--- title: Ribbons menu: docs.ribbons done: true --- ### Default markup {% example html columns=1 %} {% include cards/ribbon.html %} {% endexample %} ### Ribbon position You can easily change the position of a ribbon by adding a class to the element. - `ribbon-top` - moves it to the top - `ribbon-right` - moves it to the right - `ribbon-bottom` - moves it to the bottom - `ribbon-left` - moves it to the lefg You can also use multiple classes at once for example: `.ribbon.ribbon-top.ribbon-left` moves the ribbon to the top left corner. {% example html columns=1 %} {% include cards/ribbon.html top=true left=true %} {% endexample %} ### Ribbon color Customize the ribbon's background color. You can click [here]({% docs_url colors %}) to see the list of available colors. {% example html columns=1 %} {% include cards/ribbon.html color="red" %} {% endexample %} ### Ribbon text Set your own text in a ribbon. {% example html columns=1 %} {% include cards/ribbon.html color="green" text="-50%" %} {% endexample %} ### Ribbon style Change the style of a ribbon. {% example html columns=1 %} {% include cards/ribbon.html bookmark=true color="orange" text="-50%" %} {% endexample %}