# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import hashlib import sys import socket import logging import os import json import os import threading import inspect import ctypes import time import urllib.request from urllib.error import HTTPError from urllib import parse import yaml # 定义常量 CONFIGURATIONS = "configurations" NOTIFICATION_ID = "notificationId" NAMESPACE_NAME = "namespaceName" # 对时间戳,uri,秘钥进行加签 def signature(timestamp, uri, secret): import hmac import base64 string_to_sign = '' + timestamp + '\n' + uri hmac_code = hmac.new( secret.encode(), string_to_sign.encode(), hashlib.sha1).digest() return base64.b64encode(hmac_code).decode() def url_encode_wrapper(params): return url_encode(params) def no_key_cache_key(namespace, key): return "{}{}{}".format(namespace, len(namespace), key) # 返回是否获取到的值,不存在则返回None def get_value_from_dict(namespace_cache, key): if namespace_cache: # print(namespace_cache) kv_data = namespace_cache.get(CONFIGURATIONS) if kv_data is None: return None if key in kv_data: return kv_data[key] return None def init_ip(): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.connect(('', 53)) ip = s.getsockname()[0] return ip finally: s.close() return "" def http_request(url, timeout, headers={}): try: request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers) res = urllib.request.urlopen(request, timeout=timeout) body = res.read().decode("utf-8") return res.code, body except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 304: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning( "http_request error,code is 304, maybe you should check secret") return 304, None logging.getLogger(__name__).warning( "http_request error,code is %d, msg is %s", e.code, e.msg) raise e def url_encode(params): return parse.urlencode(params) def makedirs_wrapper(path): os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) class ApolloClient(object): def __init__(self, config_url, app_id, cluster='default', secret='', start_hot_update=True, change_listener=None, config_format='json', refresh=False): # 核心路由参数 self.config_url = config_url self.cluster = cluster self.app_id = app_id # 非核心参数 self.ip = init_ip() self.secret = secret self.config_format = config_format # 检查参数变量 # 私有控制变量 self._cycle_time = 2 self._stopping = False self._cache = {} self._no_key = {} self._hash = {} self._pull_timeout = 75 self._cache_file_path = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/data/apollo/cache/' self._long_poll_thread = None self._change_listener = change_listener # "add" "delete" "update" self.refresh = refresh if self.refresh: try: os.remove(self._cache_file_path) except: pass # 私有启动方法 self._path_checker() # if start_hot_update: # self._start_hot_update() # 启动心跳线程 # heartbeat = threading.Thread(target=self._heartBeat) # heartbeat.setDaemon(True) # heartbeat.start() def get_json_from_net(self, namespace='application'): url = '{}/configs/{}/{}/{}?releaseKey={}&ip={}'.format( self.config_url, self.app_id, self.cluster, namespace, "", self.ip) try: print(url) code, body = http_request( url, timeout=3, headers=self._signHeaders(url)) # print(code, body) if code == 200: data = json.loads(body) if self.config_format == 'yaml': data = yaml.load(data["configurations"] ['content'], Loader=yaml.FullLoader) else: data = data["configurations"] # print(data) return_data = {CONFIGURATIONS: data} # print('return_data:', return_data) return return_data else: print('http_request error code', code) return None except Exception as e: logging.getLogger(__name__).error(str(e)) return None def get_value(self, key, default_val=None, namespace='application'): try: # 读取内存配置 # print('读取内存配置') namespace_cache = self._cache.get(namespace) val = get_value_from_dict(namespace_cache, key) if val is not None: # print('get value from cache') return val no_key = no_key_cache_key(namespace, key) if no_key in self._no_key: # print('get value from no_key_cache_key') return default_val # 读取网络配置 # print('读取网络配置') namespace_data = self.get_json_from_net(namespace) val = get_value_from_dict(namespace_data, key) if val is not None: # print('get_json_from_net:', namespace_cache) self._update_cache_and_file(namespace_data, namespace) return val # 读取文件配置 # print('读取文件配置') namespace_cache = self._get_local_cache(namespace) val = get_value_from_dict(namespace_cache, key) if val is not None: # print('get_value_from_dict:', namespace_cache) self._update_cache_and_file(namespace_cache, namespace) return val # 如果全部没有获取,则把默认值返回,设置本地缓存为None # print('如果全部没有获取,则把默认值返回,设置本地缓存为None') self._set_local_cache_none(namespace, key) return default_val except Exception as e: logging.getLogger(__name__).error("get_value has error, [key is %s], [namespace is %s], [error is %s], ", key, namespace, e) return default_val # 设置某个namespace的key为none,这里不设置default_val,是为了保证函数调用实时的正确性。 # 假设用户2次default_val不一样,然而这里却用default_val填充,则可能会有问题。 def _set_local_cache_none(self, namespace, key): no_key = no_key_cache_key(namespace, key) self._no_key[no_key] = key def _start_hot_update(self): self._long_poll_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._listener) # 启动异步线程为守护线程,主线程推出的时候,守护线程会自动退出。 self._long_poll_thread.setDaemon(True) self._long_poll_thread.start() def stop(self): self._stopping = True logging.getLogger(__name__).info("Stopping listener...") # 调用设置的回调函数,如果异常,直接try掉 def _call_listener(self, namespace, old_kv, new_kv): if self._change_listener is None: return if old_kv is None: old_kv = {} if new_kv is None: new_kv = {} try: for key in old_kv: new_value = new_kv.get(key) old_value = old_kv.get(key) if new_value is None: # 如果newValue 是空,则表示key,value被删除了。 self._change_listener("delete", namespace, key, old_value) continue if new_value != old_value: self._change_listener("update", namespace, key, new_value) continue for key in new_kv: new_value = new_kv.get(key) old_value = old_kv.get(key) if old_value is None: self._change_listener("add", namespace, key, new_value) except BaseException as e: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning(str(e)) def _path_checker(self): if not os.path.isdir(self._cache_file_path): makedirs_wrapper(self._cache_file_path) # 更新本地缓存和文件缓存 def _update_cache_and_file(self, namespace_data, namespace='application'): # 不使用本地缓存 if self.refresh: return # 更新本地缓存 self._cache[namespace] = namespace_data # 更新文件缓存 new_string = json.dumps(namespace_data) new_hash = hashlib.md5(new_string.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if self._hash.get(namespace) == new_hash: pass else: with open(os.path.join(self._cache_file_path, '%s_configuration_%s.txt' % (self.app_id, namespace)), 'w') as f: f.write(new_string) self._hash[namespace] = new_hash # 从本地文件获取配置 def _get_local_cache(self, namespace='application'): cache_file_path = os.path.join( self._cache_file_path, '%s_configuration_%s.txt' % (self.app_id, namespace)) if os.path.isfile(cache_file_path): with open(cache_file_path, 'r') as f: result = json.loads(f.readline()) return result return {} def _long_poll(self): notifications = [] for key in self._cache: namespace_data = self._cache[key] notification_id = -1 if NOTIFICATION_ID in namespace_data: notification_id = self._cache[key][NOTIFICATION_ID] notifications.append({ NAMESPACE_NAME: key, NOTIFICATION_ID: notification_id }) try: # 如果长度为0直接返回 if len(notifications) == 0: return url = '{}/notifications/v2'.format(self.config_url) params = { 'appId': self.app_id, 'cluster': self.cluster, 'notifications': json.dumps(notifications, ensure_ascii=False) } param_str = url_encode_wrapper(params) url = url + '?' + param_str code, body = http_request( url, self._pull_timeout, headers=self._signHeaders(url)) http_code = code if http_code == 304: logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('No change, loop...') return if http_code == 200: data = json.loads(body) for entry in data: namespace = entry[NAMESPACE_NAME] n_id = entry[NOTIFICATION_ID] logging.getLogger(__name__).info( "%s has changes: notificationId=%d", namespace, n_id) self._get_net_and_set_local( namespace, n_id, call_change=True) return else: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning('Sleep...') except Exception as e: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning(str(e)) def _get_net_and_set_local(self, namespace, n_id, call_change=False): namespace_data = self.get_json_from_net(namespace) namespace_data[NOTIFICATION_ID] = n_id old_namespace = self._cache.get(namespace) self._update_cache_and_file(namespace_data, namespace) if self._change_listener is not None and call_change: old_kv = old_namespace.get(CONFIGURATIONS) new_kv = namespace_data.get(CONFIGURATIONS) self._call_listener(namespace, old_kv, new_kv) def _listener(self): logging.getLogger(__name__).info('start long_poll') while not self._stopping: self._long_poll() time.sleep(self._cycle_time) logging.getLogger(__name__).info("stopped, long_poll") # 给header增加加签需求 def _signHeaders(self, url): headers = {} if self.secret == '': return headers uri = url[len(self.config_url):len(url)] time_unix_now = str(int(round(time.time() * 1000))) headers['Authorization'] = 'Apollo ' + self.app_id + \ ':' + signature(time_unix_now, uri, self.secret) headers['Timestamp'] = time_unix_now return headers def _heartBeat(self): while not self._stopping: time.sleep(60 * 10) # 10分钟 for namespace in self._notification_map: self._do_heartBeat(namespace) def _do_heartBeat(self, namespace): release_key = self._release_key_map.get(namespace) url = '{}/configs/{}/{}/{}?releaseKey={}&ip={}'.format(self.config_url, self.app_id, self.cluster, namespace, release_key, self.ip) try: code, body = http_request( url, timeout=3, headers=self._signHeaders(url)) if code == 200: data = json.loads(body) self._release_key_map[namespace] = data["releaseKey"] data = data["configurations"] self._update_cache_and_file(data, namespace) else: return None except Exception as e: logging.getLogger(__name__).error(str(e)) return None if __name__ == "__main__": client = ApolloClient( app_id="949", cluster="default", config_url='http://dev.config.csdn.net:8080', refresh=True ) val = client.get_value("csdn-ai", namespace="application") # print(val)