--- sidebar: auto --- # Config Reference ## Basic Config ### base - Type: `string` - Default: `/` The base URL the site will be deployed at. You will need to set this if you plan to deploy your site under a sub path, for example GitHub pages. If you plan to deploy your site to `https://foo.github.io/bar/`, then `base` should be set to `"/bar/"`. It should always start and end with a slash. The `base` is automatically prepended to all the URLs that start with `/` in other options, so you only need to specify it once. **Also see:** - [Base URL](../guide/assets.md#base-url) - [Deploy Guide > Github Pages](../guide/deploy.md#github-pages) ### title - Type: `string` - Default: `undefined` Title for the site. This will be the prefix for all page titles, and displayed in the navbar in the default theme. ### description - Type: `string` - Default: `undefined` Description for the site. This will be rendered as a `` tag in the page HTML. ### head - Type: `Array` - Default: `[]` Extra tags to be injected to the page HTML ``. Each tag can be specified in the form of `[tagName, { attrName: attrValue }, innerHTML?]`. For example, to add a custom favicon: ``` js module.exports = { head: [ ['link', { rel: 'icon', href: '/logo.png' }] ] } ``` ### host - Type: `string` - Default: `''` Specify the host to use for the dev server. ### port - Type: `number` - Default: `8080` Specify the port to use for the dev server. ### dest - Type: `string` - Default: `.vuepress/dist` Specify the output directory for `vuepress build`. ### ga - Type: `string` - Default: `undefined` Provide the Google Analytics ID to enable integration. ::: tip Please be aware of [GDPR (2018 reform of EU data protection rules)](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/priorities/justice-and-fundamental-rights/data-protection/2018-reform-eu-data-protection-rules_en) and consider setting Google Analytics to [anonymize IPs](https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2763052?hl=en) where appropriate and/or needed. ::: ### serviceWorker - Type: `boolean` - Default: `false` If set to `true`, VuePress will automatically generate and register a service worker that caches the content for offline use (only enabled in production). If developing a custom theme, the `Layout.vue` component will also be emitting the following events: - `sw-ready` - `sw-cached` - `sw-updated` - `sw-offline` - `sw-error` ::: tip PWA NOTES The `serviceWorker` option only handles the service worker. To make your site fully PWA-compliant, you will need to provide the Web App Manifest and icons in `.vuepress/public`. For more details, see [MDN docs about the Web App Manifest](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Manifest). Also, only enable this if you are able to deploy your site with SSL, since service worker can only be registered under HTTPs URLs. ::: ### locales - Type: `{ [path: string]: Object }` - Default: `undefined` Specify locales for i18n support. For more details, see the guide on [Internationalization](../guide/i18n.md). ### shouldPrefetch - Type: `Function` - Default: `() => true` A function to control what files should have `` resource hints generated. See [shouldPrefetch](https://ssr.vuejs.org/api/#shouldprefetch). ## Theming ### theme - Type: `string` - Default: `undefined` Specify this to use a custom theme. With the value of `"foo"`, VuePress will attempt to load the theme component at `node_modules/vuepress-theme-foo/Layout.vue`. ### themeConfig - Type: `Object` - Default: `{}` Provide config options to the used theme. The options will vary depending on the theme you are using. **Also see:** - [Default Theme Configuration](../default-theme-config/README.md). ## Markdown ### markdown.lineNumbers - Type: `boolean` - Default: `undefined` Whether to show line numbers to the left of each code blocks. ### markdown.slugify - Type: `Function` - Default: [source](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/blob/master/lib/markdown/slugify.js) Function for transforming header texts into slugs. This affects the ids/links generated for header anchors, table of contents and sidebar links. ### markdown.externalLinks - Type: `Object` - Default: `{ target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer' }` The key and value pair will be added to `` tags that points to an external link. The default option will open external links in a new window. ### markdown.anchor - Type: `Object` - Default: `{ permalink: true, permalinkBefore: true, permalinkSymbol: '#' }` Options for [markdown-it-anchor](https://github.com/valeriangalliat/markdown-it-anchor). (Note: prefer `markdown.slugify` if you want to customize header ids.) ### markdown.toc - Type: `Object` - Default: `{ includeLevel: [2, 3] }` Options for [markdown-it-table-of-contents](https://github.com/Oktavilla/markdown-it-table-of-contents). (Note: prefer `markdown.slugify` if you want to customize header ids.) ### markdown.config - Type: `Function` - Default: `undefined` A function to modify default config or apply additional plugins to the [markdown-it](https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it) instance used to render source files. Example: ``` js module.exports = { markdown: { config: md => { md.set({ breaks: true }) md.use(require('markdown-it-xxx')) } } } ``` ## Build Pipeline ### postcss - Type: `Object` - Default: `{ plugins: [require('autoprefixer')] }` Options for [postcss-loader](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-loader). Note specifying this value will overwrite autoprefixer and you will need to include it yourself. ### stylus - Type: `Object` - Default: `{ preferPathResolver: 'webpack' }` Options for [stylus-loader](https://github.com/shama/stylus-loader). ### scss - Type: `Object` - Default: `{}` Options for [sass-loader](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-loader) to load `*.scss` files. ### sass - Type: `Object` - Default: `{ indentedSyntax: true }` Options for [sass-loader](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/sass-loader) to load `*.sass` files. ### less - Type: `Object` - Default: `{}` Options for [less-loader](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/less-loader). ### configureWebpack - Type: `Object | Function` - Default: `undefined` Modify the internal webpack config. If the value is an Object, it will be merged into the final config using [webpack-merge](https://github.com/survivejs/webpack-merge); If the value is a function, it will receive the config as the 1st argument and an `isServer` flag as the 2nd argument. You can either mutate the config directly, or return an object to be merged: ``` js module.exports = { configureWebpack: (config, isServer) => { if (!isServer) { // mutate the config for client } } } ``` ### chainWebpack - Type: `Function` - Default: `undefined` Modify the internal webpack config with [webpack-chain](https://github.com/mozilla-neutrino/webpack-chain). ``` js module.exports = { chainWebpack: (config, isServer) => { // config is an instance of ChainableConfig } } ``` ## Browser Compatibility ### evergreen - Type: `boolean` - Default: `false` Set to `true` if you are only targeting evergreen browsers. This will disable ES5 transpilation and polyfills for IE, and result in faster builds and smaller files.