarBadge: removeTabBarBadge,
request: request,
setLocale: setLocale,
setTabBarBadge: setTabBarBadge,
setTabBarItem: setTabBarItem,
setTabBarStyle: setTabBarStyle,
showTabBar: showTabBar,
showTabBarRedDot: showTabBarRedDot,
switchTab: switchTab,
uploadFile: uploadFile
switchTab: switchTab
const UniServiceJSBridge$1 = /*#__PURE__*/ extend(ServiceJSBridge, {
......@@ -5035,7 +4186,15 @@ function initSubscribeHandlers() {
function initGlobalEvent() {
const plusGlobalEvent = plus.globalEvent;
const { emit } = UniServiceJSBridge;
plus.key.addEventListener(EVENT_BACKBUTTON, backbuttonListener);
plusGlobalEvent.addEventListener('pause', () => {
plusGlobalEvent.addEventListener('resume', () => {
// TODO options
// TODO KeyboardHeightChange
plusGlobalEvent.addEventListener('plusMessage', subscribePlusMessage);
......@@ -5116,6 +4275,12 @@ function registerApp(appVm) {
__uniConfig.ready = true;
const __uniConfig$1 = globalThis.__uniConfig;
// @ts-expect-error TODO 处理类型冲突
const UniError = globalThis.UniError;
// @ts-expect-error TODO 处理类型冲突
const UTSJSONObject = globalThis.UTSJSONObject;
var index = {
uni: uni$1,
getApp: getApp$1,
......@@ -5125,4 +4290,4 @@ var index = {
UniServiceJSBridge: UniServiceJSBridge$1,
export { index as default };
export { Emitter, UTSJSONObject, UniError, __uniConfig$1 as __uniConfig, index as default, defineAsyncApi, extend, getRealPath, hasOwn$1 as hasOwn, isArray, isFunction, isPlainObject, isString };
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { UniServiceJSBridge } from './bridge'
import { registerApp as __registerApp, getApp } from './framework/app'
import { definePage as __definePage } from '@dcloudio/uni-app-plus/service/framework/page'
import { getCurrentPages } from '@dcloudio/uni-app-plus/service/framework/page'
export * from '@dcloudio/uni-runtime'
export default {
import '@dcloudio/uni-uts-v1/lib/javascript/lib/runtime/uts.js'
export {
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