提交 3a8660d0 编写于 作者: 丁劲犇's avatar 丁劲犇 😸

Add little funcs

上级 1a00ce7f
......@@ -16,13 +16,8 @@ class zp_ClusterTerm : public QObject
explicit zp_ClusterTerm(const QString & name,int nTransThreads = 4,int nWorkingThreads = 4,QObject *parent = 0);
//cluster status
bool isListening(){ return m_pClusterNet->ListenerNames().size()==0?false:true;}
const QString & name() {return m_strTermName;}
int transThreads(){ return m_pClusterNet->TransThreadNum(); }
int transClients(int idx){ return m_pClusterNet->totalClients(idx);}
int payload(){ return m_pClusterEng->payload();}
int threadsCount(){ return m_pClusterEng->threadsCount();}
int threadsIdel(){ return m_pClusterEng->idleThreads();}
ZPNetwork::zp_net_ThreadPool * netEng() {return m_pClusterNet;}
ZPTaskEngine::zp_pipeline * taskEng() {return m_pClusterEng;}
bool canExit();
QString m_strTermName;//the Terminal's name
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