jest.setTimeout(50000) const platformInfo = process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.toLocaleLowerCase() const isWeb = platformInfo.startsWith('web') const isAndroid = platformInfo.startsWith('android') const isIos = platformInfo.startsWith('ios') const isMP = platformInfo.startsWith('mp') const FIRST_PAGE_PATH = '/pages/API/dialog-page/dialog-page' const NEXT_PAGE_PATH = '/pages/API/dialog-page/next-page' describe('dialog page', () => { if (process.env.UNI_AUTOMATOR_APP_WEBVIEW == 'true') { it('skip app-webview', () => { expect(1).toBe(1) }) return } if (isMP) { it('skip mp', () => { expect(1).toBe(1) }) return } let page; let initLifeCycleNum; let lifecycleNum; beforeAll(async () => { page = await program.reLaunch(FIRST_PAGE_PATH) await page.waitFor('view'); initLifeCycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum'); await page.callMethod('setLifeCycleNum', 0) lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(0) }); it('open dialog1', async () => { await page.callMethod('openDialog1'); // 无法通过获取 dom 元素来判断是否打开了 dialogPage await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } const image = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: { x: 0, y: 200, } }); expect(image).toSaveImageSnapshot(); lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') // 不应触发父页面的生命周期,应该触发: // 1. openDialogPage success & complete callback // 2. dialog page 生命周期 expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(7) await page.callMethod('setLifeCycleNum', 0) }); it('check dialogPage methods', async () => { expect(await page.callMethod('dialogPageCheckGetDialogPages')).toBe(true) let dialogPageStyle = await page.callMethod('dialogPageGetPageStyle') expect(dialogPageStyle.backgroundColorContent).not.toBe('red') await page.callMethod('dialogPageSetPageStyle') dialogPageStyle = await page.callMethod('dialogPageGetPageStyle') expect(dialogPageStyle.backgroundColorContent).toBe('red') expect(await page.callMethod('dialogPageCheckGetElementById')).toBe(true) expect(await page.callMethod('dialogCheckGetAndroidView')).toBe(isAndroid) expect(await page.callMethod('dialogCheckGetIOSView')).toBe(false) expect(await page.callMethod('dialogCheckGetHTMLElement')).toBe(isWeb) }) it('closeDialogPage', async () => { await page.callMethod('closeDialog'); const image = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: { x: 0, y: 200, } }); expect(image).toSaveImageSnapshot(); // closeDialogPage success & complete callback 应被触发 // dialogPage onUnload 应被触发 lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(-3) await page.callMethod('setLifeCycleNum', 0) }) it('openDialog with wrong path', async () => { await page.callMethod('openDialog1WrongPath') lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(-3) await page.callMethod('setLifeCycleNum', 0) }) it('navigateTo nextPage & open Dialog', async () => { await page.callMethod('goNextPageOpenDialog1') await page.waitFor(2000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(3000) } page = await program.currentPage() expect(page.path).toBe(NEXT_PAGE_PATH.substring(1)) await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } const image = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: { x: 0, y: 200, } }); expect(image).toSaveImageSnapshot(); lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(-4) await page.callMethod('setLifeCycleNum', 0) }) it('dialog1 navigateBack', async () => { await program.navigateBack() page = await program.currentPage() // dialogPage onBackPress 返回 true, 应可以拦截 navigateBack expect(page.path).toBe(NEXT_PAGE_PATH.substring(1)) const image = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: { x: 0, y: 200, } }); expect(image).toSaveImageSnapshot(); lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') // onBackPress 生命周期应该被触发 expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(1) await page.callMethod('setLifeCycleNum', 0) }) it('open dialog2', async () => { await page.callMethod('openDialog2') await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') // 应触发前一个 dialogPage 的 onHide expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(4) await page.callMethod('setLifeCycleNum', 0) }) it('closeDialogPage', async () => { await page.callMethod('closeDialog') lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') // 应触发 success & complete 回调 // 应触发 dialogPage 的 unload,下层的 dialogPage 会先 show 再 unload expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(-7) const image = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: { x: 0, y: 200, } }); expect(image).toSaveImageSnapshot(); await page.callMethod('setLifeCycleNum', 0) }) it('open multiple dialog page', async () => { await page.callMethod('openDialog1') await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } const image1 = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: { x: 0, y: 200, } }); expect(image1).toSaveImageSnapshot(); lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(4) await page.callMethod('openDialog2') await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } const image2 = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: { x: 0, y: 200, } }); expect(image2).toSaveImageSnapshot(); lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(8) await page.callMethod('setLifeCycleNum', 0) }) it('openDialogPage to home page', async () => { // 本测试例中是在 FIRST_PAGE_PATH 中打开 await page.callMethod('openDialogPage1ToHomePage') await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(4) await page.callMethod('setLifeCycleNum', 0) }) it('dialog2 navigateBack', async () => { await program.navigateBack() page = await program.currentPage() expect(page.path).toBe(FIRST_PAGE_PATH.substring(1)) const image = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: { x: 0, y: 200, } }); expect(image).toSaveImageSnapshot(); lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') // dialogPage2 onBackPress +1 dialogPage1 show +1 dialogPage unload -5*2 firstPage show +10 expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(2) await page.callMethod('setLifeCycleNum', 0) }) it('close specified dialogPage', async () => { await page.callMethod('openDialog2') await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } const image1 = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: { x: 0, y: 200, } }); expect(image1).toSaveImageSnapshot(); lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(4) await page.callMethod('openDialog1') await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } const image2 = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: { x: 0, y: 200, } }); expect(image2).toSaveImageSnapshot(); lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(10) await page.callMethod('closeSpecifiedDialog', 0) const image3 = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: { x: 0, y: 200, } }); expect(image3).toSaveImageSnapshot(); lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(7) await page.callMethod('closeSpecifiedDialog', 1) const image4 = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: { x: 0, y: 200, } }); expect(image4).toSaveImageSnapshot(); lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(5) await page.callMethod('closeSpecifiedDialog', 0) const image5 = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: { x: 0, y: 200, } }); expect(image5).toSaveImageSnapshot(); lifecycleNum = await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum') expect(lifecycleNum).toBe(2) await page.callMethod('setLifeCycleNum', 0) }) it('check triggerParentHide', async () => { // no triggerParentHide should not trigger parent hide await page.callMethod('openDialog4') await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } // dialog4 show +1 expect(await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum')).toBe(1) await page.callMethod('closeDialog') await page.waitFor(200) // dialog4 unload -5 closeDialog callback +2 expect(await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum')).toBe(-2) // triggerParentHide should trigger parent hide await page.callMethod('openDialogWithTriggerParentHide') await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } // openDialog callback +2 dialog4 show +1 parent hide -10 expect(await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum')).toBe(-9) await page.callMethod('closeDialog') await page.waitFor(200) // dialog4 unload -5 parent show +10 closeDialog callback +2 expect(await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum')).toBe(-2) // triggerParentHide should trigger parent hide await page.callMethod('openDialogWithTriggerParentHide') await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } // openDialog callback +2 dialog4 show +1 parent hide -10 expect(await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum')).toBe(-9) // second triggerParentHide should not trigger parent hide await page.callMethod('openDialogWithTriggerParentHide') await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } // openDialog callback +2 dialog4 show +1 expect(await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum')).toBe(-6) await page.callMethod('closeSpecifiedDialog', 1) await page.waitFor(200) // close not last triggerParentHide should not trigger parent show // close callback +2 dialog4 unload -5 dialog4 show +1 expect(await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum')).toBe(-8) await page.callMethod('closeSpecifiedDialog', 0) await page.waitFor(200) // close last triggerParentHide should trigger parent show // close callback +2 dialog4 unload -5 parent show +10 expect(await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum')).toBe(-1) // no triggerParentHide should not trigger parent hide await page.callMethod('openDialog4') await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } // dialog4 show +1 expect(await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum')).toBe(0) // triggerParentHide should trigger parent hide await page.callMethod('openDialogWithTriggerParentHide') await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } // openDialog callback +2 dialog4 show +1 parent hide -10 expect(await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum')).toBe(-7) // second triggerParentHide should not trigger parent hide await page.callMethod('openDialogWithTriggerParentHide') await page.waitFor(1000) if (isWeb) { await page.waitFor(2000) } // openDialog callback +2 dialog4 show +1 expect(await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum')).toBe(-4) // close middle triggerParentHide dialogPage await page.callMethod('closeSpecifiedDialog', 1) await page.waitFor(200) // close callback +2 dialog4 unload -5 expect(await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum')).toBe(-7) // close last triggerParentHide dialogPage shoud trigger parent show await page.callMethod('closeSpecifiedDialog', 1) await page.waitFor(200) // close callback +2 dialog4 unload -5 dialog4 show +1 parent show +10 expect(await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum')).toBe(1) await page.callMethod('closeDialog') await page.waitFor(200) // close callback +2 dialog4 unload -5 expect(await page.callMethod('getLifeCycleNum')).toBe(-2) }) if (isAndroid || isIos) { it('after closeDialogPage reset statusBar color', async () => { const adbScreenShotArea = { x: 900, y: 50, width: 100, height: 70 }; if (process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.startsWith('android 6')) { adbScreenShotArea.x = 535 adbScreenShotArea.width = 90 adbScreenShotArea.height = 50 } else if (process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.startsWith('android 12')) { adbScreenShotArea.x = 1160 adbScreenShotArea.width = 70 adbScreenShotArea.height = 80 } await page.callMethod('openDialog4') await page.waitFor(1000) const imageForDialog4 = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: adbScreenShotArea, }); expect(imageForDialog4).toSaveImageSnapshot(); await page.callMethod('closeDialog') await page.waitFor(1000) const imageForParent = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: adbScreenShotArea, }); expect(imageForParent).toSaveImageSnapshot(); }) } it('input-hold-keyboard in dialog', async () => { await page.callMethod('jest_OpenDialog1') await page.waitFor(2000); await page.callMethod('jest_getTapPoint') const point_x = await'jest_click_x'); const point_y = await'jest_click_y'); if (isAndroid) { await program.adbCommand("input tap" + " " + point_x + " " + point_y) console.log("input tap" + " " + point_x + " " + point_y); } else { await program.tap({ x: point_x, y: point_y }) } await page.waitFor(1000); const image = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true, area: { x: 0, y: 200, } }) expect(image).toSaveImageSnapshot() await page.waitFor(2000); await page.callMethod('jest_CloseDialog1') }) it('dialogPage hideStatusBar hideBottomNavigationIndicator', async () => { if (isAndroid) { await page.callMethod('openDialog2ForTest'); await page.waitFor(1000); await page.callMethod('setPageStyleForTest', { hideStatusBar: true, hideBottomNavigationIndicator: true }); await page.waitFor(2000); const image = await program.screenshot({ deviceShot: true }); expect(image).toSaveImageSnapshot(); await page.waitFor(2000); await page.callMethod('closeDialog2ForTest'); } }); afterAll(async () => { await page.callMethod('setLifeCycleNum', initLifeCycleNum) }); });