提交 9d6ed37c 编写于 作者: zhaofengliang920817's avatar zhaofengliang920817

修改 overflow-visible-event.test.js 测试例子。

上级 2131040f
......@@ -101,11 +101,16 @@
const rect = uni.getElementById('child')?.getBoundingClientRect()
if (rect != null) {
let ratio = 1
const systemInfo = uni.getSystemInfoSync()
const titleBarHeight = systemInfo.screenHeight - systemInfo.windowHeight
if (uni.getSystemInfoSync().platform == 'android'){
ratio = uni.getSystemInfoSync().devicePixelRatio
this.jest_click_x = rect.x * ratio + 10
this.jest_click_y = rect.bottom * ratio - 10
const systemInfo = uni.getSystemInfoSync()
const titleBarHeight = systemInfo.screenHeight - systemInfo.windowHeight
this.jest_click_x = rect.x * ratio + 30
this.jest_click_y = (rect.bottom + titleBarHeight - 40) * ratio
jest_getParentRect() {
......@@ -129,8 +134,8 @@
if (uni.getSystemInfoSync().platform == 'android'){
ratio = uni.getSystemInfoSync().devicePixelRatio
this.jest_click_x = rect.x * ratio + 10
this.jest_click_y = (rect.top + titleBarHeight + 10) * ratio
this.jest_click_x = rect.x * ratio + 30
this.jest_click_y = (rect.top + titleBarHeight + 30) * ratio
jest_scrollToDeepOverflow() {
......@@ -147,8 +152,8 @@
const titleBarHeight = systemInfo.screenHeight - systemInfo.windowHeight
const afterRect = uni.getElementById('deep-overflow')?.getBoundingClientRect()
if (afterRect != null) {
this.jest_click_x = afterRect.x * ratio + 10
this.jest_click_y = (afterRect.top + titleBarHeight + 10) * ratio
this.jest_click_x = afterRect.x * ratio + 30
this.jest_click_y = (afterRect.top + titleBarHeight + 30) * ratio
}, 200)
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ const sortTestFilePaths = [
class CustomSequencer extends Sequencer {
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