'use strict' /** * Module dependencies. */ const { chalk, logger, performance } = require('@vuepress/shared-utils') /** * Expose DevLogPlugin class. */ module.exports = class DevLogPlugin { constructor (options) { this.options = options } apply (compiler) { let isFirst = true const { displayHost, port, publicPath, clearScreen: shouldClearScreen = true } = this.options compiler.hooks.done.tap('vuepress-log', stats => { if (shouldClearScreen) { clearScreen() } const time = new Date().toTimeString().match(/^[\d:]+/)[0] const displayUrl = `http://${displayHost}:${port}${publicPath}` logger.success( `${chalk.gray(`[${time}]`)} Build ${chalk.italic(stats.hash.slice(0, 6))} ` + `finished in ${stats.endTime - stats.startTime} ms! ` + ( isFirst ? '' : `${chalk.gray(`${displayUrl}`)}` ) ) if (isFirst) { isFirst = false console.log(`${chalk.gray('>')} VuePress dev server listening at ${chalk.cyan(displayUrl)}`) const { duration } = performance.stop() logger.developer(`It took a total of ${chalk.cyan(`${duration}ms`)} to run the ${chalk.cyan('vuepress dev')} for the first time.`) } }) if (shouldClearScreen) { compiler.hooks.invalid.tap('vuepress-log', clearScreen) } } } function clearScreen () { process.stdout.write('\x1Bc') }