import { SetStorage, SetStorageOptions, SetStorageSuccess } from "../interface.uts" import { SetStorageSync } from "../interface.uts" import { GetStorage, GetStorageOptions, GetStorageSuccess } from "../interface.uts" import { GetStorageSync } from "../interface.uts" import { GetStorageInfoSuccess, GetStorageInfo, GetStorageInfoOptions } from "../interface.uts" import { GetStorageInfoSync } from "../interface.uts" import { RemoveStorage, RemoveStorageOptions, RemoveStorageSuccess } from "../interface.uts" import { RemoveStorageSync } from "../interface.uts" import { ClearStorage, ClearStorageSuccess, ClearStorageOptions } from "../interface.uts" import { ClearStorageSync } from "../interface.uts" // @ts-expect-error import DCStorage from "io.dcloud.common.util.db.DCStorage"; // @ts-expect-error import UTSAndroid from 'io.dcloud.uts.UTSAndroid'; // @ts-expect-error import List from 'java.util.List'; import { uni_getStorageAsync, uni_getStorageSync, uni_setStorageAsync, uni_setStorageSync } from "../uniStorageTool.uts" /** * 设置储存项 */ export const setStorage: SetStorage = function (options: SetStorageOptions) { setTimeout(function () { let dcStorage = DCStorage.getDCStorage(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()); if (dcStorage == null) { let ret = new UniError("uni-setStorage", -1, "storage not found.") options.complete?.(ret) return } /** * 通过公共函数执行设置逻辑 */ uni_setStorageAsync(options, (itemKey: string, itemData: string) => { dcStorage.performSetItem(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity(), UTSAndroid.getAppId(), itemKey, itemData); }, (itemKey: string) => { dcStorage.performRemoveItem(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity(), UTSAndroid.getAppId(), itemKey); }) }, 0) } /** * 同步设置储存项 */ export const setStorageSync: SetStorageSync = function (key: string, data: any) { let dcStorage = DCStorage.getDCStorage(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()); if (dcStorage == null) { // 异常了 return; } uni_setStorageSync(key, data, (itemKey: string, itemValue: string) => { let dataString = itemValue dcStorage.performSetItem(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity(), UTSAndroid.getAppId(), itemKey, dataString); }, (itemKey: string) => { dcStorage.performRemoveItem(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity(), UTSAndroid.getAppId(), itemKey); }) } /** * 获取储存项 */ function includeKey(key: string): boolean { let info = DCStorage.getDCStorage(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()!).performGetAllKeys(UTSAndroid.getAppId()) if (info.v != null && info.code == DCStorage.SUCCESS) { //&& info.v instanceof java.util.List // @ts-expect-error let keys = UTSArray.fromNative((info.v as ArrayList)); if (keys.indexOf(key) > -1) { return true } } return false; } export const getStorage: GetStorage = function getStorage(options: GetStorageOptions) { let dcStorage = DCStorage.getDCStorage(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()); if (dcStorage == null) { let ret = new UniError("uni-setStorage", -1, "storage not found.") options.complete?.(ret) return } setTimeout(function () { uni_getStorageAsync(options, function (itemKey: string): string | null { let info = dcStorage.performGetItem(UTSAndroid.getAppId(), itemKey); if (info != null && info.code == DCStorage.SUCCESS && info.v != null) { // 获取成功 return info.v as string } return null }, function (key: string): boolean { let list: String[] = [] let info = dcStorage.performGetAllKeys(UTSAndroid.getAppId()) if (info.code == DCStorage.SUCCESS && info.v != null) { /** * 临时语法支持,foreach 组织数组格式 */ let arrayKeys: String[] = [] ;(info.v as List).forEach((perKey: string) => { arrayKeys.push(perKey) }); list = arrayKeys } if (list != null) { let item = list!.find((value): boolean => { if (typeof value == "string") { return (value as string) == key; } return false; }) return (item != null); } return false; }) }, 0) } /** * 同步获取储存项 */ export const getStorageSync: GetStorageSync = function (key: string): any | null { return uni_getStorageSync(key, function (itemKey: string): string | null { let dcStorage = DCStorage.getDCStorage(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()); if (dcStorage == null) { return ""; } let info = dcStorage.performGetItem(UTSAndroid.getAppId(), itemKey); if (info != null && info.code == DCStorage.SUCCESS && info.v != null) { // 获取成功 return info.v as string } return "" }); } /** * 获取储存信息 */ export const getStorageInfo: GetStorageInfo = function (options: GetStorageInfoOptions) { setTimeout(function () { let dcStorage = DCStorage.getDCStorage(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()); if (dcStorage == null) { let ret = new UniError("uni-setStorage", -1, "storage not found.") options.complete?.(ret) } let ret: GetStorageInfoSuccess = { keys: [], currentSize: 0, limitSize: 10240 } let info = dcStorage.performGetAllKeys(UTSAndroid.getAppId()); if (info.code == DCStorage.SUCCESS && info.v != null) { let arrayKeys: string[] = [] /** * 临时语法支持,foreach 组织数组格式 */ ;(info.v as List).forEach((perKey: string) => { arrayKeys.push(perKey) }); /** * 储存的最大值:SQLLite数据库当前允许的最大值 * 储存的已用值:SQLLite数据文件当前的大小 */ try { ret.keys = arrayKeys let limitNum = dcStorage.getDBMaxLength(UTSAndroid.getAppId()).toDouble() ret.limitSize = limitNum / 1024 let currentNum = dcStorage.getDBCurrentLength(UTSAndroid.getAppId()).toDouble() ret.currentSize = currentNum / 1024 } catch (e) { //TODO handle the exception } // let arrayRet = info.v as Array options.success?.(ret) } }, 0) } /** * 同步获取储存信息 */ export const getStorageInfoSync: GetStorageInfoSync = function (): GetStorageInfoSuccess { // android SQL 单表最大限制为 let ret: GetStorageInfoSuccess = { keys: [], currentSize: 0, limitSize: 10240, } let dcStorage = DCStorage.getDCStorage(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()); if (dcStorage == null) { return ret } let info = dcStorage.performGetAllKeys(UTSAndroid.getAppId()); if (info.code == DCStorage.SUCCESS && info.v != null) { /** * 临时语法支持,foreach 组织数组格式 */ let arrayKeys: string[] = [] ;(info.v as List).forEach((perKey: string) => { arrayKeys.push(perKey) }); ret.keys = arrayKeys } /** * 储存的最大值:SQLLite数据库当前允许的最大值 * 储存的已用值:SQLLite数据文件当前的大小 */ try { let limitNum = dcStorage.getDBMaxLength(UTSAndroid.getAppId()).toDouble() ret.limitSize = limitNum / 1024 let currentNum = dcStorage.getDBCurrentLength(UTSAndroid.getAppId()).toDouble() ret.currentSize = currentNum / 1024 } catch (e) { //TODO handle the exception } return ret } /** * 移除指定储存项 */ export const removeStorage: RemoveStorage = function (options: RemoveStorageOptions) { setTimeout(function () { let dcStorage = DCStorage.getDCStorage(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()); if (dcStorage == null) { let ret = new UniError("uni-removeStorage", -1, "storage not found.") options.complete?.(ret) return; } dcStorage.performRemoveItem(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity(), UTSAndroid.getAppId(), options.key); let ret: RemoveStorageSuccess = {} options.success?.(ret) options.complete?.(ret) }, 0) } /** * 同步移除指定储存项 */ export const removeStorageSync: RemoveStorageSync = function (key: string) { let dcStorage = DCStorage.getDCStorage(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()); if (dcStorage == null) { return; } dcStorage.performRemoveItem(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity(), UTSAndroid.getAppId(), key); } /** * 清空储存选项 */ export const clearStorage: ClearStorage = function (option: ClearStorageOptions | null) { setTimeout(function () { let dcStorage = DCStorage.getDCStorage(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()); if (dcStorage == null) { let ret = new UniError("uni-clearStorage", -1, "error:storage not found.") option?.fail?.(ret) option?.complete?.(ret) return; } dcStorage.performClear(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity(), UTSAndroid.getAppId()); let ret: ClearStorageSuccess = {} option?.success?.(ret) option?.complete?.(ret) }, 0) } /** * 同步清空储存选项 */ export const clearStorageSync: ClearStorageSync = function () { let dcStorage = DCStorage.getDCStorage(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()); if (dcStorage == null) { return; } dcStorage.performClear(UTSAndroid.getUniActivity(), UTSAndroid.getAppId()); }