提交 e6aefb2f 编写于 作者: DCloud-WZF's avatar DCloud-WZF 💬

fix: 冲突合并

上级 ed467a40
......@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@
<view class="uni-list uni-common-pl">
<radio-group @change="radioChange">
<radio class="uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd radio" v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="item.value"
:class="index < items.length - 1 ? 'uni-list-cell-line' : ''" :value="item.value"
:checked="index === current">
<radio-group @change="radioChange" class="radio-group">
class="uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd radio"
......@@ -44,42 +40,6 @@
<script lang="uts">
type ItemType = {
value : string
name : string
export default {
data() {
return {
title: 'loading',
items: [
value: 'null',
name: '无标题',
value: '三秒后自动关闭',
name: '普通标题',
value: '超长文本内容,测试超出范围-超长文本内容,测试超出范围-三秒后自动关闭',
name: '长标题',
] as ItemType[],
current: 0,
maskSelect: false,
titleSelect: "null"
title:'onLoad 调用示例,1秒后消失'
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
methods: {
type ItemType = {
value : string
name : string
<list-view id="listview" style="flex: 1;" show-scrollbar=false @scrolltolower="onScrollTolower">
<list-item v-for="index in item_count" class="item" @click="itemClick(index)">
<list-view id="listview" style="flex: 1;" show-scrollbar=false @scrolltolower="onScrollTolower">
<list-item v-for="index in item_count" class="item">
<text >item-------<text>{{index}}</text></text>
<list-view id="list-view" ref="list-view" show-scrollbar=false class="page" :scroll-into-view="scrollIntoView"
@scroll="onScroll" @scrollend="onScrollEnd" rebound="false">
<list-item style="padding: 10px; margin: 5px 0;align-items: center;" type = 20>
<list-item style="padding: 10px; margin: 5px 0;align-items: center;">
<button @click="gotoStickyHeader('C')" size="mini">跳转到id为C的sticky-header位置上</button>
<sticky-section v-for="(sectionText) in data" :padding="sectionPadding" :push-pinned-header="true">
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<text class="text">{{sectionText}}--item--content----{{i}}</text>
<list-item style="padding: 10px; margin: 5px 0;align-items: center;" type= 30>
<list-item style="padding: 10px; margin: 5px 0;align-items: center;">
<!-- <text style="color: #aaa">到底了</text> -->
<button @click="toTop" size="mini">回到顶部</button>
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ const pages = [
// '/pages/component/image/image-large', // 截图过大
// '/pages/component/image/image-path', // 网络资源加载,单独测试例截图
// '/pages/component/image/image-path', // 网络资源加载
// '/pages/component/input/input', // 自动获取焦点,单独测试例截图
// '/pages/component/list-view/list-view',
......@@ -112,7 +111,6 @@ const pages = [
// '/pages/template/drop-card/drop-card',
// '/pages/template/list-news/list-news', // 网络资源加载,单独测试例截图
// '/pages/template/list-news/list-news', // 网络资源加载
// '/pages/template/long-list/long-list', // 动态内容
......@@ -144,7 +142,6 @@ const notFullPages = [
let page;
describe("page screenshot test", () => {
describe("page screenshot test", () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
console.log("page screenshot test start");
......@@ -165,13 +162,10 @@ describe("page screenshot test", () => {
if (notFullPages.includes(pages[pageIndex])) {
fullPage = false;
test.each(pages)("%s", async () => {
const image = await program.screenshot({
fullPage: fullPage
await page.waitFor(500);
......@@ -8,48 +8,24 @@
<view class="uni-text-box">
<text class="hello-text">以下是部分模板示例,更多模板见插件市场:</text>
<u-link href="https://ext.dcloud.net.cn" :text="'https://ext.dcloud.net.cn'" :inWhiteList="true"></u-link>
<view class="uni-panel" v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="item.id">
:class="item.open ? 'uni-panel-h-on' : ''"
@click="triggerCollapse(index, item)"
:class="item.enable == false ? 'text-disabled' : ''"
>{{ item.name }}</text
<view class="uni-panel-h" :class="item.open ? 'uni-panel-h-on' : ''" @click="triggerCollapse(index, item)">
<text class="uni-panel-text" :class="item.enable == false ? 'text-disabled' : ''">{{ item.name }}</text>
<image :src="
item.pages.length > 0
? item.open
? arrowUpIcon
: arrowDownIcon
: arrowRightIcon
" class="uni-icon">
<view v-if="item.open">
:hover-class="page.enable == false ? '' : 'is--active'"
v-for="(page, key) in item.pages"
:class="page.enable == false ? 'text-disabled' : ''"
>{{ page.name }}</text
<view class="uni-navigate-item" :hover-class="page.enable == false ? '' : 'is--active'"
v-for="(page, key) in item.pages" :key="key" @click="goDetailPage(page)">
<text class="uni-navigate-text" :class="page.enable == false ? 'text-disabled' : ''">{{ page.name }}</text>
<image :src="arrowRightIcon" class="uni-icon"></image>
......@@ -195,13 +171,7 @@
name: '打开外部链接',
open: false,
pages: [] as Page[],
}, {
id: 'share',
url: 'share',
name: '分享示例',
open: false,
pages: [] as Page[],
] as ListItem[],
arrowUpIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-up.png',
arrowDownIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-down.png',
......@@ -245,180 +215,8 @@
type ListItem = {
id: string
name: string
open: boolean
pages: Page[]
url?: string
enable?: boolean
export default {
data() {
return {
list: [
id: 'long-list',
url: 'long-list',
name: '左右滑动长列表',
open: false,
enable: true,
pages: [
name: '顶部搜索框随时下移长列表',
name: '顶部banner长列表',
] as Page[],
id: 'list-news',
url: 'list-news',
name: '列表到详情',
open: false,
pages: [] as Page[],
id: 'scroll-fold-nav',
url: 'scroll-fold-nav',
name: '随滚动折叠的导航栏',
open: false,
pages: [] as Page[],
id: 'swiper-list',
url: 'swiper-list',
name: 'swiper-list',
open: false,
pages: [
name: '下划线样式',
name: '字体放大样式',
] as Page[],
id: 'custom-refresher',
url: 'custom-refresher',
name: '自定义下拉刷新',
open: false,
pages: [] as Page[],
id: 'pull-zoom-image',
url: 'pull-zoom-image',
name: '下拉缩放顶部封面图',
open: false,
pages: [] as Page[],
id: 'swiper-vertical-video',
url: 'swiper-vertical-video',
name: '竖滑视频',
open: false,
pages: [] as Page[],
id: 'scroll-sticky',
url: 'scroll-sticky',
name: 'scroll-view自定义滚动吸顶',
open: false,
pages: [] as Page[],
id: 'half-screen',
url: 'half-screen',
name: '半屏弹窗',
open: false,
pages: [] as Page[],
id: 'drop-card',
url: 'drop-card',
name: '划走式卡片',
open: false,
pages: [] as Page[],
id: 'navbar-lite',
url: 'navbar-lite',
name: '自定义导航栏',
open: false,
pages: [] as Page[],
id: 'custom-tab-bar',
url: 'custom-tab-bar',
name: '自定义TabBar',
open: false,
enable: true,
pages: [] as Page[],
id: 'calendar',
url: 'calendar',
name: '日历',
open: false,
pages: [] as Page[],
id: 'schema',
url: 'schema',
name: '打开外部链接',
open: false,
pages: [] as Page[],
] as ListItem[],
arrowUpIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-up.png',
arrowDownIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-down.png',
arrowRightIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-right.png',
methods: {
triggerCollapse(index: number, item: ListItem) {
if (item.pages.length == 0) {
const page: Page = {
name: item.name,
enable: item.enable,
url: item.url!,
for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; ++i) {
if (index == i) {
this.list[i].open = !this.list[i].open
} else {
this.list[i].open = false
goDetailPage(e: Page) {
if (e.enable == false) {
icon: 'none',
title: '暂不支持',
const url =
e.url.indexOf('platform') > -1
? e.url
: `/pages/template/${e.url}/${e.url}`
@import "../../common/uni-uvue.css";
@import "../../common/uni-uvue.css";
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