# 树结构溯根 现有一个表 node ```postgresql create table node ( id serial primary key, pid integer, content text ); ``` 其 pid 列引用 id 列,形成一个树结构,根节点的 pid 为 0。 现在我们希望写一个查询,找到某一个给定id的记录,其父节点、父节点的父节点,直至根节点的路径。那么这个查询应该是: ## 答案 ```postgresql with recursive t(id, pid, content) as ( select id, pid, content from node where id = $1 union all select node.id, node.pid, node.level from node join t on node.id = t.pid) select node.id, node.pid, content from node join t on node.id = t.id; ``` ## 选项 ### 没有递归定义 ```postgresql with t as ( select id, pid, content from node where id = $1 union all select node.id, node.pid, node.level from node join t on node.id = t.pid) select node.id, node.pid, content from node join t on node.id = t.id; ``` ### 平凡的连接查询无法处理递归问题 ```postgresql select node.id, node.pid, node.content from node join node as p on node.pid = p.id where id = $1; ``` ### 子查询无法处理递归问题 ```postgresql select node.id, node.pid, node content from node as t where t.pid = (select id from t where id = t.pid) ```