import json import logging import os import subprocess import sys import uuid import re from parsec import BasicState, ParsecError from .exercises.markdown import parse from .exercises.init_exercises import emit_head, emit_answer, emit_options, simple_list_md_dump id_set = set() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) def search_author(author_dict, username): for key in author_dict: names = author_dict[key] if username in names: return key return username def user_name(md_file, author_dict): ret = subprocess.Popen([ "git", "log", md_file ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) lines = list(map(lambda l: l.decode(), ret.stdout.readlines())) author_lines = [] for line in lines: if line.startswith('Author'): author_lines.append(line.split(' ')[1]) if len(author_lines) == 0: return None author_nick_name = author_lines[-1] return search_author(author_dict, author_nick_name) def load_json(p): with open(p, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: try: return json.loads( except UnicodeDecodeError: "json 文件 [{p}] 编码错误,请确保其内容保存为 utf-8 或 base64 后的 ascii 格式。") def dump_json(p, j, exist_ok=False, override=False): if os.path.exists(p): if exist_ok: if not override: return else: logger.error(f"{p} already exist") sys.exit(0) with open(p, 'w+', encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(json.dumps(j, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)) def ensure_config(path): config_path = os.path.join(path, "config.json") if not os.path.exists(config_path): node = {"keywords": [], "keywords_must": [], "keywords_forbid": [], "group": 0} dump_json(config_path, node, exist_ok=True, override=False) return node else: return load_json(config_path) def parse_no_name(d): p = r'(\d+)\.(.*)' m =, d) try: no = int( dir_name = except: sys.exit(0) return no, dir_name def check_export(base, cfg): flag = False exports = [] for export in cfg.get('export', []): ecfg_path = os.path.join(base, export) if os.path.exists(ecfg_path): exports.append(export) else: flag = True if flag: cfg["export"] = exports return flag class TreeWalker: def __init__( self, root, tree_name, title=None, log=None, authors=None, enable_notebook=None, ignore_keywords=False ): self.ignore_keywords = ignore_keywords self.authors = authors if authors else {} self.enable_notebook = enable_notebook = tree_name self.root = root self.title = tree_name if title is None else title self.tree = {} self.logger = logger if log is None else log def walk(self): root = self.load_root() root_node = { "node_id": root["node_id"], "keywords": root.get("keywords", []), "children": [], "keywords_must": root.get("keywords_must", []), "keywords_forbid": root.get("keywords_forbid", []), "group": root.get("group", 0) } self.tree[root["tree_name"]] = root_node self.load_levels(root_node) self.load_chapters(self.root, root_node) for index, level in enumerate(root_node["children"]): level_title = list(level.keys())[0] level_node = list(level.values())[0] level_path = os.path.join(self.root, f"{index + 1}.{level_title}") self.load_chapters(level_path, level_node) for index, chapter in enumerate(level_node["children"]): chapter_title = list(chapter.keys())[0] chapter_node = list(chapter.values())[0] chapter_path = os.path.join( level_path, f"{index + 1}.{chapter_title}") self.load_sections(chapter_path, chapter_node) for index, section_node in enumerate(chapter_node["children"]): section_title = list(section_node.keys())[0] full_path = os.path.join( chapter_path, f"{index + 1}.{section_title}") if os.path.isdir(full_path): self.check_section_keywords(full_path) self.ensure_exercises(full_path) tree_path = os.path.join(self.root, "tree.json") dump_json(tree_path, self.tree, exist_ok=True, override=True) return self.tree def sort_dir_list(self, dirs): result = [self.extract_node_env(dir) for dir in dirs] result.sort(key=lambda item: item[0]) return result def load_levels(self, root_node): levels = [] for level in os.listdir(self.root): if not os.path.isdir(level): continue level_path = os.path.join(self.root, level) num, config = self.load_level_node(level_path) levels.append((num, config)) levels = self.resort_children(self.root, levels) root_node["children"] = [item[1] for item in levels] return root_node def load_level_node(self, level_path): config = self.ensure_level_config(level_path) num, name = self.extract_node_env(level_path) result = { name: { "node_id": config["node_id"], "keywords": config["keywords"], "children": [], "keywords_must": config.get("keywords_must", []), "keywords_forbid": config.get("keywords_forbid", []), "group": config.get("group", 0) } } return num, result def load_chapters(self, base, level_node): chapters = [] for name in os.listdir(base): full_name = os.path.join(base, name) if os.path.isdir(full_name): num, chapter = self.load_chapter_node(full_name) chapters.append((num, chapter)) chapters = self.resort_children(base, chapters) level_node["children"] = [item[1] for item in chapters] return level_node def load_sections(self, base, chapter_node): sections = [] for name in os.listdir(base): full_name = os.path.join(base, name) if os.path.isdir(full_name): num, section = self.load_section_node(full_name) sections.append((num, section)) sections = self.resort_children(base, sections) chapter_node["children"] = [item[1] for item in sections] return chapter_node def resort_children(self, base, children): children.sort(key=lambda item: item[0]) for index, [number, element] in enumerate(children): title = list(element.keys())[0] origin = os.path.join(base, f"{number}.{title}") posted = os.path.join(base, f"{index + 1}.{title}") if origin != posted:"rename [{origin}] to [{posted}]") os.rename(origin, posted) return children def ensure_chapters(self): for subdir in os.listdir(self.root): self.ensure_level_config(subdir) def load_root(self): config_path = os.path.join(self.root, "config.json") if not os.path.exists(config_path): config = { "tree_name":, "keywords": [], "node_id": self.gen_node_id(), "keywords_must": [], "keywords_forbid": [], "group": 0 } dump_json(config_path, config, exist_ok=True, override=True) else: config = load_json(config_path) flag, result = self.ensure_node_id(config) if flag: dump_json(config_path, result, exist_ok=True, override=True) return config def ensure_level_config(self, path): config_path = os.path.join(path, "config.json") if not os.path.exists(config_path): config = { "node_id": self.gen_node_id() } dump_json(config_path, config, exist_ok=True, override=True) else: config = load_json(config_path) flag, result = self.ensure_node_id(config) if flag: dump_json(config_path, config, exist_ok=True, override=True) return config def ensure_chapter_config(self, path): config_path = os.path.join(path, "config.json") if not os.path.exists(config_path): config = { "node_id": self.gen_node_id(), "keywords": [], "keywords_must": [], "keywords_forbid": [], "group": 0 } dump_json(config_path, config, exist_ok=True, override=True) else: config = load_json(config_path) flag, result = self.ensure_node_id(config) if flag: dump_json(config_path, config, exist_ok=True, override=True) return config def ensure_section_config(self, path): config_path = os.path.join(path, "config.json") if not os.path.exists(config_path): config = { "node_id": self.gen_node_id(), "keywords": [], "children": [], "export": [], "keywords_must": [], "keywords_forbid": [], "group": 0 } dump_json(config_path, config, exist_ok=True, override=True) else: config = load_json(config_path) flag, result = self.ensure_node_id(config) if flag: dump_json(config_path, result, exist_ok=True, override=True) return config def ensure_node_id(self, config): flag = False if "node_id" not in config or \ not config["node_id"].startswith(f"{}-") or \ config["node_id"] in id_set: new_id = self.gen_node_id() id_set.add(new_id) config["node_id"] = new_id flag = True for child in config.get("children", []): child_node = list(child.values())[0] f, _ = self.ensure_node_id(child_node) flag = flag or f return flag, config def gen_node_id(self): return f"{}-{uuid.uuid4().hex}" def extract_node_env(self, path): try: _, dir = os.path.split(path) number, title = dir.split(".", 1) return int(number), title except Exception as error: self.logger.error(f"目录 [{path}] 解析失败,结构不合法,可能是缺少序号") # sys.exit(1) raise error def load_chapter_node(self, full_name): config = self.ensure_chapter_config(full_name) num, name = self.extract_node_env(full_name) result = { name: { "node_id": config["node_id"], "keywords": config["keywords"], "children": [], "keywords_must": config.get("keywords_must", []), "keywords_forbid": config.get("keywords_forbid", []), "group": config.get("group", 0) } } return num, result def load_section_node(self, full_name): config = self.ensure_section_config(full_name) num, name = self.extract_node_env(full_name) result = { name: { "node_id": config["node_id"], "keywords": config.get("keywords", []), "children": config.get("children", []), "keywords_must": config.get("keywords_must", []), "keywords_forbid": config.get("keywords_forbid", []), "group": config.get("group", 0) } } # if "children" in config: # result["children"] = config["children"] return num, result def ensure_exercises(self, section_path): config = self.ensure_section_config(section_path) flag = False for e in os.listdir(section_path): base, ext = os.path.splitext(e) _, source = os.path.split(e) if ext != ".md": continue mfile = base + ".json" meta_path = os.path.join(section_path, mfile) md_file = os.path.join(section_path, e) self.ensure_exercises_meta(meta_path, source, md_file) export = config.get("export", []) if mfile not in export and != "algorithm": export.append(mfile) flag = True config["export"] = export data = None with open(md_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as efile: try: data = except UnicodeDecodeError: logger.error(f"习题 [{md_file}] 编码错误,请确保其保存为 utf-8 编码") sys.exit(1) if data.strip() == '': md = [] emit_head(md) emit_answer(md, None) emit_options(md, None) simple_list_md_dump(md_file, md) data = None with open(md_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as efile: try: data = except UnicodeDecodeError: logger.error(f"习题 [{md_file}] 编码错误,请确保其保存为 utf-8 编码") sys.exit(1) state = BasicState(data) try: doc = parse(state) except ParsecError as err: index = state.index context =[index - 15:index + 15] logger.error( f"习题 [{md_file}] 解析失败,在位置 {index} [{context}] 附近有格式: [{err}]") if flag: dump_json(os.path.join(section_path, "config.json"), config, True, True) for e in config.get("export", []): full_name = os.path.join(section_path, e) exercise = load_json(full_name) if "exercise_id" not in exercise or exercise.get("exercise_id") in id_set: eid = uuid.uuid4().hex exercise["exercise_id"] = eid dump_json(full_name, exercise, True, True) else: id_set.add(exercise["exercise_id"]) def ensure_exercises_meta(self, meta_path, source, md_file): _, mfile = os.path.split(meta_path) meta = None if os.path.exists(meta_path): with open(meta_path) as f: content = if content: meta = json.loads(content) if "exercise_id" not in meta: meta["exercise_id"] = uuid.uuid4().hex if "notebook_enable" not in meta: meta["notebook_enable"] = self.default_notebook() if "source" not in meta: meta["source"] = source if "author" not in meta: meta["author"] = user_name(md_file, self.authors) elif meta['author'] is None: meta["author"] = user_name(md_file, self.authors) if "type" not in meta: meta["type"] = "code_options" if meta is None: meta = { "type": "code_options", "author": user_name(md_file, self.authors), "source": source, "notebook_enable": self.default_notebook(), "exercise_id": uuid.uuid4().hex } dump_json(meta_path, meta, True, True) def default_notebook(self): if self.enable_notebook is not None: return self.enable_notebook if in ["python", "java", "c"]: return True else: return False def check_section_keywords(self, full_path): if self.ignore_keywords: return config = self.ensure_section_config(full_path) if not config.get("keywords", []): self.logger.error(f"节点 [{full_path}] 的关键字为空,请修改配置文件写入关键字") sys.exit(1) def init(self): data_root = 'data' os.makedirs(data_root, exist_ok=True) node_dirs = [ os.path.join(data_root, f'1.{self.title}初阶'), os.path.join(data_root, f'2.{self.title}中阶'), os.path.join(data_root, f'3.{self.title}高阶'), os.path.join(data_root, f'1.{self.title}初阶', f"1.{self.title}入门", f"1.HelloWorld"), ] for node_dir in node_dirs: os.makedirs(node_dir, exist_ok=True) md = [] emit_head(md) emit_answer(md, None) emit_options(md, None) simple_list_md_dump(os.path.join( node_dirs[len(node_dirs)-1], ''), md) self.walk() self.init_readme() with open('.gitignore', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('\n'.join([ ".vscode", ".idea", ".DS_Store", "__pycache__", "*.pyc", "*.zip", "*.out", "bin/", "debug/", "release/", ])) with open('requirements.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('\n'.join([ "pre_commit", "skill-tree-parser", ])) def init_readme(self): md = [ f'# skill_tree_{}', f'', f'`{self.title}技能树`是[技能森林](的一部分。', f'', f'## 编辑环境初始化', f'', f'```', f'pip install -r requirements.txt', f'```', f'', f'## 目录结构说明', f'技能树编辑仓库的 data 目录是主要的编辑目录,目录的结构是固定的', f'', f'* 技能树`骨架文件`:', f' * 位置:`data/tree.json`', f' * 说明:该文件是执行 `python` 生成的,请勿人工编辑', f'* 技能树`根节点`配置文件:', f' * 位置:`data/config.json`', f' * 说明:可编辑配置关键词等字段,其中 `node_id` 字段是生成的,请勿编辑', f'* 技能树`难度节点`:', f' * 位置:`data/xxx`,例如: `data/1.{self.title}初阶`', f' * 说明:', f' * 每个技能树有 3 个等级,目录前的序号是必要的,用来保持文件夹目录的顺序', f' * 每个目录下有一个 `config.json` 可配置关键词信息,其中 `node_id` 字段是生成的,请勿编辑', f'* 技能树`章节点`:', f' * 位置:`data/xxx/xxx`,例如:`data/1.{self.title}初阶/1.{self.title}简介`', f' * 说明:', f' * 每个技能树的每个难度等级有 n 个章节,目录前的序号是必要的,用来保持文件夹目录的顺序', f' * 每个目录下有一个 `config.json` 可配置关键词信息,其中 `node_id` 字段是生成的,请勿编辑', f'* 技能树`知识节点`:', f' * 位置:`data/xxx/xxx`,例如:`data/1.{self.title}初阶/1.{self.title}简介`', f' * 说明:', f' * 每个技能树的每章有 n 个知识节点,目录前的序号是必要的,用来保持文件夹目录的顺序', f' * 每个目录下有一个 `config.json`', f' * 其中 `node_id` 字段是生成的,请勿编辑', f' * 其中 `keywords` 可配置关键字字段', f' * 其中 `children` 可配置该`知识节点`下的子树结构信息,参考后面描述', f' * 其中 `export` 可配置该`知识节点`下的导出习题信息,参考后面描述', f'', f'## `知识节点` 子树信息结构', f'', f'例如 `data/1.{self.title}初阶/1.{self.title}简介/1.HelloWorld/config.json` 里配置对该知识节点子树信息结构,这个配置是可选的:', f'```json', f'{{', f' // ...', f'', f' "children": [', f' {{', f' "XX开发入门": {{', f' "keywords": [', f' "XX开发",', f' ],', f' "children": [],', f' "keywords_must": [', f' "XX"', f' ],', f' "keywords_forbid": []', f' }}', f' }}', f' ],', f'}}', f'```', f'', f'## `知识节点` 的导出习题编辑', f'', f'例如 `data/1.{self.title}初阶/1.{self.title}简介/1.HelloWorld/config.json` 里配置对该知识节点导出的习题', f'', f'```json', f'{{', f' // ...', f' "export": [', f' "helloworld.json"', f' ]', f'}}', f'```', f'', f'helloworld.json 的格式如下:', f'```bash', f'{{', f' "type": "code_options",', f' "author": "xxx",', f' "source": "",', f' "notebook_enable": false,', f' "exercise_id": "xxx"', f'}}', f'```', f'', f'其中 ', f'* "type": "code_options" 表示是一个选择题', f'* "author" 可以放作者的 CSDN id,', f'* "source" 指向了习题 MarkDown文件', f'* "notebook_enable" 目前都是false', f'* "exercise_id" 是工具生成的,不填', f'', f'', f'习题格式模版如下:', f'', f'````mardown', f'# {{标题}}', f'', f'{{习题描述}}', f'', f'以下关于上述游戏代码说法[正确/错误]的是?', f'', f'## 答案', f'', f'{{目标选项}}', f'', f'## 选项', f'', f'### A', f'', f'{{混淆选项1}}', f'', f'### B', f'', f'{{混淆选项2}}', f'', f'### C', f'', f'{{混淆选项3}}', f'', f'````', f'', f'## 技能树合成', f'', f'在根目录下执行 `python` 会合成技能树文件,合成的技能树文件: `data/tree.json`', f'* 合成过程中,会自动检查每个目录下 `config.json` 里的 `node_id` 是否存在,不存在则生成', f'* 合成过程中,会自动检查每个知识点目录下 `config.json` 里的 `export` 里导出的习题配置,检查是否存在`exercise_id` 字段,如果不存在则生成', f'* 在 节 目录下根据需要,可以添加一些子目录用来测试代码。', f'* 开始游戏入门技能树构建之旅,GoodLuck! ', f'', f'## FAQ', f'', f'**难度目录是固定的么?**', f'', f'1. data/xxx 目录下的子目录是固定的初/中/高三个难度等级目录', f'', f'**如何增加章目录?**', f'', f'1. 在VSCode里打开项目仓库', f'2. 在对应的难度等级目录新建章目录,例如在 data/1.xxx初阶/ 下新建章文件夹,data/1.xxx初阶/1.yyy', f'3. 在项目根目录下执行 python 脚本,会自动生成章的配置文件 data/1.xxx初阶/1.yyy/config.json', f'', f'**如何增加节目录?**:', f'1. 直接在VSCode里创建文件夹,例如 "data/1.xxx初阶/1.yyy/2.zzz"', f'2. 项目根目录下执行 python 会自动为新增节创建配置文件 data/1.xxx初阶/1.yyy/2.zzz/config.json', f'', f'**如何在节下新增一个习题**:', f'3. 在"data/1.xxx初阶/1.yyy/2.zzz" 目录下添加一个 markdown 文件编辑,例如,按照习题markdown格式编辑习题。', f'4. md编辑完后,可以再次执行 python 会自动生成同名的 yyy.json,并将 yyy.json 添加到config.json 的export数组里。', f'5. yyy.json里的author信息放作者 CSDN ID。', ] simple_list_md_dump('', md)