提交 b2a3bbcd 编写于 作者: DCloud-WZF's avatar DCloud-WZF 💬

feat(API): theme change

上级 1b8592c2
......@@ -1310,6 +1310,13 @@
"enablePullDownRefresh": false
"path": "pages/API/theme-change/theme-change",
"style": {
"navigationBarTitleText": "主题切换",
"enablePullDownRefresh": false
"path": "uni_modules/uni-pay-x/pages/success/success",
"style": {
<view class="uni-padding-wrap">
<view class="uni-common-mt flex justify-between flex-row">
<text id="theme">{{ dataInfo.theme }}</text>
<view class="uni-common-mt flex justify-between flex-row">
<text>fn1 trigger num:</text>
<text id="fn1-trigger-num">{{ dataInfo.fn1TriggerNum }}</text>
<view class="uni-common-mt flex justify-between flex-row">
<text>fn2 trigger num:</text>
<text id="fn2-trigger-num">{{ dataInfo.fn2TriggerNum }}</text>
<button class="uni-common-mt" id="bind-fn1" @click="bindFn1">
bind fn1
<button class="uni-common-mt" id="remove-fn1" @click="removeFn1">
remove fn1
<button class="uni-common-mt" id="bind-fn2" @click="bindFn2">
bind fn2
<button class="uni-common-mt" id="remove-fn2" @click="removeFn2">
remove fn2
<script setup lang="uts">
type DataInfo = {
fn1TriggerNum: number
fn2TriggerNum: number
theme: string
const dataInfo = reactive<DataInfo>({
fn1TriggerNum: 0,
fn2TriggerNum: 0,
theme: ''
const fn1 = (options : OnThemeChangeOptions) => {
console.log('fn1 triggered options: ', options)
dataInfo.theme = options.theme
const fn2 = (options : OnThemeChangeOptions) => {
console.log('fn2 triggered options: ', options)
dataInfo.theme = options.theme
const bindFn1 = () => {
const removeFn1 = () => {
const bindFn2 = () => {
const removeFn2 = () => {
onReady(() => {
.flex {
display: flex;
.flex-row {
flex-direction: row;
.justify-between {
justify-content: space-between;
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
<scroll-view style="flex: 1" enable-back-to-top="true">
<!-- #endif -->
<view class="uni-container">
<view class="uni-header-logo">
<image class="uni-header-image" src="/static/apiIndex.png"></image>
<view class="uni-text-box">
<text class="hello-text">以下将演示uni-app接口能力,详细文档见:</text>
<u-link :href="'https://uniapp.dcloud.io/uni-app-x/api/'" :text="'https://uniapp.dcloud.io/uni-app-x/api/'" :inWhiteList="true"></u-link>
<template v-for="item in list" :key="item.id">
<uni-collapse-item :title="item.name" class="item">
<view class="uni-navigate-item" :hover-class="page.enable == false?'':'is--active'" v-for="(page, key) in item.pages" :key="key" @click="goDetailPage(page)">
<text class="uni-navigate-text" :class="page.enable == false ? 'text-disabled' : ''">{{ page.name }}</text>
<image :src="arrowRightIcon" class="uni-icon-size"></image>
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
<!-- #endif -->
<view ref="pop" @click="hidePop()" class="popup">
<view style="width: 90%;background-color: white;" @click="stopClickPop">
<script lang="uts">
type Page = {
name : string
url : string
enable ?: boolean
api ?: Array<string>
type ListItem = {
id : string
name : string
pages : Page[]
url ?: string
enable ?: boolean
export default {
data() {
return {
list: [
id: 'global',
name: '全局',
pages: [
name: 'getApp',
url: 'get-app',
name: 'getCurrentPages',
url: 'get-current-pages',
] as Page[],
id: 'base',
name: '基础',
pages: [
name: '事件总线event-bus',
url: 'event-bus',
api: ["$on", "$once", "$off", "$emit"]
name: '拦截器',
url: 'interceptor',
api: ["addInterceptor", "removeInterceptor"]
name: '获取启动参数',
url: 'get-launch-options-sync',
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID
name: '退出应用',
url: 'exit',
// #endif
] as Page[],
id: 'page',
name: '页面和路由',
pages: [
name: '页面跳转',
url: 'navigator',
api: ["navigateTo", "reLaunch", "navigateBack", "redirectTo", "switchTab"]
name: '设置导航条标题',
url: 'set-navigation-bar-title',
name: '设置导航条颜色',
url: 'set-navigation-bar-color',
name: '设置页面容器背景色',
url: 'set-page-backgroundColorContent',
name: '设置TabBar',
url: 'set-tabbar',
api: ["showTabBar", "hideTabBar", "showTabBarRedDot", "hideTabBarRedDot", "setTabBarBadge", "removeTabBarBadge", "setTabBarStyle", "setTabBarItem"]
name: '页面下拉刷新',
url: 'pull-down-refresh',
api: ["stopPullDownRefresh"]
name: '将页面滚动到指定位置',
url: 'page-scroll-to',
] as Page[],
id: 'ui',
name: '界面',
pages: [
// {
// name: "创建动画",
// url: "animation",
// enable: false
// },
// {
// name: "创建绘画",
// url: "canvas",
// enable: true
// },
// {
// name: "节点布局交互状态",
// url: "intersection-observer",
// enable: false
// },
name: 'element元素',
url: 'get-element-by-id',
api: ["getElementById"],
// #ifdef APP
name: 'element draw',
url: 'element-draw',
api: ["Element.getDrawableContext"]
}, {
name: 'element截图',
url: 'element-takesnapshot',
api: ["Element.takeSnapshot"]
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID || WEB
name: 'element大小变化监听',
url: 'resize-observer'
// #endif
name: 'node节点',
url: 'nodes-info',
api: ["createSelectorQuery"]
name: '动态加载字体',
url: 'load-font-face',
name: 'rpx2px',
url: 'rpx2px'
name: 'actionSheet操作菜单',
url: 'action-sheet',
name: 'showModal模态弹窗',
url: 'modal',
api: ["showModal"]
name: 'showLoading等待框',
url: 'loading',
name: 'showToast轻提示框',
url: 'toast',
api: ["showToast"]
] as Page[],
id: 'network',
name: '网络',
pages: [
name: '发起请求request',
url: 'request',
name: '上传文件',
url: 'upload-file',
name: '下载文件',
url: 'download-file',
name: '获取设备网络状态',
url: 'get-network-type',
name: 'socketTask',
url: 'websocket-socketTask',
api: [""] //它不是uni.的api
name: '全局websocket',
url: 'websocket-global',
api: ["connectSocket", "onSocketOpen", "onSocketError", "sendSocketMessage", "onSocketMessage", "closeSocket", "onSocketClose"]
] as Page[],
id: 'device',
name: '设备',
pages: [
name: '获取系统信息',
url: 'get-system-info',
name: '获取设备信息',
url: 'get-device-info',
name: '获取窗口信息',
url: 'get-window-info',
name: '获取APP基础信息',
url: 'get-app-base-info',
// #ifdef APP
name: '获取APP授权设置',
url: 'get-app-authorize-setting',
name: '获取系统设置',
url: 'get-system-setting',
// #endif
name: '电量',
url: 'get-battery-info',
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID
name: '安装Apk',
url: 'install-apk'
// #endif
/* {
name: "打电话",
url: "make-phone-call",
name: "震动",
url: "vibrate",
name: "添加手机联系人",
url: "add-phone-contact",
name: "扫码",
url: "scan-code",
name: "剪贴板",
url: "clipboard",
name: "屏幕亮度",
url: "brightness",
name: "蓝牙",
url: "bluetooth",
name: "生物认证",
url: "soter",
name: "iBeacon",
url: "ibeacon",
name: "监听加速度传感器",
url: "on-accelerometer-change",
name: "监听罗盘数据",
url: "on-compass-change",
name: "监听距离传感器",
url: "/platforms/app-plus/proximity/proximity",
name: "监听方向传感器",
url: "/platforms/app-plus/orientation/orientation",
}, */
] as Page[],
id: 'media',
name: '媒体',
pages: [
name: "拍摄图片或从相册中选择图片",
url: 'choose-image'
name: '图片预览',
url: 'preview-image',
api: ["previewImage", "closePreviewImage"]
// #ifdef APP
name: "保存图片到相册",
url: 'save-image-to-photos-album'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID || WEB
name: "获取图片信息",
url: 'get-image-info'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID
name: "压缩图片",
url: 'compress-image'
// #endif
name: "拍摄视频或从相册中选择视频",
url: 'choose-video'
// #ifdef APP
name: "保存视频到相册",
url: 'save-video-to-photos-album'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID || WEB
name: "获取视频信息",
url: 'get-video-info'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID
name: "压缩视频",
url: 'compress-video'
// #endif
/* {
name: "音频",
url: "inner-audio",
name: "背景音频",
url: "background-audio",
name: "录音",
url: "rec",
name: "文件",
url: "file",
] as Page[],
id: 'location',
name: '位置',
pages: [
name: '获取当前位置',
url: 'get-location',
/* {
name: "使用地图查看位置",
url: "open-location",
name: "使用地图选择位置",
url: "choose-location",
name: "地图控制",
url: "map",
name: "地图搜索",
url: "map-search",
}, */
] as Page[],
id: 'storage',
name: '数据存储',
pages: [
name: 'storage(key-value存储)',
url: 'storage',
api: ["getStorageInfo", "getStorageInfoSync", "getStorage", "getStorageSync", "setStorage", "setStorageSync", "removeStorage", "removeStorageSync", "clearStorage", "clearStorageSync"]
] as Page[],
// #ifdef APP
id: 'file',
name: '文件',
pages: [
name: 'fileSystemManager文件管理',
url: 'get-file-system-manager'
] as Page[],
// #endif
id: 'unicloud',
name: 'uniCloud',
pages: [
name: '云函数',
url: 'unicloud-call-function',
name: '云对象',
url: 'unicloud-import-object',
name: '云存储',
url: 'unicloud-file-api',
name: 'clientDB',
url: 'unicloud-database',
] as Page[],
// #ifdef APP
id: 'login',
name: '登录与认证',
pages: [
name: '一键登录',
url: 'get-univerify-manager',
name: '实人认证',
url: 'facial-recognition-verify',
] as Page[],
// #endif
id: "payment",
name: "支付",
pages: [
// #ifndef WEB
name: "简易支付示例",
url: "request-payment",
// #endif
name: "uni-pay支付示例",
url: "request-payment-uni-pay",
] as Page[],
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID
id: 'ad',
name: '广告',
pages: [
name: '激励视频广告',
url: 'rewarded-video-ad',
/* {
id: "full-screen-video-ad",
url: "full-screen-video-ad",
name: "全屏视频广告",
enable: false,
pages: [] as Page[]
}, */
] as Page[],
id: 'permission-listener',
name: '权限申请监听',
pages: [
name: '权限申请监听',
url: 'create-request-permission-listener',
] as Page[]
// #endif
id: "share",
name: "分享",
pages: [
name: "分享",
url: "share",
] as Page[],
] as ListItem[],
arrowUpIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-up.png',
arrowDownIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-down.png',
arrowRightIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-right.png',
onLoad() {
// console.log("API page onLoad")
onShow() {
// console.log("API page onShow")
onHide() {
// console.log("API page onHide")
methods: {
goDetailPage(e : Page) {
if (e.enable == false) {
title: '暂不支持',
icon: 'none',
if (e.url === 'set-tabbar') {
const url =
e.url.indexOf('platform') > -1 ? e.url : `/pages/API/${e.url}/${e.url}`
showPop: function () {
(this.$refs["pop"] as UniElement).style.setProperty("display", "flex")
hidePop: function () {
(this.$refs["pop"] as UniElement).style.setProperty("display", "none")
stopClickPop: function (e : PointerEvent) {
e.stopPropagation() //点击到pop的非灰色区域,拦截点击事件
.item {
margin-bottom: 12px;
.popup {
width: 100%;
/* #ifdef APP */
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
/* #endif */
/* #ifndef APP */
position: fixed;
top: var(--window-top);
bottom: var(--window-bottom);
/* #endif */
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
display: none;
background-color: rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.5);
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
<scroll-view style="flex: 1" enable-back-to-top="true">
<!-- #endif -->
<view class="uni-container">
<view class="uni-header-logo">
<image class="uni-header-image" src="/static/apiIndex.png"></image>
<view class="uni-text-box">
<text class="hello-text">以下将演示uni-app接口能力,详细文档见:</text>
<u-link :href="'https://uniapp.dcloud.io/uni-app-x/api/'" :text="'https://uniapp.dcloud.io/uni-app-x/api/'"
<template v-for="item in list" :key="item.id">
<uni-collapse-item :title="item.name" class="item">
<view class="uni-navigate-item" :hover-class="page.enable == false ? '' : 'is--active'"
v-for="(page, key) in item.pages" :key="key" @click="goDetailPage(page)">
<text class="uni-navigate-text"
:class="page.enable == false ? 'text-disabled' : ''">{{ page.name }}</text>
<image :src="arrowRightIcon" class="uni-icon-size"></image>
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
<!-- #endif -->
<view ref="pop" @click="hidePop()" class="popup">
<view style="width: 90%; background-color: white" @click="stopClickPop">
<script lang="uts">
type Page = {
name : string
url : string
enable ?: boolean
api ?: Array<string>
type ListItem = {
id : string
name : string
pages : Page[]
url ?: string
enable ?: boolean
export default {
data() {
return {
list: [
id: 'global',
name: '全局',
pages: [
name: 'getApp',
url: 'get-app',
name: 'getCurrentPages',
url: 'get-current-pages',
] as Page[],
id: 'base',
name: '基础',
pages: [
name: '事件总线event-bus',
url: 'event-bus',
api: ["$on", "$once", "$off", "$emit"]
name: '拦截器',
url: 'interceptor',
api: ["addInterceptor", "removeInterceptor"]
name: '获取启动参数',
url: 'get-launch-options-sync',
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID
name: '退出应用',
url: 'exit',
// #endif
] as Page[],
id: 'page',
name: '页面和路由',
pages: [
name: '页面跳转',
url: 'navigator',
api: ["navigateTo", "reLaunch", "navigateBack", "redirectTo", "switchTab"]
name: '设置导航条标题',
url: 'set-navigation-bar-title',
name: '设置导航条颜色',
url: 'set-navigation-bar-color',
name: '设置页面容器背景色',
url: 'set-page-backgroundColorContent',
name: '设置TabBar',
url: 'set-tabbar',
api: ["showTabBar", "hideTabBar", "showTabBarRedDot", "hideTabBarRedDot", "setTabBarBadge", "removeTabBarBadge", "setTabBarStyle", "setTabBarItem"]
name: '页面下拉刷新',
url: 'pull-down-refresh',
api: ["stopPullDownRefresh"]
name: '将页面滚动到指定位置',
url: 'page-scroll-to',
] as Page[],
id: 'ui',
name: '界面',
pages: [
// {
// name: "创建动画",
// url: "animation",
// enable: false
// },
// {
// name: "创建绘画",
// url: "canvas",
// enable: true
// },
// {
// name: "节点布局交互状态",
// url: "intersection-observer",
// enable: false
// },
name: 'element元素',
url: 'get-element-by-id',
api: ["getElementById"],
// #ifdef APP
name: 'element draw',
url: 'element-draw',
api: ["Element.getDrawableContext"]
}, {
name: 'element截图',
url: 'element-takesnapshot',
api: ["Element.takeSnapshot"]
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID || WEB
name: 'element大小变化监听',
url: 'resize-observer'
// #endif
name: 'node节点',
url: 'nodes-info',
api: ["createSelectorQuery"]
name: '动态加载字体',
url: 'load-font-face',
name: 'rpx2px',
url: 'rpx2px'
name: 'actionSheet操作菜单',
url: 'action-sheet',
name: 'showModal模态弹窗',
url: 'modal',
api: ["showModal"]
name: 'showLoading等待框',
url: 'loading',
name: 'showToast轻提示框',
url: 'toast',
api: ["showToast"]
] as Page[],
id: 'network',
name: '网络',
pages: [
name: '发起请求request',
url: 'request',
name: '上传文件',
url: 'upload-file',
name: '下载文件',
url: 'download-file',
name: '获取设备网络状态',
url: 'get-network-type',
name: 'socketTask',
url: 'websocket-socketTask',
api: [""] //它不是uni.的api
name: '全局websocket',
url: 'websocket-global',
api: ["connectSocket", "onSocketOpen", "onSocketError", "sendSocketMessage", "onSocketMessage", "closeSocket", "onSocketClose"]
] as Page[],
id: 'device',
name: '设备',
pages: [
name: '获取系统信息',
url: 'get-system-info',
name: '获取设备信息',
url: 'get-device-info',
name: '获取窗口信息',
url: 'get-window-info',
name: '获取APP基础信息',
url: 'get-app-base-info',
// #ifdef APP
name: '获取APP授权设置',
url: 'get-app-authorize-setting',
name: '获取系统设置',
url: 'get-system-setting',
// #endif
name: '电量',
url: 'get-battery-info',
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID
name: '安装Apk',
url: 'install-apk'
// #endif
/* {
name: "打电话",
url: "make-phone-call",
name: "震动",
url: "vibrate",
name: "添加手机联系人",
url: "add-phone-contact",
name: "扫码",
url: "scan-code",
name: "剪贴板",
url: "clipboard",
name: "屏幕亮度",
url: "brightness",
name: "蓝牙",
url: "bluetooth",
name: "生物认证",
url: "soter",
name: "iBeacon",
url: "ibeacon",
name: "监听加速度传感器",
url: "on-accelerometer-change",
name: "监听罗盘数据",
url: "on-compass-change",
name: "监听距离传感器",
url: "/platforms/app-plus/proximity/proximity",
name: "监听方向传感器",
url: "/platforms/app-plus/orientation/orientation",
}, */
] as Page[],
id: 'media',
name: '媒体',
pages: [
name: "拍摄图片或从相册中选择图片",
url: 'choose-image'
name: '图片预览',
url: 'preview-image',
api: ["previewImage", "closePreviewImage"]
// #ifdef APP
name: "保存图片到相册",
url: 'save-image-to-photos-album'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID || WEB
name: "获取图片信息",
url: 'get-image-info'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID
name: "压缩图片",
url: 'compress-image'
// #endif
name: "拍摄视频或从相册中选择视频",
url: 'choose-video'
// #ifdef APP
name: "保存视频到相册",
url: 'save-video-to-photos-album'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID || WEB
name: "获取视频信息",
url: 'get-video-info'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID
name: "压缩视频",
url: 'compress-video'
// #endif
/* {
name: "音频",
url: "inner-audio",
name: "背景音频",
url: "background-audio",
name: "录音",
url: "rec",
name: "文件",
url: "file",
] as Page[],
id: 'location',
name: '位置',
pages: [
name: '获取当前位置',
url: 'get-location',
/* {
name: "使用地图查看位置",
url: "open-location",
name: "使用地图选择位置",
url: "choose-location",
name: "地图控制",
url: "map",
name: "地图搜索",
url: "map-search",
}, */
] as Page[],
id: 'storage',
name: '数据存储',
pages: [
name: 'storage(key-value存储)',
url: 'storage',
api: ["getStorageInfo", "getStorageInfoSync", "getStorage", "getStorageSync", "setStorage", "setStorageSync", "removeStorage", "removeStorageSync", "clearStorage", "clearStorageSync"]
] as Page[],
// #ifdef APP
id: 'file',
name: '文件',
pages: [
name: 'fileSystemManager文件管理',
url: 'get-file-system-manager'
] as Page[],
// #endif
id: 'unicloud',
name: 'uniCloud',
pages: [
name: '云函数',
url: 'unicloud-call-function',
name: '云对象',
url: 'unicloud-import-object',
name: '云存储',
url: 'unicloud-file-api',
name: 'clientDB',
url: 'unicloud-database',
] as Page[],
// #ifdef APP
id: 'login',
name: '登录与认证',
pages: [
name: '一键登录',
url: 'get-univerify-manager',
name: '实人认证',
url: 'facial-recognition-verify',
] as Page[],
// #endif
id: "payment",
name: "支付",
pages: [
// #ifndef WEB
name: "简易支付示例",
url: "request-payment",
// #endif
name: "uni-pay支付示例",
url: "request-payment-uni-pay",
] as Page[],
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID
id: 'ad',
name: '广告',
pages: [
name: '激励视频广告',
url: 'rewarded-video-ad',
/* {
id: "full-screen-video-ad",
url: "full-screen-video-ad",
name: "全屏视频广告",
enable: false,
pages: [] as Page[]
}, */
] as Page[],
id: 'permission-listener',
name: '权限申请监听',
pages: [
name: '权限申请监听',
url: 'create-request-permission-listener',
] as Page[]
id: 'theme-change',
name: '主题切换',
pages: [
name: '主题切换',
url: 'theme-change',
] as Page[]
// #endif
id: "share",
name: "分享",
pages: [
name: "分享",
url: "share",
] as Page[],
] as ListItem[],
arrowUpIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-up.png',
arrowDownIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-down.png',
arrowRightIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-right.png',
onLoad() {
// console.log("API page onLoad")
onShow() {
// console.log("API page onShow")
onHide() {
// console.log("API page onHide")
methods: {
goDetailPage(e : Page) {
if (e.enable == false) {
title: '暂不支持',
icon: 'none',
if (e.url === 'set-tabbar') {
const url =
e.url.indexOf('platform') > -1 ? e.url : `/pages/API/${e.url}/${e.url}`
showPop: function () {
(this.$refs["pop"] as UniElement).style.setProperty("display", "flex")
hidePop: function () {
(this.$refs["pop"] as UniElement).style.setProperty("display", "none")
stopClickPop: function (e : PointerEvent) {
e.stopPropagation() //点击到pop的非灰色区域,拦截点击事件
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/* #ifdef APP */
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height: 100%;
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/* #ifndef APP */
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bottom: var(--window-bottom);
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align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
display: none;
background-color: rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.5);
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