提交 8d6619e2 编写于 作者: 雪洛's avatar 雪洛

test: 调整getLocation测试数据默认值

上级 ad1e56be
......@@ -56,8 +56,9 @@
<!-- #endif -->
<script lang="uts">
type GetLocationType = 'wgs84' | 'gcj02'
export type LocationItem = { id : string, name : string, provider ?: UniProvider }
export type ItemType = { value : 'wgs84' | 'gcj02', name : 'wgs84' | 'gcj02' }
export type ItemType = { value : GetLocationType, name : GetLocationType }
export default {
data() {
......@@ -81,13 +82,13 @@
current: 0,
currentProvider: 0,
jest_provider: '',
jest_type: '',
jest_type: 'wgs84' as GetLocationType,
jest_isAltitude: false,
jest_isGeocode: false,
jest_isHighAccuracy: false,
jest_altitude: 0,
jest_longitude: 0,
jest_latitude: 0,
jest_altitude: -1000,
jest_longitude: 200,
jest_latitude: 100,
jest_address: '',
jest_errCode: 0,
jest_complete: false
......@@ -222,7 +223,7 @@
this.jest_altitude = res.altitude
this.jest_complete = true
fail: (err ) => {
fail: (err) => {
this.jest_errCode = err.errCode
this.jest_complete = true
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