// // LottieAnimationLayer.swift // Lottie // import QuartzCore // MARK: - LottieAnimationLayer /// A CALayer subclass for rendering Lottie animations. /// - Also available as a SwiftUI view (`LottieView`) and a UIView subclass (`LottieAnimationView`) public class LottieAnimationLayer: CALayer { // MARK: Lifecycle /// Initializes a LottieAnimationLayer with an animation. public init( animation: LottieAnimation?, imageProvider: AnimationImageProvider? = nil, textProvider: AnimationKeypathTextProvider = DefaultTextProvider(), fontProvider: AnimationFontProvider = DefaultFontProvider(), configuration: LottieConfiguration = .shared, logger: LottieLogger = .shared) { self.animation = animation self.imageProvider = imageProvider ?? BundleImageProvider(bundle: Bundle.main, searchPath: nil) self.textProvider = textProvider self.fontProvider = fontProvider self.configuration = configuration screenScale = 1 self.logger = logger super.init() makeAnimationLayer(usingEngine: configuration.renderingEngine) if let animation { frame = animation.bounds } } /// Initializes an LottieAnimationLayer with a .lottie file. public init( dotLottie: DotLottieFile?, animationId: String? = nil, textProvider: AnimationKeypathTextProvider = DefaultTextProvider(), fontProvider: AnimationFontProvider = DefaultFontProvider(), configuration: LottieConfiguration = .shared, logger: LottieLogger = .shared) { let dotLottieAnimation = dotLottie?.animation(for: animationId) animation = dotLottieAnimation?.animation imageProvider = dotLottie?.imageProvider ?? BundleImageProvider(bundle: Bundle.main, searchPath: nil) self.textProvider = textProvider self.fontProvider = fontProvider self.configuration = configuration screenScale = 1 self.logger = logger super.init() loopMode = dotLottieAnimation?.configuration.loopMode ?? .playOnce animationSpeed = CGFloat(dotLottieAnimation?.configuration.speed ?? 1) makeAnimationLayer(usingEngine: configuration.renderingEngine) if let animation { frame = animation.bounds } } public init( configuration: LottieConfiguration = .shared, logger: LottieLogger = .shared) { animation = nil imageProvider = BundleImageProvider(bundle: Bundle.main, searchPath: nil) textProvider = DefaultTextProvider() fontProvider = DefaultFontProvider() self.configuration = configuration screenScale = 1 self.logger = logger super.init() } /// Called by CoreAnimation to create a shadow copy of this layer /// More details: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/calayer/1410842-init override init(layer: Any) { guard let typedLayer = layer as? Self else { fatalError("\(Self.self).init(layer:) incorrectly called with \(type(of: layer))") } animation = typedLayer.animation imageProvider = typedLayer.imageProvider textProvider = typedLayer.textProvider fontProvider = typedLayer.fontProvider logger = typedLayer.logger screenScale = typedLayer.screenScale configuration = typedLayer.configuration super.init(layer: typedLayer) } required init?(coder _: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } // MARK: Open /// Plays the animation from its current state to the end. /// /// - Parameter completion: An optional completion closure to be called when the animation completes playing. open func play(completion: LottieCompletionBlock? = nil) { guard let animation else { return } defer { currentPlaybackMode = .playing(.fromProgress(nil, toProgress: 1, loopMode: loopMode)) } if shouldOverrideWithReducedMotionAnimation { playReducedMotionAnimation(completion: completion) return } /// Build a context for the animation. let context = AnimationContext( playFrom: CGFloat(animation.startFrame), playTo: CGFloat(animation.endFrame), closure: completion) removeCurrentAnimationIfNecessary() addNewAnimationForContext(context) } /// Plays the animation from a progress (0-1) to a progress (0-1). /// /// - Parameter fromProgress: The start progress of the animation. If `nil` the animation will start at the current progress. /// - Parameter toProgress: The end progress of the animation. /// - Parameter loopMode: The loop behavior of the animation. If `nil` the layer's `loopMode` property will be used. /// - Parameter completion: An optional completion closure to be called when the animation stops. open func play( fromProgress: AnimationProgressTime? = nil, toProgress: AnimationProgressTime, loopMode: LottieLoopMode? = nil, completion: LottieCompletionBlock? = nil) { guard let animation else { return } defer { currentPlaybackMode = .playing(.fromProgress(fromProgress, toProgress: toProgress, loopMode: loopMode ?? self.loopMode)) } if shouldOverrideWithReducedMotionAnimation { playReducedMotionAnimation(completion: completion) return } removeCurrentAnimationIfNecessary() if let loopMode { /// Set the loop mode, if one was supplied self.loopMode = loopMode } let context = AnimationContext( playFrom: animation.frameTime(forProgress: fromProgress ?? currentProgress), playTo: animation.frameTime(forProgress: toProgress), closure: completion) addNewAnimationForContext(context) } /// Plays the animation from a start frame to an end frame in the animation's framerate. /// /// - Parameter fromFrame: The start frame of the animation. If `nil` the animation will start at the current frame. /// - Parameter toFrame: The end frame of the animation. /// - Parameter loopMode: The loop behavior of the animation. If `nil` the layer's `loopMode` property will be used. /// - Parameter completion: An optional completion closure to be called when the animation stops. open func play( fromFrame: AnimationFrameTime? = nil, toFrame: AnimationFrameTime, loopMode: LottieLoopMode? = nil, completion: LottieCompletionBlock? = nil) { defer { currentPlaybackMode = .playing(.fromFrame(fromFrame, toFrame: toFrame, loopMode: loopMode ?? self.loopMode)) } if shouldOverrideWithReducedMotionAnimation { playReducedMotionAnimation(completion: completion) return } removeCurrentAnimationIfNecessary() if let loopMode { /// Set the loop mode, if one was supplied self.loopMode = loopMode } let context = AnimationContext( playFrom: fromFrame ?? currentFrame, playTo: toFrame, closure: completion) addNewAnimationForContext(context) } /// Plays the animation from a named marker to another marker. /// /// Markers are point in time that are encoded into the Animation data and assigned /// a name. /// /// NOTE: If markers are not found the play command will exit. /// /// - Parameter fromMarker: The start marker for the animation playback. If `nil` the /// animation will start at the current progress. /// - Parameter toMarker: The end marker for the animation playback. /// - Parameter playEndMarkerFrame: A flag to determine whether or not to play the frame of the end marker. If the /// end marker represents the end of the section to play, it should be to true. If the provided end marker /// represents the beginning of the next section, it should be false. /// - Parameter loopMode: The loop behavior of the animation. If `nil` the layer's `loopMode` property will be used. /// - Parameter completion: An optional completion closure to be called when the animation stops. open func play( fromMarker: String? = nil, toMarker: String, playEndMarkerFrame: Bool = true, loopMode: LottieLoopMode? = nil, completion: LottieCompletionBlock? = nil) { defer { currentPlaybackMode = .playing(.fromMarker( fromMarker, toMarker: toMarker, playEndMarkerFrame: playEndMarkerFrame, loopMode: loopMode ?? self.loopMode)) } if shouldOverrideWithReducedMotionAnimation { playReducedMotionAnimation(completion: completion) return } guard let animation, let markers = animation.markerMap, let to = markers[toMarker] else { return } removeCurrentAnimationIfNecessary() if let loopMode { /// Set the loop mode, if one was supplied self.loopMode = loopMode } let fromTime: CGFloat = if let fromName = fromMarker, let from = markers[fromName] { CGFloat(from.frameTime) } else { currentFrame } let playTo = playEndMarkerFrame ? CGFloat(to.frameTime) : CGFloat(to.frameTime) - 1 let context = AnimationContext( playFrom: fromTime, playTo: playTo, closure: completion) addNewAnimationForContext(context) } /// Plays the animation from a named marker to the end of the marker's duration. /// /// A marker is a point in time with an associated duration that is encoded into the /// animation data and assigned a name. /// /// NOTE: If marker is not found the play command will exit. /// /// - Parameter marker: The start marker for the animation playback. /// - Parameter loopMode: The loop behavior of the animation. If `nil` the layer's `loopMode` property will be used. /// - Parameter completion: An optional completion closure to be called when the animation stops. open func play( marker: String, loopMode: LottieLoopMode? = nil, completion: LottieCompletionBlock? = nil) { guard let from = animation?.markerMap?[marker] else { return } defer { currentPlaybackMode = .playing(.marker(marker, loopMode: loopMode ?? self.loopMode)) } if shouldOverrideWithReducedMotionAnimation { playReducedMotionAnimation(completion: completion) return } play( fromFrame: from.frameTime, toFrame: from.frameTime + from.durationFrameTime, loopMode: loopMode, completion: completion) } /// Plays the given markers sequentially in order. /// /// A marker is a point in time with an associated duration that is encoded into the /// animation data and assigned a name. Multiple markers can be played sequentially /// to create programmable animations. /// /// If a marker is not found, it will be skipped. /// /// If a marker doesn't have a duration value, it will play with a duration of 0 /// (effectively being skipped). /// /// If another animation is played (by calling any `play` method) while this /// marker sequence is playing, the marker sequence will be cancelled. /// /// - Parameter markers: The list of markers to play sequentially. /// - Parameter completion: An optional completion closure to be called when the animation stops. open func play( markers: [String], completion: LottieCompletionBlock? = nil) { guard !markers.isEmpty else { return } defer { currentPlaybackMode = .playing(.markers(markers)) } if shouldOverrideWithReducedMotionAnimation { playReducedMotionAnimation(completion: nil) return } let markerToPlay = markers[0] let followingMarkers = Array(markers.dropFirst()) guard animation?.markerMap?[markerToPlay] != nil else { play(markers: followingMarkers, completion: completion) return } play(marker: markerToPlay, loopMode: .playOnce, completion: { [weak self] completed in // If the completion handler is called with `completed: false` (which typically means // that another animation was played by calling some `play` method), // we should cancel the marker sequence and not play the next marker. guard completed, let self else { completion?(false) return } if followingMarkers.isEmpty { // If we don't have any more markers to play, then the marker sequence has completed. completion?(completed) } else { play(markers: followingMarkers, completion: completion) } }) } /// Stops the animation and resets the layer to its start frame. /// /// The completion closure will be called with `false` open func stop() { removeCurrentAnimation() currentFrame = 0 } /// Pauses the animation in its current state. /// /// The completion closure will be called with `false` open func pause() { pause(at: .currentFrame) } /// Pauses the animation at a given state. open func pause(at state: LottiePlaybackMode.PausedState) { switch state { case .currentFrame: removeCurrentAnimation() case .progress(let animationProgressTime): currentProgress = animationProgressTime case .frame(let animationFrameTime): currentFrame = animationFrameTime case .time(let timeInterval): currentTime = timeInterval case .marker(let name, let position): guard let from = animation?.markerMap?[name] else { return } switch position { case .start: currentTime = from.frameTime case .end: currentTime = from.frameTime + from.durationFrameTime } } currentPlaybackMode = .paused(at: state) } @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "setPlaybackMode(_:completion:)", message: "Will be removed in a future major release.") open func play( _ playbackMode: LottiePlaybackMode, animationCompletionHandler: LottieCompletionBlock? = nil) { setPlaybackMode(playbackMode, completion: animationCompletionHandler) } /// Applies the given `LottiePlaybackMode` to this layer. /// - Parameter playbackMode: The playback mode to apply /// - Parameter completion: A closure that is called after /// an animation triggered by this method completes. open func setPlaybackMode( _ playbackMode: LottiePlaybackMode, completion: LottieCompletionBlock? = nil) { switch playbackMode { case .paused(at: let state): pause(at: state) case .playing(let mode): play(mode, completion: completion) case .progress(let progress): pause(at: .progress(progress)) case .frame(let frame): pause(at: .frame(frame)) case .time(let time): pause(at: .time(time)) case .pause: pause(at: .currentFrame) case .fromProgress(let from, let to, let loopMode): play(.fromProgress(from, toProgress: to, loopMode: loopMode), completion: completion) case .fromFrame(let from, let to, let loopMode): play(.fromFrame(from, toFrame: to, loopMode: loopMode), completion: completion) case .fromMarker(let from, let to, let playEndMarkerFrame, let loopMode): play(.fromMarker(from, toMarker: to, playEndMarkerFrame: playEndMarkerFrame, loopMode: loopMode), completion: completion) case .marker(let name, let loopMode): play(.marker(name, loopMode: loopMode), completion: completion) case .markers(let names): play(.markers(names), completion: completion) } } /// Applies the given `LottiePlaybackMode` to this layer. /// - Parameter playbackMode: The playback mode to apply /// - Parameter completion: A closure that is called after /// an animation triggered by this method completes. open func play(_ playbackMode: LottiePlaybackMode.PlaybackMode, completion: LottieCompletionBlock? = nil) { switch playbackMode { case .fromProgress(let from, let to, let loopMode): play( fromProgress: from, toProgress: to, loopMode: loopMode, completion: completion) case .fromFrame(let from, let to, let loopMode): play( fromFrame: from, toFrame: to, loopMode: loopMode, completion: completion) case .fromMarker(let from, let to, let playEndMarkerFrame, let loopMode): play( fromMarker: from, toMarker: to, playEndMarkerFrame: playEndMarkerFrame, loopMode: loopMode, completion: completion) case .marker(let name, loopMode: let loopMode): play(marker: name, loopMode: loopMode, completion: completion) case .markers(let names): play(markers: names, completion: completion) } } // MARK: Public /// The current `LottiePlaybackMode` that is being used public private(set) var currentPlaybackMode: LottiePlaybackMode? /// Value Providers that have been registered using `setValueProvider(_:keypath:)` public private(set) var valueProviders = [AnimationKeypath: AnyValueProvider]() /// A closure called when the animation layer has been loaded. /// Will inform the receiver the type of rendering engine that is used for the layer. public var animationLayerDidLoad: ((_ animationLayer: LottieAnimationLayer, _ renderingEngine: RenderingEngineOption) -> Void)? /// The configuration that this `LottieAnimationView` uses when playing its animation public var configuration: LottieConfiguration { didSet { if configuration.renderingEngine != oldValue.renderingEngine { makeAnimationLayer(usingEngine: configuration.renderingEngine) } } } /// The underlying CALayer created to display the content. /// Use this property to change CALayer props like the content's transform, anchor point, etc. public var animationLayer: CALayer? { rootAnimationLayer } public var screenScale: CGFloat { didSet { rootAnimationLayer?.renderScale = screenScale } } /// Describes the behavior of an AnimationView when the app is moved to the background. /// /// The default for the Main Thread animation engine is `pause`, /// which pauses the animation when the application moves to /// the background. This prevents the animation from consuming CPU /// resources when not on-screen. The completion block is called with /// `false` for completed. /// /// The default for the Core Animation engine is `continuePlaying`, /// since the Core Animation engine does not have any CPU overhead. public var backgroundBehavior: LottieBackgroundBehavior { get { let currentBackgroundBehavior = _backgroundBehavior ?? .default(for: currentRenderingEngine ?? .mainThread) if currentRenderingEngine == .mainThread, _backgroundBehavior == .continuePlaying { logger.assertionFailure(""" `LottieBackgroundBehavior.continuePlaying` should not be used with the Main Thread rendering engine, since this would waste CPU resources on playing an animation that is not visible. Consider using a different background mode, or switching to the Core Animation rendering engine (which does not have any CPU overhead). """) } return currentBackgroundBehavior } set { _backgroundBehavior = newValue } } /// Sets the animation backing the animation layer. Setting this will clear the /// layer's contents, completion blocks and current state. The new animation will /// be loaded up and set to the beginning of its timeline. public var animation: LottieAnimation? { didSet { makeAnimationLayer(usingEngine: configuration.renderingEngine) if let animation { animationLoaded?(self, animation) } } } /// A closure that is called when `self.animation` is loaded. When setting this closure, /// it is called immediately if `self.animation` is non-nil. /// /// When initializing a `LottieAnimationView`, the animation will either be loaded /// synchronously (when loading a `LottieAnimation` from a .json file on disk) /// or asynchronously (when loading a `DotLottieFile` from disk, or downloading /// an animation from a URL). This closure is called in both cases once the /// animation is loaded and applied, so can be a useful way to configure this /// `LottieAnimationView` regardless of which initializer was used. For example: /// /// ``` /// let animationView: LottieAnimationView /// /// if loadDotLottieFile { /// // Loads the .lottie file asynchronously /// animationView = LottieAnimationView(dotLottieName: "animation") /// } else { /// // Loads the .json file synchronously /// animationView = LottieAnimationView(name: "animation") /// } /// /// animationView.animationLoaded = { animationView, animation in /// // If using a .lottie file, this is called once the file finishes loading. /// // If using a .json file, this is called immediately (since the animation is loaded synchronously). /// animationView.play() /// } /// ``` public var animationLoaded: ((_ animationLayer: LottieAnimationLayer, _ animation: LottieAnimation) -> Void)? { didSet { if let animation { animationLoaded?(self, animation) } } } /// Sets the image provider for the animation layer. An image provider provides the /// animation with its required image data. /// /// Setting this will cause the animation to reload its image contents. public var imageProvider: AnimationImageProvider { didSet { rootAnimationLayer?.imageProvider = imageProvider.cachedImageProvider reloadImages() } } /// Sets the text provider for animation layer. A text provider provides the /// animation with values for text layers public var textProvider: AnimationKeypathTextProvider { didSet { rootAnimationLayer?.textProvider = textProvider } } /// Sets the text provider for animation layer. A text provider provides the /// animation with values for text layers public var fontProvider: AnimationFontProvider { didSet { rootAnimationLayer?.fontProvider = fontProvider } } /// Whether or not the animation is masked to the bounds. Defaults to true. public var maskAnimationToBounds = true { didSet { animationLayer?.masksToBounds = maskAnimationToBounds } } /// Returns `true` if the animation is currently playing. public var isAnimationPlaying: Bool { guard let animationLayer = rootAnimationLayer else { return false } if let valueFromLayer = animationLayer.isAnimationPlaying { return valueFromLayer } else { return animationLayer.animation(forKey: activeAnimationName) != nil } } /// Sets the loop behavior for `play` calls. Defaults to `playOnce` public var loopMode: LottieLoopMode = .playOnce { didSet { updateInFlightAnimation() } } /// When `true` the animation layer will rasterize its contents when not animating. /// Rasterizing will improve performance of static animations. /// /// Note: this will not produce crisp results at resolutions above the animations natural resolution. /// /// Defaults to `false` public var shouldRasterizeWhenIdle = false { didSet { updateRasterizationState() } } /// Sets the current animation time with a Progress Time /// /// Note: Setting this will stop the current animation, if any. /// Note 2: If `animation` is nil, setting this will fallback to 0 public var currentProgress: AnimationProgressTime { set { if let animation { currentFrame = animation.frameTime(forProgress: newValue) currentPlaybackMode = .paused(at: .progress(newValue)) } else { currentFrame = 0 } } get { if let animation { animation.progressTime(forFrame: currentFrame) } else { 0 } } } /// Sets the current animation time with a time in seconds. /// /// Note: Setting this will stop the current animation, if any. /// Note 2: If `animation` is nil, setting this will fallback to 0 public var currentTime: TimeInterval { set { if let animation { currentFrame = animation.frameTime(forTime: newValue) currentPlaybackMode = .paused(at: .time(newValue)) } else { currentFrame = 0 } } get { if let animation { animation.time(forFrame: currentFrame) } else { 0 } } } /// Sets the current animation time with a frame in the animations framerate. /// /// Note: Setting this will stop the current animation, if any. public var currentFrame: AnimationFrameTime { set { removeCurrentAnimationIfNecessary() updateAnimationFrame(newValue) currentPlaybackMode = .paused(at: .frame(currentFrame)) } get { rootAnimationLayer?.currentFrame ?? 0 } } /// Returns the current animation frame while an animation is playing. public var realtimeAnimationFrame: AnimationFrameTime { isAnimationPlaying ? rootAnimationLayer?.presentation()?.currentFrame ?? currentFrame : currentFrame } /// Returns the current animation frame while an animation is playing. public var realtimeAnimationProgress: AnimationProgressTime { if let animation { return animation.progressTime(forFrame: realtimeAnimationFrame) } return 0 } /// Sets the speed of the animation playback. Defaults to 1 public var animationSpeed: CGFloat = 1 { didSet { updateInFlightAnimation() } } /// When `true` the animation will play back at the framerate encoded in the /// `LottieAnimation` model. When `false` the animation will play at the framerate /// of the device. /// /// Defaults to false public var respectAnimationFrameRate = false { didSet { rootAnimationLayer?.respectAnimationFrameRate = respectAnimationFrameRate } } /// The rendering engine currently being used by this layer. /// - This will only be `nil` in cases where the configuration is `automatic` /// but a `RootAnimationLayer` hasn't been constructed yet public var currentRenderingEngine: RenderingEngine? { switch configuration.renderingEngine { case .specific(let engine): return engine case .automatic: guard let animationLayer else { return nil } if animationLayer is CoreAnimationLayer { return .coreAnimation } else { return .mainThread } } } /// Whether or not the Main Thread rendering engine should use `forceDisplayUpdate()` /// when rendering each individual frame. /// - The main thread rendering engine implements optimizations to decrease the amount /// of properties that have to be re-rendered on each frame. There are some cases /// where this can result in bugs / incorrect behavior, so we allow it to be disabled. /// - Forcing a full render on every frame will decrease performance, and is not recommended /// except as a workaround to a bug in the main thread rendering engine. /// - Has no effect when using the Core Animation rendering engine. public var mainThreadRenderingEngineShouldForceDisplayUpdateOnEachFrame = false { didSet { (rootAnimationLayer as? MainThreadAnimationLayer)?.forceDisplayUpdateOnEachFrame = mainThreadRenderingEngineShouldForceDisplayUpdateOnEachFrame } } /// Sets the lottie file backing the animation layer. Setting this will clear the /// layer's contents, completion blocks and current state. The new animation will /// be loaded up and set to the beginning of its timeline. /// The loopMode, animationSpeed and imageProvider will be set according /// to lottie file settings /// - Parameters: /// - animationId: Internal animation id to play. Optional /// Defaults to play first animation in file. /// - dotLottieFile: Lottie file to play public func loadAnimation( _ animationId: String? = nil, from dotLottieFile: DotLottieFile) { guard let dotLottieAnimation = dotLottieFile.animation(for: animationId) else { return } loadAnimation(dotLottieAnimation) } /// Sets the lottie file backing the animation layer. Setting this will clear the /// layer's contents, completion blocks and current state. The new animation will /// be loaded up and set to the beginning of its timeline. /// The loopMode, animationSpeed and imageProvider will be set according /// to lottie file settings /// - Parameters: /// - atIndex: Internal animation index to play. /// Defaults to play first animation in file. /// - dotLottieFile: Lottie file to play public func loadAnimation( atIndex index: Int, from dotLottieFile: DotLottieFile) { guard let dotLottieAnimation = dotLottieFile.animation(at: index) else { return } loadAnimation(dotLottieAnimation) } /// Reloads the images supplied to the animation from the `imageProvider` public func reloadImages() { rootAnimationLayer?.reloadImages() } /// Forces the LottieAnimationView to redraw its contents. public func forceDisplayUpdate() { rootAnimationLayer?.forceDisplayUpdate() } /// Sets a ValueProvider for the specified keypath. The value provider will be set /// on all properties that match the keypath. /// /// Nearly all properties of a Lottie animation can be changed at runtime using a /// combination of `Animation Keypaths` and `Value Providers`. /// Setting a ValueProvider on a keypath will cause the animation to update its /// contents and read the new Value Provider. /// /// A value provider provides a typed value on a frame by frame basis. /// /// - Parameter valueProvider: The new value provider for the properties. /// - Parameter keypath: The keypath used to search for properties. /// /// Example: /// ``` /// /// A keypath that finds the color value for all `Fill 1` nodes. /// let fillKeypath = AnimationKeypath(keypath: "**.Fill 1.Color") /// /// A Color Value provider that returns a reddish color. /// let redValueProvider = ColorValueProvider(Color(r: 1, g: 0.2, b: 0.3, a: 1)) /// /// Set the provider on the animationView. /// animationView.setValueProvider(redValueProvider, keypath: fillKeypath) /// ``` public func setValueProvider(_ valueProvider: AnyValueProvider, keypath: AnimationKeypath) { guard let animationLayer = rootAnimationLayer else { return } valueProviders[keypath] = valueProvider animationLayer.setValueProvider(valueProvider, keypath: keypath) } /// Reads the value of a property specified by the Keypath. /// Returns nil if no property is found. /// /// - Parameter for: The keypath used to search for the property. /// - Parameter atFrame: The Frame Time of the value to query. If nil then the current frame is used. public func getValue(for keypath: AnimationKeypath, atFrame: AnimationFrameTime?) -> Any? { rootAnimationLayer?.getValue(for: keypath, atFrame: atFrame) } /// Reads the original value of a property specified by the Keypath. /// This will ignore any value providers and can be useful when implementing a value providers that makes change to the original value from the animation. /// Returns nil if no property is found. /// /// - Parameter for: The keypath used to search for the property. /// - Parameter atFrame: The Frame Time of the value to query. If nil then the current frame is used. public func getOriginalValue(for keypath: AnimationKeypath, atFrame: AnimationFrameTime?) -> Any? { rootAnimationLayer?.getOriginalValue(for: keypath, atFrame: atFrame) } /// Logs all child keypaths. public func logHierarchyKeypaths() { rootAnimationLayer?.logHierarchyKeypaths() } /// Computes and returns a list of all child keypaths in the current animation. /// The returned list is the same as the log output of `logHierarchyKeypaths()` public func allHierarchyKeypaths() -> [String] { rootAnimationLayer?.allHierarchyKeypaths() ?? [] } /// Converts a CGRect from the LottieAnimationView's coordinate space into the /// coordinate space of the layer found at Keypath. /// /// If no layer is found, nil is returned /// /// - Parameter rect: The CGRect to convert. /// - Parameter toLayerAt: The keypath used to find the layer. public func convert(_ rect: CGRect, toLayerAt keypath: AnimationKeypath?) -> CGRect? { guard let animationLayer = rootAnimationLayer else { return nil } guard let keypath else { return convert(rect, to: animationLayer) } guard let sublayer = animationLayer.layer(for: keypath) else { return nil } setNeedsLayout() layoutIfNeeded() forceDisplayUpdate() return animationLayer.convert(rect, to: sublayer) } /// Converts a CGPoint from the LottieAnimationView's coordinate space into the /// coordinate space of the layer found at Keypath. /// /// If no layer is found, nil is returned /// /// - Parameter point: The CGPoint to convert. /// - Parameter toLayerAt: The keypath used to find the layer. public func convert(_ point: CGPoint, toLayerAt keypath: AnimationKeypath?) -> CGPoint? { guard let animationLayer = rootAnimationLayer else { return nil } guard let keypath else { return convert(point, to: animationLayer) } guard let sublayer = animationLayer.layer(for: keypath) else { return nil } setNeedsLayout() layoutIfNeeded() forceDisplayUpdate() return animationLayer.convert(point, to: sublayer) } /// Sets the enabled state of all animator nodes found with the keypath search. /// This can be used to interactively enable / disable parts of the animation. /// /// - Parameter isEnabled: When true the animator nodes affect the rendering tree. When false the node is removed from the tree. /// - Parameter keypath: The keypath used to find the node(s). public func setNodeIsEnabled(isEnabled: Bool, keypath: AnimationKeypath) { guard let animationLayer = rootAnimationLayer else { return } let nodes = animationLayer.animatorNodes(for: keypath) if let nodes { for node in nodes { node.isEnabled = isEnabled } forceDisplayUpdate() } } /// Markers are a way to describe a point in time by a key name. /// /// Markers are encoded into animation JSON. By using markers a designer can mark /// playback points for a developer to use without having to worry about keeping /// track of animation frames. If the animation file is updated, the developer /// does not need to update playback code. /// /// Returns the Progress Time for the marker named. Returns nil if no marker found. public func progressTime(forMarker named: String) -> AnimationProgressTime? { guard let animation else { return nil } return animation.progressTime(forMarker: named) } /// Markers are a way to describe a point in time by a key name. /// /// Markers are encoded into animation JSON. By using markers a designer can mark /// playback points for a developer to use without having to worry about keeping /// track of animation frames. If the animation file is updated, the developer /// does not need to update playback code. /// /// Returns the Frame Time for the marker named. Returns nil if no marker found. public func frameTime(forMarker named: String) -> AnimationFrameTime? { guard let animation else { return nil } return animation.frameTime(forMarker: named) } /// Markers are a way to describe a point in time and a duration by a key name. /// /// Markers are encoded into animation JSON. By using markers a designer can mark /// playback points for a developer to use without having to worry about keeping /// track of animation frames. If the animation file is updated, the developer /// does not need to update playback code. /// /// - Returns: The duration frame time for the marker, or `nil` if no marker found. public func durationFrameTime(forMarker named: String) -> AnimationFrameTime? { guard let animation else { return nil } return animation.durationFrameTime(forMarker: named) } public func updateAnimationForBackgroundState() { if let currentContext = animationContext { switch backgroundBehavior { case .stop: removeCurrentAnimation() updateAnimationFrame(currentContext.playFrom) case .pause: removeCurrentAnimation() case .pauseAndRestore: currentContext.closure.ignoreDelegate = true removeCurrentAnimation() /// Keep the stale context around for when the app enters the foreground. animationContext = currentContext case .forceFinish: removeCurrentAnimation() updateAnimationFrame(currentContext.playTo) case .continuePlaying: break } } } public func updateAnimationForForegroundState(wasWaitingToPlayAnimation: Bool) { if let currentContext = animationContext { if wasWaitingToPlayAnimation { addNewAnimationForContext(currentContext) } else if backgroundBehavior == .pauseAndRestore { /// Restore animation from saved state updateInFlightAnimation() } } } // MARK: Internal var rootAnimationLayer: RootAnimationLayer? = nil /// Context describing the animation that is currently playing in this `LottieAnimationView` /// - When non-nil, an animation is currently playing in this layer. Otherwise, /// the layer is paused on a specific frame. fileprivate(set) var animationContext: AnimationContext? var hasAnimationContext: Bool { animationContext != nil } /// Set animation name from Interface Builder var animationName: String? { didSet { animation = animationName.flatMap { LottieAnimation.named($0, animationCache: nil) } } } /// Updates the animation frame. Does not affect any current animations func updateAnimationFrame(_ newFrame: CGFloat) { // In performance tests, we have to wrap the animation layer setup // in a `CATransaction` in order for the layers to be deallocated at // the correct time. The `CATransaction`s in this method interfere // with the ones managed by the performance test, and aren't actually // necessary in a headless environment, so we disable them. if TestHelpers.performanceTestsAreRunning { rootAnimationLayer?.currentFrame = newFrame rootAnimationLayer?.forceDisplayUpdate() return } CATransaction.begin() CATransaction.setCompletionBlock { self.rootAnimationLayer?.forceDisplayUpdate() } CATransaction.setDisableActions(true) rootAnimationLayer?.currentFrame = newFrame CATransaction.commit() } /// Updates an in flight animation. func updateInFlightAnimation() { guard let animationContext else { return } guard animationContext.closure.animationState != .complete else { // Tried to re-add an already completed animation. Cancel. self.animationContext = nil return } /// Tell existing context to ignore its closure animationContext.closure.ignoreDelegate = true /// Make a new context, stealing the completion block from the previous. let newContext = AnimationContext( playFrom: animationContext.playFrom, playTo: animationContext.playTo, closure: animationContext.closure.completionBlock) /// Remove current animation, and freeze the current frame. let pauseFrame = realtimeAnimationFrame rootAnimationLayer?.removeAnimation(forKey: activeAnimationName) rootAnimationLayer?.currentFrame = pauseFrame addNewAnimationForContext(newContext) } func updateRasterizationState() { if isAnimationPlaying { animationLayer?.shouldRasterize = false } else { animationLayer?.shouldRasterize = shouldRasterizeWhenIdle } } func loadAnimation(_ animationSource: LottieAnimationSource?) { switch animationSource { case .lottieAnimation(let animation): self.animation = animation case .dotLottieFile(let dotLottieFile): loadAnimation(from: dotLottieFile) case nil: animation = nil } } // MARK: Fileprivate fileprivate var _activeAnimationName: String = LottieAnimationLayer.animationName fileprivate var animationID = 0 fileprivate var activeAnimationName: String { switch rootAnimationLayer?.primaryAnimationKey { case .specific(let animationKey): animationKey case .managed, nil: _activeAnimationName } } /// Stops the current in flight animation and freezes the animation in its current state. fileprivate func removeCurrentAnimation() { guard animationContext != nil else { return } let pauseFrame = realtimeAnimationFrame animationLayer?.removeAnimation(forKey: activeAnimationName) updateAnimationFrame(pauseFrame) animationContext = nil } fileprivate func makeAnimationLayer(usingEngine renderingEngine: RenderingEngineOption) { /// Disable the default implicit crossfade animation Core Animation creates /// when adding or removing sublayers. actions = ["sublayers": NSNull()] /// Remove current animation if any removeCurrentAnimation() if let oldAnimation = animationLayer { oldAnimation.removeFromSuperlayer() rootAnimationLayer = nil } guard let animation else { return } let rootAnimationLayer: RootAnimationLayer? = switch renderingEngine { case .automatic: makeAutomaticEngineLayer(for: animation) case .specific(.coreAnimation): makeCoreAnimationLayer(for: animation) case .specific(.mainThread): makeMainThreadAnimationLayer(for: animation) } guard let animationLayer = rootAnimationLayer else { return } animationLayer.lottieAnimationLayer = self for (keypath, valueProvider) in valueProviders { animationLayer.setValueProvider(valueProvider, keypath: keypath) } animationLayerDidLoad?(self, renderingEngine) animationLayer.renderScale = screenScale addSublayer(animationLayer) self.rootAnimationLayer = animationLayer reloadImages() animationLayer.setNeedsDisplay() setNeedsLayout() currentFrame = CGFloat(animation.startFrame) } fileprivate func makeMainThreadAnimationLayer(for animation: LottieAnimation) -> MainThreadAnimationLayer { let mainThreadAnimationLayer = MainThreadAnimationLayer( animation: animation, imageProvider: imageProvider.cachedImageProvider, textProvider: textProvider, fontProvider: fontProvider, maskAnimationToBounds: maskAnimationToBounds, logger: logger) mainThreadAnimationLayer.forceDisplayUpdateOnEachFrame = mainThreadRenderingEngineShouldForceDisplayUpdateOnEachFrame return mainThreadAnimationLayer } fileprivate func makeCoreAnimationLayer(for animation: LottieAnimation) -> CoreAnimationLayer? { do { let coreAnimationLayer = try CoreAnimationLayer( animation: animation, imageProvider: imageProvider.cachedImageProvider, textProvider: textProvider, fontProvider: fontProvider, maskAnimationToBounds: maskAnimationToBounds, compatibilityTrackerMode: .track, logger: logger) coreAnimationLayer.didSetUpAnimation = { [logger] compatibilityIssues in logger.assert( compatibilityIssues.isEmpty, "Encountered Core Animation compatibility issues while setting up animation:\n" + compatibilityIssues.map { $0.description }.joined(separator: "\n") + "\n\n" + """ This animation cannot be rendered correctly by the Core Animation engine. To resolve this issue, you can use `RenderingEngineOption.automatic`, which automatically falls back to the Main Thread rendering engine when necessary, or just use `RenderingEngineOption.mainThread`. """) } return coreAnimationLayer } catch { // This should never happen, because we initialize the `CoreAnimationLayer` with // `CompatibilityTracker.Mode.track` (which reports errors in `didSetUpAnimation`, // not by throwing). logger.assertionFailure("Encountered unexpected error \(error)") return nil } } fileprivate func makeAutomaticEngineLayer(for animation: LottieAnimation) -> CoreAnimationLayer? { do { // Attempt to set up the Core Animation layer. This can either throw immediately in `init`, // or throw an error later in `CALayer.display()` that will be reported in `didSetUpAnimation`. let coreAnimationLayer = try CoreAnimationLayer( animation: animation, imageProvider: imageProvider.cachedImageProvider, textProvider: textProvider, fontProvider: fontProvider, maskAnimationToBounds: maskAnimationToBounds, compatibilityTrackerMode: .abort, logger: logger) coreAnimationLayer.didSetUpAnimation = { [weak self] issues in self?.automaticEngineLayerDidSetUpAnimation(issues) } return coreAnimationLayer } catch { if case CompatibilityTracker.Error.encounteredCompatibilityIssue(let compatibilityIssue) = error { automaticEngineLayerDidSetUpAnimation([compatibilityIssue]) } else { // This should never happen, because we expect `CoreAnimationLayer` to only throw // `CompatibilityTracker.Error.encounteredCompatibilityIssue` errors. logger.assertionFailure("Encountered unexpected error \(error)") automaticEngineLayerDidSetUpAnimation([]) } return nil } } /// Handles any compatibility issues with the Core Animation engine /// by falling back to the Main Thread engine fileprivate func automaticEngineLayerDidSetUpAnimation(_ compatibilityIssues: [CompatibilityIssue]) { // If there weren't any compatibility issues, then there's nothing else to do if compatibilityIssues.isEmpty { return } logger.warn( "Encountered Core Animation compatibility issue while setting up animation:\n" + compatibilityIssues.map { $0.description }.joined(separator: "\n") + "\n" + """ This animation may have additional compatibility issues, but animation setup was cancelled early to avoid wasted work. Automatically falling back to Main Thread rendering engine. This fallback comes with some additional performance overhead, which can be reduced by manually specifying that this animation should always use the Main Thread engine. """) let animationContext = animationContext let currentFrame = currentFrame // Disable the completion handler delegate before tearing down the `CoreAnimationLayer` // and building the `MainThreadAnimationLayer`. Otherwise deinitializing the // `CoreAnimationLayer` would trigger the animation completion handler even though // the animation hasn't even started playing yet. animationContext?.closure.ignoreDelegate = true makeAnimationLayer(usingEngine: .mainThread) // Set up the Main Thread animation layer using the same configuration that // was being used by the previous Core Animation layer self.currentFrame = currentFrame if let animationContext { // `AnimationContext.closure` (`AnimationCompletionDelegate`) is a reference type // that is the animation layer's `CAAnimationDelegate`, and holds a reference to // the animation layer. Reusing a single instance across different animation layers // can cause the animation setup to fail, so we create a copy of the `animationContext`: addNewAnimationForContext(AnimationContext( playFrom: animationContext.playFrom, playTo: animationContext.playTo, closure: animationContext.closure.completionBlock)) } } /// Removes the current animation and pauses the animation at the current frame /// if necessary before setting up a new animation. /// - This is not necessary with the Core Animation engine, and skipping /// this step lets us avoid building the animations twice (once paused /// and once again playing) /// - This method should only be called immediately before setting up another /// animation -- otherwise this LottieAnimationView could be put in an inconsistent state. fileprivate func removeCurrentAnimationIfNecessary() { switch currentRenderingEngine { case .mainThread: removeCurrentAnimation() case .coreAnimation, nil: // We still need to remove the `animationContext`, since it should only be present // when an animation is actually playing. Without this calling `removeCurrentAnimationIfNecessary()` // and then setting the animation to a specific paused frame would put this // `LottieAnimationView` in an inconsistent state. animationContext = nil } } /// Adds animation to animation layer and sets the delegate. If animation layer or animation are nil, exits. fileprivate func addNewAnimationForContext(_ animationContext: AnimationContext) { guard let animationlayer = rootAnimationLayer, let animation else { return } self.animationContext = animationContext animationID = animationID + 1 _activeAnimationName = LottieAnimationLayer.animationName + String(animationID) if let coreAnimationLayer = animationlayer as? CoreAnimationLayer { var animationContext = animationContext // Core Animation doesn't natively support negative speed values, // so instead we can swap `playFrom` / `playTo` if animationSpeed < 0 { let temp = animationContext.playFrom animationContext.playFrom = animationContext.playTo animationContext.playTo = temp } var timingConfiguration = CoreAnimationLayer.CAMediaTimingConfiguration( autoreverses: loopMode.caAnimationConfiguration.autoreverses, repeatCount: loopMode.caAnimationConfiguration.repeatCount, speed: abs(Float(animationSpeed))) // The animation should start playing from the `currentFrame`, // if `currentFrame` is included in the time range being played. let lowerBoundTime = min(animationContext.playFrom, animationContext.playTo) let upperBoundTime = max(animationContext.playFrom, animationContext.playTo) if (lowerBoundTime ..< upperBoundTime).contains(round(currentFrame)) { // We have to configure this differently depending on the loop mode: switch loopMode { // When playing exactly once (and not looping), we can just set the // `playFrom` time to be the `currentFrame`. Since the animation duration // is based on `playFrom` and `playTo`, this automatically truncates the // duration (so the animation stops playing at `playFrom`). // - Don't do this if the animation is already at that frame // (e.g. playing from 100% to 0% when the animation is already at 0%) // since that would cause the animation to not play at all. case .playOnce: if animationContext.playTo != currentFrame { animationContext.playFrom = currentFrame } // When looping, we specifically _don't_ want to affect the duration of the animation, // since that would affect the duration of all subsequent loops. We just want to adjust // the duration of the _first_ loop. Instead of setting `playFrom`, we just add a `timeOffset` // so the first loop begins at `currentTime` but all subsequent loops are the standard duration. default: if animationSpeed < 0 { timingConfiguration.timeOffset = animation.time(forFrame: animationContext.playFrom) - currentTime } else { timingConfiguration.timeOffset = currentTime - animation.time(forFrame: animationContext.playFrom) } } } // If attempting to play a zero-duration animation, just pause on that single frame instead if animationContext.playFrom == animationContext.playTo { currentFrame = animationContext.playTo animationContext.closure.completionBlock?(true) return } coreAnimationLayer.playAnimation(configuration: .init( animationContext: animationContext, timingConfiguration: timingConfiguration)) return } /// At this point there is no animation on animationLayer and its state is set. let framerate = animation.framerate let playFrom = animationContext.playFrom.clamp(animation.startFrame, animation.endFrame) let playTo = animationContext.playTo.clamp(animation.startFrame, animation.endFrame) let duration = ((max(playFrom, playTo) - min(playFrom, playTo)) / CGFloat(framerate)) let playingForward: Bool = ( (animationSpeed > 0 && playFrom < playTo) || (animationSpeed < 0 && playTo < playFrom)) var startFrame = currentFrame.clamp(min(playFrom, playTo), max(playFrom, playTo)) if startFrame == playTo { startFrame = playFrom } let timeOffset: TimeInterval = playingForward ? Double(startFrame - min(playFrom, playTo)) / framerate : Double(max(playFrom, playTo) - startFrame) / framerate let layerAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "currentFrame") layerAnimation.fromValue = playFrom layerAnimation.toValue = playTo layerAnimation.speed = Float(animationSpeed) layerAnimation.duration = TimeInterval(duration) layerAnimation.fillMode = CAMediaTimingFillMode.both layerAnimation.repeatCount = loopMode.caAnimationConfiguration.repeatCount layerAnimation.autoreverses = loopMode.caAnimationConfiguration.autoreverses layerAnimation.isRemovedOnCompletion = false if timeOffset != 0 { let currentLayerTime = convertTime(CACurrentMediaTime(), from: nil) layerAnimation.beginTime = currentLayerTime - (timeOffset * 1 / Double(abs(animationSpeed))) } layerAnimation.delegate = animationContext.closure animationContext.closure.animationLayer = animationlayer animationContext.closure.animationKey = activeAnimationName animationlayer.add(layerAnimation, forKey: activeAnimationName) updateRasterizationState() } // MARK: Private static private let animationName = "Lottie" private let logger: LottieLogger /// The `LottieBackgroundBehavior` that was specified manually by setting `self.backgroundBehavior` private var _backgroundBehavior: LottieBackgroundBehavior? /// Whether or not the current animation should be overridden with /// the marker matching the current "reduced motion" mode. private var shouldOverrideWithReducedMotionAnimation: Bool { reducedMotionMarker != nil } /// The marker that corresponds to the current "reduced motion" mode. private var reducedMotionMarker: Marker? { switch configuration.reducedMotionOption.currentReducedMotionMode { case .standardMotion: nil case .reducedMotion: animation?.reducedMotionMarker } } private func loadAnimation(_ dotLottieAnimation: DotLottieFile.Animation) { loopMode = dotLottieAnimation.configuration.loopMode animationSpeed = CGFloat(dotLottieAnimation.configuration.speed) if let imageProvider = dotLottieAnimation.configuration.imageProvider { self.imageProvider = imageProvider } animation = dotLottieAnimation.animation } /// Plays the marker that corresponds to the current "reduced motion" mode if present. private func playReducedMotionAnimation(completion: LottieCompletionBlock?) { guard let reducedMotionMarker else { return } // `play(marker:)` calls the `play(fromFrame:toFrame:)` method which calls this // `playReducedMotionAnimation` method when `shouldOverrideWithReducedMotionAnimation` // is `true`. To prevent infinite recursion, disable the reduced motion functionality // until the end of this function. let currentConfiguration = configuration configuration.reducedMotionOption = .standardMotion defer { configuration = currentConfiguration } play(marker: reducedMotionMarker.name, completion: completion) } } // MARK: - LottieLoopMode + caAnimationConfiguration extension LottieLoopMode { /// The `CAAnimation` configuration that reflects this mode var caAnimationConfiguration: (repeatCount: Float, autoreverses: Bool) { switch self { case .playOnce: (repeatCount: 1, autoreverses: false) case .loop: (repeatCount: .greatestFiniteMagnitude, autoreverses: false) case .autoReverse: (repeatCount: .greatestFiniteMagnitude, autoreverses: true) case .repeat(let amount): (repeatCount: amount, autoreverses: false) case .repeatBackwards(let amount): (repeatCount: amount, autoreverses: true) } } }