提交 9cf25995 编写于 作者: H hdx

app.vue: 注释 performance

上级 65d33f92
......@@ -8,15 +8,16 @@ export default {
setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1000)
console.log('App Launch')
const performance = uni.getPerformance()
const observer1: PerformanceObserver = performance.createObserver(
(entryList: PerformanceObserverEntryList) => {
// 页面性能分析
// const performance = uni.getPerformance()
// const observer1: PerformanceObserver = performance.createObserver(
// (entryList: PerformanceObserverEntryList) => {
// console.log('observer1:entryList.getEntries()' +JSON.stringify(entryList.getEntries()))
entryTypes: ['render', 'navigation'],
} as PerformanceObserverOptions)
// }
// )
// observer1.observe({
// entryTypes: ['render', 'navigation'],
// } as PerformanceObserverOptions)
onShow: function () {
// 自动化测试
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