提交 9d7191de 编写于 作者: H hdx

button.test: 调整自动化测试写法

上级 7201a46e
......@@ -57,18 +57,24 @@ describe('Button.uvue', () => {
it('plain', async () => {
const btn = await page.$('.btn')
expect(await btn.property('plain')).toBe(false)
const newValue1 = await btn.property('plain')
expect(newValue1.toString()).toBe(false + '')
await page.setData({
plain_boolean: true,
expect(await btn.property('plain')).toBe(true)
const newValue2 = await btn.property('plain')
expect(newValue2.toString()).toBe(true + '')
it('disabled', async () => {
const btn = await page.$('.btn')
expect(await btn.property('disabled')).toBe(false)
const newValue1 = await btn.property('disabled')
expect(newValue1.toString()).toBe(false + '')
await page.setData({
disabled_boolean: true,
expect(await btn.property('disabled')).toBe(true)
const newValue2 = await btn.property('disabled')
expect(newValue2.toString()).toBe(true + '')
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