const chalk = require('chalk') const semver = require('semver') try { require.resolve('@vuepress/core') } catch (err) { console.log( `\n[vuepress] @vuepress/cli ` + `requires @vuepress/core to be installed.\n` )) process.exit(1) } const pkg = require('@vuepress/core/package.json') const requiredVersion = pkg.engines.node if (!semver.satisfies(process.version, requiredVersion)) { console.log( `\n[vuepress] minimum Node version not met:` + `\nYou are using Node ${process.version}, but VuePress ` + `requires Node ${requiredVersion}.\nPlease upgrade your Node version.\n` )) process.exit(1) } const program = require('commander') exports.program = program exports.bootstrap = function ({ plugins, theme } = {}) { const path = require('path') const { dev, build, eject } = require('@vuepress/core') program .version(pkg.version) .usage(' [options]') program .command('dev [targetDir]') .description('start development server') .option('-p, --port ', 'use specified port (default: 8080)') .option('-h, --host ', 'use specified host (default:') .option('--debug', 'start development server in debug mode') .action((dir = '.', { host, port, debug }) => { wrapCommand(dev)(path.resolve(dir), { host, port, debug, plugins, theme }) }) program .command('build [targetDir]') .description('build dir as static site') .option('-d, --dest ', 'specify build output dir (default: .vuepress/dist)') .option('--debug', 'build in development mode for debugging') .action((dir = '.', { debug, dest }) => { const outDir = dest ? path.resolve(dest) : null wrapCommand(build)(path.resolve(dir), { debug, outDir, plugins, theme }) }) program .command('eject [targetDir]') .description('copy the default theme into .vuepress/theme for customization.') .action((dir = '.') => { wrapCommand(eject)(path.resolve(dir)) }) // output help information on unknown commands program .arguments('') .action((cmd) => { program.outputHelp() console.log(` ` +`Unknown command ${chalk.yellow(cmd)}.`)) console.log() }) // add some useful info on help program.on('--help', () => { console.log() console.log(` Run ${chalk.cyan(`vuepress --help`)} for detailed usage of given command.`) console.log() }) program.commands.forEach(c => c.on('--help', () => console.log())) // enhance common error messages const enhanceErrorMessages = (methodName, log) => { program.Command.prototype[methodName] = function (...args) { if (methodName === 'unknownOption' && this._allowUnknownOption) { return } this.outputHelp() console.log(` ` + console.log() process.exit(1) } } enhanceErrorMessages('missingArgument', argName => { return `Missing required argument ${chalk.yellow(`<${argName}>`)}.` }) enhanceErrorMessages('unknownOption', optionName => { return `Unknown option ${chalk.yellow(optionName)}.` }) enhanceErrorMessages('optionMissingArgument', (option, flag) => { return `Missing required argument for option ${chalk.yellow(option.flags)}` + ( flag ? `, got ${chalk.yellow(flag)}` : `` ) }) function wrapCommand (fn) { return (...args) => { return fn(...args).catch(err => { console.error( process.exitCode = 1 }) } } program.parse(process.argv) if (!process.argv.slice(2).length) { program.outputHelp() } }