import numpy as np import torch from treevalue import method_treelize from treevalue.utils import pre_process from .base import Torch from .size import Size from ..common import Object, ireduce, clsmeta from ..numpy import ndarray from ..utils import current_names, doc_from __all__ = [ 'Tensor' ] _reduce_tensor_wrap = pre_process(lambda it: ((torch.tensor([*it]),), {})) tireduce = pre_process(lambda rfunc: ((_reduce_tensor_wrap(rfunc),), {}))(ireduce) def _to_tensor(*args, **kwargs): if (len(args) == 1 and not kwargs) or \ (not args and set(kwargs.keys()) == {'data'}): data = args[0] if len(args) == 1 else kwargs['data'] if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): return data return torch.tensor(*args, **kwargs) # noinspection PyTypeChecker @current_names() class Tensor(Torch, metaclass=clsmeta(_to_tensor, allow_dict=True)): # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def __init__(self, data, *args, **kwargs): """ In :class:`treetensor.torch.Tensor`, it's similar but a little bit different with the original :class:`torch.Tensor`. Examples:: >>> import torch >>> import treetensor.torch as ttorch >>> torch.Tensor([1, 2, 3]) # in torch.Tensor, default type is float32 tensor([1., 2., 3.]) >>> ttorch.Tensor([1, 2, 3]) # a native Tensor object, its type is auto detected with torch.tensor tensor([1, 2, 3]) >>> ttorch.Tensor([1, 2, 3], dtype=torch.float32) # with float32 type tensor([1., 2., 3.]) >>> ttorch.Tensor({ ... 'a': [1, 2, 3], ... 'b': {'x': [4.0, 5, 6]}, ... 'c': [[True, ], [False, ]], ... }) # a tree-based Tensor object ├── a --> tensor([1, 2, 3]) ├── b --> │ └── x --> tensor([4., 5., 6.]) └── c --> tensor([[ True], [False]]) """ super(Torch, self).__init__(data) @doc_from(torch.Tensor.numpy) @method_treelize(return_type=ndarray) def numpy(self: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns ``self`` tree tensor as a NumPy ``ndarray``. This tensor and the returned :class:`treetensor.numpy.ndarray` share the same underlying storage. Changes to self tensor will be reflected in the ``ndarray`` and vice versa. """ return self.numpy() @doc_from(torch.Tensor.tolist) @method_treelize(return_type=Object) def tolist(self: torch.Tensor): """ Get the dump result of tree tensor. Example:: >>> import torch >>> import treetensor.torch as ttorch >>> ttorch.tensor({ >>> 'a': [[1, 2], [3, 4]], >>> 'b': [1, 2, 3], >>> 'c': True, >>> }).tolist() Object({ 'a': [[1, 2], [3, 4]], 'b': [1, 2, 3], 'c': True, }) """ return self.tolist() @doc_from(torch.Tensor.cpu) @method_treelize() def cpu(self: torch.Tensor, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a copy of this tree tensor in CPU memory. If this tree tensor is already in CPU memory and on the correct device, then no copy is performed and the original object is returned. """ return self.cpu(*args, **kwargs) @doc_from(torch.Tensor.cuda) @method_treelize() def cuda(self: torch.Tensor, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a copy of this tree tensor in CUDA memory. If this tree tensor is already in CUDA memory and on the correct device, then no copy is performed and the original object is returned. """ return self.cuda(*args, **kwargs) @doc_from( @method_treelize() def to(self: torch.Tensor, *args, **kwargs): """ Turn the original tree tensor to another format. Example:: >>> import torch >>> import treetensor.torch as ttorch >>> ttorch.tensor({ ... 'a': [[1, 11], [2, 22], [3, 33]], ... 'b': {'x': [[4, 5], [6, 7]]}, ... }).to(torch.float64) ├── a --> tensor([[ 1., 11.], │ [ 2., 22.], │ [ 3., 33.]], dtype=torch.float64) └── b --> └── x --> tensor([[4., 5.], [6., 7.]], dtype=torch.float64) """ return*args, **kwargs) @doc_from(torch.Tensor.numel) @ireduce(sum) @method_treelize(return_type=Object) def numel(self: torch.Tensor): """ See :func:`treetensor.torch.numel` """ return self.numel() @property @doc_from(torch.Tensor.shape) @method_treelize(return_type=Size) def shape(self: torch.Tensor): """ Get the size of the tensors in the tree. Example:: >>> import torch >>> import treetensor.torch as ttorch >>> ttorch.tensor({ ... 'a': [[1, 11], [2, 22], [3, 33]], ... 'b': {'x': [[4, 5], [6, 7]]}, ... }).shape ├── a --> torch.Size([3, 2]) └── b --> └── x --> torch.Size([2, 2]) """ return self.shape # noinspection PyArgumentList @doc_from(torch.Tensor.all) @tireduce(torch.all) @method_treelize(return_type=Object) def all(self: torch.Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: """ See :func:`treetensor.torch.all` """ return self.all(*args, **kwargs) # noinspection PyArgumentList @doc_from(torch.Tensor.any) @tireduce(torch.any) @method_treelize(return_type=Object) def any(self: torch.Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: """ See :func:`treetensor.torch.any` """ return self.any(*args, **kwargs) @doc_from(torch.Tensor.max) @tireduce(torch.max) @method_treelize(return_type=Object) def max(self: torch.Tensor, *args, **kwargs): """ See :func:`treetensor.torch.max` """ return self.max(*args, **kwargs) @doc_from(torch.Tensor.min) @tireduce(torch.min) @method_treelize(return_type=Object) def min(self: torch.Tensor, *args, **kwargs): """ See :func:`treetensor.torch.min` """ return self.min(*args, **kwargs) @doc_from(torch.Tensor.sum) @tireduce(torch.sum) @method_treelize(return_type=Object) def sum(self: torch.Tensor, *args, **kwargs): """ See :func:`treetensor.torch.sum` """ return self.sum(*args, **kwargs) @method_treelize() def __eq__(self, other): """ See :func:`treetensor.torch.eq`. """ return self == other @method_treelize() def __ne__(self, other): """ See :func:``. """ return self != other @method_treelize() def __lt__(self, other): """ See :func:``. """ return self < other @method_treelize() def __gt__(self, other): """ See :func:``. """ return self > other @method_treelize() def __le__(self, other): """ See :func:`treetensor.torch.le`. """ return self <= other @method_treelize() def __ge__(self, other): """ See :func:``. """ return self >= other @doc_from(torch.Tensor.clone) @method_treelize() def clone(self, *args, **kwargs): """ See :func:`treetensor.torch.clone`. """ return self.clone(*args, **kwargs) @doc_from( @method_treelize() def dot(self, other, *args, **kwargs): """ See :func:``. """ return, *args, **kwargs) @doc_from( @method_treelize() def mm(self, mat2, *args, **kwargs): """ See :func:``. """ return, *args, **kwargs) @doc_from(torch.Tensor.matmul) @method_treelize() def matmul(self, tensor2, *args, **kwargs): """ See :func:`treetensor.torch.matmul`. """ return self.matmul(tensor2, *args, **kwargs)