[ { "prompt": "c++文件的读取和写入", "type": "代码生成", "language": "C++" }, { "prompt": "快速排序c++", "type": "代码生成", "language": "C++" }, { "prompt": "c++小游戏", "type": "代码生成", "language": "C++" }, { "prompt": "c++爱心代码", "type": "代码生成", "language": "C++" }, { "prompt": "error: microsoft visual c++ 14.0 or greater is required. get it with \"microsoft c++ build tools\": https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "C++" }, { "prompt": "indexerror: invalid index of a 0-dim tensor. use `tensor.item()` in python or `tensor.item()` in c++ to convert a 0-dim tensor to a number", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "C++" }, { "prompt": "error: microsoft visual c++ 14.0 or greater is required", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "C++" }, { "prompt": "prelaunchtask\"c/c++: g++.exe生成活动文件\"已终止,退出代码为-1", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "C++" }, { "prompt": "vs2017 microsoft visual c++ runtime library", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "C++" }, { "prompt": "java爱心代码", "type": "代码生成", "language": "JAVA" }, { "prompt": "冒泡排序java", "type": "代码生成", "language": "JAVA" }, { "prompt": "java九九乘法表", "type": "代码生成", "language": "JAVA" }, { "prompt": "javahelloworld代码", "type": "代码生成", "language": "JAVA" }, { "prompt": "水仙花数java", "type": "代码生成", "language": "JAVA" }, { "prompt": "java.lang.nullpointerexception", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "JAVA" }, { "prompt": "java.lang.illegalstateexception: failed to load applicationcontext", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "JAVA" }, { "prompt": "java找不到符号", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "JAVA" }, { "prompt": "java: 错误: 不支持发行版本 5", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "JAVA" }, { "prompt": "failed to start bean 'documentationpluginsbootstrapper'; nested exception is java.lang.nullpointerexception", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "JAVA" }, { "prompt": "htmlcssjavascript网页制作", "type": "代码生成", "language": "JS" }, { "prompt": "javascript爱心代码", "type": "代码生成", "language": "JS" }, { "prompt": "javascript实现图片轮播", "type": "代码生成", "language": "JS" }, { "prompt": "使用javascript设计一个用户注册程序,要求能够验证用户的输入内容", "type": "代码生成", "language": "JS" }, { "prompt": "javascript登录页面制作", "type": "代码生成", "language": "JS" }, { "prompt": "fatal error: call_and_retry_last allocation failed - javascript heap out of memory", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "JS" }, { "prompt": "call_and_retry_last allocation failed - javascript heap out of memory", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "JS" }, { "prompt": "fatal error: ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit allocation failed - javascript heap out of memory", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "JS" }, { "prompt": "failed to load module script: expected a javascript module script but the server responded with a mime type of \"text/html\". strict mime type checking is enforced for module scripts per html spec.", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "JS" }, { "prompt": "invalid table size allocation failed - javascript heap out of memory", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "JS" }, { "prompt": "python爱心代码", "type": "代码生成", "language": "PYTHON" }, { "prompt": "lstm时间序列预测python", "type": "代码生成", "language": "PYTHON" }, { "prompt": "python小游戏", "type": "代码生成", "language": "PYTHON" }, { "prompt": "arima模型python代码", "type": "代码生成", "language": "PYTHON" }, { "prompt": "python画图", "type": "代码生成", "language": "PYTHON" }, { "prompt": "pip._vendor.urllib3.exceptions.readtimeouterror: httpsconnectionpool(host='files.pythonhosted.org', port=443): read timed out.", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "PYTHON" }, { "prompt": "pip is configured with locations that require tls/ssl, however the ssl module in python is not available.", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "PYTHON" }, { "prompt": "only size-1 arrays can be converted to python scalars", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "PYTHON" }, { "prompt": "error: could not build wheels for opencv-python, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "PYTHON" }, { "prompt": "this python interpreter is in a conda environment, but the environment has not been activated. libraries may fail to load. to activate this environment please see https://conda.io/activation", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "PYTHON" }, { "prompt": "shell脚本编程100例", "type": "代码生成", "language": "SHELL" }, { "prompt": "shell判断文件是否存在", "type": "代码生成", "language": "SHELL" }, { "prompt": "编写shell排序程序,将一个无序的整数数组中元素按从小到大排序。", "type": "代码生成", "language": "SHELL" }, { "prompt": "linux定时执行shell脚本", "type": "代码生成", "language": "SHELL" }, { "prompt": "shell排序", "type": "代码生成", "language": "SHELL" }, { "prompt": "important: you may need to close and restart your shell after running 'conda init'.", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "SHELL" }, { "prompt": "commandnotfounderror: your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'.", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "SHELL" }, { "prompt": "finalshell java.net.connectexception: connection timed out: connect", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "JAVA" }, { "prompt": "xshell connection failed", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "SHELL" }, { "prompt": "you may need to close and restart your shell after running 'conda init'.", "type": "troubleshooting", "language": "SHELL" } ]