提交 c33f30c9 编写于 作者: M Mars Liu

basic structure

上级 ba9550d9
# skill_tree_opencv
Open CV 技能树
\ No newline at end of file
## 目录结构说明
* 技能树`骨架文件`
* 位置:`data/tree.json`
* 说明:该文件是执行 `python main.py` 生成的,请勿人工编辑
* 技能树`根节点`配置文件:
* 位置:`data/config.json`
* 说明:可编辑配置关键词等字段,其中 `node_id` 字段是生成的,请勿编辑
* 技能树`难度节点`
* 位置:`data/xxx`,例如: `data/1.Java初阶`
* 说明:
* 每个技能树有 3 个等级,目录前的序号是必要的,用来保持文件夹目录的顺序
* 每个目录下有一个 `config.json` 可配置关键词信息,其中 `node_id` 字段是生成的,请勿编辑
* 技能树`章节点`
* 位置:`data/xxx/xxx`,例如:`data/1.Java初阶/1.Java概述`
* 说明:
* 每个技能树的每个难度等级有 n 个章节,目录前的序号是必要的,用来保持文件夹目录的顺序
* 每个目录下有一个 `config.json` 可配置关键词信息,其中 `node_id` 字段是生成的,请勿编辑
* 技能树`知识节点`
* 位置:`data/xxx/xxx/xxx`,例如:`data/1.Java初阶/1.Java概述/1.什么是Java`
* 说明:
* 每个技能树的每章有 `n` 个知识节点,目录前的序号是必要的,用来保持文件夹目录的顺序
* 每个目录下有一个 `config.json`
* 其中 `node_id` 字段是生成的,请勿编辑
* 其中 `keywords` 可配置关键字字段
* 其中 `children` 可配置该`知识节点`下的子树结构信息,参考后面描述
* 其中 `export` 可配置该`知识节点`下的导出习题信息,参考后面描述
## `知识节点` 子树信息结构
例如 `data/1.Java初阶/1.Java概述/1.什么是Java/config.json` 里配置对该知识节点子树信息结构:
// ...
"children": [
// TODO ...
## `知识节点` 的导出习题编辑
例如 `data/1.Java初阶/1.Java概述/1.什么是Java/config.json` 里配置对该知识节点导出的习题
// ...
"export": [
在 export 字段中,我们列出习题定义 json ,下面我们了解如何编写习题。
## `知识节点` 的导出习题选项配置编辑
目前我们支持使用 markdown 语法直接编辑习题和各选项。
如前文内容,我们在知识节点下增加习题 `HelloWord`的定义文件,即在`data/1.Java初阶/1.Java概述/1.什么是Java` 目录增加一个`HelloWorld.json`文件:
"type": "code_options",
"author": "刘鑫",
"source": "HelloWorld.md",
"notebook_enable": true
其中 type 字段目前都固定是 `code_options`,notebook_enable 字段决定这个习题是否生成对应的 notebook 。根据具体情况写好其它字段,注意这里 source 的文件名,我们指定了一个 markdwon 文件。现在我们新建一个 HelloWorld.md 并编辑为:
# Hello World
以下 `Hello World` 程序中,能够正确输出内容的是:
## 答案
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("Hello World");
## 选项
### 不必要的返回值
public class App {
public int main(){
System.out.printf("Hello World");
return 0;
### 没有引用 System.out
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args){
println("Hello World");
### 混合了 c 代码
import stdout
public class App {
public int main(){
print("Hello World\n");
return 0;
"export": [],
"node_id": "opencv-b943de85e3ad494885f0b4b529053c5a",
"title": "OpenCV初阶",
\ No newline at end of file
"export": [],
"keywords": [],
"node_id": "opencv-e92c03e7b84c4c4ea7d23a2c32b88932",
"title": "OpenCV中阶"
\ No newline at end of file
"export": [],
"keywords": [],
"node_id": "opencv-f27da6fd72924d1fbd05c6aff0fed4b7",
"title": "OpenCV高阶"
\ No newline at end of file
"tree_name": "opencv",
"keywords": [],
"title": "OpenCV",
"node_id": "opencv-22ad85b4166044c897cd32f625d21001"
\ No newline at end of file
"opencv": {
"node_id": "opencv-22ad85b4166044c897cd32f625d21001",
"keywords": [],
"children": [
"OpenCV初阶": {
"node_id": "opencv-b943de85e3ad494885f0b4b529053c5a",
"keywords": [],
"children": []
"OpenCV中阶": {
"node_id": "opencv-e92c03e7b84c4c4ea7d23a2c32b88932",
"keywords": [],
"children": []
"OpenCV高阶": {
"node_id": "opencv-f27da6fd72924d1fbd05c6aff0fed4b7",
"keywords": [],
"children": []
\ No newline at end of file
from src.tree import gen_tree
if __name__ == '__main__':
from genericpath import exists
import json
import os
import uuid
import sys
import re
id_set = set()
def load_json(p):
with open(p, 'r') as f:
return json.loads(f.read())
def dump_json(p, j, exist_ok=False, override=False):
if os.path.exists(p):
if exist_ok:
if not override:
print(f"{p} already exist")
with open(p, 'w+') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(j, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))
def parse_no_name(d):
p = r'(\d+)\.(.*)'
m = re.search(p, d)
no = int(m.group(1))
dir_name = m.group(2)
return no, dir_name
def check_export(base, cfg):
flag = False
exports = []
for export in cfg.get('export', []):
ecfg_path = os.path.join(base, export)
if os.path.exists(ecfg_path):
flag = True
if flag:
cfg["export"] = exports
return flag
def gen_tree(data_path):
root = {}
def gen_node_id():
# return ''.join(str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, 'skill_tree')).split('-'))
return "opencv-" + uuid.uuid4().hex
def list_dir(p):
v = os.listdir(p)
for no_name in v:
no_dir = os.path.join(p, no_name)
if os.path.isdir(no_dir):
yield no_dir, no_name
def ensure_id_helper(node):
flag = False
if (node.get('node_id') is None) or node.get('node_id') in id_set:
node['node_id'] = gen_node_id()
flag = True
if 'children' in node:
for c in node["children"]:
flag = flag or ensure_id_helper(list(c.values())[0])
return flag
def ensure_node_id(cfg):
return ensure_id_helper(cfg)
def ensure_title_helper(node, cfg_path, title=""):
flag = False
if node.get('title') is None:
if cfg_path:
node['title'] = re.sub(
"^[0-9]{1,3}\.", "", os.path.split(os.path.dirname(cfg_path))[-1])
node['title'] = title
flag = True
if 'children' in node:
for c in node["children"]:
flag = flag or ensure_title_helper(
list(c.values())[0], None, list(c.keys())[0])
return flag
def ensure_title(cfg, cfg_path):
return ensure_title_helper(cfg, cfg_path)
def make_node(name, node_id, keywords, children=None):
node = {}
node_children = children or []
node[name] = {
'node_id': node_id,
'keywords': keywords,
'children': node_children
return node, node_children
# 根节点
cfg_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'config.json')
cfg = load_json(cfg_path)
if ensure_node_id(cfg):
dump_json(cfg_path, cfg, exist_ok=True, override=True)
if ensure_title(cfg, cfg_path):
cfg["title"] = "C"
dump_json(cfg_path, cfg, exist_ok=True, override=True)
tree_node = {
"node_id": cfg['node_id'],
"keywords": cfg['keywords'],
"children": []
root[cfg['tree_name']] = tree_node
# 难度节点
for level_no_dir, level_no_name in list_dir(data_path):
no, level_name = parse_no_name(level_no_name)
level_path = os.path.join(level_no_dir, 'config.json')
level_cfg = load_json(level_path)
if ensure_node_id(level_cfg) or check_export(level_no_dir, level_cfg):
dump_json(level_path, level_cfg, exist_ok=True, override=True)
if ensure_title(level_cfg, level_path):
dump_json(level_path, level_cfg, exist_ok=True, override=True)
level_node, level_node_children = make_node(
level_name, level_cfg['node_id'], level_cfg['keywords'])
# 章节点
for chapter_no_dir, chapter_no_name in list_dir(level_no_dir):
no, chapter_name = parse_no_name(chapter_no_name)
chapter_path = os.path.join(chapter_no_dir, 'config.json')
chapter_cfg = load_json(chapter_path)
if ensure_node_id(chapter_cfg) or check_export(chapter_no_dir, chapter_cfg):
dump_json(chapter_path, chapter_cfg,
exist_ok=True, override=True)
if ensure_title(chapter_cfg, chapter_path):
dump_json(chapter_path, chapter_cfg,
exist_ok=True, override=True)
chapter_node, chapter_node_children = make_node(
chapter_name, chapter_cfg['node_id'], chapter_cfg['keywords'])
# 知识点
for section_no_dir, section_no_name in list_dir(chapter_no_dir):
no, section_name = parse_no_name(section_no_name)
sec_path = os.path.join(section_no_dir, 'config.json')
sec_cfg = load_json(sec_path)
flag = ensure_node_id(sec_cfg) or check_export(
section_no_dir, sec_cfg)
section_node, section_node_children = make_node(
section_name, sec_cfg['node_id'], sec_cfg['keywords'], sec_cfg.get('children', []))
# 确保习题分配了习题ID
for export in sec_cfg.get("export", []):
ecfg_path = os.path.join(section_no_dir, export)
ecfg = load_json(ecfg_path)
if (ecfg.get('exercise_id') is None) or (ecfg.get('exercise_id') in id_set):
ecfg['exercise_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex
dump_json(ecfg_path, ecfg,
exist_ok=True, override=True)
if flag:
dump_json(sec_path, sec_cfg, exist_ok=True, override=True)
if ensure_title(sec_cfg, sec_path):
dump_json(sec_path, sec_cfg, exist_ok=True, override=True)
# 保存技能树骨架
tree_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'tree.json')
dump_json(tree_path, root, exist_ok=True, override=True)
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