diff --git a/pages/API/create-selector-query/create-selector-query.test.js b/pages/API/create-selector-query/create-selector-query.test.js
index b13931bee0446741ad635f10c40f75edae13b080..061ed49083612d61f3d7df66045be73c4e83c6b7 100644
--- a/pages/API/create-selector-query/create-selector-query.test.js
+++ b/pages/API/create-selector-query/create-selector-query.test.js
@@ -53,13 +53,16 @@ describe('nodes-info', () => {
expect(nodeInfo2.top > 220).toBe(true)
- })
- it('get-node-info-child', async () => {
- const child = await page.$('.node-child')
- const childData = await child.data()
- console.log('get-node-info-child.childData.top', childData.top);
- expect(childData.top > 100).toBe(true)
- })
+ })
+ if(!isMP) {
+ // 小程序端启用了虚拟host,无法获取到子组件
+ it('get-node-info-child', async () => {
+ const child = await page.$('.node-child')
+ const childData = await child.data()
+ console.log('get-node-info-child.childData.top', childData.top);
+ expect(childData.top > 100).toBe(true)
+ })
+ }
it('multi-child', async () => {
const pageData = await page.data()
diff --git a/pages/API/get-element-by-id/get-element-by-id.test.js b/pages/API/get-element-by-id/get-element-by-id.test.js
index 9c5478ba805b2948dd15a52bd41c4128e3923ed9..2959694d894abc0bb3211ec8a78a068fb35a1015 100644
--- a/pages/API/get-element-by-id/get-element-by-id.test.js
+++ b/pages/API/get-element-by-id/get-element-by-id.test.js
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
const PAGE_PATH = "/pages/API/get-element-by-id/get-element-by-id";
let page;
-describe("getElementById", () => {
+describe("getElementById", () => {
+ const platformInfo = process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.toLocaleLowerCase()
+ const isAndroid = platformInfo.startsWith('android')
+ const isIOS = platformInfo.startsWith('ios')
+ const isMP = platformInfo.startsWith('mp')
+ const isWeb = platformInfo.startsWith('web')
beforeAll(async () => {
page = await program.reLaunch(PAGE_PATH);
await page.waitFor('view');
@@ -11,7 +16,7 @@ describe("getElementById", () => {
it("changeStyle", async () => {
- if (!process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.startsWith('mp')) {
+ if (!isMP) {
await page.callMethod("changePageHeadBackgroundColor");
await page.callMethod("changeTextColor");
@@ -20,6 +25,10 @@ describe("getElementById", () => {
const image = await program.screenshot({fullPage: true});
+ if(isMP) {
+ return
+ }
* 检测元素offsetLeft属性值域
diff --git a/pages/API/get-file-system-manager/get-file-system-manager.test.js b/pages/API/get-file-system-manager/get-file-system-manager.test.js
index d63c540559b0053fbcaef67f4313a9bc9eec50a1..047221df1ee502b99286d5cf688eea2465aae942 100644
--- a/pages/API/get-file-system-manager/get-file-system-manager.test.js
+++ b/pages/API/get-file-system-manager/get-file-system-manager.test.js
@@ -1,1504 +1,1513 @@
-const PAGE_PATH = '/pages/API/get-file-system-manager/get-file-system-manager'
-describe('ExtApi-FileManagerTest', () => {
- if (process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.indexOf('web') > -1 || process.env.UNI_AUTOMATOR_APP_WEBVIEW ==
- 'true') {
- it('dummyTest', () => {
- expect(1).toBe(1)
- })
- return
- }
- let page;
- let mBasePath;
- let mGlobalTempPath;
- let mGlobalRootPath
- function getData(key = '') {
- return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
- const data = await page.data()
- resolve(key ? data[key] : data)
- })
- }
- beforeAll(async () => {
- page = await program.reLaunch(PAGE_PATH)
- await page.waitFor(600);
- });
- async function isDone() {
- let isDone = await page.waitFor(async () => {
- return await page.data('done')
- })
- await page.setData({
- done: false
- })
- return isDone
- }
- it('USER_DATA_PATH test', async () => {
- let globalUserDataPath = await getData('globalUserDataPath')
- mBasePath = await getData('basePath')
- mGlobalRootPath = await getData('globalRootPath')
- mGlobalTempPath = await getData('globalTempPath')
- await page.setData({
- logAble: false,
- recursiveVal: true,
- copyToBasePath: globalUserDataPath,
- basePath: globalUserDataPath,
- rmDirFile: 'a',
- readDir: 'a',
- writeFile: 'a/1.txt',
- readFile: 'a/1.txt',
- unlinkFile: 'a/1.txt',
- writeFileContent: '锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土,谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦'
- })
- // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
- const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('#btn-clear-file')
- await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 清除文件夹
- const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('#btn-remove-dir')
- await btnRmDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 重新创建测试目录
- const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir')
- await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('#btn-read-dir')
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
- let fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual('[]')
- let fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual('[]')
- // 先测试 recursive = false 文件夹创建,期望失败
- await page.setData({
- recursiveVal: false,
- mkdirFile: 'a/b/c'
- })
- await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let lastFailError = await getData('lastFailError')
- expect(lastFailError.errCode).toEqual(1300002)
- expect(lastFailError.errMsg).toEqual('no such file or directory')
- let lastCompleteError = await getData('lastCompleteError')
- expect(lastCompleteError.errCode).toEqual(1300002)
- expect(lastCompleteError.errMsg).toEqual('no such file or directory')
- // 测试 recursive = true 期望文件夹创建成功
- await page.setData({
- recursiveVal: true
- })
- await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
- fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\"]")
- fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\"]")
- // 测试写入文件
- const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('#btn-write-file')
- await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 检查目录列表数量
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- fileListComplete.sort()
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"1.txt\",\"b\"]")
- fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- fileListSuccess.sort()
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"1.txt\",\"b\"]")
- // 获取和对比 文件内容
- const btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file')
- await btnReadFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
- expect(readFileRet).toEqual("锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土,谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦")
- // 更换文件内容 获取和对比 文件md5和sha1
- await page.setData({
- writeFileContent: "If you were a teardrop;In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright.",
- getFileInfoAlgorithm: "md5"
- })
- await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnReadFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
- expect(readFileRet).toEqual(
- "If you were a teardrop;In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright."
- )
- const btnGetFileInfoButton = await page.$('#btn-get-file-info')
- await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
- expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(185)
- let getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
- expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("29ddd02ed3c38ccebb98884eda082cb1")
- // 切换为 sha1
- await page.setData({
- getFileInfoAlgorithm: "sha1"
- })
- await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
- expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(185)
- getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
- expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("ebef4e75783e0db499fc260d120e695005bead8a")
- // 测试 copyfile
- await page.setData({
- copyFromFile: "a/1.txt",
- copyToFile: "a/2.txt"
- })
- const btnCopyFileButton = await page.$('#btn-copy-file')
- await btnCopyFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 1.txt 2.txt 两个文件都存在
- fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- fileListComplete.sort()
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"1.txt\",\"2.txt\",\"b\"]")
- fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- fileListSuccess.sort()
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"1.txt\",\"2.txt\",\"b\"]")
- // 测试 rename
- await page.setData({
- renameFromFile: "a/2.txt",
- renameToFile: "a/3.txt"
- })
- const btnRenameFileButton = await page.$('#btn-rename-file')
- await btnRenameFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 1.txt 3.txt 两个文件都存在
- fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- fileListComplete.sort()
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"1.txt\",\"3.txt\",\"b\"]")
- fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- fileListSuccess.sort()
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"1.txt\",\"3.txt\",\"b\"]")
- });
- it('TEMP_PATH test', async () => {
- // 测试 TEMP_PATH
- let globalTempPath = await getData('globalTempPath')
- let version = process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo
- version = parseInt(version.split(" ")[1])
- let testDirName = "我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争.1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0+-qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;,"
- if (version < 6) {
- // android 6 以下文件名不能包含特殊字符
- testDirName = "我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争"
- }
- await page.setData({
- logAble: false,
- recursiveVal: true,
- basePath: globalTempPath,
- copyToBasePath: globalTempPath,
- rmDirFile: 'a',
- mkdirFile: 'a',
- unlinkFile: 'a/' + testDirName + '/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock'
- })
- // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
- const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('#btn-unlink-file')
- await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 清除文件夹
- const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('#btn-remove-dir')
- await btnRmDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 重新创建测试目录
- const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir')
- await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('#btn-read-dir')
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
- let fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[]")
- let fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[]")
- // 测试 创建多层级文件目录
- await page.setData({
- recursiveVal: true,
- mkdirFile: 'a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/g/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y/z/中文路径/张三/test',
- })
- await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\"]")
- fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\"]")
- // 测试 创建包含中文特殊符号的目录
- await page.setData({
- recursiveVal: true,
- mkdirFile: 'a/' + testDirName + '/中文路径/张三/name',
- })
- await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
- fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- fileListComplete.sort()
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"" + testDirName + "\"]")
- fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- fileListSuccess.sort()
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"" + testDirName + "\"]")
- /**
- * 从资源文件中读取图片为base64,测试写入较大文件场景
- * 'static/test-image/logo.ico' 注意,依赖这个资源文件,不能删除
- */
- await page.setData({
- basePath: "",
- readFile: 'static/test-image/logo.ico',
- readFileEncoding: 'base64'
- })
- // 获取和对比 文件内容
- const btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file')
- await btnReadFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
- expect(readFileRet.length).toEqual(208544)
- let endStr = readFileRet.substring(readFileRet.length - 10)
- expect(endStr).toEqual("///////w==")
- await page.setData({
- basePath: globalTempPath,
- writeFile: 'a/' + testDirName + '/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock',
- writeFileContent: readFileRet
- })
- const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('#btn-write-file')
- await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 获取文件列表,判断是否写入成功,同时置空base64内容 避免影响实时查看状态
- await page.setData({
- readDir: 'a/' + testDirName + '/中文路径/张三/name',
- readFileRet: '',
- writeFileContent: ''
- })
- // 检查目录列表数量
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"中文文件.mock\"]")
- fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"中文文件.mock\"]")
- // 更换文件内容 获取和对比 文件md5和sha1
- await page.setData({
- getFileInfoFile: 'a/' + testDirName + '/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock',
- getFileInfoAlgorithm: "md5",
- })
- const btnGetFileInfoButton = await page.$('#btn-get-file-info')
- await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
- expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(208544)
- let getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
- expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("486f75ea76625f8c103cac4bc9c49511")
- // 切换为 sha1
- await page.setData({
- getFileInfoAlgorithm: "sha1"
- })
- await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
- expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(208544)
- getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
- expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("1830169a16e7c860beff4a3b0975ba0b6f775f9e")
- // 测试不支持的摘要算法,期望返回错误
- await page.setData({
- getFileInfoAlgorithm: "sha256"
- })
- await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let lastFailError = await getData('lastFailError')
- expect(lastFailError.errCode).toEqual(1300022)
- let lastCompleteError = await getData('lastCompleteError')
- expect(lastCompleteError.errCode).toEqual(1300022)
- // rename 到一个没有提前创建过的目录,期望返回错误
- await page.setData({
- renameFromFile: "a/" + testDirName + "/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock",
- renameToFile: "a/没有提前创建的目录/3.txt"
- })
- const btnRenameFileButton = await page.$('#btn-rename-file')
- await btnRenameFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- lastFailError = await getData('lastFailError')
- expect(lastFailError.errCode).toEqual(1300002)
- lastCompleteError = await getData('lastCompleteError')
- expect(lastCompleteError.errCode).toEqual(1300002)
- // 非递归创建一级目录。期望成功
- await page.setData({
- recursiveVal: false,
- mkdirFile: 'a/提前创建的目录',
- })
- await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await page.setData({
- readDir: 'a',
- })
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- fileListComplete.sort()
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"" + testDirName +
- "\",\"提前创建的目录\"]")
- fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- fileListSuccess.sort()
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"" + testDirName +
- "\",\"提前创建的目录\"]")
- await page.setData({
- copyFromFile: "a/" + testDirName + "/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock",
- copyToFile: "a/提前创建的目录/4.txt"
- })
- const btnCopyFileButton = await page.$('#btn-copy-file')
- await btnCopyFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await page.setData({
- readDir: 'a/提前创建的目录',
- })
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"4.txt\"]")
- fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"4.txt\"]")
- await page.setData({
- unlinkFile: 'a/提前创建的目录/4.txt',
- rmDirFile: 'a/提前创建的目录'
- })
- await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[]")
- fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[]")
- });
- it('CROSS DIR test', async () => {
- /**
- * 跨越用户目录和代码资源目录
- */
- let globalRootPath = await getData('globalRootPath')
- await page.setData({
- recursiveVal: true,
- logAble: false,
- basePath: globalRootPath,
- readDir: 'a',
- rmDirFile: 'a',
- mkdirFile: 'a',
- accessFile: 'a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png',
- unlinkFile: 'a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png'
- })
- // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
- const btnClearFileButton = await page.$('#btn-clear-file')
- await btnClearFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 清除文件夹
- const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('#btn-remove-dir')
- await btnRmDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 重新创建测试目录,期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
- const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir')
- await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('#btn-read-dir')
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual('[]')
- let fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual('[]')
- // 检查资源文件,此时不存在
- const btnAccessFileButton = await page.$('#btn-access-file')
- await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
- expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('')
- // 准备从资源目录拷贝png
- await page.setData({
- basePath: "",
- unlinkFile: 'static/test-image/logo.ico',
- accessFile: 'static/test-image/logo.ico',
- })
- // 检查资源文件,期望存在
- await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
- expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('access:ok')
- // 尝试删除资源,期望失败
- const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('#btn-unlink-file')
- await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
- expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('access:ok')
- // 复制资源到 root目录
- await page.setData({
- copyToBasePath: globalRootPath,
- copyFromFile: "static/test-image/logo.ico",
- copyToFile: "a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png"
- })
- const btnCopyFileButton = await page.$('#btn-copy-file')
- await btnCopyFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 检查期望 root 目录中图片文件存在
- await page.setData({
- basePath: globalRootPath,
- unlinkFile: 'a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png',
- accessFile: 'a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png',
- rmDirFile: 'a',
- })
- await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
- expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('access:ok')
- await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
- expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('')
- // 从页面的按钮触发一次文件复制
- const btnCopyStaticFileButton = await page.$('#btn-copyStatic-file')
- await btnCopyStaticFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"mock.json\"]")
- fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"mock.json\"]")
- // 从页面的按钮触发一次文件清空
- await btnClearFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[]")
- fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[]")
- });
- it('write and read', async () => {
- /**
- * 测试writefile readfile 各个参数是否符合预期
- */
- let globalTempPath = await getData('globalTempPath')
- await page.setData({
- recursiveVal: true,
- logAble: false,
- basePath: globalTempPath,
- readDir: 'd',
- rmDirFile: 'd',
- mkdirFile: 'd',
- writeFileContent: "我爱北京天安门,天安门前太阳升",
- writeFileEncoding: "utf-8",
- readFileEncoding: "utf-8",
- unlinkFile: 'd/write.bing',
- writeFile: 'd/write.bing',
- readFile: 'd/write.bing',
- getFileInfoFile: 'd/write.bing',
- getFileInfoAlgorithm: "sha1"
- })
- // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
- const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('#btn-unlink-file')
- await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 清除文件夹
- const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('#btn-remove-dir')
- await btnRmDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 重新创建测试目录,期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
- const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir')
- await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('#btn-read-dir')
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual('[]')
- let fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual('[]')
- // 先用utf-8 写入内容
- const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('#btn-write-file')
- await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- const btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file')
- await btnReadFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
- expect(readFileRet).toEqual("我爱北京天安门,天安门前太阳升")
- const btnGetFileInfoButton = await page.$('#btn-get-file-info')
- await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
- expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(45)
- let getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
- expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("2ae9c7672ff6c1e7c7e6a0bb4e74a6f06b39350b")
- // 尝试读取base64 信息
- await page.setData({
- readFileEncoding: "base64",
- })
- await btnReadFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
- expect(readFileRet).toEqual("5oiR54ix5YyX5Lqs5aSp5a6J6Zeo77yM5aSp5a6J6Zeo5YmN5aSq6Ziz5Y2H")
- // 测试ascii,需要特别测试 ascii 写入非法字符的情况,因为微信的常量字符编码和android原生有差异。
- await page.setData({
- writeFileContent: "丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦,大醉,作此篇,兼怀子由。明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间",
- writeFileEncoding: "ascii",
- readFileEncoding: "base64",
- })
- await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
- expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(78)
- getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
- expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("4ac7a65055628818341c2ad86ddc4205d8503801")
- await btnReadFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
- expect(readFileRet).toEqual(
- "GbAtywwibr7mDCeJDFxkxwx8AFAxAg4I4PYJH4pS7lIpAg3lKQqrGQzKFS9VdAIRMljOUrsMyFA8fImHDNgEDdzSAnceBAVxDFU8KLr0"
- )
- // 尝试写入合法ascii
- await page.setData({
- writeFileContent: "hello jack.hello marry.",
- writeFileEncoding: "ascii",
- readFileEncoding: "ascii",
- })
- await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnReadFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
- expect(readFileRet).toEqual("hello jack.hello marry.")
- // 写入base64 获取 中文
- await page.setData({
- writeFileContent: "5LiZ6L6w5Lit56eL77yM5qyi6aWu6L6+5pem77yM5aSn6YaJ77yM5L2c5q2k56+H77yM5YW85oCA5a2Q55Sx44CC5piO5pyI5Yeg5pe25pyJ77yf5oqK6YWS6Zeu6Z2S5aSp44CC5LiN55+l5aSp5LiK5a6r6ZiZ77yM5LuK5aSV5piv5L2V5bm044CC5oiR5qyy5LmY6aOO5b2S5Y6777yM5Y+I5oGQ55C85qW8546J5a6H77yM6auY5aSE5LiN6IOc5a+S44CC6LW36Iie5byE5riF5b2x77yM5L2V5Ly85Zyo5Lq66Ze0",
- writeFileEncoding: "base64",
- readFileEncoding: "utf-8",
- })
- await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnReadFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
- expect(readFileRet).toEqual(
- "丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦,大醉,作此篇,兼怀子由。明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间")
- await page.setData({
- readFileEncoding: "base64",
- })
- await btnReadFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
- expect(readFileRet).toEqual(
- "5LiZ6L6w5Lit56eL77yM5qyi6aWu6L6+5pem77yM5aSn6YaJ77yM5L2c5q2k56+H77yM5YW85oCA5a2Q55Sx44CC5piO5pyI5Yeg5pe25pyJ77yf5oqK6YWS6Zeu6Z2S5aSp44CC5LiN55+l5aSp5LiK5a6r6ZiZ77yM5LuK5aSV5piv5L2V5bm044CC5oiR5qyy5LmY6aOO5b2S5Y6777yM5Y+I5oGQ55C85qW8546J5a6H77yM6auY5aSE5LiN6IOc5a+S44CC6LW36Iie5byE5riF5b2x77yM5L2V5Ly85Zyo5Lq66Ze0"
- )
- });
- it('stat and asset test', async () => {
- // 测试 USER_DATA_PATH //globalTempPath
- let globalRootPath = await getData('globalRootPath')
- await page.setData({
- recursiveVal: true,
- copyToBasePath: globalRootPath,
- basePath: globalRootPath,
- globalTempPath: globalRootPath,
- rmDirFile: 'a',
- mkdirFile: 'a',
- unlinkFile: 'a/1.txt',
- })
- // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
- const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('#btn-unlink-file')
- await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await page.setData({
- unlinkFile: 'a/2.txt',
- })
- await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await page.setData({
- unlinkFile: 'a/m/3.txt',
- })
- await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // // 清除文件夹
- const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('#btn-remove-dir')
- await btnRmDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // // 重新创建测试目录
- const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir')
- await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('#btn-read-dir')
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
- let fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual('[]')
- let fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual('[]')
- // 写入一个文件
- await page.setData({
- writeFileContent: "锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土,谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦",
- writeFileEncoding: "utf-8",
- writeFile: 'a/1.txt',
- recursiveVal: false,
- statFile: 'a/1.txt',
- })
- let lastFailError = await getData('lastFailError')
- console.log(lastFailError)
- const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('#btn-write-file')
- await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let btnStatFileButton = await page.$('#btn-stat-file')
- await btnStatFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 读取单个文件信息
- let statsRet = await getData('statsRet')
- expect(statsRet.length).toEqual(1)
- expect(statsRet[0].path).toMatch(new RegExp('.*/a/1.txt$'))
- expect(statsRet[0].stats.size).toEqual(69)
- if (isAndroid()) {
- // 写入一个文件
- await page.setData({
- statsRet: ''
- })
- btnStatFileButton = await page.$('#btn-stat-file-sync')
- await btnStatFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 读取单个文件信息
- statsRet = await getData('statsRet')
- expect(statsRet.length).toEqual(1)
- expect(statsRet[0].path).toMatch(new RegExp('.*/a/1.txt$'))
- expect(statsRet[0].stats.size).toEqual(69)
- }
- /**
- * 创建子目录和子目录文件,测试recursive参数
- */
- await page.setData({
- writeFileContent: "1234567890",
- writeFileEncoding: "ascii",
- writeFile: 'a/2.txt',
- basePath: globalRootPath,
- recursiveVal: false,
- statFile: 'a',
- mkdirFile: 'a/m',
- })
- await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 创建子目录
- await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 复制一份文件到 /a/m/3.txt
- await page.setData({
- // asset 只能正式版测试,这里只能模拟返回路径
- basePath: '',
- copyFromFile: 'static/test-image/logo.ico',
- copyToFile: 'a/m/3.txt',
- })
- const btnCopyFileButton = await page.$('#btn-copy-file')
- await btnCopyFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await page.setData({
- basePath: globalRootPath,
- recursiveVal: true,
- statFile: 'a',
- })
- await btnStatFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 读取全部文件信息
- statsRet = await getData('statsRet')
- statsRet.sort(function(a, b) {
- if (a.path > b.path) {
- return 1
- } else if (a.path < b.path) {
- return -1
- }
- return 0
- })
- console.log(statsRet)
- expect(statsRet.length).toEqual(5)
- expect(statsRet[0].path).toMatch(new RegExp('.*/a$'))
- // expect(statsRet[0].stats.size).toEqual(0)
- expect(statsRet[2].path).toMatch(new RegExp('.*/a/2.txt$'))
- expect(statsRet[2].stats.size).toEqual(10)
- expect(statsRet[4].path).toMatch(new RegExp('.*/a/m/3.txt$'))
- expect(statsRet[4].stats.size).toEqual(156406)
- // 清理文件,避免影响其他测试用例
- await page.setData({
- unlinkFile: 'a/1.txt',
- })
- await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await page.setData({
- unlinkFile: 'a/2.txt',
- })
- await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await page.setData({
- unlinkFile: 'a/m/3.txt',
- rmDirFile: 'a',
- readDir: 'a',
- recursiveVal: true,
- })
- await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnRmDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
- fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual('[]')
- fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual('[]')
- });
- it('appendFileTest', async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- let basePath = await getData('basePath')
- await page.setData({
- basePath: mBasePath,
- recursiveVal: true,
- logAble: false,
- rmDirFile: 'appendfile',
- mkdirFile: 'appendfile',
- writeFileContent: "我爱北京天安门,天安门前太阳升",
- appendFileContent: "再说一遍",
- writeFileEncoding: "utf-8",
- readFileEncoding: "utf-8",
- readFile: 'appendfile/appendfile.txt',
- unlinkFile: 'appendfile/appendfile.txt',
- writeFile: 'appendfile/appendfile.txt',
- })
- // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
- const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('#btn-unlink-file')
- await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 清除文件夹
- const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('#btn-remove-dir')
- await btnRmDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 重新创建测试目录,期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
- const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir')
- await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 先用utf-8 写入内容
- const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('#btn-write-file')
- await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- //追加内容
- const btnAppendFileButton = await page.$('#btn-append-file')
- await btnAppendFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- const btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file')
- await btnReadFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
- expect(readFileRet).toEqual("我爱北京天安门,天安门前太阳升再说一遍")
- });
- //nlinkSyncTest mkdirSyncTest appendFileTest writeFileSyncTest readFileSyncTest rmdirSyncTest readDirSyncTest accessFileSyncTest
- //renameFileSync copyFileSyncTest appendFileSyncTest truncateFileTest truncateFileSyncTest
- it('sync test',
- async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- await page.setData({
- basePath: mBasePath,
- recursiveVal: false,
- logAble: false,
- rmDirFile: 'sync',
- mkdirFile: 'sync',
- writeFileContent: "我爱北京天安门,天安门前太阳升",
- appendFileContent: "再说一遍",
- writeFileEncoding: "utf-8",
- readFileEncoding: "utf-8",
- readDir: 'sync',
- rmDirFile: 'sync',
- unlinkFile: 'sync/sync.txt',
- readFile: 'sync/sync.txt',
- writeFile: 'sync/sync.txt',
- accessFile: 'sync/sync.txt',
- renameToFile: 'sync/sync.txt',
- renameFromFile: 'sync/sync.txt',
- })
- await clearDir('sync')
- // 重新创建测试目录,期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 目录
- const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir-sync')
- await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('#btn-read-dir-sync')
- await btnReadDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- const fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
- expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual('[]')
- // 先用utf-8 写入内容
- const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('#btn-write-file-sync')
- await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let btnAccessFileButton = await page.$('#btn-access-file-sync')
- await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
- expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('access:ok')
- //重新命名文件
- const btnRenameFileButton = await page.$('#btn-rename-file-sync')
- await btnRenameFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let renameFileRet = await getData("renameFileRet")
- expect(renameFileRet).toEqual("rename:ok")
- //追加内容
- let btnAppendFileButton = await page.$('#btn-append-file')
- await btnAppendFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- btnAppendFileButton = await page.$('#btn-append-file-sync')
- await btnAppendFileButton.tap()
- let btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file-sync')
- await btnReadFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
- expect(readFileRet).toEqual("我爱北京天安门,天安门前太阳升再说一遍再说一遍")
- //truncateFileTest
- let btnTruncateFile = await page.$('#btn-truncate-file')
- await btnTruncateFile.tap()
- await isDone()
- btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file-sync')
- await btnReadFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
- expect(readFileRet).toEqual("我爱北京天安门")
- btnTruncateFile = await page.$('#btn-truncate-file-sync')
- await btnTruncateFile.tap()
- await isDone()
- btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file-sync')
- await btnReadFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
- expect(readFileRet).toEqual("我爱北京")
- // 测试 copyfile
- await page.setData({
- basePath: mBasePath,
- copyToBasePath: mBasePath,
- copyFromFile: "sync/sync.txt",
- copyToFile: "sync/syncto.txt",
- accessFile: "sync/syncto.txt"
- })
- const btnCopyFileButton = await page.$('#btn-copy-file-sync')
- await btnCopyFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- btnAccessFileButton = await page.$('#btn-access-file-sync')
- await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
- expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('access:ok')
- await clearDir('sync')
- });
- async function createFile() {
- // 重新创建测试目录,期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 目录
- const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir-sync')
- await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- // 先用utf-8 写入内容
- const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('#btn-write-file-sync')
- await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- }
- async function clearDir(dir) {
- // 最后需要清楚所有文件避免测试失败
- await page.setData({
- rmDirFile: dir,
- })
- const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('#btn-clear-file')
- await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- const btnClear = await page.$('#btn-remove-dir')
- await btnClear.tap()
- await isDone()
- }
- function isAndroid() {
- if (process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.indexOf('web') > -1 || process.env.UNI_AUTOMATOR_APP_WEBVIEW ===
- 'true') {
- expect(1).toBe(1)
- return false
- }
- if (process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.toLocaleLowerCase().startsWith('ios')) {
- expect(1).toBe(1)
- return false
- }
- return true
- }
- it('getSavedFileListTest',
- async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- // await page.setData({
- // logAble: false,
- // basePath: mBasePath
- // })
- // console.log('getSavedFileListTest', 'start')
- // await clearDir('')
- // console.log('getSavedFileListTest', 'end')
- await page.setData({
- logAble: false,
- basePath: mGlobalTempPath,
- temFile: 'save3/2.txt',
- mkdirFile: 'save3',
- writeFile: 'save3/2.txt',
- accessFile: '2.txt'
- })
- await createFile()
- await page.setData({
- basePath: mBasePath,
- writeFile: 'save/2.txt',
- })
- btnSaveFile = await page.$('#btn-save-file-sync')
- await btnSaveFile.tap()
- await isDone()
- let btnSavedFileList = await page.$('#btn-getsaved-filelist')
- await btnSavedFileList.tap()
- await isDone()
- let getSavedFileListRet = await getData("getSavedFileListRet")
- console.log('getSavedFileListTest->' + getSavedFileListRet)
- expect(getSavedFileListRet).toEqual('getSavedFileList:ok')
- });
- it('removeSavedFileTest',
- async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- await page.setData({
- logAble: false,
- basePath: mBasePath
- })
- await clearDir('save4')
- await page.setData({
- logAble: false,
- basePath: mGlobalTempPath,
- temFile: 'save4/saveSync.txt',
- mkdirFile: 'save4',
- writeFile: 'save4/saveSync.txt',
- accessFile: 'saveSync.txt'
- })
- await createFile()
- let btnRemoveSavedFileRet = await page.$('#btn-remove-saved-file')
- await btnRemoveSavedFileRet.tap()
- await isDone()
- let removeSavedFileRet = await getData("removeSavedFileRet")
- expect(removeSavedFileRet).toEqual('removeSavedFile:ok')
- });
- //openFiletest openFileSynctest closeTest closeTestSync writeTest writeSyncTest
- it('openFiletest', async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- await page.setData({
- basePath: mBasePath,
- logAble: false,
- mkdirFile: 'fd',
- writeFile: 'fd/1.txt',
- readFile: 'fd/1.txt'
- })
- await clearDir('fd')
- await createFile()
- console.log('openFiletest', '2')
- //openFiletest
- let btnOpenFile = await page.$('#btn-open-file')
- await btnOpenFile.tap()
- await isDone()
- let fd = await getData("fd")
- expect(fd).not.toBe('');
- await page.setData({
- fd: '',
- })
- console.log('openFiletest', '3')
- //openFileSynctest
- btnOpenFile = await page.$('#btn-open-file-sync')
- await btnOpenFile.tap()
- await isDone()
- fd = await getData("fd")
- expect(fd).not.toBe('');
- console.log('openFiletest', '4')
- });
- // closeTest closeTestSync
- it('closeTest', async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- await page.setData({
- basePath: mBasePath,
- logAble: false,
- mkdirFile: 'fd',
- writeFile: 'fd/1.txt',
- readFile: 'fd/1.txt'
- })
- await clearDir('fd')
- await createFile()
- //closeTest
- let btnCloseFile = await page.$('#btn-close-file')
- await btnCloseFile.tap()
- await isDone()
- let closeFileRet = await getData("closeFileRet")
- expect(closeFileRet).toEqual('close:ok')
- await page.setData({
- closeFileRet: '',
- })
- //closeTestSync
- btnCloseFile = await page.$('#btn-close-file-sync')
- await btnCloseFile.tap()
- await isDone()
- closeFileRet = await getData("closeFileRet")
- expect(closeFileRet).toEqual('close:ok')
- });
- //writeTest writeSyncTest
- it('writeTest', async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- console.log('writeTest', 'start')
- await page.setData({
- basePath: mBasePath,
- logAble: false,
- mkdirFile: 'fd',
- writeFile: 'fd/1.txt',
- readFile: 'fd/1.txt',
- writeData: '我是一只小小鸟'
- })
- await clearDir('fd')
- await createFile()
- console.log('writeTest', '1')
- let btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-write')
- await btnWrite.tap()
- await isDone()
- let bytesWritten = await getData("bytesWritten")
- let lastFailError = await getData("lastFailError")
- if (bytesWritten != 7) {
- let writeData = await getData("writeData")
- console.log('writeTest', lastFailError.errCode, lastFailError.errMsg, bytesWritten,
- writeData)
- }
- expect(bytesWritten).toEqual(7)
- console.log('writeTest', '2')
- //writeSyncTest
- await page.setData({
- writeFile: 'fd/1.txt',
- readFile: 'fd/1.txt',
- writeData: '我是'
- })
- btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-write-sync')
- await btnWrite.tap()
- await isDone()
- bytesWritten = await getData("bytesWritten")
- expect(bytesWritten).toEqual(2)
- console.log('writeTest', '3')
- //fstatTest
- let btnFstat = await page.$('#btn-fstat-file')
- await btnFstat.tap()
- await isDone()
- let fstat = await getData("fstat")
- expect(fstat.size > 0).toBe(true)
- console.log('writeTest', '4')
- //fstatSyncTest
- btnFstat = await page.$('#btn-fstat-file-sync')
- await btnFstat.tap()
- await isDone()
- fstat = await getData("fstat")
- expect(fstat.size > 0).toBe(true)
- console.log('writeTest', '5')
- //ftruncateFileTest
- let btnFTruncateFile = await page.$('#btn-ftruncate-file')
- await btnFTruncateFile.tap()
- await isDone()
- let ftruncateRet = await getData("ftruncateRet")
- expect(fstat).not.toEqual('ftruncate:ok')
- await page.setData({
- ftruncate: '',
- })
- console.log('writeTest', '6')
- //ftruncateFileSyncTest
- btnFTruncateFile = await page.$('#btn-ftruncate-file-sync')
- await btnFTruncateFile.tap()
- await isDone()
- ftruncateRet = await getData("ftruncateRet")
- expect(fstat).not.toEqual('ftruncate:ok')
- console.log('writeTest', '7')
- });
- //writeTest writeSyncTest
- it('ftruncateFileTest', async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- console.log('ftruncateFileTest', 'start')
- await page.setData({
- basePath: mBasePath,
- logAble: false,
- mkdirFile: 'fd',
- writeFile: 'fd/1.txt',
- readFile: 'fd/1.txt',
- writeData: '我是一只小小鸟我是'
- })
- await clearDir('fd')
- await createFile()
- console.log('ftruncateFileTest', '1')
- btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-write-sync')
- await btnWrite.tap()
- await isDone()
- bytesWritten = await getData("bytesWritten")
- expect(bytesWritten).toEqual(9)
- console.log('ftruncateFileTest', '3')
- //ftruncateFileTest
- let btnFTruncateFile = await page.$('#btn-ftruncate-file')
- await btnFTruncateFile.tap()
- await isDone()
- let ftruncateRet = await getData("ftruncateRet")
- expect(ftruncateRet).toEqual('ftruncate:ok')
- await page.setData({
- ftruncate: '',
- })
- console.log('ftruncateFileTest', '6')
- //ftruncateFileSyncTest
- btnFTruncateFile = await page.$('#btn-ftruncate-file-sync')
- await btnFTruncateFile.tap()
- await isDone()
- ftruncateRet = await getData("ftruncateRet")
- expect(ftruncateRet).toEqual('ftruncate:ok')
- console.log('ftruncateFileTest', '7')
- });
- //testAppendFileBuffer
- it('testAppendFileBuffer', async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- var btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-appendfile-buffer')
- await btnWrite.tap()
- await isDone()
- let arrayBufferRes = await getData("arrayBufferRes")
- expect(arrayBufferRes).toEqual(21)
- });
- it('testAppendFileBufferSync', async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- var btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-appendfilesync-buffer')
- await btnWrite.tap()
- await isDone()
- let arrayBufferRes = await getData("arrayBufferRes")
- expect(arrayBufferRes).toEqual(20)
- });
- it('testWriteReadSyncBuffer', async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- var btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-writereadsync-buffer')
- await btnWrite.tap()
- await isDone()
- let arrayBufferRes = await getData("arrayBufferRes")
- expect(arrayBufferRes).toEqual(1.11)
- });
- it('testWriteReadBuffer', async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- var btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-writeread-buffer')
- await btnWrite.tap()
- await isDone()
- let arrayBufferRes = await getData("arrayBufferRes")
- expect(arrayBufferRes).toEqual(1.24)
- });
- it('testWriteReadFileSyncBuffer', async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- var btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-writereadfilesync-buffer')
- await btnWrite.tap()
- await isDone()
- let arrayBufferRes = await getData("arrayBufferRes")
- expect(arrayBufferRes).toEqual(1.333)
- });
- it('testReadFileBuffer', async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- var btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-writereadfile-buffer')
- await btnWrite.tap()
- await isDone()
- let arrayBufferRes = await getData("arrayBufferRes")
- expect(arrayBufferRes).toEqual(1.2222222)
- });
- it('testReadAssetFile', async () => {
- if (!isAndroid()) {
- return
- }
- await page.setData({
- basePath: 'file:///android_asset/uni-app-x',
- logAble: false,
- readFileRet: "",
- readFile: '/version.json'
- })
- let btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file-sync')
- await btnReadFileButton.tap()
- await isDone()
- let readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
- expect(readFileRet.length>0).toBe(true)
- });
+const PAGE_PATH = '/pages/API/get-file-system-manager/get-file-system-manager'
+describe('ExtApi-FileManagerTest', () => {
+ const platformInfo = process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.toLocaleLowerCase()
+ const isIOS = platformInfo.startsWith('ios')
+ const isMP = platformInfo.startsWith('mp')
+ const isWeb = platformInfo.startsWith('web')
+ if (isWeb || process.env.UNI_AUTOMATOR_APP_WEBVIEW == 'true') {
+ it('not support', () => {
+ expect(1).toBe(1)
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ let page;
+ let mBasePath;
+ let mGlobalTempPath;
+ let mGlobalRootPath
+ function getData(key = '') {
+ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
+ const data = await page.data()
+ resolve(key ? data[key] : data)
+ })
+ }
+ beforeAll(async () => {
+ page = await program.reLaunch(PAGE_PATH)
+ await page.waitFor(600);
+ });
+ async function isDone() {
+ let isDone = await page.waitFor(async () => {
+ return await page.data('done')
+ })
+ await page.setData({
+ done: false
+ })
+ return isDone
+ }
+ it('USER_DATA_PATH test', async () => {
+ let globalUserDataPath = await getData('globalUserDataPath')
+ mBasePath = await getData('basePath')
+ mGlobalRootPath = await getData('globalRootPath')
+ mGlobalTempPath = await getData('globalTempPath')
+ await page.setData({
+ logAble: false,
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ copyToBasePath: globalUserDataPath,
+ basePath: globalUserDataPath,
+ rmDirFile: 'a',
+ readDir: 'a',
+ writeFile: 'a/1.txt',
+ readFile: 'a/1.txt',
+ unlinkFile: 'a/1.txt',
+ writeFileContent: '锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土,谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦'
+ })
+ // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
+ const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('#btn-clear-file')
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 清除文件夹
+ const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('#btn-remove-dir')
+ await btnRmDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 重新创建测试目录
+ const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir')
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('#btn-read-dir')
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
+ let fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual('[]')
+ let fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual('[]')
+ // 先测试 recursive = false 文件夹创建,期望失败
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: false,
+ mkdirFile: 'a/b/c'
+ })
+ if (!isMP) {
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let lastFailError = await getData('lastFailError')
+ expect(lastFailError.errCode).toEqual(1300002)
+ expect(lastFailError.errMsg).toEqual('no such file or directory')
+ let lastCompleteError = await getData('lastCompleteError')
+ expect(lastCompleteError.errCode).toEqual(1300002)
+ expect(lastCompleteError.errMsg).toEqual('no such file or directory')
+ }
+ // 测试 recursive = true 期望文件夹创建成功
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: true
+ })
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\"]")
+ // 测试写入文件
+ const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('#btn-write-file')
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 检查目录列表数量
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ fileListComplete.sort()
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"1.txt\",\"b\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ fileListSuccess.sort()
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"1.txt\",\"b\"]")
+ // 获取和对比 文件内容
+ const btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file')
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet).toEqual("锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土,谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦")
+ // 更换文件内容 获取和对比 文件md5和sha1
+ await page.setData({
+ writeFileContent: "If you were a teardrop;In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright.",
+ getFileInfoAlgorithm: "md5"
+ })
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet).toEqual(
+ "If you were a teardrop;In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright."
+ )
+ const btnGetFileInfoButton = await page.$('#btn-get-file-info')
+ await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
+ expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(185)
+ let getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
+ expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("29ddd02ed3c38ccebb98884eda082cb1")
+ // 切换为 sha1
+ await page.setData({
+ getFileInfoAlgorithm: "sha1"
+ })
+ await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
+ expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(185)
+ getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
+ expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("ebef4e75783e0db499fc260d120e695005bead8a")
+ // 测试 copyfile
+ await page.setData({
+ copyFromFile: "a/1.txt",
+ copyToFile: "a/2.txt"
+ })
+ const btnCopyFileButton = await page.$('#btn-copy-file')
+ await btnCopyFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 1.txt 2.txt 两个文件都存在
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ fileListComplete.sort()
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"1.txt\",\"2.txt\",\"b\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ fileListSuccess.sort()
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"1.txt\",\"2.txt\",\"b\"]")
+ // 测试 rename
+ await page.setData({
+ renameFromFile: "a/2.txt",
+ renameToFile: "a/3.txt"
+ })
+ const btnRenameFileButton = await page.$('#btn-rename-file')
+ await btnRenameFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 1.txt 3.txt 两个文件都存在
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ fileListComplete.sort()
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"1.txt\",\"3.txt\",\"b\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ fileListSuccess.sort()
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"1.txt\",\"3.txt\",\"b\"]")
+ });
+ if (isMP) {
+ // 如下大量测试是对非USER_DATA_PATH的测试,后续有机会再行整理
+ return
+ }
+ it('TEMP_PATH test', async () => {
+ // 测试 TEMP_PATH
+ let globalTempPath = await getData('globalTempPath')
+ let version = process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo
+ version = parseInt(version.split(" ")[1])
+ let testDirName = "我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争.1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0+-qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm;,"
+ if (version < 6) {
+ // android 6 以下文件名不能包含特殊字符
+ testDirName = "我们经历了一场兵慌马乱的战争"
+ }
+ await page.setData({
+ logAble: false,
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ basePath: globalTempPath,
+ copyToBasePath: globalTempPath,
+ rmDirFile: 'a',
+ mkdirFile: 'a',
+ unlinkFile: 'a/' + testDirName + '/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock'
+ })
+ // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
+ const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('#btn-unlink-file')
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 清除文件夹
+ const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('#btn-remove-dir')
+ await btnRmDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 重新创建测试目录
+ const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir')
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('#btn-read-dir')
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
+ let fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[]")
+ let fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[]")
+ // 测试 创建多层级文件目录
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ mkdirFile: 'a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/g/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y/z/中文路径/张三/test',
+ })
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\"]")
+ // 测试 创建包含中文特殊符号的目录
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ mkdirFile: 'a/' + testDirName + '/中文路径/张三/name',
+ })
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ fileListComplete.sort()
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"" + testDirName + "\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ fileListSuccess.sort()
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"" + testDirName + "\"]")
+ /**
+ * 从资源文件中读取图片为base64,测试写入较大文件场景
+ * 'static/test-image/logo.ico' 注意,依赖这个资源文件,不能删除
+ */
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: "",
+ readFile: 'static/test-image/logo.ico',
+ readFileEncoding: 'base64'
+ })
+ // 获取和对比 文件内容
+ const btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file')
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet.length).toEqual(208544)
+ let endStr = readFileRet.substring(readFileRet.length - 10)
+ expect(endStr).toEqual("///////w==")
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: globalTempPath,
+ writeFile: 'a/' + testDirName + '/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock',
+ writeFileContent: readFileRet
+ })
+ const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('#btn-write-file')
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 获取文件列表,判断是否写入成功,同时置空base64内容 避免影响实时查看状态
+ await page.setData({
+ readDir: 'a/' + testDirName + '/中文路径/张三/name',
+ readFileRet: '',
+ writeFileContent: ''
+ })
+ // 检查目录列表数量
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"中文文件.mock\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"中文文件.mock\"]")
+ // 更换文件内容 获取和对比 文件md5和sha1
+ await page.setData({
+ getFileInfoFile: 'a/' + testDirName + '/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock',
+ getFileInfoAlgorithm: "md5",
+ })
+ const btnGetFileInfoButton = await page.$('#btn-get-file-info')
+ await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
+ expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(208544)
+ let getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
+ expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("486f75ea76625f8c103cac4bc9c49511")
+ // 切换为 sha1
+ await page.setData({
+ getFileInfoAlgorithm: "sha1"
+ })
+ await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
+ expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(208544)
+ getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
+ expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("1830169a16e7c860beff4a3b0975ba0b6f775f9e")
+ // 测试不支持的摘要算法,期望返回错误
+ await page.setData({
+ getFileInfoAlgorithm: "sha256"
+ })
+ if (!isMP) {
+ await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let lastFailError = await getData('lastFailError')
+ expect(lastFailError.errCode).toEqual(1300022)
+ let lastCompleteError = await getData('lastCompleteError')
+ expect(lastCompleteError.errCode).toEqual(1300022)
+ }
+ // rename 到一个没有提前创建过的目录,期望返回错误
+ await page.setData({
+ renameFromFile: "a/" + testDirName + "/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock",
+ renameToFile: "a/没有提前创建的目录/3.txt"
+ })
+ if (!isMP) {
+ const btnRenameFileButton = await page.$('#btn-rename-file')
+ await btnRenameFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ lastFailError = await getData('lastFailError')
+ expect(lastFailError.errCode).toEqual(1300002)
+ lastCompleteError = await getData('lastCompleteError')
+ expect(lastCompleteError.errCode).toEqual(1300002)
+ }
+ // 非递归创建一级目录。期望成功
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: false,
+ mkdirFile: 'a/提前创建的目录',
+ })
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await page.setData({
+ readDir: 'a',
+ })
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ fileListComplete.sort()
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"" + testDirName +
+ "\",\"提前创建的目录\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ fileListSuccess.sort()
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"b\",\"" + testDirName +
+ "\",\"提前创建的目录\"]")
+ await page.setData({
+ copyFromFile: "a/" + testDirName + "/中文路径/张三/name/中文文件.mock",
+ copyToFile: "a/提前创建的目录/4.txt"
+ })
+ const btnCopyFileButton = await page.$('#btn-copy-file')
+ await btnCopyFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await page.setData({
+ readDir: 'a/提前创建的目录',
+ })
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"4.txt\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"4.txt\"]")
+ await page.setData({
+ unlinkFile: 'a/提前创建的目录/4.txt',
+ rmDirFile: 'a/提前创建的目录'
+ })
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[]")
+ });
+ it('CROSS DIR test', async () => {
+ /**
+ * 跨越用户目录和代码资源目录
+ */
+ let globalRootPath = await getData('globalRootPath')
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ logAble: false,
+ basePath: globalRootPath,
+ readDir: 'a',
+ rmDirFile: 'a',
+ mkdirFile: 'a',
+ accessFile: 'a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png',
+ unlinkFile: 'a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png'
+ })
+ // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
+ const btnClearFileButton = await page.$('#btn-clear-file')
+ await btnClearFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 清除文件夹
+ const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('#btn-remove-dir')
+ await btnRmDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 重新创建测试目录,期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
+ const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir')
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('#btn-read-dir')
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual('[]')
+ let fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual('[]')
+ // 检查资源文件,此时不存在
+ const btnAccessFileButton = await page.$('#btn-access-file')
+ await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
+ expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('')
+ // 准备从资源目录拷贝png
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: "",
+ unlinkFile: 'static/test-image/logo.ico',
+ accessFile: 'static/test-image/logo.ico',
+ })
+ // 检查资源文件,期望存在
+ await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
+ expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('access:ok')
+ // 尝试删除资源,期望失败
+ const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('#btn-unlink-file')
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
+ expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('access:ok')
+ // 复制资源到 root目录
+ await page.setData({
+ copyToBasePath: globalRootPath,
+ copyFromFile: "static/test-image/logo.ico",
+ copyToFile: "a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png"
+ })
+ const btnCopyFileButton = await page.$('#btn-copy-file')
+ await btnCopyFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 检查期望 root 目录中图片文件存在
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: globalRootPath,
+ unlinkFile: 'a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png',
+ accessFile: 'a/从代码目录拷贝的资源.png',
+ rmDirFile: 'a',
+ })
+ await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
+ expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('access:ok')
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
+ expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('')
+ // 从页面的按钮触发一次文件复制
+ const btnCopyStaticFileButton = await page.$('#btn-copyStatic-file')
+ await btnCopyStaticFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[\"mock.json\"]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[\"mock.json\"]")
+ // 从页面的按钮触发一次文件清空
+ await btnClearFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual("[]")
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual("[]")
+ });
+ it('write and read', async () => {
+ /**
+ * 测试writefile readfile 各个参数是否符合预期
+ */
+ let globalTempPath = await getData('globalTempPath')
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ logAble: false,
+ basePath: globalTempPath,
+ readDir: 'd',
+ rmDirFile: 'd',
+ mkdirFile: 'd',
+ writeFileContent: "我爱北京天安门,天安门前太阳升",
+ writeFileEncoding: "utf-8",
+ readFileEncoding: "utf-8",
+ unlinkFile: 'd/write.bing',
+ writeFile: 'd/write.bing',
+ readFile: 'd/write.bing',
+ getFileInfoFile: 'd/write.bing',
+ getFileInfoAlgorithm: "sha1"
+ })
+ // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
+ const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('#btn-unlink-file')
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 清除文件夹
+ const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('#btn-remove-dir')
+ await btnRmDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 重新创建测试目录,期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
+ const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir')
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('#btn-read-dir')
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual('[]')
+ let fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual('[]')
+ // 先用utf-8 写入内容
+ const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('#btn-write-file')
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ const btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file')
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet).toEqual("我爱北京天安门,天安门前太阳升")
+ const btnGetFileInfoButton = await page.$('#btn-get-file-info')
+ await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
+ expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(45)
+ let getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
+ expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("2ae9c7672ff6c1e7c7e6a0bb4e74a6f06b39350b")
+ // 尝试读取base64 信息
+ await page.setData({
+ readFileEncoding: "base64",
+ })
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet).toEqual("5oiR54ix5YyX5Lqs5aSp5a6J6Zeo77yM5aSp5a6J6Zeo5YmN5aSq6Ziz5Y2H")
+ // 测试ascii,需要特别测试 ascii 写入非法字符的情况,因为微信的常量字符编码和android原生有差异。
+ await page.setData({
+ writeFileContent: "丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦,大醉,作此篇,兼怀子由。明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间",
+ writeFileEncoding: "ascii",
+ readFileEncoding: "base64",
+ })
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnGetFileInfoButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ getFileInfoSize = await getData('getFileInfoSize')
+ expect(getFileInfoSize).toEqual(78)
+ getFileInfoDigest = await getData('getFileInfoDigest')
+ expect(getFileInfoDigest).toEqual("4ac7a65055628818341c2ad86ddc4205d8503801")
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet).toEqual(
+ "GbAtywwibr7mDCeJDFxkxwx8AFAxAg4I4PYJH4pS7lIpAg3lKQqrGQzKFS9VdAIRMljOUrsMyFA8fImHDNgEDdzSAnceBAVxDFU8KLr0"
+ )
+ // 尝试写入合法ascii
+ await page.setData({
+ writeFileContent: "hello jack.hello marry.",
+ writeFileEncoding: "ascii",
+ readFileEncoding: "ascii",
+ })
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet).toEqual("hello jack.hello marry.")
+ // 写入base64 获取 中文
+ await page.setData({
+ writeFileContent: "5LiZ6L6w5Lit56eL77yM5qyi6aWu6L6+5pem77yM5aSn6YaJ77yM5L2c5q2k56+H77yM5YW85oCA5a2Q55Sx44CC5piO5pyI5Yeg5pe25pyJ77yf5oqK6YWS6Zeu6Z2S5aSp44CC5LiN55+l5aSp5LiK5a6r6ZiZ77yM5LuK5aSV5piv5L2V5bm044CC5oiR5qyy5LmY6aOO5b2S5Y6777yM5Y+I5oGQ55C85qW8546J5a6H77yM6auY5aSE5LiN6IOc5a+S44CC6LW36Iie5byE5riF5b2x77yM5L2V5Ly85Zyo5Lq66Ze0",
+ writeFileEncoding: "base64",
+ readFileEncoding: "utf-8",
+ })
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet).toEqual(
+ "丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦,大醉,作此篇,兼怀子由。明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间")
+ await page.setData({
+ readFileEncoding: "base64",
+ })
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet).toEqual(
+ "5LiZ6L6w5Lit56eL77yM5qyi6aWu6L6+5pem77yM5aSn6YaJ77yM5L2c5q2k56+H77yM5YW85oCA5a2Q55Sx44CC5piO5pyI5Yeg5pe25pyJ77yf5oqK6YWS6Zeu6Z2S5aSp44CC5LiN55+l5aSp5LiK5a6r6ZiZ77yM5LuK5aSV5piv5L2V5bm044CC5oiR5qyy5LmY6aOO5b2S5Y6777yM5Y+I5oGQ55C85qW8546J5a6H77yM6auY5aSE5LiN6IOc5a+S44CC6LW36Iie5byE5riF5b2x77yM5L2V5Ly85Zyo5Lq66Ze0"
+ )
+ });
+ it('stat and asset test', async () => {
+ // 测试 USER_DATA_PATH //globalTempPath
+ let globalRootPath = await getData('globalRootPath')
+ await page.setData({
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ copyToBasePath: globalRootPath,
+ basePath: globalRootPath,
+ globalTempPath: globalRootPath,
+ rmDirFile: 'a',
+ mkdirFile: 'a',
+ unlinkFile: 'a/1.txt',
+ })
+ // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
+ const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('#btn-unlink-file')
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await page.setData({
+ unlinkFile: 'a/2.txt',
+ })
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await page.setData({
+ unlinkFile: 'a/m/3.txt',
+ })
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // // 清除文件夹
+ const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('#btn-remove-dir')
+ await btnRmDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // // 重新创建测试目录
+ const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir')
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('#btn-read-dir')
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
+ let fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual('[]')
+ let fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual('[]')
+ // 写入一个文件
+ await page.setData({
+ writeFileContent: "锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土,谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦",
+ writeFileEncoding: "utf-8",
+ writeFile: 'a/1.txt',
+ recursiveVal: false,
+ statFile: 'a/1.txt',
+ })
+ let lastFailError = await getData('lastFailError')
+ console.log(lastFailError)
+ const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('#btn-write-file')
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let btnStatFileButton = await page.$('#btn-stat-file')
+ await btnStatFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 读取单个文件信息
+ let statsRet = await getData('statsRet')
+ expect(statsRet.length).toEqual(1)
+ expect(statsRet[0].path).toMatch(new RegExp('.*/a/1.txt$'))
+ expect(statsRet[0].stats.size).toEqual(69)
+ if (isAndroid()) {
+ // 写入一个文件
+ await page.setData({
+ statsRet: ''
+ })
+ btnStatFileButton = await page.$('#btn-stat-file-sync')
+ await btnStatFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 读取单个文件信息
+ statsRet = await getData('statsRet')
+ expect(statsRet.length).toEqual(1)
+ expect(statsRet[0].path).toMatch(new RegExp('.*/a/1.txt$'))
+ expect(statsRet[0].stats.size).toEqual(69)
+ }
+ /**
+ * 创建子目录和子目录文件,测试recursive参数
+ */
+ await page.setData({
+ writeFileContent: "1234567890",
+ writeFileEncoding: "ascii",
+ writeFile: 'a/2.txt',
+ basePath: globalRootPath,
+ recursiveVal: false,
+ statFile: 'a',
+ mkdirFile: 'a/m',
+ })
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 创建子目录
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 复制一份文件到 /a/m/3.txt
+ await page.setData({
+ // asset 只能正式版测试,这里只能模拟返回路径
+ basePath: '',
+ copyFromFile: 'static/test-image/logo.ico',
+ copyToFile: 'a/m/3.txt',
+ })
+ const btnCopyFileButton = await page.$('#btn-copy-file')
+ await btnCopyFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: globalRootPath,
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ statFile: 'a',
+ })
+ await btnStatFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 读取全部文件信息
+ statsRet = await getData('statsRet')
+ statsRet.sort(function(a, b) {
+ if (a.path > b.path) {
+ return 1
+ } else if (a.path < b.path) {
+ return -1
+ }
+ return 0
+ })
+ console.log(statsRet)
+ expect(statsRet.length).toEqual(5)
+ expect(statsRet[0].path).toMatch(new RegExp('.*/a$'))
+ // expect(statsRet[0].stats.size).toEqual(0)
+ expect(statsRet[2].path).toMatch(new RegExp('.*/a/2.txt$'))
+ expect(statsRet[2].stats.size).toEqual(10)
+ expect(statsRet[4].path).toMatch(new RegExp('.*/a/m/3.txt$'))
+ expect(statsRet[4].stats.size).toEqual(156406)
+ // 清理文件,避免影响其他测试用例
+ await page.setData({
+ unlinkFile: 'a/1.txt',
+ })
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await page.setData({
+ unlinkFile: 'a/2.txt',
+ })
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await page.setData({
+ unlinkFile: 'a/m/3.txt',
+ rmDirFile: 'a',
+ readDir: 'a',
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ })
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnRmDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
+ fileListComplete = await getData('fileListComplete')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListComplete)).toEqual('[]')
+ fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual('[]')
+ });
+ it('appendFileTest', async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ let basePath = await getData('basePath')
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: mBasePath,
+ recursiveVal: true,
+ logAble: false,
+ rmDirFile: 'appendfile',
+ mkdirFile: 'appendfile',
+ writeFileContent: "我爱北京天安门,天安门前太阳升",
+ appendFileContent: "再说一遍",
+ writeFileEncoding: "utf-8",
+ readFileEncoding: "utf-8",
+ readFile: 'appendfile/appendfile.txt',
+ unlinkFile: 'appendfile/appendfile.txt',
+ writeFile: 'appendfile/appendfile.txt',
+ })
+ // 先清除文件,需要清除全部可能存在的历史测试文件,避免运行失败
+ const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('#btn-unlink-file')
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 清除文件夹
+ const btnRmDirButton = await page.$('#btn-remove-dir')
+ await btnRmDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 重新创建测试目录,期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 /a 目录
+ const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir')
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 先用utf-8 写入内容
+ const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('#btn-write-file')
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ //追加内容
+ const btnAppendFileButton = await page.$('#btn-append-file')
+ await btnAppendFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ const btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file')
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet).toEqual("我爱北京天安门,天安门前太阳升再说一遍")
+ });
+ //nlinkSyncTest mkdirSyncTest appendFileTest writeFileSyncTest readFileSyncTest rmdirSyncTest readDirSyncTest accessFileSyncTest
+ //renameFileSync copyFileSyncTest appendFileSyncTest truncateFileTest truncateFileSyncTest
+ it('sync test',
+ async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: mBasePath,
+ recursiveVal: false,
+ logAble: false,
+ rmDirFile: 'sync',
+ mkdirFile: 'sync',
+ writeFileContent: "我爱北京天安门,天安门前太阳升",
+ appendFileContent: "再说一遍",
+ writeFileEncoding: "utf-8",
+ readFileEncoding: "utf-8",
+ readDir: 'sync',
+ rmDirFile: 'sync',
+ unlinkFile: 'sync/sync.txt',
+ readFile: 'sync/sync.txt',
+ writeFile: 'sync/sync.txt',
+ accessFile: 'sync/sync.txt',
+ renameToFile: 'sync/sync.txt',
+ renameFromFile: 'sync/sync.txt',
+ })
+ await clearDir('sync')
+ // 重新创建测试目录,期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 目录
+ const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir-sync')
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ const btnReadDirButton = await page.$('#btn-read-dir-sync')
+ await btnReadDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ const fileListSuccess = await getData('fileListSuccess')
+ expect(JSON.stringify(fileListSuccess)).toEqual('[]')
+ // 先用utf-8 写入内容
+ const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('#btn-write-file-sync')
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let btnAccessFileButton = await page.$('#btn-access-file-sync')
+ await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
+ expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('access:ok')
+ //重新命名文件
+ const btnRenameFileButton = await page.$('#btn-rename-file-sync')
+ await btnRenameFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let renameFileRet = await getData("renameFileRet")
+ expect(renameFileRet).toEqual("rename:ok")
+ //追加内容
+ let btnAppendFileButton = await page.$('#btn-append-file')
+ await btnAppendFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ btnAppendFileButton = await page.$('#btn-append-file-sync')
+ await btnAppendFileButton.tap()
+ let btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file-sync')
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet).toEqual("我爱北京天安门,天安门前太阳升再说一遍再说一遍")
+ //truncateFileTest
+ let btnTruncateFile = await page.$('#btn-truncate-file')
+ await btnTruncateFile.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file-sync')
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet).toEqual("我爱北京天安门")
+ btnTruncateFile = await page.$('#btn-truncate-file-sync')
+ await btnTruncateFile.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file-sync')
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet).toEqual("我爱北京")
+ // 测试 copyfile
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: mBasePath,
+ copyToBasePath: mBasePath,
+ copyFromFile: "sync/sync.txt",
+ copyToFile: "sync/syncto.txt",
+ accessFile: "sync/syncto.txt"
+ })
+ const btnCopyFileButton = await page.$('#btn-copy-file-sync')
+ await btnCopyFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ btnAccessFileButton = await page.$('#btn-access-file-sync')
+ await btnAccessFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ accessFileRet = await getData("accessFileRet")
+ expect(accessFileRet).toEqual('access:ok')
+ await clearDir('sync')
+ });
+ async function createFile() {
+ // 重新创建测试目录,期望通过 recursive = true的 文件夹删除,得到一个空的 目录
+ const btnMkdDirButton = await page.$('#btn-mkdir-sync')
+ await btnMkdDirButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ // 先用utf-8 写入内容
+ const btnWriteFileButton = await page.$('#btn-write-file-sync')
+ await btnWriteFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ }
+ async function clearDir(dir) {
+ // 最后需要清楚所有文件避免测试失败
+ await page.setData({
+ rmDirFile: dir,
+ })
+ const btnUnLinkFileButton = await page.$('#btn-clear-file')
+ await btnUnLinkFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ const btnClear = await page.$('#btn-remove-dir')
+ await btnClear.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ }
+ function isAndroid() {
+ if (isWeb || isMP || process.env.UNI_AUTOMATOR_APP_WEBVIEW ===
+ 'true') {
+ expect(1).toBe(1)
+ return false
+ }
+ if (process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.toLocaleLowerCase().startsWith('ios')) {
+ expect(1).toBe(1)
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ it('getSavedFileListTest',
+ async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ // await page.setData({
+ // logAble: false,
+ // basePath: mBasePath
+ // })
+ // console.log('getSavedFileListTest', 'start')
+ // await clearDir('')
+ // console.log('getSavedFileListTest', 'end')
+ await page.setData({
+ logAble: false,
+ basePath: mGlobalTempPath,
+ temFile: 'save3/2.txt',
+ mkdirFile: 'save3',
+ writeFile: 'save3/2.txt',
+ accessFile: '2.txt'
+ })
+ await createFile()
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: mBasePath,
+ writeFile: 'save/2.txt',
+ })
+ btnSaveFile = await page.$('#btn-save-file-sync')
+ await btnSaveFile.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let btnSavedFileList = await page.$('#btn-getsaved-filelist')
+ await btnSavedFileList.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let getSavedFileListRet = await getData("getSavedFileListRet")
+ console.log('getSavedFileListTest->' + getSavedFileListRet)
+ expect(getSavedFileListRet).toEqual('getSavedFileList:ok')
+ });
+ it('removeSavedFileTest',
+ async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ await page.setData({
+ logAble: false,
+ basePath: mBasePath
+ })
+ await clearDir('save4')
+ await page.setData({
+ logAble: false,
+ basePath: mGlobalTempPath,
+ temFile: 'save4/saveSync.txt',
+ mkdirFile: 'save4',
+ writeFile: 'save4/saveSync.txt',
+ accessFile: 'saveSync.txt'
+ })
+ await createFile()
+ let btnRemoveSavedFileRet = await page.$('#btn-remove-saved-file')
+ await btnRemoveSavedFileRet.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let removeSavedFileRet = await getData("removeSavedFileRet")
+ expect(removeSavedFileRet).toEqual('removeSavedFile:ok')
+ });
+ //openFiletest openFileSynctest closeTest closeTestSync writeTest writeSyncTest
+ it('openFiletest', async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: mBasePath,
+ logAble: false,
+ mkdirFile: 'fd',
+ writeFile: 'fd/1.txt',
+ readFile: 'fd/1.txt'
+ })
+ await clearDir('fd')
+ await createFile()
+ console.log('openFiletest', '2')
+ //openFiletest
+ let btnOpenFile = await page.$('#btn-open-file')
+ await btnOpenFile.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let fd = await getData("fd")
+ expect(fd).not.toBe('');
+ await page.setData({
+ fd: '',
+ })
+ console.log('openFiletest', '3')
+ //openFileSynctest
+ btnOpenFile = await page.$('#btn-open-file-sync')
+ await btnOpenFile.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fd = await getData("fd")
+ expect(fd).not.toBe('');
+ console.log('openFiletest', '4')
+ });
+ // closeTest closeTestSync
+ it('closeTest', async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: mBasePath,
+ logAble: false,
+ mkdirFile: 'fd',
+ writeFile: 'fd/1.txt',
+ readFile: 'fd/1.txt'
+ })
+ await clearDir('fd')
+ await createFile()
+ //closeTest
+ let btnCloseFile = await page.$('#btn-close-file')
+ await btnCloseFile.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let closeFileRet = await getData("closeFileRet")
+ expect(closeFileRet).toEqual('close:ok')
+ await page.setData({
+ closeFileRet: '',
+ })
+ //closeTestSync
+ btnCloseFile = await page.$('#btn-close-file-sync')
+ await btnCloseFile.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ closeFileRet = await getData("closeFileRet")
+ expect(closeFileRet).toEqual('close:ok')
+ });
+ //writeTest writeSyncTest
+ it('writeTest', async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ console.log('writeTest', 'start')
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: mBasePath,
+ logAble: false,
+ mkdirFile: 'fd',
+ writeFile: 'fd/1.txt',
+ readFile: 'fd/1.txt',
+ writeData: '我是一只小小鸟'
+ })
+ await clearDir('fd')
+ await createFile()
+ console.log('writeTest', '1')
+ let btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-write')
+ await btnWrite.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let bytesWritten = await getData("bytesWritten")
+ let lastFailError = await getData("lastFailError")
+ if (bytesWritten != 7) {
+ let writeData = await getData("writeData")
+ console.log('writeTest', lastFailError.errCode, lastFailError.errMsg, bytesWritten,
+ writeData)
+ }
+ expect(bytesWritten).toEqual(7)
+ console.log('writeTest', '2')
+ //writeSyncTest
+ await page.setData({
+ writeFile: 'fd/1.txt',
+ readFile: 'fd/1.txt',
+ writeData: '我是'
+ })
+ btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-write-sync')
+ await btnWrite.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ bytesWritten = await getData("bytesWritten")
+ expect(bytesWritten).toEqual(2)
+ console.log('writeTest', '3')
+ //fstatTest
+ let btnFstat = await page.$('#btn-fstat-file')
+ await btnFstat.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let fstat = await getData("fstat")
+ expect(fstat.size > 0).toBe(true)
+ console.log('writeTest', '4')
+ //fstatSyncTest
+ btnFstat = await page.$('#btn-fstat-file-sync')
+ await btnFstat.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ fstat = await getData("fstat")
+ expect(fstat.size > 0).toBe(true)
+ console.log('writeTest', '5')
+ //ftruncateFileTest
+ let btnFTruncateFile = await page.$('#btn-ftruncate-file')
+ await btnFTruncateFile.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let ftruncateRet = await getData("ftruncateRet")
+ expect(fstat).not.toEqual('ftruncate:ok')
+ await page.setData({
+ ftruncate: '',
+ })
+ console.log('writeTest', '6')
+ //ftruncateFileSyncTest
+ btnFTruncateFile = await page.$('#btn-ftruncate-file-sync')
+ await btnFTruncateFile.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ ftruncateRet = await getData("ftruncateRet")
+ expect(fstat).not.toEqual('ftruncate:ok')
+ console.log('writeTest', '7')
+ });
+ //writeTest writeSyncTest
+ it('ftruncateFileTest', async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ console.log('ftruncateFileTest', 'start')
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: mBasePath,
+ logAble: false,
+ mkdirFile: 'fd',
+ writeFile: 'fd/1.txt',
+ readFile: 'fd/1.txt',
+ writeData: '我是一只小小鸟我是'
+ })
+ await clearDir('fd')
+ await createFile()
+ console.log('ftruncateFileTest', '1')
+ btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-write-sync')
+ await btnWrite.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ bytesWritten = await getData("bytesWritten")
+ expect(bytesWritten).toEqual(9)
+ console.log('ftruncateFileTest', '3')
+ //ftruncateFileTest
+ let btnFTruncateFile = await page.$('#btn-ftruncate-file')
+ await btnFTruncateFile.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let ftruncateRet = await getData("ftruncateRet")
+ expect(ftruncateRet).toEqual('ftruncate:ok')
+ await page.setData({
+ ftruncate: '',
+ })
+ console.log('ftruncateFileTest', '6')
+ //ftruncateFileSyncTest
+ btnFTruncateFile = await page.$('#btn-ftruncate-file-sync')
+ await btnFTruncateFile.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ ftruncateRet = await getData("ftruncateRet")
+ expect(ftruncateRet).toEqual('ftruncate:ok')
+ console.log('ftruncateFileTest', '7')
+ });
+ //testAppendFileBuffer
+ it('testAppendFileBuffer', async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ var btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-appendfile-buffer')
+ await btnWrite.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let arrayBufferRes = await getData("arrayBufferRes")
+ expect(arrayBufferRes).toEqual(21)
+ });
+ it('testAppendFileBufferSync', async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ var btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-appendfilesync-buffer')
+ await btnWrite.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let arrayBufferRes = await getData("arrayBufferRes")
+ expect(arrayBufferRes).toEqual(20)
+ });
+ it('testWriteReadSyncBuffer', async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ var btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-writereadsync-buffer')
+ await btnWrite.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let arrayBufferRes = await getData("arrayBufferRes")
+ expect(arrayBufferRes).toEqual(1.11)
+ });
+ it('testWriteReadBuffer', async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ var btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-writeread-buffer')
+ await btnWrite.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let arrayBufferRes = await getData("arrayBufferRes")
+ expect(arrayBufferRes).toEqual(1.24)
+ });
+ it('testWriteReadFileSyncBuffer', async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ var btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-writereadfilesync-buffer')
+ await btnWrite.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let arrayBufferRes = await getData("arrayBufferRes")
+ expect(arrayBufferRes).toEqual(1.333)
+ });
+ it('testReadFileBuffer', async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ var btnWrite = await page.$('#btn-writereadfile-buffer')
+ await btnWrite.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let arrayBufferRes = await getData("arrayBufferRes")
+ expect(arrayBufferRes).toEqual(1.2222222)
+ });
+ it('testReadAssetFile', async () => {
+ if (!isAndroid()) {
+ return
+ }
+ await page.setData({
+ basePath: 'file:///android_asset/uni-app-x',
+ logAble: false,
+ readFileRet: "",
+ readFile: '/version.json'
+ })
+ let btnReadFileButton = await page.$('#btn-read-file-sync')
+ await btnReadFileButton.tap()
+ await isDone()
+ let readFileRet = await getData('readFileRet')
+ expect(readFileRet.length > 0).toBe(true)
+ });
diff --git a/pages/API/get-file-system-manager/get-file-system-manager.uvue b/pages/API/get-file-system-manager/get-file-system-manager.uvue
index f0bc720c0950034ce562714cfef07099e1a22e6d..524e5243970e8d4015f9c6f0ae3ccf75f34536b5 100644
--- a/pages/API/get-file-system-manager/get-file-system-manager.uvue
+++ b/pages/API/get-file-system-manager/get-file-system-manager.uvue
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@