# Exists
Joe 想从员工表
create table employee(
id int primary key auto_increment,
dept_id int,
name varchar(256),
post varchar(16)
中找出所有其所在部门没有助理(post 为 `assistant`)的员工信息。由于 Joe 没有其它表的查询权限,
他只能查询员工表,并且这一次他想用 exists 实现。这个查询应该是:
* `show databases;` 列出所有数据库
* `show tables;` 列出所有表
## 答案
select id, name, dept
from employee as o
where not exists(
select *
from employee as i
where o.dept = i.dept and post='assistant');
## 选项
### A
select id, name, dept
from employee as o
where exists(
select *
from employee as i
where o.dept = i.dept and post='assistant');
### B
select id, name, dept
from employee as o
where 'assistant' != exists(
select post
from employee as i);
### C
select id, name, dept
from employee as o
where 'assistant' = not exists(
select post
from employee as i
where o.dept = i.dept);