提交 c4111b94 编写于 作者: DCloud_iOS_XHY's avatar DCloud_iOS_XHY

添加 long-list-nested 示例

上级 584e9518
......@@ -1120,6 +1120,13 @@
"enablePullDownRefresh": true
"path": "pages/template/long-list-nested/long-list-nested",
"style": {
"navigationBarTitleText": "顶部banner长列表",
"enablePullDownRefresh": true
"path": "pages/template/pull-zoom-image/pull-zoom-image",
"style": {
......@@ -66,10 +66,18 @@
name: '顶部搜索框随时下移长列表',
url: 'long-list'
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID || WEB
name: '顶部banner长列表',
url: 'long-list2'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-IOS
name: '顶部banner长列表',
url: 'long-list-nested'
// #endif
] as Page[],
<scroll-view ref="pageScrollView" class="page" :rebound="false" type="nested">
<swiper ref="header" indicator-dots="true" circular="true">
<swiper-item v-for="i in 3" :item-id="i">
<image src="/static/shuijiao.jpg" style="width:100% ;height: 240px;"></image>
<text style="position: absolute;">{{i}}</text>
<nested-scroll-body style="height: 100%;">
<view style="flex: 1;">
<scroll-view ref="tabScroll" class="swiper-tabs" direction="horizontal" :show-scrollbar="false">
<view class="flex-row" style="align-self: flex-start;">
<text ref="swipertab" class="swiper-tabs-item" :class="swiperIndex==index ? 'swiper-tabs-item-active' : ''"
v-for="(item, index) in swiperList" :key="index" @click="onTabClick(index)">
<view ref="indicator" class="swiper-tabs-indicator"></view>
<swiper ref="swiper" class="swiper-view" :current="swiperIndex" @transition="onSwiperTransition"
<swiper-item class="swiper-item" v-for="(item, index) in swiperList" :key="index">
<long-page ref="longPage" :id="item.id" :type="item.type" :preload="item.preload"></long-page>
import longPage from '../long-list/long-list-page.uvue';
type SwiperTabsItem = {
x : number,
w : number
type SwiperViewItem = {
type : string,
name : string,
id : string,
preload : boolean,
* 根据权重在两个值之间执行线性插值.
* @constructor
* @param {number} value1 - 第一个值,该值应为下限.
* @param {number} value2 - 第二个值,该值应为上限.
* @param {number} amount - 应介于 0 和 1 之间,指示内插的权重.
* @returns {number} 内插值
function lerpNumber(value1 : number, value2 : number, amount : number) : number {
return (value1 + (value2 - value1) * amount)
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
swiperList: [
type: 'UpdatedDate',
name: '最新上架',
id: "list-id-1",
preload: true
} as SwiperViewItem,
type: 'FreeHot',
name: '免费热榜',
id: "list-id-2",
preload: false
} as SwiperViewItem,
type: 'PaymentHot',
name: '付费热榜',
id: "list-id-3",
preload: false
} as SwiperViewItem,
type: 'HotList',
name: '热门总榜',
id: "list-id-4",
preload: false
} as SwiperViewItem
] as SwiperViewItem[],
swiperIndex: 0,
pageScrollView: null as null | UniElement,
headerHeight: 0,
animationFinishIndex: 0,
tabScrollView: null as null | UniElement,
indicatorNode: null as null | UniElement,
swiperWidth: 0,
swiperTabsRect: [] as SwiperTabsItem[],
nestedScrollChildId: ""
onReady() {
this.pageScrollView = this.$refs['pageScrollView'] as UniElement;
this.headerHeight = (this.$refs['header'] as UniElement).offsetHeight
this.swiperWidth = (this.$refs['swiper'] as UniElement).getBoundingClientRect().width
this.tabScrollView = this.$refs['tabScroll'] as UniElement
this.indicatorNode = this.$refs['indicator'] as UniElement
this.updateTabIndicator(this.swiperIndex, this.swiperIndex, 1)
onPullDownRefresh() {
(this.$refs["longPage"]! as ComponentPublicInstance[])[this.swiperIndex].$callMethod('refreshData', () => {
methods: {
onTabClick(index : number) {
this.setSwiperIndex(index, false)
onSwiperTransition(e : SwiperTransitionEvent) {
// 微信 skyline 每项完成触发 Animationfinish,偏移值重置
// 微信 webview 全部完成触发 Animationfinish,偏移值累加
// 在滑动到下一个项的过程中,再次反向滑动,偏移值递减
// uni-app-x 和微信 webview 行为一致
const offset_x = e.detail.dx
// 计算当前索引并重置差异
const current_offset_x = offset_x % this.swiperWidth
const current_offset_i = offset_x / this.swiperWidth
const current_index = this.animationFinishIndex + parseInt(current_offset_i + '')
// 计算目标索引及边界检查
let move_to_index = current_index
if (current_offset_x > 0 && move_to_index < this.swiperList.length - 1) {
move_to_index += 1
} else if (current_offset_x < 0 && move_to_index > 0) {
move_to_index -= 1
// 计算偏移百分比
const percentage = Math.abs(current_offset_x) / this.swiperWidth
// 通知更新指示线
if (current_index != move_to_index) {
this.updateTabIndicator(current_index, move_to_index, percentage)
// 首次可见时初始化数据
onSwiperAnimationfinish(e : SwiperAnimationFinishEvent) {
this.setSwiperIndex(e.detail.current, true)
this.animationFinishIndex = e.detail.current
cacheTabItemsSize() {
this.swiperTabsRect.length = 0
const tabs = this.$refs["swipertab"] as UniElement[]
tabs.forEach((node) => {
x: node.offsetLeft,
w: node.offsetWidth
} as SwiperTabsItem)
setSwiperIndex(index : number, updateIndicator : boolean) {
if (this.swiperIndex === index) {
this.swiperIndex = index
if (updateIndicator) {
this.updateTabIndicator(index, index, 1)
updateTabIndicator(current_index : number, move_to_index : number, percentage : number) {
const current_size = this.swiperTabsRect[current_index]
const move_to_size = this.swiperTabsRect[move_to_index]
// 计算指示线 左边距 和 宽度 在移动过程中的线性值
const indicator_line_x = lerpNumber(current_size.x, move_to_size.x, percentage)
const indicator_line_w = lerpNumber(current_size.w, move_to_size.w, percentage)
// 更新指示线
// #ifdef APP
const x = indicator_line_x + indicator_line_w / 2
this.indicatorNode?.style?.setProperty('transform', `translateX(${x}px) scaleX(${indicator_line_w})`)
// #endif
// #ifdef WEB
// TODO chrome windows系统 transform scaleX渲染bug
const x = indicator_line_x
this.indicatorNode?.style?.setProperty('width', `${indicator_line_w}px`)
this.indicatorNode?.style?.setProperty('transform', `translateX(${x}px)`)
// #endif
// 滚动到水平中心位置
const scroll_x = x - this.swiperWidth / 2
if (this.tabScrollView !== null) {
this.tabScrollView!.scrollLeft = scroll_x
initSwiperItemData(index : number) {
if (!this.swiperList[index].preload) {
this.swiperList[index].preload = true;
(this.$refs["longPage"]! as ComponentPublicInstance[])[index].$callMethod('loadData', null)
this.nestedScrollChildId = this.swiperList[index].id
.flex-row {
flex-direction: row;
.page {
flex: 1;
.search-bar {
padding: 10px;
.swiper-list {
height: 100%;
/* #ifdef WEB */
flex: 1;
/* #endif */
.swiper-tabs {
background-color: #ffffff;
flex-direction: column;
.swiper-tabs-item {
color: #555;
font-size: 16px;
padding: 12px 25px;
white-space: nowrap;
.swiper-tabs-item-active {
color: #007AFF;
.swiper-tabs-indicator {
width: 1px;
height: 2px;
background-color: #007AFF;
.swiper-view {
flex: 1;
.swiper-item {
flex: 1;
<list-view ref="listView" :id=id class="list" :rebound="false" :scroll-y="true" :custom-nested-scroll="true"
@scrolltolower="loadData(null)" associative-container="nested-scroll-view">
<list-item class="list-item" v-for="(item, _) in dataList" :key="item.plugin_id">
<view class="list-item-icon">
<image class="list-item-icon-image" :src="item.plugin_img_link"></image>
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