# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # 作者:幻灰龙 # 标题:Python SciPy # 描述:正确打印 SciPy 中英对照介绍,输出: # # # Python 科学计算软件包 # # Scientific computing tools for Python # # * SciPy 指向一组相关但互相独立的软件包 # * SciPy refers to several related but distinct entities: # # * 描述: # * SciPy 本身也是一个Python库, 属于 SciPy 技术栈的一员, 提供了许多数值计算程序. # * The SciPy ecosystem, a collection of open source software for scientific computing in Python. # ... # * 相关Python 软件栈: # * Python # * NumPy # ... def test(): sci_py_meta = { "title": "Scientific computing tools for Python", "title_zh_cn": "Python 科学计算软件包", "sub_title": 'SciPy refers to several related but distinct entities:', "sub_title_zh_cn": 'SciPy 指向一组相关但互相独立的软件包', "desc": [ 'The SciPy ecosystem, a collection of open source software for scientific computing in Python.', 'The community of people who use and develop this stack.', 'Several conferences dedicated to scientific computing in Python - SciPy, EuroSciPy, and SciPy.in.', 'The SciPy library, one component of the SciPy stack, providing many numerical routines.', ], "desc_zh_ch": [ 'SciPy 本身也是一个Python库, 属于 SciPy 技术栈的一员, 提供了许多数值计算程序.', '许多 Python 相关的科学计算会议,例如 SciPy, EuroSciPy, 和 SciPy 等', '使用和开发这组技术栈的人', 'SciPy 生态是指一组开源 Python 科学计算软件', ], "packages": [ "Python", "NumPy", "SciPy library", "Matplotlib", "pandas", "SymPy", "NetworkX", "scikit-image", "scikit-learn", "h5py", "PyTables", "IPython", "Jupyter", "Cython", "Dask", "Joblib", "IPyParallel", "nose", "numpydoc" ] } print() print("# {}".format(sci_py_meta['title_zh_cn'])) print("# {}".format(sci_py_meta['title'])) print() print("* {}".format(sci_py_meta['sub_title_zh_cn'])) print("* {}".format(sci_py_meta['sub_title'])) print() print("* 描述:") for i in range(0, len(sci_py_meta['desc'])): print(" * {}".format(sci_py_meta['desc_zh_ch'][i])) print(" * {}".format(sci_py_meta['desc'][i])) print() print("* 相关Python 软件栈:") for pkg in sci_py_meta['packages']: print(" * {}".format(pkg)) if __name__ == '__main__': test()