--- title: Alerts --- Bootstrap provides an easy way to create predefined alert messages. ## Default markup {% example html %} {% for variant in site.variants %} {% capture text_with_variant %} This is a {{ variant }} alert — check it out! {% endcapture %} {% include ui/alert.html type=variant text=text_with_variant %} {% endfor %} {% endexample %} ## Alert Links Add the `alert-link` class to any links inside the alert box to create "matching colored links": {% example html %} {% for variant in site.variants %} {% capture text_with_variant %} This is a {{ variant }} alert — check it out! {% endcapture %} {% include ui/alert.html type=variant text=text_with_variant %} {% endfor %} {% endexample %} ## Closing Alerts {% example html %} {% for variant in site.variants %} {% capture text_with_variant %} This is a {{ variant }} alert — check it out! {% endcapture %} {% include ui/alert.html type=variant text=text_with_variant close=true %} {% endfor %} {% endexample %}