提交 78c7d4d5 编写于 作者: DCloud-yyl's avatar DCloud-yyl


上级 c6657efb
"id": "uni-getSystemInfo",
"displayName": "uni-getSystemInfo",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "uni-getSystemInfo",
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"HBuilderX": "^3.6.8"
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"name": "getSystemInfoSync",
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"name": "getWindowInfo",
"app": {
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"京东": "u"
"快应用": {
"华为": "u",
"联盟": "u"
\ No newline at end of file
# uni-getSystemInfo
### 开发文档
[UTS 语法](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/syntax-uts.html)
[UTS API插件](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/plugin/uts-plugin.html)
[UTS 组件插件](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/plugin/uts-component.html)
[Hello UTS](https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uts)
\ No newline at end of file
import Activity from 'android.app.Activity';
import Configuration from 'android.content.res.Configuration';
import Context from 'android.content.Context';
import UiModeManager from 'android.app.UiModeManager';
import WindowManager from 'android.view.WindowManager';
import DisplayMetrics from 'android.util.DisplayMetrics';
import Build from 'android.os.Build';
import File from 'java.io.File';
import TextUtils from 'android.text.TextUtils';
import { UTSAndroid as Device } from "io.dcloud.uts";
import BufferedReader from 'java.io.BufferedReader';
import InputStreamReader from 'java.io.InputStreamReader';
import UTSAndroid from 'io.dcloud.uts.UTSAndroid';
export class DeviceUtil {
private static customOS : string | null = null
private static customOSVersion : string | null = null
private static readonly rootRelatedDirs = [
"/su", "/su/bin/su", "/sbin/su",
"/data/local/xbin/su", "/data/local/bin/su", "/data/local/su",
"/system/bin/su", "/system/sd/xbin/su", "/system/bin/failsafe/su",
"/system/bin/cufsdosck", "/system/xbin/cufsdosck", "/system/bin/cufsmgr",
"/system/xbin/cufsmgr", "/system/bin/cufaevdd", "/system/xbin/cufaevdd",
"/system/bin/conbb", "/system/xbin/conbb"];
* HarmonyOS 系统输出的
* 格式:2.0.0
private static KEY_HARMONYOS_VERSION_NAME = "hw_sc.build.platform.version";
* EMUI系统输出的
* 格式:EmotionUI_8.0.0
private static KEY_EMUI_VERSION_NAME = "ro.build.version.emui";
* MagicUI系统输出的
* 格式:3.1.0
private static KEY_MAGICUI_VERSION = "ro.build.version.magic";
* MIUI系统输出的
* 格式:V12
private static KEY_MIUI_VERSION_NAME = "ro.miui.ui.version.name";
* OPPO手机ColorOS系统输出的
* 格式:9
private static KEY_COLOROS_VERSION_NAME = "ro.build.version.opporom";
* VIVO手机系统输出的
* name格式:funtouch
* version格式: 9
private static KEY_VIVO_VERSION_NAME = "ro.vivo.os.name";
private static KEY_VIVO_VERSION = "ro.vivo.os.version";
* OonPlus手机系统输出的
* 格式:Hydrogen OS
private static KEY_ONEPLUS_VERSION_NAME = "ro.rom.version";
* 魅族手机系统输出的
private static KEY_FLYME_VERSION_NAME = "ro.build.display.id";
* nubia手机系统输出的
private static KEY_NUBIA_VERSION_NAME = "ro.build.nubia.rom.name";
private static KEY_NUBIA_VERSION_CODE = "ro.build.nubia.rom.code";
public static getOrientation(activity : Activity) : string {
const activityOrientation = activity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
let outOrientation = "portrait";
if (activityOrientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {
outOrientation = "landscape";
return outOrientation;
public static getAppVersionCode():number{
const activity = UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()!!;
const packageInfo = activity.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(activity.getPackageName(), 0);
return packageInfo.versionCode;
* 获取屏幕像素比
public static getScaledDensity(activity : Activity) : number {
const windowManager = activity.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE) as WindowManager;
const displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
} else {
return displayMetrics.scaledDensity;
public static getScreenWidth() : number {
return UTSAndroid.getScreenInfo()["screenWidth"] as Int;
public static getScreenHeight() : number {
return UTSAndroid.getScreenInfo()["screenHeight"] as Int;
public static getStatusBarHeight():number {
return UTSAndroid.getStatusBarHeight();
public static getRomName():string{
return DeviceUtil.customOS ?? "";
public static getRomVersion():string{
return DeviceUtil.customOSVersion ?? "";
public static getSystemUIModeType(activity : Activity) : string {
let uiModeManager = activity.getSystemService(Context.UI_MODE_SERVICE) as UiModeManager;
let modeType = "unknown";
switch (uiModeManager.getCurrentModeType()) {
case Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_TELEVISION:
modeType = "tv";
case Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_WATCH:
modeType = "watch";
case Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_NORMAL:
if (DeviceUtil.isTablet(activity)) {
modeType = "pad";
} else {
modeType = "phone";
case Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_DESK:
modeType = "pc";
case Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_UNDEFINED:
modeType = "undefined";
case Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_CAR:
modeType = "car";
case Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_VR_HEADSET:
modeType = "vr";
case Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_APPLIANCE:
modeType = "appliance";
return modeType;
public static getOsLanguageNormal(context : Context) : string {
const LOCALE_ZH_HANS = 'zh-Hans'
const LOCALE_ZH_HANT = 'zh-Hant'
let locale = Device.getLanguageInfo(context)["appLanguage"].toString();
if (locale.indexOf('zh') === 0) {
if (locale.indexOf('-hans') > -1) {
if (locale.indexOf('-hant') > -1) {
if (locale.includes("-tw") || locale.includes("-hk") || locale.includes("-mo") || locale.includes("-cht")) {
} else {
return locale;
* 是否为平板 不是太准确
public static isTablet(activity : Activity) : boolean {
return (activity.getResources().getConfiguration().screenLayout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK) >= Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE;
private static setCustomInfo(phoneBrand : string) {
try {
switch (DeviceUtil.deleteSpaceAndToUpperCase(phoneBrand)) {
case "HUAWEI":
if (DeviceUtil.isHarmonyOS()) {
DeviceUtil.customOSVersion = DeviceUtil.getSystemPropertyValue(DeviceUtil.KEY_HARMONYOS_VERSION_NAME);
DeviceUtil.customOS = "HarmonyOS";
} else {
DeviceUtil.customOS = "EMUI";
DeviceUtil.customOSVersion = DeviceUtil.getSystemPropertyValue(DeviceUtil.KEY_EMUI_VERSION_NAME);;
case "HONOR":
if (DeviceUtil.isHarmonyOS()) {
DeviceUtil.customOS = "HarmonyOS";
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(DeviceUtil.getSystemPropertyValue(DeviceUtil.KEY_HARMONYOS_VERSION_NAME))) {
DeviceUtil.customOSVersion = DeviceUtil.getSystemPropertyValue(DeviceUtil.KEY_HARMONYOS_VERSION_NAME);;
} else {
DeviceUtil.customOSVersion = "";
} else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(DeviceUtil.getSystemPropertyValue(DeviceUtil.KEY_MAGICUI_VERSION))) {
DeviceUtil.customOS = "MagicUI";
DeviceUtil.customOSVersion = DeviceUtil.getSystemPropertyValue(DeviceUtil.KEY_MAGICUI_VERSION);
} else {
DeviceUtil.customOS = "EMUI";
DeviceUtil.customOSVersion = DeviceUtil.getSystemPropertyValue(DeviceUtil.KEY_EMUI_VERSION_NAME);
case "XIAOMI":
case "REDMI":
DeviceUtil.customOS = "MIUI";
DeviceUtil.customOSVersion = DeviceUtil.getSystemPropertyValue(DeviceUtil.KEY_MIUI_VERSION_NAME);
case "REALME":
case "OPPO":
DeviceUtil.customOS = "ColorOS";
DeviceUtil.customOSVersion = DeviceUtil.getSystemPropertyValue(DeviceUtil.KEY_COLOROS_VERSION_NAME);
case "VIVO":
DeviceUtil.customOS = "Funtouch";
DeviceUtil.customOSVersion = DeviceUtil.getSystemPropertyValue(DeviceUtil.KEY_VIVO_VERSION);
case "ONEPLUS":
//格式:Hydrogen OS
DeviceUtil.customOS = "HydrogenOS";
DeviceUtil.customOSVersion = DeviceUtil.getSystemPropertyValue(DeviceUtil.KEY_ONEPLUS_VERSION_NAME);
case "MEIZU":
DeviceUtil.customOS = "Flyme";
DeviceUtil.customOSVersion = DeviceUtil.getSystemPropertyValue(DeviceUtil.KEY_FLYME_VERSION_NAME);
case "NUBIA":
DeviceUtil.customOS = DeviceUtil.getSystemPropertyValue(DeviceUtil.KEY_NUBIA_VERSION_NAME);
DeviceUtil.customOSVersion = DeviceUtil.getSystemPropertyValue(DeviceUtil.KEY_NUBIA_VERSION_CODE);
DeviceUtil.customOS = "Android";
DeviceUtil.customOSVersion = Build.VERSION.RELEASE;
} catch (e : Exception) {
* 判断是否是华为鸿蒙系统,能否识别荣耀鸿蒙未知
* @return
private static isHarmonyOS() : boolean {
try {
let classType = Class.forName("com.huawei.system.BuildEx");
let getMethod = classType.getMethod("getOsBrand");
let value = getMethod.invoke(classType) as string;
return !TextUtils.isEmpty(value);
} catch (e : Exception) {
return false;
* 删除字符串中的空格并全部转成大写
* @param str
* @return
public static deleteSpaceAndToUpperCase(str : string | null) : string {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
return "";
return str!.replace(" ", "").toUpperCase();
private static getSystemPropertyValue(propName : string) : string | null {
let value : string | null = null;
let roSecureObj : any | null;
try {
// Class.forName("java.lang.String")
const method = Class.forName("android.os.SystemProperties").getMethod("get", Class.forName("java.lang.String"));
roSecureObj = method.invoke(null, propName);
if (roSecureObj != null) {
value = roSecureObj as string;
} catch (e : Exception) {
return value;
\ No newline at end of file
import { GetSystemInfoOptions, GetSystemInfo, GetSystemInfoResult, SafeArea, SafeAreaInsets, GetSystemInfoSync, GetWindowInfo, GetWindowInfoResult } from "../interface.uts";
import UTSAndroid from 'io.dcloud.uts.UTSAndroid';
import PackageManager from 'android.content.pm.PackageManager';
import Build from 'android.os.Build';
import { DeviceUtil } from './device/SystemInfoDeviceUtil.uts'
import CountDownLatch from 'java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch';
import Looper from 'android.os.Looper';
import Handler from 'android.os.Handler';
export const getSystemInfo : GetSystemInfo = function (options : GetSystemInfoOptions) {
const result = getSystemInfoSync();
const success = options.success;
const complete = options.complete;
export const getSystemInfoSync : GetSystemInfoSync = function () : GetSystemInfoResult {
const runnable = function(): GetSystemInfoResult | null{
try {
const activity = UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()!!;
const appId = UTSAndroid.getAppId();
const appLanguage = DeviceUtil.getOsLanguageNormal(activity);
const appName = UTSAndroid.getAppName();
const appVersion = UTSAndroid.getAppVersion()["name"].toString();
const appVersionCode = UTSAndroid.getAppVersion()["code"].toString();
const appWgtVersion = !UTSAndroid.isUniAppX()? UTSAndroid.getAppVersion()["name"].toString() : null;
const brand = Build.MANUFACTURER.toLowerCase();
const browserName = UTSAndroid.getWebViewInfo(activity)["kernel"].toString();
const browserVersion = UTSAndroid.getWebViewInfo(activity)["version"].toString();
const deviceId = UTSAndroid.getDeviceID(activity);
const deviceModel = Build.MODEL;
const deviceType = DeviceUtil.getSystemUIModeType(activity);
const devicePixelRatio = DeviceUtil.getScaledDensity(activity);
const deviceOrientation = DeviceUtil.getOrientation(activity);
const language = UTSAndroid.getLanguageInfo(activity)["osLanguage"].toString();
const osName = "android";
const osVersion = Build.VERSION.RELEASE;
const osLanguage = UTSAndroid.getLanguageInfo(activity)["osLanguage"].toString();
const osTheme = UTSAndroid.getOsTheme();
const pixelRatio = DeviceUtil.getScaledDensity(activity)
const screenWidth = DeviceUtil.getScreenWidth();
const screenHeight = DeviceUtil.getScreenHeight();
const statusBarHeight = DeviceUtil.getStatusBarHeight();
const system = "Android " + Build.VERSION.RELEASE;
const ua = UTSAndroid.getWebViewInfo(activity)["ua"].toString();
const uniCompileVersion = UTSAndroid.getUniCompileVersion();
const uniPlatform = "app";
const uniRuntimeVersion = UTSAndroid.getUniRuntimeVersion();
const uniCompileVersionCode = convertVersionCode(uniCompileVersion);
const uniRuntimeVersionCode = convertVersionCode(uniRuntimeVersion);
const version = UTSAndroid.getInnerVersion();
const romName = DeviceUtil.getRomName();
const romVersion = DeviceUtil.getRomVersion();
const windowWidth = screenWidth;
const windowHeight = UTSAndroid.getWindowHeight();
const windowTop = 0;
const windowBottom = 0;
const safeAreaInsetsTop = UTSAndroid.getSafeAreaInsets()["top"].toString().toInt();
const safeAreaInsets : SafeAreaInsets = {
left: 0,
top: safeAreaInsetsTop,
right: 0,
bottom: 0
const safeArea : SafeArea = {
left: safeAreaInsets.left,
right: windowWidth - safeAreaInsets.right,
top: safeAreaInsets.top,
bottom: windowHeight - safeAreaInsets.bottom,
width: windowWidth - safeAreaInsets.left - safeAreaInsets.right,
height: windowHeight - safeAreaInsets.top - safeAreaInsets.bottom
const osAndroidAPILevel = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
const oaid = UTSAndroid.getOAID();
const result = {
SDKVersion: "",
appId: appId,
appLanguage: appLanguage,
appName: appName,
appVersion: appVersion,
appVersionCode: appVersionCode,
appWgtVersion: appWgtVersion,
brand: brand,
browserName: browserName,
browserVersion: browserVersion,
deviceId: deviceId,
deviceBrand: brand,
deviceModel: deviceModel,
deviceType: deviceType,
devicePixelRatio: devicePixelRatio,
deviceOrientation: deviceOrientation,
language: language,
model: deviceModel,
osName: osName,
osVersion: osVersion,
osLanguage: osLanguage,
osTheme: osTheme,
pixelRatio: pixelRatio,
platform: osName,
screenWidth: screenWidth,
screenHeight: screenHeight,
statusBarHeight: statusBarHeight,
system: system,
ua: ua,
uniCompileVersion: uniCompileVersion,
uniPlatform: uniPlatform,
uniRuntimeVersion: uniRuntimeVersion,
uniCompileVersionCode: uniCompileVersionCode,
uniRuntimeVersionCode: uniRuntimeVersionCode,
version: version,
romName: romName,
romVersion: romVersion,
windowWidth: windowWidth,
windowHeight: windowHeight,
windowTop: windowTop,
windowBottom: windowBottom,
safeAreaInsets: safeAreaInsets,
safeArea: safeArea,
oaid: oaid,
osAndroidAPILevel: osAndroidAPILevel,
} as GetSystemInfoResult;
return result;
} catch (e : Exception) {
return null;
let result : GetSystemInfoResult | null = null;
if(Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()){
result = runnable();
const latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
new RunnableTask(Looper.getMainLooper(), () => {
result = runnable();
return result!!;
export const getWindowInfo: GetWindowInfo = function(): GetWindowInfoResult {
const activity = UTSAndroid.getUniActivity()!!;
const pixelRatio = DeviceUtil.getScaledDensity(activity)
const screenWidth = DeviceUtil.getScreenWidth();
const screenHeight = DeviceUtil.getScreenHeight();
const statusBarHeight = DeviceUtil.getStatusBarHeight();
const windowWidth = screenWidth;
const windowHeight = UTSAndroid.getWindowHeight();
const windowTop = 0;
const windowBottom = 0;
const safeAreaInsetsTop = UTSAndroid.getSafeAreaInsets()["top"] as Int;
const safeAreaInsets : SafeAreaInsets = {
left: 0,
top: safeAreaInsetsTop,
right: 0,
bottom: 0
const safeArea : SafeArea = {
left: safeAreaInsets.left,
right: windowWidth - safeAreaInsets.right,
top: safeAreaInsets.top,
bottom: windowHeight - safeAreaInsets.bottom,
width: windowWidth - safeAreaInsets.left - safeAreaInsets.right,
height: windowHeight - safeAreaInsets.top - safeAreaInsets.bottom
const screenTop = windowTop;
let result = {
pixelRatio: pixelRatio,
screenWidth: screenWidth,
screenHeight: screenHeight,
windowWidth: windowWidth,
windowHeight: windowHeight,
statusBarHeight: statusBarHeight,
windowTop: windowTop,
windowBottom: windowBottom,
safeArea: safeArea,
safeAreaInsets: safeAreaInsets,
screenTop: screenTop
} as GetWindowInfoResult;
return result;
const convertVersionCode = function(version: string): number {
let str = "";
let radixLength = 2;
let findDot = false;
const dotChar = ".".get(0);
for (let i = 0; i < version.length; i++) {
const char = version.get(i);
str += char;
radixLength --;
if(radixLength == 0){
str += char;
if(char == dotChar){
findDot = true;
str += char;
return parseFloat(str);
const getHostVersion = function () : string {
const context = UTSAndroid.getAppContext()!!;
let packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
let applicationInfo = packageManager.getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES);
return applicationInfo.versionName;
class RunnableTask extends Runnable {
private callback : () => void | null;
private looper : Looper | null = null;
constructor(looper : Looper | null, callback : () => void) {
this.looper = looper;
this.callback = callback
override run() {
public execute() {
if (this.looper == null) {
} else {
new Handler(this.looper!!).post(this);
\ No newline at end of file
export interface Uni {
* getSystemInfo()
* @description
* 异步获取系统信息
* @param {GetSystemInfoOptions} options
* @return {void}
* @tutorial http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/system/info?id=getsysteminfo
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9+"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "9.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* }
* }
* @example
success(e) {
console.log("success :",e);
complete(e) {
console.log("complete :",e);
getSystemInfo(options: GetSystemInfoOptions): void;
* getSystemInfoSync()
* @description
* 同步获取系统信息
* @param {void}
* @return {GetSystemInfoResult}
* @tutorial http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/system/info?id=getsysteminfosync
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9+"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "9.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* }
* }
* @example
getSystemInfoSync(): GetSystemInfoResult;
* getWindowInfo()
* @description
* 同步获取窗口信息
* @param {void}
* @return {GetWindowInfoResult} result
* @tutorial http://uniapp.dcloud.io/api/system/getWindowInfo.html
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "3.9+"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "9.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* }
* }
* @example
getWindowInfo(): GetWindowInfoResult;
export type GetSystemInfo = (options: GetSystemInfoOptions) => void;
export type GetSystemInfoSync = () => GetSystemInfoResult;
export type GetWindowInfo = () => GetWindowInfoResult;
export type SafeArea = {
* 安全区域左上角横坐标
left: number,
* 安全区域右下角横坐标
right: number,
* 安全区域左上角纵坐标
top: number,
* 安全区域右下角纵坐标
bottom: number,
* 安全区域的宽度,单位逻辑像素
width: number,
* 安全区域的高度,单位逻辑像素
height: number
export type SafeAreaInsets = {
* 安全区域左侧插入位置
left: number,
* 安全区域右侧插入位置
right: number,
* 安全区顶部插入位置
top: number,
* 安全区域底部插入位置
bottom: number
export type GetSystemInfoResult = {
* 客户端基础库版本
SDKVersion: string,
* `manifest.json` 中应用appid。
appId: string,
* 应用设置的语言。
appLanguage: string,
* `manifest.json` 中应用名称。
appName: string,
* `manifest.json` 中应用版本名称。
appVersion: string,
* `manifest.json` 中应用版本名号。
appVersionCode: string,
* 应用资源(wgt)的版本名称。
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "9.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* }
* }
appWgtVersion: string | null,
* 手机品牌。
brand: string,
* 浏览器名称。`App` 端是系统 webview 的名字,比如 wkwebview、chrome。小程序端为空
browserName: string,
* 浏览器版本、webview 版本。
browserVersion: string,
* 设备 ID
deviceId: string,
* 设备品牌。如:`apple`、`huawei`。
deviceBrand: string,
* 设备型号
deviceModel: string,
* 设备类型。`phone`、`pad`、`pc`
deviceType: string,
* 设备像素比
devicePixelRatio: number,
* 设备方向。如:`竖屏 portrait`、`横屏 landscape`
* - portrait: 竖屏
* - landscape: 横屏
* @type 'portrait' | 'landscape'
deviceOrientation: string,
* 程序设置的语言
language: string,
* 手机型号
model: string,
* ios、android、windows、mac、linux
osName: string,
* 操作系统版本。如 ios 版本,andriod 版本
osVersion: string,
* 操作系统语言
osLanguage: string,
* 操作系统主题 light、dark。
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "9.0",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* }
* }
osTheme: string | null,
* 设备像素比
pixelRatio: number,
* 客户端平台
platform: string,
* 屏幕宽度
screenWidth: number,
* 屏幕高度
screenHeight: number,
* 状态栏的高度
statusBarHeight: number,
* 操作系统版本
system: string,
* 在竖屏正方向下的安全区域
safeArea: SafeArea,
* 在竖屏正方向下的安全区域插入位置
safeAreaInsets: SafeAreaInsets,
* 用户标识。小程序端为空
ua: string,
* uni 编译器版本
uniCompileVersion: string,
* uni-app 运行平台。如:`app`、`mp-weixin`、`web`
uniPlatform: string,
* uni 运行时版本
uniRuntimeVersion: string,
* uni 编译器版本号
uniCompileVersionCode: number,
* uni 运行时版本号
uniRuntimeVersionCode: number,
* 引擎版本号。已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留
* @deprecated 已废弃,仅为了向下兼容保留
version: string,
* rom 名称。Android 部分机型获取不到值。iOS 恒为 `ios`
romName: string,
* rom 版本号。Android 部分机型获取不到值。iOS 恒为 `ios 版本号`
romVersion: string,
* 可使用窗口宽度
windowWidth: number,
* 可使用窗口高度
windowHeight: number,
* 可使用窗口的顶部位置
windowTop: number,
* 可使用窗口的底部位置
windowBottom: number,
* oaid
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "√"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "x",
* "uniVer": "x",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* }
* }
oaid: string | null
* Android 系统API库的版本。
* @uniPlatform {
* "app": {
* "android": {
* "osVer": "4.4",
* "uniVer": "√",
* "unixVer": "√"
* },
* "ios": {
* "osVer": "x",
* "uniVer": "x",
* "unixVer": "x"
* }
* }
* }
osAndroidAPILevel: number | null
export type GetSystemInfoSuccessCallback = (result: GetSystemInfoResult) => void;
type GetSystemInfoFail = UniError;
type GetSystemInfoFailCallback = (result: GetSystemInfoFail) => void;
export type GetSystemInfoComplete = any;
export type GetSystemInfoCompleteCallback = (result: GetSystemInfoComplete) => void;
export type GetSystemInfoOptions = {
* 接口调用成功的回调函数
* @defaultValue null
success?: GetSystemInfoSuccessCallback | null,
* 接口调用失败的回调函数
* @defaultValue null
fail?: GetSystemInfoFailCallback | null,
* 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行)
* @defaultValue null
complete?: GetSystemInfoCompleteCallback | null
export type GetWindowInfoResult = {
* 设备像素比
pixelRatio: number,
* 屏幕宽度
screenWidth: number,
* 屏幕高度
screenHeight: number,
* 可使用窗口宽度
windowWidth: number,
* 可使用窗口高度
windowHeight: number,
* 状态栏的高度
statusBarHeight: number,
* 可使用窗口的顶部位置
windowTop: number,
* 可使用窗口的底部位置
windowBottom: number,
* 在竖屏正方向下的安全区域
safeArea: SafeArea,
* 在竖屏正方向下的安全区域插入位置
safeAreaInsets: SafeAreaInsets,
* 窗口上边缘的 y 值
screenTop: number
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