#ifndef QTVPLUGIN_GEOMARKER_H #define QTVPLUGIN_GEOMARKER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "geographicsscene.h" #include "../qtviewer_planetosm/osmtiles/layer_interface.h" #include "../qtviewer_planetosm/osmtiles/viewer_interface.h" #include "geographicspixmapitem.h" #include "geoitembase.h" namespace Ui { class qtvplugin_geomarker; } using namespace QTVOSM; /*! \brief qtvplugin_geomarker introduces QGraphicesView system, established a common approach for geo marking. GEO marker is a vector symbol that will be displayed on the background OSM raster map. there are 3 different mark types supported by this plugin. 1. Point Marks. Include ellipse and rect style mark. these type of mark stand for a single point on earth, with a specified lat, lon .the width and height for rect / ellipse circumrect can be specified by user at runtime, in PIXEL. width and height will stay still during map zoom. 2. Line Mark. Line mark is a beeline on map. ATTENTION, in Mercator Projection system, the geo shortest path between 2 points on earth is NOT a beeline, that means beeline on a map is just for display performance and accessibility. the real path is a curve , which has 2 point of intersections exactly at start position and end position. 3. Polygon (Polygon) Mark. Polygon mark is a polygon on map. borders of a polygon is painted with lines, for a same reason above, the geo shortest path between 2 points on earth is NOT a beeline either. Marks above shares a same style system provided by Qt painter system. pen, brush , font can be setted for each mark. Each mark has a Uinque ID called "name", and a type enum called "type". It can also contain several user-defined properties, with a key-value style storage. Especial, a user-defined property called "LABEL"(Upper case) is different agains others. the value of LABEL will be displayed as text items on map all the time, but other properties will only visible when user click the mark. When the mark is clicked, or double clicked, a event will be fired, so that all plugins and OCX containers will be noticed that a mark (with ID) is clicked. \class qtvplugin_geomarker qtvplugin_geomarker.h "qtvplugin_geomarker/qtvplugin_geomarker.h" */ class qtvplugin_geomarker : public QWidget,public layer_interface { Q_OBJECT Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID OSMLayerInterface_iid ) Q_INTERFACES(QTVOSM::layer_interface) typedef QMap (tpfunc_call)(const QMap &); private: struct tag_xml_mark{ QString name; int type; QPolygonF geoPoints; QMap styles; QMap props; }; //The global icon map QMap m_map_icons; public: qtvplugin_geomarker(QWidget *parent = 0); ~qtvplugin_geomarker(); QWidget * get_propWindow() {return this;} QString get_name(); /*! Get graphicalScence, the scence is a World coord in current level. * in plugin system and draw tasks, user should divide class from QGraphicsItem * and maintain lat, lon coords to world coords according to current level * (through CV_LLA2World for convenience). */ QTVP_GEOMARKER::geoGraphicsScene * scene(){return m_pScene;} private: int m_nInstance; QTVP_GEOMARKER::geoGraphicsScene * m_pScene; //! the graphics scene object pointer. QTranslator pluginTranslator; Ui::qtvplugin_geomarker *ui; viewer_interface * m_pVi; //! viewer_interface interface provides coordinats convertions. bool m_bVisible; QString m_SLLibName; QString m_SLLibPath; private: /*! a timer provides timing ui-refresh , instead of immediately refresh when item has been updated. * This timer is just affects UI widgets, Map will be updated immediately otherwise. */ int m_nTimerID_refreshUI; int m_nTimerID_refreshMap; int m_nTimerID_levelQueue; quint64 m_nDivideTimer; bool m_bNeedRefresh; bool m_bNeedUpdateView; QStandardItemModel * m_pLineStyleModel; QStandardItemModel * m_pFillStyleModel; QStandardItemModel * m_pGeoItemModel; QStandardItemModel * m_pGeoPropModel; QStandardItemModel * m_pIconsModel; //persistent functions private: QString ini_file(); void ini_save(); void ini_load(); bool xml_save (QString xml); bool xml_load (QString xml); bool xml_readMark (QXmlStreamReader & reader, tag_xml_mark & mark,QString & errMsg); bool xml_readGeo (QXmlStreamReader & reader, tag_xml_mark & mark,QString & errMsg); bool xml_readStyle (QXmlStreamReader & reader, tag_xml_mark & mark,QString & errMsg); bool xml_readProps (QXmlStreamReader & reader, tag_xml_mark & mark,QString & errMsg); QMap xml_attribs_map(const QXmlStreamAttributes & ats); bool xml_icon_save (QString xml); bool xml_icon_load (QString xml); //UI refreshing functions private: QList m_items_to_insert; void scheduleRefreshMarks(); void scheduleUpdateMap(); void refreshItemUI(QString markname); void refreshProps(QTVP_GEOMARKER::geoItemBase * itm); QColor string2color(const QString & s); QString color2string(const QColor & c); void refreshIconModel(); void loadTranslations(); bool too_many_items(); //Geo mark updating functions private: //update methopd for UI template QTVP_GEOMARKER::geoItemBase * update_point (const QString & name,double lat, double lon, int width, int height, QPen pen, QBrush brush); QTVP_GEOMARKER::geoItemBase * update_line (const QString & name,double lat1, double lon1,double lat2, double lon2, QPen pen); QTVP_GEOMARKER::geoItemBase * update_polygon (const QString & name,const QPolygonF latlons, QPen pen, QBrush brush, bool tp); QTVP_GEOMARKER::geoItemBase * update_icon (const QString & name,double lat, double lon,qreal scale, qreal rotate,int smooth, QString id); //update method for XML bool xml_update_mark (tag_xml_mark & mark); //update method for plugin function calls QMap func_update_point (const QMap &); QMap func_update_line (const QMap &); QMap func_update_polygon (const QMap &); QMap func_update_icon (const QMap &); QMap func_update_props (const QMap &); //other method for plugin function calls private: void initialBindPluginFuntions(); QMap > m_map_pluginFunctions; QMap func_exists (const QMap &); QMap func_delete_marks (const QMap &); QMap func_delete_props (const QMap &); QMap func_mark_names (const QMap &); QMap func_mark (const QMap &); QMap func_props (const QMap &); QMap func_save_xml (const QMap &); QMap func_load_xml (const QMap &); //icon and its manage QMap func_add_resource (const QMap &); QMap func_save_resources (const QMap &); QMap func_load_resources (const QMap &); //overloaded virtual funtions protected: layer_interface * load_initial_plugin(QString strSLibPath,viewer_interface * ptrviewer); QWidget * load_prop_window(); void load_retranslate_UI(); bool is_visible(); void set_visible(bool vb); void set_name(QString vb); void cb_paintEvent( QPainter * pImage ); void cb_levelChanged(int); bool cb_mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *); bool cb_mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *); bool cb_event(const QMap); void timerEvent(QTimerEvent * e); QMap call_func(const QMap & /*paras*/); //ui slots protected slots: void on_pushButton_update_clicked(); void on_radioButton_tool_point_toggled(bool); void on_radioButton_tool_line_toggled(bool); void on_radioButton_tool_polygon_toggled(bool); void on_radioButton_tool_icons_toggled(bool); void on_toolButton_selColorPen_clicked(); void on_toolButton_selColorFill_clicked(); void on_toolButton_selColorText_clicked(); void on_tableView_marks_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex & index); void on_pushButton_prop_update_clicked(); void on_pushButton_prop_delete_clicked(); void on_pushButton_del_clicked(); void on_pushButton_pickToLine1_clicked(); void on_pushButton_pickToLine2_clicked(); void on_pushButton_getPolygon_clicked(); void on_pushButton_save_clicked(); void on_pushButton_load_clicked(); void on_pushButton_import_icon_clicked(); void on_pushButton_load_icons_clicked(); void on_pushButton_save_icons_clicked(); void on_pushButton_refresh_list_clicked(); }; template QTVP_GEOMARKER::geoItemBase * qtvplugin_geomarker::update_point(const QString & name,double lat, double lon, int width, int height, QPen pen, QBrush brush) { QTVP_GEOMARKER::geoItemBase * res = 0; //Get raw Item by name QTVP_GEOMARKER::geoItemBase * base = m_pScene->geoitem_by_name(name); //Get Props QStringList propNames; QVariantList propValues; if (base) { propNames = base->prop_names(); propValues = base->prop_values(); } //type convertion to T T * pitem = base?dynamic_cast(base):0; if (!pitem) pitem = new T(name, this->m_pVi, lat,lon, width,height); pitem->setPen(pen); pitem->setBrush(brush); if (base == pitem) { pitem->setGeo(lat,lon); pitem->setSize(width,height); res = pitem; } else if (false==this->m_pScene->addItem(pitem,0)) { if (base != pitem) delete pitem; } else { int cs = propNames.size(); for (int i=0;iset_prop_data(propNames.first(), propValues.first()); propNames.pop_front(); propValues.pop_front(); } res = pitem; } return res; } #endif // QTVPLUGIN_GEOMARKER_H