diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 99f959dd421dd07a0e31b6b7fdb9798c043e9b55..bd57ba27f22a8cc48596a1e3ec35d0a55d60c8ec 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -19,3 +19,5 @@
## 同类评测项目
1. 斯坦福大学的评测:AlpacaEval Logo Leaderboard
+2. https://github.com/the-crypt-keeper/can-ai-code
+3. https://github.com/THUDM/CodeGeeX/tree/main/codegeex/benchmark
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eval_set/humaneval-x/cpp/data/humaneval_cpp.jsonl.gz b/eval_set/humaneval-x/cpp/data/humaneval_cpp.jsonl.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e3409c83d19c3071fb5904926e6134e5d8abee18
Binary files /dev/null and b/eval_set/humaneval-x/cpp/data/humaneval_cpp.jsonl.gz differ
diff --git a/eval_set/humaneval-x/cpp/evaluation/test.cpp b/eval_set/humaneval-x/cpp/evaluation/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..54cbc230dedca001c5fbea712be04aeb9a901878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eval_set/humaneval-x/cpp/evaluation/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Input to this function is a string containing multiple groups of nested parentheses. Your goal is to
+separate those group into separate strings and return the vector of those.
+Separate groups are balanced (each open brace is properly closed) and not nested within each other
+Ignore any spaces in the input string.
+>>> separate_paren_groups("( ) (( )) (( )( ))")
+{"()", "(())", "(()())"}
+using namespace std;
+vector separate_paren_groups(string paren_string){
+ vector all_parens;
+ string current_paren;
+ int level=0;
+ char chr;
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i
+bool issame(vector a,vectorb){
+ if (a.size()!=b.size()) return false;
+ for (int i=0;i",
+ "markdown" : "",
+ "html" : "",
+ "php" : "// language: PHP",
+ "js" : "// language: JavaScript",
+ "javascript" : "// language: JavaScript",
+ "typescript" : "// language: TypeScript",
+ "go" : "// language: Go",
+ "shell" : "# language: Shell",
+ "rust" : "// language: Rust",
+ "sql" : "-- language: SQL",
+ "kotlin" : "// language: Kotlin",
+ "vb" : "' language: Visual Basic",
+ "ruby" : "# language: Ruby",
+ "pascal" : "// language: Pascal",
+ "r" : "# language: R",
+ "fortran" : "!language: Fortran",
+ "lean" : "-- language: Lean",
+ "matlab" : f"% language: Matlab",
+ "delphi" : "{language: Delphi}",
+ "scheme" : "; language: Scheme",
+ "basic" : "' language: Basic",
+ "assembly" : "; language: Assembly",
+ "groovy" : "// language: Groovy",
+ "abap" : "* language: Abap",
+ "gdscript" : "# language: GDScript",
+ "haskell" : "-- language: Haskell",
+ "julia" : "# language: Julia",
+ "elixir" : "# language: Elixir",
+ "excel" : "' language: Excel",
+ "clojure" : "; language: Clojure",
+ "actionscript" : "// language: ActionScript",
+ "solidity" : "// language: Solidity",
+ "powershell" : "# language: PowerShell",
+ "erlang" : f"% language: Erlang",
+ "cobol" : "// language: Cobol",
+def stream_jsonl(filename: str) -> Iterable[Dict]:
+ """
+ Parses each jsonl line and yields it as a dictionary
+ """
+ if filename.endswith(".gz"):
+ with open(filename, "rb") as gzfp:
+ with gzip.open(gzfp, "rt") as fp:
+ for line in fp:
+ if any(not x.isspace() for x in line):
+ yield json.loads(line)
+ else:
+ with open(filename, "r") as fp:
+ for line in fp:
+ if any(not x.isspace() for x in line):
+ yield json.loads(line)
+def write_jsonl(filename: str, data: Iterable[Dict], append: bool = False):
+ """
+ Writes an iterable of dictionaries to jsonl
+ """
+ if append:
+ mode = "ab"
+ else:
+ mode = "wb"
+ filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
+ if filename.endswith(".gz"):
+ with open(filename, mode) as fp:
+ with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fp, mode="wb") as gzfp:
+ for x in data:
+ gzfp.write((json.dumps(x) + "\n").encode("utf-8"))
+ else:
+ with open(filename, mode) as fp:
+ for x in data:
+ fp.write((json.dumps(x) + "\n").encode("utf-8"))
+def sliding_window(
+ prompt_tokens: list,
+ code_tokens: list,
+ seq_len: int,
+ sliding_stride: int,
+ minimum_code_len: int = 1,
+) -> Iterable[Tuple[list, list]]:
+ """
+ Generate a series of (prompt, code) pairs by sliding the window over the code.
+ """
+ prompt_len = len(prompt_tokens)
+ code_len = len(code_tokens)
+ total_len = prompt_len + code_len
+ start_idx = max(0, prompt_len - seq_len + minimum_code_len) # at least `minimum_code_len` code token should be in the window
+ end_idx = max(0, total_len - seq_len)
+ start_idx = min(start_idx, end_idx)
+ for i in range(start_idx, end_idx + 1, sliding_stride):
+ current_prompt = prompt_tokens[i:i + seq_len]
+ current_code = code_tokens[max(i - prompt_len, 0):i - prompt_len + seq_len]
+ yield current_prompt, current_code
+ if (end_idx - start_idx) % sliding_stride != 0:
+ current_prompt = prompt_tokens[end_idx:end_idx + seq_len]
+ current_code = code_tokens[max(end_idx - prompt_len, 0):end_idx - prompt_len + seq_len]
+ yield current_prompt, current_code
diff --git a/src/evaluate_humaneval_x.py b/src/evaluate_humaneval_x.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4aa2424652af1934ba2d19afbc4b21430dc9507f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/evaluate_humaneval_x.py
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import fire
+import json
+import gzip
+import regex
+import numpy as np
+from typing import *
+from tqdm.auto import tqdm
+from collections import defaultdict
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
+from utils import read_dataset, IMPORT_HELPER
+from metric import estimate_pass_at_k
+from execution import check_correctness
+ "cpp" : "CPP",
+ "go" : "Go",
+ "java" : "Java",
+ "js" : "JavaScript",
+ "python": "Python",
+def process_humaneval_test(sample, problems, example_test=False):
+ task_id = sample["task_id"]
+ language = task_id.split("/")[0].lower()
+ prompt = sample["prompt"]
+ if example_test and "example_test" in problems[task_id] and problems[task_id]["example_test"] != "":
+ test = problems[task_id]["example_test"]
+ else:
+ test = problems[task_id]["test"]
+ code = sample["generation"]
+ # Pre-process for different languages
+ if language == "python":
+ code_ = []
+ for line in code.split("\n"):
+ if (len(line.strip()) > 0 and line[0] != ' ' and line[0] != '\t'):
+ break
+ code_.append(line)
+ code = "\n".join(code_)
+ test_setup = "\n".join(IMPORT_HELPER["python"]) + "\n"
+ test_string = test_setup + prompt + code + "\n" + test + "\n"
+ elif language == "cpp":
+ test_set_up = ""
+ for s in IMPORT_HELPER["cpp"]:
+ if s not in prompt:
+ test_set_up += s + "\n"
+ test_string = test_set_up + "\n" + prompt + code + "\n" + test
+ elif language == "java":
+ test_string = prompt + code + "\n" + test
+ elif language == "js" or language == "javascript":
+ test_string = prompt + code + "\n" + test
+ elif language == "go":
+ import_string = problems[task_id]["import"]
+ prompt = prompt.replace(import_string, "")
+ if example_test and "example_test" in problems[task_id]:
+ test = problems[task_id]["example_test"]
+ else:
+ test = problems[task_id]["test"]
+ test_setup = problems[task_id]["test_setup"]
+ other_pkgs = []
+ for pkg in IMPORT_HELPER["go"]:
+ if pkg not in test_setup:
+ p = pkg.split("/")[-1]
+ if p + "." in code:
+ other_pkgs.append(f"\"{pkg}\"")
+ if other_pkgs:
+ import_other_pkgs = "import (\n" + " ".join([p + "\n" for p in other_pkgs]) + ")"
+ test_string = test_setup + "\n" + import_other_pkgs + "\n" + prompt + code + "\n" + test
+ else:
+ test_string = test_setup + "\n" + prompt + code + "\n" + test
+ elif language == "rust":
+ main = "\nfn main(){ \n } \n"
+ declaration = problems[task_id]["declaration"]
+ test_string = main + declaration + prompt + code + test
+ return test_string
+def stream_jsonl_all(filename: str) -> Iterable[Dict]:
+ results = []
+ if filename.endswith(".gz"):
+ fp = gzip.open(open(filename, "rb"), "rt")
+ else:
+ fp = open(filename, "r")
+ for line in fp:
+ if any(not x.isspace() for x in line):
+ results.append(json.loads(line))
+ fp.close()
+ return results
+def evaluate_functional_correctness(
+ input_file: str = None,
+ tmp_dir: str = "./",
+ n_workers: int = 32,
+ timeout: float = 500.0,
+ problem_file: str = "../data/humaneval_python.jsonl.gz",
+ out_dir: str = None,
+ k: List[int] = [1, 10, 100],
+ test_groundtruth: bool = False,
+ example_test: bool = False,
+ if example_test:
+ print("Example test...")
+ problems = read_dataset(problem_file,
+ dataset_type="humaneval")
+ sample_jsonl = stream_jsonl_all(input_file)
+ if example_test:
+ suffix = "_example_test.jsonl"
+ else:
+ suffix = "_results.jsonl"
+ if out_dir is not None:
+ if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
+ os.makedirs(out_dir)
+ out_file = os.path.join(out_dir, input_file.split('/')[-1].replace(".jsonl", suffix))
+ else:
+ out_file = os.path.join(input_file.replace(".jsonl", suffix))
+ if "/codegeex/benchmark/humaneval-x/" in input_file:
+ test_groundtruth = True
+ if "-to-" in input_file:
+ translation_mode = True
+ else:
+ translation_mode = False
+ with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_workers) as executor:
+ futures = []
+ completion_id = Counter()
+ n_samples = 0
+ results = defaultdict(list)
+ if test_groundtruth:
+ print("Testing ground truth...")
+ for sample in tqdm(problems.values()):
+ task_id = sample["task_id"]
+ lang = task_id.split("/")[0].lower()
+ if lang == "javascript":
+ lang = "js"
+ tmp_dir_ = os.path.join(tmp_dir, lang, "evaluation")
+ sample["generation"] = sample["canonical_solution"]
+ sample["test_code"] = process_humaneval_test(sample, problems, example_test)
+ if sample["test_code"] is None:
+ continue
+ args = (task_id, sample, lang, timeout, tmp_dir_, completion_id[task_id])
+ future = executor.submit(check_correctness, *args)
+ futures.append(future)
+ completion_id[task_id] += 1
+ n_samples += 1
+ else:
+ print("Reading samples...")
+ for sample in tqdm(sample_jsonl):
+ task_id = sample["task_id"]
+ lang = task_id.split("/")[0].lower()
+ if translation_mode:
+ task_id = sample["task_id"].split("/")[-1]
+ lang = regex.findall("-to-.*-", input_file)[0].split("-to-")[-1].rstrip("-")
+ for l in LANGUAGE_NAME:
+ if l in lang:
+ lang = l
+ break
+ task_id = f"{LANGUAGE_NAME[lang]}/{task_id}"
+ if lang == "javascript":
+ lang = "js"
+ tmp_dir_ = os.path.join(tmp_dir, lang, "evaluation")
+ sample["task_id"] = task_id
+ sample["test_code"] = process_humaneval_test(sample, problems, example_test)
+ if sample["test_code"] is None:
+ continue
+ if "completion_id" in sample:
+ completion_id_ = sample["completion_id"]
+ else:
+ completion_id_ = completion_id[task_id]
+ args = (task_id, sample, lang, timeout, tmp_dir_, completion_id_)
+ future = executor.submit(check_correctness, *args)
+ futures.append(future)
+ completion_id[task_id] += 1
+ n_samples += 1
+ print(completion_id)
+ if len(completion_id) == len(problems):
+ evaluate_pass_at_k = True
+ else:
+ evaluate_pass_at_k = False
+ print("Running test suites...")
+ for future in tqdm(as_completed(futures), total=len(futures)):
+ result = future.result()
+ results[result["task_id"]].append((result["completion_id"], result))
+ # Calculate pass@k.
+ total, correct = [], []
+ for result in results.values():
+ passed = [r[1]["passed"] for r in result]
+ total.append(len(passed))
+ correct.append(sum(passed))
+ total = np.array(total)
+ correct = np.array(correct)
+ if evaluate_pass_at_k:
+ ks = k
+ pass_at_k = {f"pass@{k}": estimate_pass_at_k(total, correct, k).mean()
+ for k in ks if (total >= k).all()}
+ print(pass_at_k)
+ else:
+ print("Total:", np.sum(total))
+ print("Correct:", np.sum(correct))
+ print("Writing to: ", out_file)
+ if out_file.endswith(".gz"):
+ fp = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=open(out_file, "wb"), mode="wb")
+ for res in results.values():
+ for r in res:
+ fp.write((json.dumps(r[1]) + "\n").encode("utf-8"))
+ else:
+ fp = open(out_file, 'w')
+ for res in results.values():
+ for r in res:
+ fp.write(json.dumps(r[1]) + "\n")
+ fp.close()
+ print("Evaluation finished.")
+def main():
+ fire.Fire(evaluate_functional_correctness)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/src/execution.py b/src/execution.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cbdf14f4954d9f458d1e2c8e5fb8016865d6244a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/execution.py
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+import contextlib
+import faulthandler
+import io
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import platform
+import signal
+import random
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import gzip
+import json
+from typing import *
+def dicts_to_jsonl(data_list: list, filename: str, compress: bool = True) -> None:
+ """
+ Method saves list of dicts into jsonl file.
+ :param data: (list) list of dicts to be stored,
+ :param filename: (str) path to the output file. If suffix .jsonl is not given then methods appends
+ .jsonl suffix into the file.
+ :param compress: (bool) should file be compressed into a gzip archive?
+ """
+ sjsonl = '.jsonl'
+ sgz = '.gz'
+ # Check filename
+ if not filename.endswith(sjsonl):
+ filename = filename + sjsonl
+ # Save data
+ if compress:
+ filename = filename + sgz
+ with gzip.open(filename, 'w') as compressed:
+ for ddict in data_list:
+ jout = json.dumps(ddict) + '\n'
+ jout = jout.encode('utf-8')
+ compressed.write(jout)
+ else:
+ with open(filename, 'w') as out:
+ for ddict in data_list:
+ jout = json.dumps(ddict) + '\n'
+ out.write(jout)
+def check_correctness(
+ task_id: str,
+ sample: dict,
+ language_type: str,
+ timeout: float = 3.0,
+ tmp_dir: str = None,
+ completion_id: Optional[int] = None,
+) -> Dict:
+ """
+ Evaluates the functional correctness of a completion by running the test
+ suite provided in the problem.
+ """
+ def unsafe_execute(tmp_dir):
+ random_id = random.uniform(1, 1000)
+ if "python" in language_type.lower():
+ with create_tempdir():
+ # These system calls are needed when cleaning up tempdir.
+ import os
+ import shutil
+ rmtree = shutil.rmtree
+ rmdir = os.rmdir
+ chdir = os.chdir
+ # Disable functionalities that can make destructive changes to the test.
+ reliability_guard()
+ try:
+ exec_globals = {}
+ with swallow_io():
+ with time_limit(timeout):
+ # This program exists to execute untrusted model-generated code. Although
+ # it is highly unlikely that model-generated code will do something overtly
+ # malicious in response to this test suite, model-generated code may act
+ # destructively due to a lack of model capability or alignment.
+ # Users are strongly encouraged to sandbox this evaluation suite so that it
+ # does not perform destructive actions on their host or network.
+ # Once you have read this disclaimer and taken appropriate precautions,
+ # uncomment the following line and proceed at your own risk:
+ exec(sample["test_code"], exec_globals)
+ result.append("passed")
+ except TimeoutException:
+ result.append("timed out")
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ result.append(f"failed: AssertionError")
+ except BaseException as e:
+ result.append(f"failed: {e}")
+ # Needed for cleaning up.
+ shutil.rmtree = rmtree
+ os.rmdir = rmdir
+ os.chdir = chdir
+ elif "go" in language_type.lower():
+ assert tmp_dir is not None, "Go should be evaluated in a dir where necessary module files installed."
+ import os
+ import shutil
+ if "tmp" not in tmp_dir:
+ tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "tmp")
+ tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"{task_id.replace('/', '-')}-{random_id}")
+ if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
+ os.makedirs(tmp_dir)
+ os.chdir(tmp_dir)
+ open(f"main_test.go", 'w').write(sample["test_code"])
+ try:
+ exec_result = None
+ with time_limit(timeout):
+ # This program exists to execute untrusted model-generated code. Although
+ # it is highly unlikely that model-generated code will do something overtly
+ # malicious in response to this test suite, model-generated code may act
+ # destructively due to a lack of model capability or alignment.
+ # Users are strongly encouraged to sandbox this evaluation suite so that it
+ # does not perform destructive actions on their host or network.
+ # Once you have read this disclaimer and taken appropriate precautions,
+ # uncomment the following line and proceed at your own risk:
+ exec_result = subprocess.run(["go", "test", f"-timeout={timeout}s", "main_test.go"], timeout=timeout, capture_output=True)
+ if exec_result.returncode == 0:
+ result.append("passed")
+ else:
+ if exec_result.stderr:
+ try:
+ err = exec_result.stderr.decode()
+ except:
+ err = exec_result.stderr
+ else:
+ try:
+ err = exec_result.stdout.decode()
+ except:
+ err = exec_result.stdout
+ result.append(f"failed: {err}")
+ except TimeoutException:
+ result.append("timed out")
+ shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
+ elif "js" in language_type.lower():
+ import os
+ import shutil
+ if "tmp" not in tmp_dir:
+ tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "tmp")
+ tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"{task_id.replace('/', '-')}-{random_id}")
+ if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
+ os.makedirs(tmp_dir)
+ os.chdir(tmp_dir)
+ open(f"test.js", 'w').write(sample["test_code"])
+ try:
+ exec_result = None
+ with time_limit(timeout):
+ # This program exists to execute untrusted model-generated code. Although
+ # it is highly unlikely that model-generated code will do something overtly
+ # malicious in response to this test suite, model-generated code may act
+ # destructively due to a lack of model capability or alignment.
+ # Users are strongly encouraged to sandbox this evaluation suite so that it
+ # does not perform destructive actions on their host or network.
+ # Once you have read this disclaimer and taken appropriate precautions,
+ # uncomment the following line and proceed at your own risk:
+ exec_result = subprocess.run(["node", "test.js"], timeout=timeout, capture_output=True)
+ if exec_result.stderr.decode():
+ err = exec_result.stderr.decode()
+ result.append(f"failed: {err}")
+ elif exec_result.stdout.decode():
+ err = exec_result.stdout.decode()
+ result.append(f"failed: {err}")
+ else:
+ result.append("passed")
+ except TimeoutException:
+ result.append("timed out")
+ shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
+ elif "cpp" in language_type.lower():
+ import os
+ import shutil
+ if "tmp" not in tmp_dir:
+ tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "tmp")
+ tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"{task_id.replace('/', '-')}-{random_id}")
+ if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
+ os.makedirs(tmp_dir)
+ os.chdir(tmp_dir)
+ open(f"test.cpp", 'w').write(sample["test_code"])
+ if "162" in task_id:
+ compilation_result = subprocess.run(["/usr/bin/g++", "-std=c++11", "test.cpp", "-lcrypto", "-lssl"],
+ timeout=timeout,
+ capture_output=True)
+ else:
+ compilation_result = subprocess.run(["/usr/bin/g++", "-std=c++11", "test.cpp"], timeout=timeout,
+ capture_output=True)
+ if compilation_result.returncode != 0:
+ if compilation_result.stderr:
+ err = compilation_result.stderr.decode()
+ else:
+ err = compilation_result.stdout.decode()
+ result.append(f"failed: compilation error: {err}")
+ else:
+ try:
+ exec_result = None
+ with time_limit(timeout):
+ # This program exists to execute untrusted model-generated code. Although
+ # it is highly unlikely that model-generated code will do something overtly
+ # malicious in response to this test suite, model-generated code may act
+ # destructively due to a lack of model capability or alignment.
+ # Users are strongly encouraged to sandbox this evaluation suite so that it
+ # does not perform destructive actions on their host or network.
+ # Once you have read this disclaimer and taken appropriate precautions,
+ # uncomment the following line and proceed at your own risk:
+ exec_result = subprocess.run(["./a.out"], timeout=timeout, capture_output=True)
+ if exec_result.returncode == 0:
+ result.append("passed")
+ else:
+ if exec_result.stderr:
+ try:
+ err = exec_result.stderr.decode()
+ except:
+ err = exec_result.stderr
+ else:
+ try:
+ err = exec_result.stdout.decode()
+ except:
+ err = exec_result.stdout
+ result.append(f"failed: {err}")
+ except TimeoutException:
+ result.append("timed out")
+ shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
+ elif "rust" in language_type.lower():
+ import os
+ WD: str = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+ RUST_DIR: str = os.path.join(WD, "rust")
+ RUST_SRC: str = os.path.join(RUST_DIR, "src")
+ RUST_BIN: str = os.path.join(RUST_SRC, "bin")
+ RUST_TMP_DIR: str = os.path.join(RUST_DIR, "tmp")
+ RUST_LOGS: str = os.path.join(RUST_TMP_DIR, "logs")
+ RUST_EXT: str = ".rs"
+ # Create mandatory tmp directories
+ os.makedirs(RUST_TMP_DIR, exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(RUST_LOGS, exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(RUST_SRC, exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(RUST_BIN, exist_ok=True)
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir = RUST_BIN, delete=False) as f:
+ #temporal file name
+ file_prefix = sample["task_id"].lower().replace("/", "_")
+ file_name:str = file_prefix +RUST_EXT
+ os.rename(f.name, os.path.join(RUST_BIN, file_name))
+ # Sample to pure Rust function
+ rust_code: str = sample["test_code"]
+ # dump the rust source code in the target temporal file
+ f.write(rust_code.encode('utf-8'))
+ # Proceed towards Rust binaries compilation. Therefore move to Rust module root dir.
+ os.chdir(RUST_DIR)
+ # Two possible outcomes
+ # Pass OR Fail compilation
+ log_filename: str = file_prefix + ".jsonl"
+ log_path: str = os.path.join(RUST_LOGS, log_filename)
+ cargo_check: str = "cargo check --bin " + file_prefix + " --message-format json >> " + log_path
+ # Compilation build status
+ returned_val_compilation: int
+ # Overwrite file content
+ if os.path.exists(log_path):
+ if(file_size := os.path.getsize(log_path)) >= 0:
+ os.remove(log_path)
+ returned_val_compilation = os.system(cargo_check)
+ else:
+ returned_val_compilation = os.system(cargo_check)
+ # 0 means success
+ if returned_val_compilation == 0:
+ #Execution pipeline
+ cargo_test: str = "cargo test --bin " +file_prefix+ " --message-format json >> " + log_path
+ returned_val_execution = os.system(cargo_test)
+ if returned_val_execution == 0:
+ result.append("passed")
+ else:
+ result.append(f"failed: execution error")
+ else:
+ result.append(f"failed: compilation error")
+ elif "java" in language_type.lower():
+ assert tmp_dir is not None, "Java should be evaluated in a temporary dir."
+ import os
+ import shutil
+ if "tmp" not in tmp_dir:
+ tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "tmp")
+ tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"{task_id.replace('/', '-')}-{random_id}")
+ if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
+ os.makedirs(tmp_dir)
+ os.chdir(tmp_dir)
+ open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "Main.java"), 'w').write(sample["test_code"])
+ res = "failed: unknown error"
+ compile_returncode = -1
+ for _ in range(5):
+ try:
+ compilation_result = subprocess.run(['javac', os.path.join(tmp_dir, "Main.java")], timeout=5,
+ capture_output=True)
+ compile_returncode = compilation_result.returncode
+ break
+ except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
+ continue
+ if compile_returncode != 0:
+ res = "failed: compilation error"
+ else:
+ exec_result = None
+ try:
+ # This program exists to execute untrusted model-generated code. Although
+ # it is highly unlikely that model-generated code will do something overtly
+ # malicious in response to this test suite, model-generated code may act
+ # destructively due to a lack of model capability or alignment.
+ # Users are strongly encouraged to sandbox this evaluation suite so that it
+ # does not perform destructive actions on their host or network.
+ # Once you have read this disclaimer and taken appropriate precautions,
+ # uncomment the following line and proceed at your own risk:
+ # exec_result = subprocess.run([f'java', '-cp', tmp_dir, 'Main'], timeout=timeout, capture_output=True)
+ if exec_result.returncode == 0:
+ res = "passed"
+ elif exec_result.returncode == 1:
+ if "AssertionError" in exec_result.stderr.decode('unicode-escape'):
+ res = "failed: wrong answer"
+ else:
+ res = f"failed: {exec_result.stderr.decode()}"
+ except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
+ res = "time out"
+ except BaseException as e:
+ res = f"failed: {e}"
+ result.append(res)
+ shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
+ manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
+ result = manager.list()
+ p = multiprocessing.Process(target=unsafe_execute, args=(tmp_dir,))
+ p.start()
+ p.join(timeout=timeout + 1)
+ if p.is_alive():
+ p.kill()
+ if not result:
+ result.append("timed out")
+ return {
+ "task_id" : task_id,
+ "completion_id": completion_id,
+ "test_code" : sample["test_code"],
+ "prompt" : sample["prompt"],
+ "generation" : sample["generation"],
+ "result" : result[0],
+ "passed" : result[0] == "passed",
+ "finish" : -1 if "finish" not in sample else sample["finish"],
+ "file" : "" if "file" not in sample else sample["file"],
+ "output" : [] if "output" not in sample else sample["output"],
+ }
+# Copyright (c) OpenAI (https://openai.com)
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ============================================================================
+def time_limit(seconds: float):
+ def signal_handler(signum, frame):
+ raise TimeoutException("Timed out!")
+ signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, seconds)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal_handler)
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0)
+def swallow_io():
+ stream = WriteOnlyStringIO()
+ with contextlib.redirect_stdout(stream):
+ with contextlib.redirect_stderr(stream):
+ with redirect_stdin(stream):
+ yield
+def create_tempdir():
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dirname:
+ with chdir(dirname):
+ yield dirname
+class TimeoutException(Exception):
+ pass
+class WriteOnlyStringIO(io.StringIO):
+ """ StringIO that throws an exception when it's read from """
+ def read(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ raise IOError
+ def readline(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ raise IOError
+ def readlines(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ raise IOError
+ def readable(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """ Returns True if the IO object can be read. """
+ return False
+class redirect_stdin(contextlib._RedirectStream): # type: ignore
+ _stream = 'stdin'
+def chdir(root):
+ if root == ".":
+ yield
+ return
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(root)
+ try:
+ yield
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ raise exc
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+def reliability_guard(maximum_memory_bytes: Optional[int] = None):
+ """
+ This disables various destructive functions and prevents the generated code
+ from interfering with the test (e.g. fork bomb, killing other processes,
+ removing filesystem files, etc.)
+ This function is NOT a security sandbox. Untrusted code, including, model-
+ generated code, should not be blindly executed outside of one. See the
+ Codex paper for more information about OpenAI's code sandbox, and proceed
+ with caution.
+ """
+ if maximum_memory_bytes is not None:
+ import resource
+ resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (maximum_memory_bytes, maximum_memory_bytes))
+ resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_DATA, (maximum_memory_bytes, maximum_memory_bytes))
+ if not platform.uname().system == 'Darwin':
+ resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (maximum_memory_bytes, maximum_memory_bytes))
+ faulthandler.disable()
+ import builtins
+ builtins.exit = None
+ builtins.quit = None
+ import os
+ os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '1'
+ os.kill = None
+ os.system = None
+ os.putenv = None
+ os.remove = None
+ os.removedirs = None
+ os.rmdir = None
+ os.fchdir = None
+ os.setuid = None
+ os.fork = None
+ os.forkpty = None
+ os.killpg = None
+ os.rename = None
+ os.renames = None
+ os.truncate = None
+ os.replace = None
+ os.unlink = None
+ os.fchmod = None
+ os.fchown = None
+ os.chmod = None
+ os.chown = None
+ os.chroot = None
+ os.fchdir = None
+ os.lchflags = None
+ os.lchmod = None
+ os.lchown = None
+ os.getcwd = None
+ os.chdir = None
+ import shutil
+ shutil.rmtree = None
+ shutil.move = None
+ shutil.chown = None
+ import subprocess
+ subprocess.Popen = None # type: ignore
+ __builtins__['help'] = None
+ import sys
+ sys.modules['ipdb'] = None
+ sys.modules['joblib'] = None
+ sys.modules['resource'] = None
+ sys.modules['psutil'] = None
+ sys.modules['tkinter'] = None
diff --git a/src/gather_output.py b/src/gather_output.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db63986f3c078447924a935861f6a8daa2e6269f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gather_output.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import fire
+import glob
+def gather_output(
+ output_dir: str = "./output",
+ output_prefix: str = None,
+ if_remove_rank_files: int = 0,
+ if output_prefix is None:
+ output_list = glob.glob(output_dir + "/*")
+ else:
+ output_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + "*"))
+ for output_file in output_list:
+ if "rank0" in output_file:
+ output_prefix_ = output_file.split("_rank0.jsonl")[0]
+ rank_files = glob.glob(output_prefix_ + "_rank*")
+ with open(output_prefix_ + ".jsonl", "w") as f_out:
+ for rank_file in rank_files:
+ with open(rank_file, "r") as f_in:
+ for line in f_in:
+ f_out.write(line)
+ if if_remove_rank_files:
+ os.remove(rank_file)
+ print(f"Removing {rank_file}...")
+ if output_prefix is None:
+ output_list = glob.glob(output_dir + "/*")
+ else:
+ output_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + "*"))
+ for output_file in output_list:
+ if "rank" in output_file or "_unfinished" in output_file or "all" in output_file or "_result" in output_file:
+ continue
+ if "_finished" not in output_file:
+ continue
+ output_prefix_ = output_file.split("_finished.jsonl")[0]
+ files = [output_file, output_prefix_ + "_unfinished.jsonl"]
+ with open(output_prefix_ + "_all.jsonl", "w") as f_out:
+ for f in files:
+ with open(f, "r") as f_in:
+ for line in f_in:
+ f_out.write(line)
+ print("Gathering finished. Saved in {}".format(output_prefix_ + "_all.jsonl"))
+def main():
+ fire.Fire(gather_output)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/src/generate_humaneval_x.py b/src/generate_humaneval_x.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..056ed440ea89e5e4b0a3c648bcd97eea187291b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/generate_humaneval_x.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import argparse
+import logging
+import os
+import random
+import socket
+import time
+import json
+import torch
+from utils import read_dataset, process_extra_prompt
+from utils import cleanup_code
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ torch.multiprocessing.set_start_method("spawn")
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--input_path",
+ type=str,
+ default="eval_set/humaneval-x"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--language_type",
+ type=str,
+ default="python"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--model_name",
+ type=str,
+ default="chatgpt",
+ help='supported model in [chatgpt,chatglm2].'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--output_prefix",
+ type=str,
+ default="chatgpt"
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_known_args()[0]
+ output_file_path = args.output_prefix + f"_finished_rank{args.gen_rank}.jsonl"
+ entries = read_dataset(args.input_path, args.language_type, dataset_type="humaneval")
+ for entry in entries.values():
+ entry["prompt"] = process_extra_prompt(entry["prompt"], args.language_type)
+ model_inference = None
+ if args.model_name == "chatgpt":
+ from inference.chatgpt_inference import ChatGPTInference
+ model_inference = ChatGPTInference()
+ elif args.model_name == "chatglm2":
+ from inference.chatglm2_inference import GLMInference
+ model_inference = GLMInference()
+ else:
+ print(f"{args.model_name} not supported.")
+ start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ num_finished = 0
+ with open(output_file_path, "w") as f:
+ for entry in entries.values():
+ prompt = entry["prompt"]
+ generated_tokens = model_inference.inference(prompt)
+ generated_code = cleanup_code(generated_code, language_type=args.language_type)
+ f.write(
+ json.dumps(
+ {
+ "task_id": entry['task_id'],
+ "prompt": prompt,
+ "generation": generated_code,
+ "scores": 0.0,
+ "finish": 2,
+ "output": generated_tokens,
+ }
+ )
+ + "\n"
+ )
+ f.flush()
+ num_finished += 1
+ time_elapsed = time.perf_counter() - start_time
+ time_per_sampple = 0.0 if num_finished == 0 else time_elapsed / num_finished
+ print(
+ f"finished {num_finished}, "
+ f"elapsed {time_elapsed:.4f}",
+ f"speed {time_per_sampple:.4f}s/sample",
+ f"remaining {len(entries) - num_finished:.4f}",
+ flush=True,
+ )
diff --git a/src/inference/__init__.py b/src/inference/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/src/inference/chatglm2_inference.py b/src/inference/chatglm2_inference.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7669b7db33fb8a93887ea7eb1b97f9a355b4bcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/inference/chatglm2_inference.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import os
+import json
+import torch
+import logging
+from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer
+from inference import Inference
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class GLMInference(Inference):
+ def __int__(self):
+ self.params_url = "llm_set/params/chatgpt.json"
+ self.paras_dict = self.get_params()
+ self.paras_dict.update(self.paras_base_dict)
+ self.temperature = self.paras_dict.get("temperature")
+ self.quantize = self.paras_dict.get("quantize")
+ self.device = self.paras_dict.get("device")
+ self.model_path = self.paras_dict.get("model_path")
+ if self.device == "cpu":
+ self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(self.model_path, trust_remote_code=True,
+ ignore_mismatched_sizes=True).float()
+ self.DEV = torch.device('cpu')
+ else:
+ os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = self.device.split(":")[1]
+ self.DEV = torch.device(self.device)
+ if self.quantize:
+ self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(self.model_path, trust_remote_code=True).quantize(8).cuda()
+ else:
+ self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(self.model_path, trust_remote_code=True).cuda()
+ self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.model_path, trust_remote_code=True)
+ self.model = self.model.eval()
+ self.max_length = self.paras_dict.get("max_length")
+ self.min_length = self.paras_dict.get("min_length")
+ self.top_p = self.paras_dict.get("top_p")
+ self.top_k = self.paras_dict.get("top_k")
+ def get_params(self):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.params_url):
+ logger.error(f"params_url:{self.params_url} is not exists.")
+ content = open(self.params_url).read()
+ return json.loads(content)
+ def inference(self, message):
+ input_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(message, return_tensors="pt").to(self.DEV)
+ sentence = None
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ generation_output = self.model.generate(
+ input_ids,
+ do_sample=True,
+ min_length=self.min_length,
+ max_length=self.max_length,
+ top_p=self.top_p,
+ top_k=self.top_k,
+ temperature=self.temperature
+ )
+ output = self.tokenizer.decode([el.item() for el in generation_output[0]])
+ sentence = output.split("ChatCSDN:")[1].strip()
+ return sentence
diff --git a/src/inference/chatgpt_inference.py b/src/inference/chatgpt_inference.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87928f4c01484a75f46df1b4674cb6db3cf3066d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/inference/chatgpt_inference.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import os
+import json
+import logging
+import quote
+import requests
+import traceback
+from inference import Inference
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ChatGPTInference(Inference):
+ def __int__(self):
+ self.params_url = "llm_set/params/chatgpt.json"
+ self.paras_dict = self.get_params()
+ self.paras_dict.update(self.paras_base_dict)
+ self.gpt_url = self.paras_dict.get("url")
+ self.id = self.paras_dict.get("id")
+ self.stream = self.paras_dict.get("stream")
+ self.temperature = self.paras_dict.get("temperature")
+ self.timeout = self.paras_dict.get("timeout")
+ def get_params(self):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.params_url):
+ logger.error(f"params_url:{self.params_url} is not exists.")
+ content = open(self.params_url).read()
+ return json.loads(content)
+ def inference(self, query_text):
+ query_text = quote(query_text)
+ param_str = f"?id={self.gpt_url}&stream={self.stream}&temperature={self.temperature}&q={query_text}"
+ try:
+ resp = requests.get(self.gpt_url + param_str, timeout=self.timeout)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
+ logger.error(e)
+ return None
+ if resp.status_code == 200:
+ resp_json = json.loads(resp.text)
+ return "\n".join(resp_json["message"]["content"]["parts"])
+ else:
+ return None
diff --git a/src/inference/inference.py b/src/inference/inference.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c27d3b6bf1ef529ca2b14701f5a943b2d5ec72dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/inference/inference.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import os
+import json
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class Inference(object):
+ def __int__(self):
+ self.params_base_url = "llm_set/params/default.json"
+ self.paras_base_dict = self.get_paras_base()
+ def get_paras_base(self):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.params_base_url):
+ logger.error(f"params_base_url:{self.params_base_url} is not exists.")
+ content = open(self.params_base_url).read()
+ return json.loads(content)
diff --git a/src/inspect_result.py b/src/inspect_result.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2fb6069c50cb75e7469069c7ea65108d9ac84da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/inspect_result.py
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import fire
+import json
+import glob
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from collections import defaultdict
+from metric import estimate_pass_at_k
+error_types = {
+ "python" : [
+ "accepted",
+ "assertion error",
+ "undefined error",
+ "runtime error",
+ "syntax error",
+ "timeout error",
+ "type error",
+ ],
+ "java" : [
+ "accepted",
+ "compilation error",
+ "assertion error",
+ "timeout error",
+ "index error",
+ "class cast error",
+ "stack overflow",
+ "null pointer error",
+ "unsupported operation",
+ "number format error",
+ "no such element",
+ "illegal argument",
+ "out of memory",
+ "arithmetic error",
+ "others",
+ ],
+ "cpp" : [
+ "accepted",
+ "compilation error",
+ "assertion error",
+ "range error",
+ "invalid argument",
+ "pointer error",
+ "out of memory",
+ "package error",
+ "others",
+ ],
+ "javascript": [
+ "accepted",
+ "assertion error",
+ "undefined error",
+ "runtime error",
+ "syntax error",
+ "timeout error",
+ "range error",
+ "type error",
+ ],
+ "go" : [
+ "accepted",
+ "assertion error",
+ "undefined error",
+ "runtime error",
+ "syntax error",
+ "timeout error",
+ "type error",
+ "notused error",
+ ],
+def inspect_result(
+ input_dir: str = None,
+ input_file: str = None,
+ output_dir: str = None,
+ pass_at_k_outpath: str = None,
+ if input_dir is not None:
+ input_files = glob.glob(input_dir + "/*_results.jsonl")
+ else:
+ input_files = [input_file]
+ if output_dir is not None:
+ if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
+ os.makedirs(output_dir)
+ else:
+ output_dir = "/"
+ pass_at_k_outs = []
+ for input_file in input_files:
+ result_stats = defaultdict(dict)
+ df = None
+ incompleted = False
+ with open(input_file, "r") as f:
+ for i, line in enumerate(f):
+ obj = json.loads(line)
+ task_id = obj["task_id"]
+ language_type = task_id.split("/")[0].lower()
+ if language_type not in error_types:
+ if language_type == "humaneval":
+ language_type = "python"
+ elif language_type == "C++":
+ language_type = "cpp"
+ else:
+ incompleted = True
+ break
+ if task_id not in result_stats.keys():
+ default_stats = {}
+ default_stats["task_id"] = task_id
+ default_stats["n_sample"] = 0
+ for k in error_types[language_type]:
+ default_stats[k] = 0
+ result_stats[task_id] = default_stats.copy()
+ if df is None:
+ df = pd.DataFrame(columns=error_types[language_type])
+ result_stats[task_id]["n_sample"] += 1
+ if "failed" in obj["result"]:
+ error = obj["result"]
+ if language_type == "python":
+ if "assertionerror" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]["assertion error"] += 1
+ elif "syntax" in error.lower() or "indent" in error.lower() or "literal" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]["syntax error"] += 1
+ elif "not defined" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]["undefined error"] += 1
+ elif "timeout" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]["timeout error"] += 1
+ elif "type" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]["type error"] += 1
+ else:
+ result_stats[task_id]["runtime error"] += 1
+ elif language_type == "java":
+ if "wrong answer" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["assertion error"] += 1
+ elif "compilation error" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["compilation error"] += 1
+ elif "time out" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["timeout error"] += 1
+ elif "IndexOutOfBounds" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["index error"] += 1
+ elif "UnsupportedOperation" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["unsupported operation"] += 1
+ elif "ClassCast" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["class cast error"] += 1
+ elif "NullPointer" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["null pointer error"] += 1
+ elif "NumberFormat" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["number format error"] += 1
+ elif "NoSuchElement" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["no such element"] += 1
+ elif "StackOverflow" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["stack overflow"] += 1
+ elif "Arithmetic" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["arithmetic error"] += 1
+ elif "OutOfMemory" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["out of memory"] += 1
+ elif "IllegalArgument" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["illegal argument"] += 1
+ else:
+ result_stats[task_id]["others"] += 1
+ elif language_type == "cpp":
+ if "compilation error" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]["compilation error"] += 1
+ elif "int main(): assertion" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]["assertion error"] += 1
+ elif "out_of_range" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]['range error'] += 1
+ elif "corrupted top size" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]['range error'] += 1
+ elif "length_error" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]['range error'] += 1
+ elif "invalid_argument" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]['invalid argument'] += 1
+ elif "invalid pointer" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]['pointer error'] += 1
+ elif "double free" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]['pointer error'] += 1
+ elif "free()" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]['pointer error'] += 1
+ elif "logic_error" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]['pointer error'] += 1
+ elif "sysmalloc: assertion" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]['pointer error'] += 1
+ elif "stack smashing" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]['out of memory'] += 1
+ elif "bad_alloc" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]['out of memory'] += 1
+ elif "terminate called after throwing an instance of" in error.lower():
+ result_stats[task_id]['package error'] += 1
+ else:
+ result_stats[task_id]["others"] += 1
+ elif language_type == "javascript":
+ if "Assertion failed" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["assertion error"] += 1
+ elif "SyntaxError" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["syntax error"] += 1
+ elif "ReferenceError" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["undefined error"] += 1
+ elif "timed out" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["timeout error"] += 1
+ elif "TypeError" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["type error"] += 1
+ elif "RangeError" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["range error"] += 1
+ else:
+ result_stats[task_id]["runtime error"] += 1
+ elif language_type == "go":
+ if "Error: \tNot equal:" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["assertion error"] += 1
+ elif "undefined" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["undefined error"] += 1
+ elif "expected" in error and "found" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["syntax error"] += 1
+ elif "illegal" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["syntax error"] += 1
+ elif "unexpected" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["syntax error"] += 1
+ elif "FAIL" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["runtime error"] += 1
+ elif "timed out" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]["timeout error"] += 1
+ elif "not used" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]['notused error'] += 1
+ elif "type" in error:
+ result_stats[task_id]['type error'] += 1
+ else:
+ incompleted = True
+ break
+ else:
+ if obj["passed"]:
+ result_stats[task_id]["accepted"] += 1
+ if incompleted:
+ print(f"Language not supported, aborted. {input_file}")
+ else:
+ try:
+ total, correct = [], []
+ for k, res in result_stats.items():
+ total.append(res["n_sample"])
+ correct.append(res["accepted"])
+ df_res = pd.DataFrame(res, index=[int(k.split("/")[-1])])
+ df = pd.concat([df, df_res], axis=0)
+ total = np.array(total)
+ correct = np.array(correct)
+ ks = [1, 10, 100, 1000]
+ pass_at_k = {f"pass@{k}": estimate_pass_at_k(total, correct, k).mean()
+ for k in ks if (total >= k).all()}
+ print(pass_at_k)
+ pass_at_k["file"] = input_file
+ pass_at_k["n"] = res["n_sample"]
+ pass_at_k_outs.append(pass_at_k)
+ output_prefix = input_file.split("/")[-1].split(".jsonl")[0]
+ output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + "_stats.xlsx")
+ df = df.sort_index(ascending=True)
+ df.to_excel(output_file)
+ print(f"Stats saved in {output_file}")
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ print(f"Data incompleted, aborted. {input_file}")
+ if pass_at_k_outpath is not None:
+ jsonl_path = os.path.join(output_dir, pass_at_k_outpath)
+ with open(jsonl_path, "w") as f_out:
+ for p in pass_at_k_outs:
+ f_out.write(json.dumps(p) + "\n")
+ print(f"Pass at k saved in {jsonl_path}")
+def main():
+ fire.Fire(inspect_result)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/src/metric.py b/src/metric.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79d6db3763d0d38e0bb206544fa21ec0d0b6d8c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metric.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright (c) OpenAI (https://openai.com)
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ============================================================================
+import itertools
+import numpy as np
+from typing import *
+def estimate_pass_at_k(
+ num_samples: Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray],
+ num_correct: Union[List[int], np.ndarray],
+ k: int
+) -> np.ndarray:
+ """
+ Estimates pass@k of each problem and returns them in an array.
+ """
+ def estimator(n: int, c: int, k: int) -> float:
+ """
+ Calculates 1 - comb(n - c, k) / comb(n, k).
+ """
+ if n - c < k:
+ return 1.0
+ return 1.0 - np.prod(1.0 - k / np.arange(n - c + 1, n + 1))
+ if isinstance(num_samples, int):
+ num_samples_it = itertools.repeat(num_samples, len(num_correct))
+ else:
+ assert len(num_samples) == len(num_correct)
+ num_samples_it = iter(num_samples)
+ return np.array([estimator(int(n), int(c), k) for n, c in zip(num_samples_it, num_correct)])
diff --git a/src/translate_humaneval_x.py b/src/translate_humaneval_x.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dcc39d73ea050ceb2d97c7ee33fb20c704dfc158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/translate_humaneval_x.py
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+import os
+import zmq
+import time
+import torch
+import random
+import socket
+import logging
+import argparse
+from typing import *
+from utils import read_translation_dataset
+from codegeex.megatron import get_args
+from codegeex.megatron.inference import run_generation_distributed, model_provider
+from codegeex.megatron.initialize import initialize_megatron
+def add_code_generate_args(parser):
+ """Code generation arguments."""
+ group = parser.add_argument_group(title="code generation")
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--hostfile",
+ type=str,
+ default="./hostfile",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--channel-ip",
+ type=str,
+ default=None,
+ help="IP for ZeroMQ channel",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--channel-port",
+ type=int,
+ default=5555,
+ help="Port for ZeroMQ channel",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--master-port",
+ type=int,
+ default=5666,
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--temperature",
+ type=float,
+ default=1.0,
+ help="Sampling temperature.",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--greedy",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="Use greedy sampling.",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--top-p",
+ type=float,
+ default=0.0,
+ help="Top p sampling.",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--top-k",
+ type=int,
+ default=0,
+ help="Top k sampling.",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--out-seq-length",
+ type=int,
+ default=1024,
+ help="Size of the output generated text.",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--input-path",
+ type=str,
+ default="./benchmark/humaneval/HumanEval.jsonl",
+ help="Get input path",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--num-samples",
+ type=int,
+ default=0,
+ help="Number of samples to generate",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--recompute",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="During generation recompute all attention "
+ "instead of using previously computed keys/values.",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--load-deepspeed",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Load DeepSpeed checkpoint",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--ws-encoding-start-id",
+ type=int,
+ default=None,
+ help="Start id for whitespace encoding",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--ws-encoding-length",
+ type=int,
+ default=None,
+ help="Length of whitespace encoding",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--dataset",
+ type=str,
+ default="humaneval",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--samples-per-problem",
+ type=int,
+ default=200,
+ help="Number of samples to generate for each problem",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--output-prefix",
+ type=str,
+ default="./output/humaneval",
+ help="Prefix for output files",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--gen-node-rank",
+ type=int,
+ default=None,
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--gen-node-world-size",
+ type=int,
+ default=None,
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--gen-world-size",
+ type=int,
+ default=1,
+ help="Number of machines to use for generation",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--gen-rank",
+ type=int,
+ default=0,
+ help="Machine rank for human eval generation",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--extra-prompt",
+ type=str,
+ default=None,
+ help="Extra prompt to use for human eval generation",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--verbose-interval",
+ type=int,
+ default=100,
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--problem-split",
+ type=str,
+ default="test",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--prompt-type",
+ type=str,
+ default="notag",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--num-devices-per-node",
+ type=int,
+ default=None,
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--return-scores",
+ action="store_true",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--free-guidance",
+ action="store_true",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--guide-temp",
+ type=float,
+ default=1.5,
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--attention-upweight",
+ type=float,
+ default=None,
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--bad-ids',
+ nargs="*",
+ type=int,
+ default=None,
+ help='Identify the type of programming language to generate',
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--src-path",
+ type=str,
+ default="",
+ help="Get source path",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "--tgt-path",
+ type=str,
+ default="",
+ help="Get target path",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--language-src-type',
+ type=str,
+ default=None,
+ help='Identify the type of programming language',
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--language-tgt-type',
+ type=str,
+ default=None,
+ help='Identify the type of programming language to translate',
+ )
+ return parser
+def main(node_rank: int, local_rank: int, master_port: int, num_devices: int):
+ """Main program."""
+ os.environ["WORLD_SIZE"] = str(num_devices)
+ os.environ["RANK"] = str(local_rank)
+ os.environ["MASTER_ADDR"] = ""
+ os.environ["MASTER_PORT"] = f"{master_port}"
+ initialize_megatron(
+ extra_args_provider=add_code_generate_args,
+ args_defaults={
+ "tokenizer_type": "GPT2BPETokenizer",
+ "no_load_rng" : True,
+ "no_load_optim" : True,
+ },
+ )
+ # set_random_seed(node_rank * num_devices + local_rank)
+ args = get_args()
+ if args.num_layers_per_virtual_pipeline_stage is not None:
+ print("Interleaved pipeline schedule is not yet supported for text generation.")
+ exit()
+ world_size = args.gen_node_world_size * num_devices
+ args.gen_rank = num_devices * node_rank + local_rank
+ args.gen_world_size = world_size
+ print(f"Generating on rank {args.gen_rank} of {args.gen_world_size}")
+ # Set up model and load checkpoint.
+ state_dict = torch.load(args.load, map_location="cpu")
+ state_dict = state_dict["module"]
+ print("Building CodeGeeX model ...")
+ model = model_provider()
+ model.load_state_dict(state_dict)
+ model.eval()
+ if args.fp16 and args.ln_fp16:
+ model.half()
+ model.cuda()
+ # Generate samples.
+ run_generation_distributed(model)
+ print(f"(gen_rank={args.gen_rank}, rank={local_rank}) finished, waiting ...")
+ torch.distributed.barrier()
+def server():
+ print(f"[ server ] starting ...", flush=True)
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--channel-ip",
+ type=str,
+ default=None,
+ help="IP for ZeroMQ channel",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--channel-port",
+ type=int,
+ default=5555,
+ help="Port for ZeroMQ channel",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--master-port",
+ type=int,
+ default=6666,
+ help="Port for torch distributed",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--samples-per-problem",
+ type=int,
+ default=200,
+ help="Number of samples to generate for each problem",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--gen-node-world-size",
+ type=int,
+ default=1,
+ help="Number of machines to use for generation",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--src-path",
+ type=str,
+ default="",
+ help="Get source path",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--tgt-path",
+ type=str,
+ default="",
+ help="Get target path",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--problem-split",
+ type=str,
+ default="test",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--micro-batch-size",
+ type=int,
+ default=1,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--language-src-type',
+ type=str,
+ default=None,
+ help='Identify the type of programming language',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--language-tgt-type',
+ type=str,
+ default=None,
+ help='Identify the type of programming language to translate',
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_known_args()[0]
+ entries = read_translation_dataset(args.src_path,
+ args.tgt_path,
+ lang_src=args.language_src_type,
+ lang_tgt=args.language_tgt_type,
+ dataset_type="humaneval")
+ assert args.samples_per_problem % args.micro_batch_size == 0, "samples_per_problem should be divisible by micro_batch_size"
+ res = []
+ for entry in entries.values():
+ res.extend([entry] * (args.samples_per_problem // args.micro_batch_size))
+ random.shuffle(res)
+ all_entries = res
+ # setup zeromq channel
+ print(f"[ server ] starting up on port {args.channel_port}", flush=True)
+ context = zmq.Context()
+ print(f"[ server ] creating socket", flush=True)
+ socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
+ print(f"[ server ] binding to port {args.channel_port}", flush=True)
+ socket.bind(f"tcp://*:{args.channel_port}")
+ print(
+ f"[ server ] loaded {len(entries)} entries, generated {len(all_entries)} samples",
+ flush=True,
+ )
+ remaining_entries = all_entries.copy()
+ running_workers = args.gen_node_world_size * torch.cuda.device_count()
+ num_finished = 0
+ print(f"[ server ] listening for requests ...", flush=True)
+ start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ while True:
+ # Wait for next request from client
+ msg = socket.recv_json()
+ rank = msg["rank"]
+ action = msg["action"]
+ if action == "pull":
+ if len(remaining_entries) == 0:
+ print(f"[ server ] Shutting down worker {rank}", flush=True)
+ socket.send_json({"task_id": None})
+ running_workers -= 1
+ if running_workers == 0:
+ print(f"[ server ] All workers finished", flush=True)
+ break
+ else:
+ entry = remaining_entries.pop()
+ time_elapsed = time.perf_counter() - start_time
+ print(f"[ server ] Sending entry {entry['task_id']} to worker {rank}", flush=True)
+ remaining = (
+ len(remaining_entries)
+ / (len(all_entries) - len(remaining_entries))
+ * time_elapsed
+ )
+ time_per_sampple = 0.0 if num_finished == 0 else time_elapsed / num_finished / args.micro_batch_size
+ print(
+ f"[ server ] total {len(all_entries)}, assigned {len(all_entries) - len(remaining_entries)}, "
+ f"finished {num_finished}, "
+ f"elapsed {time_elapsed:.4f}",
+ f"speed {time_per_sampple:.4f}s/sample",
+ f"remaining {remaining:.4f}",
+ flush=True,
+ )
+ socket.send_json({"task_id": entry})
+ else:
+ if action == "success":
+ print(f"[ server ] {msg['task_id']} is finished", flush=True)
+ socket.send_json({"pong": 1})
+ else:
+ print(f"[ server ] {msg['task_id']} is not finished", flush=True)
+ remaining_entries.append(msg['task_id'])
+ socket.send_json({"pong": 1})
+ break
+ num_finished += 1
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ torch.multiprocessing.set_start_method("spawn")
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--hostfile",
+ type=str,
+ default="./hostfile",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--master-port",
+ type=int,
+ default=5666,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--seed",
+ type=int,
+ default=42,
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_known_args()[0]
+ print("start method: " + torch.multiprocessing.get_start_method())
+ processes = []
+ num_devices = torch.cuda.device_count()
+ hosts = open(args.hostfile, "r").readlines()
+ hosts = [host.strip() for host in hosts]
+ master_port = args.master_port
+ node_rank = None
+ for i in range(len(hosts)):
+ if hosts[i] == socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()):
+ node_rank = i
+ break
+ assert (
+ node_rank is not None
+ ), f"Could not find hostname ({socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())}) in hostlist"
+ # launch server
+ if socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) == hosts[0]:
+ server_process = torch.multiprocessing.Process(target=server)
+ print(f"Launching server ...")
+ server_process.start()
+ processes.append(server_process)
+ for i in range(num_devices):
+ local_rank = i
+ print(f"launching local rank {i}")
+ p = torch.multiprocessing.Process(
+ target=main,
+ args=(node_rank, local_rank, master_port, num_devices),
+ )
+ p.start()
+ processes.append(p)
+ for p in processes:
+ p.join()
diff --git a/src/utils.py b/src/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..998cefac490c556fbc6210ef3d7b7ac9899671d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+import os
+from typing import *
+from data_utils import stream_jsonl, LANGUAGE_TAG
+ "python": [
+ "import math",
+ "import re",
+ "import sys",
+ "import copy",
+ "import datetime",
+ "import itertools",
+ "import collections",
+ "import heapq",
+ "import statistics",
+ "import functools",
+ "import hashlib",
+ "import numpy",
+ "import numpy as np",
+ "import string",
+ "from typing import *",
+ "from collections import *",
+ ],
+ "go" : [
+ "math",
+ "strings",
+ "fmt",
+ "strconv",
+ "time",
+ "bytes",
+ "regexp",
+ "sort",
+ "math/rand",
+ "crypto/md5",
+ ],
+ "cpp" : [
+ "#include",
+ "#include",
+ "#include",
+ "#include",
+ "#include",
+ "#include",
+ "#include",
+ "#include",
+ "#include",
+ ],
+def read_dataset(
+ data_file: str = None,
+ dataset_type: str = "humaneval",
+ language_type: str = "python",
+ num_shot=None,
+) -> Dict:
+ if num_shot is not None:
+ print(f"{num_shot}-shot setting...")
+ if "humaneval" in dataset_type.lower():
+ data_file = os.path.join(data_file, language_type, "data", f"humaneval_{language_type}.jsonl.gz")
+ dataset = {task["task_id"]: task for task in stream_jsonl(data_file)}
+ else:
+ raise f"Dataset: {dataset_type} not supported."
+ return dataset
+def read_translation_dataset(
+ data_file_src: str = None,
+ data_file_tgt: str = None,
+ lang_src: str = None,
+ lang_tgt: str = None,
+ dataset_type: str = "humaneval",
+) -> Dict:
+ if "humaneval" in dataset_type.lower():
+ dataset_src = {task["task_id"]: task for task in stream_jsonl(data_file_src)}
+ dataset_tgt = {task["task_id"].split("/")[-1]: task for task in stream_jsonl(data_file_tgt)}
+ for k, sample in dataset_src.items():
+ prompt = "code translation\n"
+ if lang_src == "cpp":
+ prompt += "C++:\n"
+ elif lang_src == "js":
+ prompt += "JavaScript:\n"
+ else:
+ prompt += f"{lang_src}:\n".capitalize()
+ prompt += dataset_src[k]["declaration"] + "\n" + dataset_src[k]["canonical_solution"].rstrip() + "\n"
+ if lang_tgt == "cpp":
+ prompt += "C++:\n"
+ elif lang_tgt == "js":
+ prompt += "JavaScript:\n"
+ else:
+ prompt += f"{lang_tgt}:\n".capitalize()
+ prompt += dataset_tgt[k.split("/")[-1]]["declaration"]
+ dataset_src[k]["prompt"] = prompt
+ else:
+ raise f"Dataset: {dataset_type} not supported."
+ return dataset_src
+def process_extra_prompt(prompt: str, language_type: str = None) -> str:
+ """
+ Processes the extra prompt.
+ """
+ language = language_type.lower()
+ if language in LANGUAGE_TAG:
+ extra_prompt = LANGUAGE_TAG[language] + "\n"
+ else:
+ extra_prompt = ""
+ return extra_prompt + prompt
+def is_code_generation_finished(
+ code: str,
+ language_type: str = None,
+ dataset: str = None,
+ """
+ Checks whether the generated code is finished.
+ """
+ if language_type is None or dataset is None:
+ return False
+ if "humaneval" in dataset.lower():
+ if language_type.lower() == "python":
+ for line in code.split("\n"):
+ if len(line.strip()) > 0 and line[0] != ' ' and line[0] != '\t':
+ return True
+ end_words = ["\ndef", "\nclass", "\nif", "\n#", "\nprint"]
+ for w in end_words:
+ if w in code:
+ return True
+ elif language_type.lower() == "java":
+ if code.count("{") + 1 == code.count("}"):
+ return True
+ elif language_type.lower() == "go":
+ if code.count("{") + 1 == code.count("}"):
+ return True
+ elif language_type.lower() == "js":
+ if code.count("{") + 1 == code.count("}"):
+ return True
+ elif language_type.lower() == "cpp":
+ if code.count("{") + 1 == code.count("}"):
+ return True
+ return False
+def cleanup_code(
+ code: str,
+ language_type: str = None
+ """
+ Cleans up the generated code.
+ """
+ if language_type is None:
+ return code
+ if language_type.lower() == "python":
+ end_words = ["\ndef", "\nclass", "\nif", "\n#", "\nprint", "\nassert"]
+ for w in end_words:
+ if w in code:
+ code = code[:code.rfind(w)]
+ elif language_type.lower() == "java":
+ main_pos = code.find("public static void main")
+ if main_pos != -1:
+ code = code[:main_pos] + '}'
+ if '}' in code:
+ code = code[:code.rfind('}')] + '}'
+ if code.count('{') + 1 == code.count('}'):
+ code += "\n}"
+ elif language_type.lower() == "go":
+ end_words = ["\n//", "\nfunc main("]
+ for w in end_words:
+ if w in code:
+ code = code[:code.rfind(w)]
+ if '}' in code:
+ code = code[:code.rfind('}')] + '}'
+ elif language_type.lower() == "cpp":
+ if '}' in code:
+ code = code[:code.rfind('}')] + '}'
+ elif language_type.lower() == "js":
+ if '}' in code:
+ code = code[:code.rfind('}')] + '}'
+ return code