提交 ac4b8a54 编写于 作者: H hdx

feat(pageStyle): 支持设置 pageStyle

上级 ed6a9b84
......@@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ describe('getCurrentPages', () => {
// setPageStyle
await page.callMethod('setPageStyle', false)
await page.callMethod('setPageStyle', {
enablePullDownRefresh: false
await page.waitFor(200)
await page.callMethod('getPageStyle')
......@@ -50,7 +52,9 @@ describe('getCurrentPages', () => {
await page.waitFor(3500)
await page.callMethod('setPageStyle', true)
await page.callMethod('setPageStyle', {
enablePullDownRefresh: true
await page.waitFor(200)
await page.callMethod('startPullDownRefresh')
await page.waitFor(500)
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
<scroll-view class="page-scroll-view">
<!-- #endif -->
<page-head title="getCurrentPages"></page-head>
<view class="uni-padding-wrap">
<button @click="_getCurrentPages">getCurrentPages</button>
......@@ -8,20 +11,39 @@
<text style="margin-top: 5px">index: {{ index }}, route: {{ page.route }}</text>
<button class="btn btn-get-page-style" type="default" @click="getPageStyle">getPageStyle</button>
<button class="btn btn-set-page-style-1" type="default" @click="setPageStyle(true)">setPageStyle(true)</button>
<button class="btn btn-set-page-style-0" type="default" @click="setPageStyle(false)">setPageStyle(false)</button>
<text class="page-style">当前 PageStyle</text>
<text class="page-style-value">{{pageStyleText}}</text>
<text class="status">状态:</text>
<view class="status-list">
<text>enablePullDownRefresh: {{enablePullDownRefreshStatus}}</text>
<text class="tips">当前版本仅支持设置属性 enablePullDownRefresh</text>
<page-head title="currentPageStyle"></page-head>
<view class="page-style-item" v-for="(value, key) in currentPageStyle" :key="key">
<view class="item-text">
<text class="item-text-key">{{key}}:</text>
<text class="item-text-value">{{value}}</text>
<view class="set-value" v-if="typeof value == 'boolean'">
<switch :checked="getStyleValue(key).getBoolean('oldValue')"
@change="switchChange(key, $event as UniSwitchChangeEvent)">
<view class="set-value" v-if="typeof value == 'number'">
<slider :value="getStyleValue(key).getNumber('oldValue')" :show-value="true"
@change="sliderChange(key, $event as UniSliderChangeEvent)" />
<view class="set-value" v-else-if="typeof value == 'string'">
<radio-group class="radio-set-value" @change="radioChange(key, $event as RadioGroupChangeEvent)">
<radio :value="getStyleValue(key).getString('oldValue')">{{getStyleValue(key).getString('oldValue')}}</radio>
<text class="split-h"></text>
<radio :value="getStyleValue(key).getString('newValue')">{{getStyleValue(key).getString('newValue')}}</radio>
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
<!-- #endif -->
import { PageStyleItem, PageStyleMap } from './page-style.uts';
class Page {
constructor(public route : string) {
......@@ -32,6 +54,7 @@
return {
checked: false,
pages: [] as Page[],
PageStyleMap: PageStyleMap as Map<string, PageStyleItem>,
currentPageStyle: {} as UTSJSONObject,
currentPageStyleIsUTSJSONObject: true,
......@@ -43,12 +66,18 @@
return JSON.stringify(this.currentPageStyle)
onLoad() {
onPullDownRefresh() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000)
}, 2000)
methods: {
startPullDownRefresh() {
_getCurrentPages: function () {
this.pages.length = 0
const pages = getCurrentPages()
......@@ -63,24 +92,56 @@
getPageStyle() {
/// get-set-page-style
radioChange(key : string, e : RadioGroupChangeEvent) {
this.setStyleValue(key, e.detail.value);
sliderChange(key : string, e : UniSliderChangeEvent) {
this.setStyleValue(key, e.detail.value);
switchChange(key : string, e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {
this.setStyleValue(key, e.detail.value);
setStyleValue(key : string, value : any) {
const style = {}
style[key] = value
getStyleValue(key : string) : UTSJSONObject {
if (PageStyleMap.has(key))
return PageStyleMap.get(key)!.value;
return {}
getPageStyle() : UTSJSONObject {
const pages = getCurrentPages();
const currentPage = pages[pages.length - 1];
this.currentPageStyle = currentPage.$getPageStyle();
this.currentPageStyle = currentPage.$getPageStyle()
this.currentPageStyleIsUTSJSONObject = this.currentPageStyle instanceof UTSJSONObject
return this.currentPageStyle;
setPageStyle(enable : boolean) {
// 目前仅支持 enablePullDownRefresh
setPageStyle(style : UTSJSONObject) {
console.log('setPageStyle:', style);
const pages = getCurrentPages();
const currentPage = pages[pages.length - 1];
enablePullDownRefresh: enable
this.enablePullDownRefreshStatus = enable
startPullDownRefresh() {
// getPageStyle() {
// const pages = getCurrentPages();
// const currentPage = pages[pages.length - 1];
// this.currentPageStyle = currentPage.$getPageStyle();
// this.currentPageStyleIsUTSJSONObject = this.currentPageStyle instanceof UTSJSONObject
// },
// setPageStyle(enable : boolean) {
// // 目前仅支持 enablePullDownRefresh
// const pages = getCurrentPages();
// const currentPage = pages[pages.length - 1];
// currentPage.$setPageStyle({
// enablePullDownRefresh: enable
// });
// this.enablePullDownRefreshStatus = enable
// },
// getCurrentPage(): Page {
// const pages = getCurrentPages();
// const currentPage = pages[pages.length - 1];
......@@ -90,37 +151,44 @@
.btn {
margin-top: 10px;
.page {
flex: 1;
padding: 10px;
.page-style {
margin-top: 15px;
.page-style-value {
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 5px;
background-color: #fff;
width: 100%;
/* #ifdef WEB */
overflow-wrap: break-word;
/* #endif */
.page-style-item {
padding: 10px;
margin-top: 10px;
background-color: #ffffff;
border-radius: 5px;
.item-text {
flex-direction: row;
.status {
margin-top: 20px;
.item-text-key {
font-weight: bold;
.status-list {
margin-top: 5px;
.item-text-value {
margin-left: 32px;
.tips {
font-size: 12px;
margin-top: 15px;
opacity: .8;
.set-value {
margin-top: 10px;
.radio-set-value {
flex-direction: row;
.split-h {
width: 15px;
export type PageStyleItem = {
type : string
value : UTSJSONObject
export const PageStyleMap = new Map<string, PageStyleItem>([
["navigationBarBackgroundColor", {
type: "string",
value: {
oldValue: "#F8F8F8",
newValue: "#F0F0F0",
} as PageStyleItem],
["navigationBarTextStyle", {
type: "string",
value: {
oldValue: "white",
newValue: "black",
} as PageStyleItem],
["navigationBarTitleText", {
type: "string",
value: {
oldValue: "old title",
newValue: "new title",
} as PageStyleItem],
["navigationStyle", {
type: "string",
value: {
oldValue: "default",
newValue: "custom",
} as PageStyleItem],
["backgroundColor", {
type: "string",
value: {
oldValue: "#ffffff",
newValue: "#000000",
} as PageStyleItem],
["backgroundColorContent", {
type: "string",
value: {
oldValue: "#ffffff",
newValue: "#000000",
} as PageStyleItem],
["backgroundTextStyle", {
type: "string",
value: {
oldValue: "dark",
newValue: "light",
} as PageStyleItem],
["enablePullDownRefresh", {
type: "boolean",
value: {
oldValue: true,
newValue: false,
} as PageStyleItem],
["onReachBottomDistance", {
type: "number",
value: {
oldValue: 50,
newValue: 100,
} as PageStyleItem],
["pageOrientation", {
type: "string",
value: {
oldValue: "auto",
newValue: "portrait",
} as PageStyleItem],
["backgroundColorTop", {
type: "string",
value: {
oldValue: "#ffffff",
newValue: "#000000",
} as PageStyleItem],
["backgroundColorBottom", {
type: "string",
value: {
oldValue: "#ffffff",
newValue: "#000000",
} as PageStyleItem],
["navigationBarAutoBackButton", {
type: "boolean",
value: {
oldValue: true,
newValue: false,
} as PageStyleItem],
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