#ifndef GEOITEMBASE_H #define GEOITEMBASE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace QTVOSM{ class viewer_interface; } namespace QTVP_GEOMARKER{ enum geo_item_type{ ITEAMTYPE_NULL = 0, ITEAMTYPE_ELLIPSE_POINT = 1, ITEAMTYPE_RECT_POINT = 2, ITEAMTYPE_LINE = 3, ITEAMTYPE_POLYGON = 4, ITEAMTYPE_PIXMAP = 5, ITEAMTYPE_MULTILINE = 6 }; inline const QString & item_name_by_enum(geo_item_type tp) { static QString names[] = { "NULL", "ELLIPSE_POINT", "RECT_POINT", "LINE", "POLYGON", "ICON", "MULTILINE", "ERROR" }; return names[(int)tp]; } class geoGraphicsScene; /** * @brief class geoItemBase is the root base class for all geoGraphicsItems. * this class has several function, include: * 1.provide properties system, include name, font, color, user-defined props using key-value mapping. * 2.provide a LABEL mechanism, which is tooking use of by geoGraphicsScene to display props on map. * 3.defines 2 interface, for Inheritance classes, give them optunities to maintain coordinates change when zooming. */ class geoItemBase { friend class geoGraphicsScene; public: geoItemBase(QString name, geo_item_type tp, QTVOSM::viewer_interface * pVi); virtual ~geoItemBase(); QTVOSM::viewer_interface * vi() const {return m_pVi;} void setViewInterface(QTVOSM::viewer_interface * pVi); private: QFont m_LabelTextFont; QColor m_LabelTextColor; bool m_bPropVisible; bool m_bSeleted; int m_nCurrentLevel; QGraphicsTextItem * m_pLabelItem; QGraphicsRectItem * m_pSelectionBound; QMap m_props; geo_item_type m_type; QTVOSM::viewer_interface * m_pVi; QString m_name; protected: void setLevel (int currlevel); QTVOSM::viewer_interface * vi(){return m_pVi;} public: int level () {return m_nCurrentLevel;} geo_item_type item_type () const {return m_type;} void set_item_type (geo_item_type tp) {m_type = tp;} QString item_name () const {return m_name;} void set_item_name (QString na) {m_name = na;} void setLabelFont (QFont font) {m_LabelTextFont = font;if (m_pLabelItem) m_pLabelItem->setFont(m_LabelTextFont);} QFont labelFont () {return m_LabelTextFont;} void setLabelColor (QColor col) {m_LabelTextColor = col;if (m_pLabelItem) m_pLabelItem->setDefaultTextColor(m_LabelTextColor);} QColor labelColor () {return m_LabelTextColor;} void adjustLabelPos (); bool wantMouseHoverEvent(); void setWantMouseHoverEvent(bool ); QStringList prop_names(); QVariantList prop_values(); int prop_counts(); const QVariant & prop_data (const QString &); void set_prop_data (const QString &, const QVariant &); void del_prop (const QString & s); void show_props (bool bShow); bool props_visible (); bool is_selected (); void set_selected (bool bsel); public: virtual void adjust_coords(int nNewLevel) = 0; virtual QPointF label_pos() = 0; virtual QPointF center_pos() = 0; }; } #endif // GEOITEMBASE_H