# 检查密码强度

定义一个名为“isStrongPassword”的函数,该函数将字符串作为参数。功能然后将检查所提供的字符串是否满足以下条件,以检查是否为强 密码: 1.必须至少包含1个大写和小写字母的组合 2.必须至少包含3位数字 3.必须至少包含3个特殊字符(包括空格) 4.密码长度必须至少12个字符 该函数将返回一个布尔值,即如果满足所有条件则返回True或返回False 确保使用可能返回False值的每个可能的输入来测试函数也一样

## template ```python def isStrongPassword(pwd): chars = list(pwd) upper = [c for c in chars if 'A' <= c and c <= 'Z'] lower = [c for c in chars if 'a' <= c and c <= 'z'] digit = [c for c in chars if '0' <= c and c <= '9' ] symbol = [c for c in chars if not ('A' <= c and c <= 'Z' or 'a' <= c and c <= 'z' or '0' <= c and c <= '9')] strong = len(upper) >= 1 and len(lower) >= 1 and len(digit) >= 3 and len(symbol) >= 3 and len(pwd) >= 12 return strong print(isStrongPassword("Str0n9P@$$w0rd")) print(isStrongPassword("StrongPassword")) print(isStrongPassword("Stron9P@$$0rd")) print(isStrongPassword("Str0n9Pass0rd")) print(isStrongPassword("str0n9p@$$0rd")) print(isStrongPassword("Str0n9P@$$")) print(isStrongPassword("12345678")) print(isStrongPassword("~!@#$$%^&*()_+")) print(isStrongPassword("STRONGPASSWORD")) ``` ## 答案 ```python ``` ## 选项 ### A ```python ``` ### B ```python ``` ### C ```python ```