提交 f4686a31 编写于 作者: DCloud-WZF's avatar DCloud-WZF 💬

feat(eventBus): 补充返回 id 示例及测试

上级 b94d666a
......@@ -77,4 +77,13 @@ describe('event-bus', () => {
const l3 = (await page.data()).log.length
it('test return id', async () => {
await page.callMethod('clear')
expect((await page.data()).log.length).toBe(0)
await page.callMethod('testReturnId')
const logs = await page.data('log')
expect(logs[0]).toBe('触发 test-return-id $on fn')
expect(logs[1]).toBe('触发 test-return-id $once fn')
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
<text>接收到的 obj 参数:</text>
<button @click="testReturnId">测试返回 id</button>
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
......@@ -71,6 +72,19 @@
clear() {
this.log.length = 0
const id1 = uni.$on('test-return-id', this.fn)
uni.$emit('test-return-id', '触发 test-return-id $on fn')
uni.$off('test-return-id', id1)
uni.$emit('test-return-id', '触发 test-return-id $on fn')
uni.$once('test-return-id', this.fn)
uni.$emit('test-return-id', '触发 test-return-id $once fn')
uni.$emit('test-return-id', '触发 test-return-id $once fn')
const id2 = uni.$once('test-id', this.fn)
uni.$off('test-return-id', id2)
uni.$emit('test-return-id', '触发 test-return-id $once fn')
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