提交 3f511fb6 编写于 作者: A Anne_LXM

feat: 兼容uni-app-x web端

上级 323b550f
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<text class="list-item-text">账号密码登录</text>
<uni-id-pages-x-icons type="right-arrow" color="#999" />
<!-- #ifdef uniVersion > 3.99 || uniVersion == 3.99 -->
<!-- #ifdef APP && (uniVersion > 3.99 || uniVersion == 3.99) -->
<view class="list-item" @click="toLogin('univerify')" v-if="hasUniverify">
<text class="list-item-text">一键登录</text>
<uni-id-pages-x-icons type="right-arrow" color="#999" />
......@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@
// console.log('res', res);
let tempFiles = res.tempFiles as UTSJSONObject[];
let tempFile = tempFiles[0];
let tempFileName = tempFile['name'] as string
let tempFilePath = tempFile['path'] as string
let tempFileName = tempFile['name'] as string | null
let tempFilePath = tempFile['path'] as string | null
if (tempFileName == null) {
tempFileName = ""
......@@ -125,12 +125,8 @@
codeChange(i : number, e : InputEvent) {
// console.log(i, e);
onFocus(i : number) {
if (this.smsCodeList[i].length == 0) {
// console.log('i', i);
this.smsCodeList[i] = '\u200b'
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