# 透视表 现有销售记录表 ```mysql create table sales( id serial primary key , sku_id integer not null , amount decimal(12, 4), created_at timestamp default now() ); create index on sales(created_at); ``` 现在我们希望对这个表做一个月度的透视汇总,得到2020年每个月每种商品(sku_id)的的销售总额,每个月一列,哪一项可以实现? ## 答案 ```mysql select sku_id, sum(case extract(month from created_at) when 1 then amount else 0 end) as Jan, sum(case extract(month from created_at) when 2 then amount else 0 end) as Feb, sum(case extract(month from created_at) when 3 then amount else 0 end) as Mar, sum(case extract(month from created_at) when 4 then amount else 0 end) as Apr, sum(case extract(month from created_at) when 5 then amount else 0 end) as May, sum(case extract(month from created_at) when 6 then amount else 0 end) as June, sum(case extract(month from created_at) when 7 then amount else 0 end) as July, sum(case extract(month from created_at) when 8 then amount else 0 end) as Aug, sum(case extract(month from created_at) when 9 then amount else 0 end) as Sept, sum(case extract(month from created_at) when 10 then amount else 0 end) as Oct, sum(case extract(month from created_at) when 11 then amount else 0 end) as Nov, sum(case extract(month from created_at) when 12 then amount else 0 end) as Dec from sales where created_at between '2020-01-01'::timestamp and '2021-01-01'::timestamp group by sku_id; ``` ## 选项 ### 格式不相符 ```mysql select sku_id, extract(month from created_at) as month, sum(amount) from sales where created_at between '2020-01-01'::timestamp and '2021-01-01'::timestamp group by 1, 2; ``` ### 计算逻辑错误 ```mysql select sku_id, sum(amount) as Jan, sum(amount) as Feb, sum(amount) as Mar, sum(amount) as Apr, sum(amount) as May, sum(amount) as June, sum(amount) as July, sum(amount) as Aug, sum(amount) as Sept, sum(amount) as Oct, sum(amount) as Nov, sum(amount) as Dec from sales where created_at between '2020-01-01'::timestamp and '2021-01-01'::timestamp group by sku_id, extract(month from created_at); ``` ### 计算格式错误 ```mysql select sku_id, sum(amount having extract(month from created_at) = 1) as Jan, sum(amount having extract(month from created_at) = 2) as Feb, sum(amount having extract(month from created_at) = 3) as Mar, sum(amount having extract(month from created_at) = 4) as Apr, sum(amount having extract(month from created_at) = 5) as May, sum(amount having extract(month from created_at) = 6) as June, sum(amount having extract(month from created_at) = 7) as July, sum(amount having extract(month from created_at) = 8) as Aug, sum(amount having extract(month from created_at) = 9) as Sept, sum(amount having extract(month from created_at) = 10) as Oct, sum(amount having extract(month from created_at) = 11) as Nov, sum(amount having extract(month from created_at) = 12) as Dec from sales where created_at between '2020-01-01'::timestamp and '2021-01-01'::timestamp group by sku_id, extract(month from created_at); ```