diff --git a/pages.json b/pages.json
index 37ff6b342ab5da16ddaf195b860614d81a1063c2..d6db00db43c80561451a8ad6519eb1342a06efa0 100644
--- a/pages.json
+++ b/pages.json
@@ -329,7 +329,14 @@
"style": {
"navigationBarTitleText": "数据存储"
- },
+ },
+ {
+ "path": "pages/API/filemanager/filemanager",
+ "style": {
+ "navigationBarTitleText": "沙盒文件管理"
+ }
+ },
"path": "pages/API/action-sheet/action-sheet",
"style": {
diff --git a/pages/API/filemanager/filemanager.test.js b/pages/API/filemanager/filemanager.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..570f4a7846b7f96e6cb510706ddabc90aa8d6148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/API/filemanager/filemanager.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+const PAGE_PATH = '/pages/API/filemanager/filemanager'
+describe('ExtApi-FileManagerTest', () => {
+ let page;
+ function getData(key = '') {
+ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
+ const data = await page.data()
+ resolve(key ? data[key] : data)
+ })
+ }
+ beforeAll(async () => {
+ page = await program.reLaunch(PAGE_PATH)
+ await page.waitFor(600);
+ });
+ async function isDone() {
+ let isDone = await page.waitFor(async () => {
+ return await page.data('done')
+ })
+ await page.setData({done: false})
+ return isDone
+ }
+ it('USER_DATA_PATH test', async () => {
+ let globalUserDataPath = await getData('globalUserDataPath')
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ copyToBasePath:globalUserDataPath,
+ basePath: globalUserDataPath,
+ rmDirFile:'a',
+ unlinkFile:'a/1.txt'
+ })
+ // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
+ const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('.btn-unlink-file')
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await page.setData({
+ unlinkFile:'a/2.txt'
+ })
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await page.setData({
+ unlinkFile:'a/3.txt'
+ })
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 清除文件夹
+ const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('.btn-remove-dir')
+ await btnRmDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 重新创建测试目录
+ const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('.btn-mkdir')
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('.btn-read-dir')
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
+ let fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual('[]')
+ let fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual('[]')
+ // 先测试 recursive = false 文件夹创建,期望失败
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: false,
+ mkdirFile:'a/b/c'
+ })
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let lastFailError = await getData('lastFailError')
+ expect(lastFailError.errCode).toEqual(1300002)
+ expect(lastFailError.errMsg).toEqual('no such file or directory:unifile://usr/a/b/c')
+ let lastCompleteError = await getData('lastCompleteError')
+ expect(lastCompleteError.errCode).toEqual(1300002)
+ expect(lastCompleteError.errMsg).toEqual('no such file or directory:unifile://usr/a/b/c')
+ // 测试 recursive = true 期望文件夹创建成功
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: true
+ })
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\"]")
+ // 测试写入文件
+ const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('.btn-write-file')
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 检查目录列表数量
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"1.txt\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"1.txt\"]")
+ // 获取和对比 文件内容
+ const btnReadFileButton = await page.$('.btn-read-file')
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet).toEqual("锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土,谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦")
+ // 更换文件内容 获取和对比 文件md5和sha1
+ await page.setData({
+ writeFileContent: "If you were a teardrop;In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright.",
+ getFileInfoAlgorithm:"md5"
+ })
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet).toEqual("If you were a teardrop;In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright.")
+ const btnGetFileInfoButton = await page.$('.btn-get-file-info')
+ await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
+ expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(185)
+ let getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
+ expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("29ddd02ed3c38ccebb98884eda082cb1")
+ // 切换为 sha1
+ await page.setData({
+ getFileInfoAlgorithm:"sha1"
+ })
+ await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
+ expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(185)
+ getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
+ expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("ebef4e75783e0db499fc260d120e695005bead8a")
+ // 测试 copyfile
+ await page.setData({
+ copyFromFile:"a/1.txt",
+ copyToFile:"a/2.txt"
+ })
+ const btnCopyFileButton = await page.$('.btn-copy-file')
+ await btnCopyFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 1.txt 2.txt 两个文件都存在
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"1.txt\",\"2.txt\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"1.txt\",\"2.txt\"]")
+ // 测试 rename
+ await page.setData({
+ renameFromFile:"a/2.txt",
+ renameToFile:"a/3.txt"
+ })
+ const btnRenameFileButton = await page.$('.btn-rename-file')
+ await btnRenameFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 1.txt 3.txt 两个文件都存在
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"1.txt\",\"3.txt\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"1.txt\",\"3.txt\"]")
+ });
+ it('TEMP_PATH test', async () => {
+ // 测试 TEMP_PATH
+ let globalTempPath = await getData('globalTempPath')
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ basePath: globalTempPath,
+ copyToBasePath:globalTempPath,
+ rmDirFile:'a',
+ unlinkFile:'a/我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争.1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0+-qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;,/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock'
+ })
+ // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
+ const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('.btn-unlink-file')
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await page.setData({
+ unlinkFile:'a/提前创建的目录/4.txt'
+ })
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 清除文件夹
+ const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('.btn-remove-dir')
+ await btnRmDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 重新创建测试目录
+ const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('.btn-mkdir')
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('.btn-read-dir')
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
+ let fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\"]")
+ let fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\"]")
+ // 测试 创建多层级文件目录
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ mkdirFile:'a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/g/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y/z/中文路径/张三/test',
+ })
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\"]")
+ // 测试 创建包含中文特殊符号的目录
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ mkdirFile:'a/我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争.1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0+-qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;,/中文路径/张三/name',
+ })
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争.1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0+-qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;,\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争.1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0+-qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;,\"]")
+ /**
+ * 从资源文件中读取图片为base64,测试写入较大文件场景
+ * 'static/list-mock/safe.png' 注意,依赖这个资源文件,不能删除
+ */
+ let globalAppResourcePath = await getData('globalAppResourcePath')
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: globalAppResourcePath,
+ readFile:'static/list-mock/safe.png',
+ readFileFlag:'base64'
+ })
+ // 获取和对比 文件内容
+ const btnReadFileButton = await page.$('.btn-read-file')
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet.length).toEqual(426128)
+ let endStr = readFileRet.substring(readFileRet.length - 10)
+ expect(endStr).toEqual("lFTkSuQmCC")
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: globalTempPath,
+ writeFile:'a/我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争.1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0+-qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;,/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock',
+ writeFileContent:readFileRet
+ })
+ const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('.btn-write-file')
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 获取文件列表,判断是否写入成功,同时置空base64内容 避免影响实时查看状态
+ await page.setData({
+ readDir:'a/我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争.1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0+-qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;,/中文路径/张三/name',
+ readFileRet:'',
+ writeFileContent:''
+ })
+ // 检查目录列表数量
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"中文文件.mock\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"中文文件.mock\"]")
+ // 更换文件内容 获取和对比 文件md5和sha1
+ await page.setData({
+ getFileInfoFile:'a/我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争.1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0+-qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;,/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock',
+ getFileInfoAlgorithm:"md5",
+ })
+ const btnGetFileInfoButton = await page.$('.btn-get-file-info')
+ await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
+ expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(426128)
+ let getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
+ expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("795fd5a20b4f0a63504330e9132dcd30")
+ // 切换为 sha1
+ await page.setData({
+ getFileInfoAlgorithm:"sha1"
+ })
+ await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
+ expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(426128)
+ getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
+ expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("74877928eddd0351bd8b3b1c677b56f25db682fc")
+ // 测试不支持的摘要算法,期望返回错误
+ await page.setData({
+ getFileInfoAlgorithm:"sha256"
+ })
+ await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let lastFailError = await getData('lastFailError')
+ expect(lastFailError.errCode).toEqual(1300022)
+ let lastCompleteError = await getData('lastCompleteError')
+ expect(lastCompleteError.errCode).toEqual(1300022)
+ // rename 到一个没有提前创建过的目录,期望返回错误
+ await page.setData({
+ renameFromFile:"a/我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争.1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0+-qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;,/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock",
+ renameToFile:"a/没有提前创建的目录/3.txt"
+ })
+ const btnRenameFileButton = await page.$('.btn-rename-file')
+ await btnRenameFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ lastFailError = await getData('lastFailError')
+ expect(lastFailError.errCode).toEqual(1300002)
+ lastCompleteError = await getData('lastCompleteError')
+ expect(lastCompleteError.errCode).toEqual(1300002)
+ // 非递归创建一级目录。期望成功
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: false,
+ mkdirFile:'a/提前创建的目录',
+ })
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await page.setData({
+ readDir:'a',
+ })
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争.1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0+-qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;,\",\"提前创建的目录\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争.1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0+-qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;,\",\"提前创建的目录\"]")
+ await page.setData({
+ copyFromFile:"a/我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争.1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0+-qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;,/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock",
+ copyToFile:"a/提前创建的目录/4.txt"
+ })
+ const btnCopyFileButton = await page.$('.btn-copy-file')
+ await btnCopyFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await page.setData({
+ readDir:'a/提前创建的目录',
+ })
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"4.txt\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"4.txt\"]")
+ await page.setData({
+ unlinkFile:'a/提前创建的目录/4.txt'
+ })
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[]")
+ });
+ it('CROSS DIR test', async () => {
+ /**
+ * 跨越用户目录和代码资源目录
+ */
+ let globalRootPath = await getData('globalRootPath')
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ basePath: globalRootPath,
+ readDir:'a',
+ rmDirFile:'a',
+ mkdirFile:'a',
+ accessFile:'a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png',
+ unlinkFile:'a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png'
+ })
+ // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
+ const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('.btn-unlink-file')
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 清除文件夹
+ const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('.btn-remove-dir')
+ await btnRmDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 重新创建测试目录,期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
+ const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('.btn-mkdir')
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('.btn-read-dir')
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual('[]')
+ let fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual('[]')
+ // 检查资源文件,此时不存在
+ const btnAccessFileButton = await page.$('.btn-access-file')
+ await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
+ expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('')
+ // 准备从资源目录拷贝png
+ let globalAppResourcePath = await getData('globalAppResourcePath')
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: globalAppResourcePath,
+ unlinkFile:'static/list-mock/safe.png',
+ accessFile:'static/list-mock/safe.png',
+ })
+ // 检查资源文件,期望存在
+ await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
+ expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('access:ok')
+ // 尝试删除资源,期望失败
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
+ expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('access:ok')
+ // 复制资源到 root目录
+ await page.setData({
+ copyToBasePath:globalRootPath,
+ copyFromFile:"static/list-mock/safe.png",
+ copyToFile:"a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png"
+ })
+ const btnCopyFileButton = await page.$('.btn-copy-file')
+ await btnCopyFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 检查期望 root 目录中图片文件存在
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath:globalRootPath,
+ unlinkFile:'a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png',
+ accessFile:'a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png',
+ })
+ await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
+ expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('access:ok')
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
+ expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('')
+ });
diff --git a/pages/API/filemanager/filemanager.uvue b/pages/API/filemanager/filemanager.uvue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0433ca4b14353294be4227dfb562288e1d3d5cd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/API/filemanager/filemanager.uvue
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
diff --git a/pages/tabBar/API.uvue b/pages/tabBar/API.uvue
index bc0a6e4586c0b8d413a343ec05de7029328e813a..624c7986f2b63d8afc3693b2a927ec57841e22cc 100644
--- a/pages/tabBar/API.uvue
+++ b/pages/tabBar/API.uvue
@@ -397,6 +397,10 @@
name: 'storage(key-value存储)',
url: 'storage',
api: ["getStorageInfo", "getStorageInfoSync", "getStorage", "getStorageSync", "setStorage", "setStorageSync", "removeStorage", "removeStorageSync", "clearStorage", "clearStorageSync"]
+ },
+ {
+ name: '沙盒文件管理',
+ url: 'filemanager'
] as Page[],