/** How to do a release: 1. Make sure you have publish access for all packages: - You must be in the VuePress team in the npm @vuepress organization - Make sure you DO NOT have npm per-publish 2-factor / OTP enabled, as it does not work with Lerna (which we use for batch publishing). 2. Run `yarn release`, follow prompts 3A. If everything works properly, the tag should have been auto-pushed and a local changelog commit should have been generated. Go to 4. 3B. If the publish fails half-way, things have gotten hairy. Now you need to go to npm to check which packages have been published and manually publish the ones that have not been published yet. After all have been published: 3B.1. Push the release git tag to GitHub. 3B.2. Run `yarn changelog` to generate changelog commit. 4. Push the changelog commit to `next` branch. 5. Go to GitHub and verify that the changelog is live. 6. Go to GitHub releases page and publish the release. */ process.env.VUE_CLI_RELEASE = true const execa = require('execa') const semver = require('semver') const inquirer = require('inquirer') const curVersion = require('../lerna.json').version const release = async () => { console.log(`Current version: ${curVersion}`) const bumps = ['patch', 'minor', 'major', 'prerelease', 'premajor'] const versions = {} bumps.forEach(b => { versions[b] = semver.inc(curVersion, b) }) const bumpChoices = bumps.map(b => ({ name: `${b} (${versions[b]})`, value: b })) function getVersion (answers) { return answers.customVersion || versions[answers.bump] } function getNpmTags (version) { console.log(version) if (isPreRelease(version)) { return ['next', 'latest'] } return ['latest', 'next'] } function isPreRelease (version) { return !!semver.prerelease(version) } const { bump, customVersion, npmTag } = await inquirer.prompt([ { name: 'bump', message: 'Select release type:', type: 'list', choices: [ ...bumpChoices, { name: 'custom', value: 'custom' } ] }, { name: 'customVersion', message: 'Input version:', type: 'input', when: answers => answers.bump === 'custom' }, { name: 'npmTag', message: 'Input npm tag:', type: 'list', default: answers => getNpmTags(getVersion(answers))[0], choices: answers => getNpmTags(getVersion(answers)) } ]) const version = customVersion || versions[bump] const { yes } = await inquirer.prompt([{ name: 'yes', message: `Confirm releasing ${version} (${npmTag})?`, type: 'list', choices: ['N', 'Y'] }]) if (yes === 'N') { console.log('[release] cancelled.') return } const releaseArguments = [ 'publish', '--repo-version', version, '--force-publish', '--npm-tag', npmTag, '*' ] console.log(`lerna ${releaseArguments.join(' ')}`) await execa(require.resolve('lerna/bin/lerna'), releaseArguments, { stdio: 'inherit' }) // Disable changelog in alpha stage. // require('./genChangelog')(version) } release().catch(err => { console.error(err) process.exit(1) })