const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const globby = require('globby') const yaml = require('yaml-front-matter') const tempPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'app/.temp') module.exports = async function prepare (sourceDir) { // 1. load options const options = await resolveOptions(sourceDir) // 2. generate dynamic component registration file const componentCode = await genComponentRegistrationFile(options) // 3. generate routes const routesCode = await genRoutesFile(options) // 4. generate siteData const dataCode = `export const siteData = ${JSON.stringify(options.siteData, null, 2)}` fs.writeFileSync( path.join(tempPath, 'siteData.js'), [ componentCode, routesCode, dataCode ].join('\n\n') ) return options } async function resolveOptions (sourceDir) { const vuepressDir = path.resolve(sourceDir, '.vuepress') const configPath = path.resolve(vuepressDir, 'config.js') const siteConfig = fs.existsSync(configPath) ? require(configPath) : {} const options = { siteConfig, sourceDir, publicPath: siteConfig.baseUrl || '/', pageFiles: await globby(['**/*.md', '!.vuepress'], { cwd: sourceDir }) } // resolve theme const hasTheme = ( siteConfig.theme || fs.existsSync(path.resolve(vuepressDir, 'theme')) ) if (!hasTheme) { // use default theme options.themePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'default-theme/Layout.vue') options.notFoundPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'default-theme/NotFound.vue') } else { // resolve custom theme const themeDir = siteConfig.theme ? path.resolve(__dirname, `../../${siteConfig.theme}`) : path.resolve(sourceDir, 'theme') const themePath = path.resolve(themeDir, 'Layout.vue') if (fs.existsSync(themePath)) { options.themePath = themePath } else { throw new Error('[vuepress] Custom theme must have a Layout.vue file.') } const notFoundPath = path.resolve(themeDir, '/NotFound.vue') if (fs.existsSync(notFoundPath)) { options.notFoundPath = notFoundPath } else { throw new Error('[vuepress] Custom theme must have a NotFound.vue file.') } } // resolve pages const pagesData = => { const urlPath = isIndexFile(file) ? '/' : `/${file.replace(/\.md$/, '').replace(/\\/g, '/')}.html` const content = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(sourceDir, file), 'utf-8') const data = { path: urlPath } // extract yaml frontmatter const frontmatter = yaml.loadFront(content) // infer title const titleMatch = frontmatter.__content.match(/^#+\s+(.*)/) if (titleMatch) { data.title = titleMatch[1] } delete frontmatter.__content if (Object.keys(frontmatter).length) { data.frontmatter = frontmatter } return data }) // resolve site data options.siteData = Object.assign({},, { pages: pagesData }) return options } async function genComponentRegistrationFile ({ sourceDir, pageFiles }) { function genImport (file) { const name = toComponentName(file) const baseDir = /\.md$/.test(file) ? sourceDir : path.resolve(sourceDir, '.vuepress/components') const absolutePath = path.resolve(baseDir, file) const code = `Vue.component(${JSON.stringify(name)}, () => import(${JSON.stringify(absolutePath)}))` return code } const components = (await resolveComponents(sourceDir)) || [] const all = [...pageFiles, ...components] return `import Vue from 'vue'\n` +'\n') } function toComponentName (file) { const isPage = /\.md$/.test(file) const isIndex = isIndexFile(file) const normalizedName = isIndex ? 'index' : file.replace(/\.(vue|md)$/, '').replace(/\/|\\/g, '-') return isPage ? `page-${normalizedName}` : normalizedName } function isIndexFile (file) { return /^(index|readme)\.md$/i.test(file) } async function resolveComponents (sourceDir) { const componentDir = path.resolve(sourceDir, '.vuepress/components') if (!fs.existsSync(componentDir)) { return } return await globby(['**/*.vue'], { cwd: componentDir }) } async function genRoutesFile ({ siteData: { pages }}) { function genRoute ({ path }) { const code = ` { path: ${JSON.stringify(path)}, component: Theme }` return code } return ( `import Theme from '~theme'\n` + `export const routes = [${',')}\n]` ) }