# Python 循环1 使用 while 遍历,打印列表信息 ```python if __name__ == '__main__': list = [ { "id": 955350543, "number": 2337, "title": "Release 1.6 does not have pre-autoreconf'ed configure script", "body": "If you have a usage question, please ask us on either Stack Overflow (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/jq) or in the #jq channel (http://irc.lc/freenode/%23jq/) on Freenode (https://webchat.freenode.net/)." }, { "id": 954792209, "number": 2336, "title": "Fix typo", "body": "" } ] # TODO(You): 请在此实现while循环遍历打印代码 ``` 请选出下列**实现不正确**的代码。 ## template ```python def test(list): i = 0 while i < len(list): item = list[i] print('') print("## 第{}条信息".format(i)) print("* id: {}".format(item['id'])) print("* number: {}".format(item['number'])) print("* title: {}".format(item['title'])) print("* body: {}".format(item['body'])) i += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': list = [ { "id": 955350543, "number": 2337, "title": "Release 1.6 does not have pre-autoreconf'ed configure script", "body": "If you have a usage question, please ask us on either Stack Overflow (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/jq) or in the #jq channel (http://irc.lc/freenode/%23jq/) on Freenode (https://webchat.freenode.net/)." }, { "id": 954792209, "number": 2336, "title": "Fix typo", "body": "" } ] test(list) ``` ## 答案 ```python while i in list: item = list[i] print('') print("## 第{}条信息".format(i)) print("* id: {}".format(item['id'])) print("* number: {}".format(item['number'])) print("* title: {}".format(item['title'])) print("* body: {}".format(item['body'])) ``` ## 选项 ### A ```python i = 0 while i < len(list): item = list[i] print('') print("## 第{}条信息".format(i)) print("* id: {}".format(item['id'])) print("* number: {}".format(item['number'])) print("* title: {}".format(item['title'])) print("* body: {}".format(item['body'])) i += 1 ``` ### B ```python i = 0 while True: item = list[i] print('') print("## 第{}条信息".format(i)) print("* id: {}".format(item['id'])) print("* number: {}".format(item['number'])) print("* title: {}".format(item['title'])) print("* body: {}".format(item['body'])) i += 1 if i==len(list): break ``` ### C ```python it = iter(list) item = next(it, -1) i = 0 while item != -1: print('') print("## 第{}条信息".format(i)) print("* id: {}".format(item['id'])) print("* number: {}".format(item['number'])) print("* title: {}".format(item['title'])) print("* body: {}".format(item['body'])) item = next(it, -1) i += 1 ```