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# Contributor and Development Docs

> 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/README.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/README.html)

*   [Get started](#get-started)
*   [Processes](#processes)
*   [UX and Frontend guides](#ux-and-frontend-guides)
*   [Backend guides](#backend-guides)
*   [Performance guides](#performance-guides)
*   [Database guides](#database-guides)
*   [Integration guides](#integration-guides)
*   [Testing guides](#testing-guides)
*   [Refactoring guides](#refactoring-guides)
*   [Documentation guides](#documentation-guides)
*   [Internationalization (i18n) guides](#internationalization-i18n-guides)
*   [Telemetry guides](#telemetry-guides)
*   [Experiment guide](#experiment-guide)
*   [Build guides](#build-guides)
*   [Compliance](#compliance)
*   [Go guides](#go-guides)
*   [Shell Scripting guides](#shell-scripting-guides)
*   [Domain-specific guides](#domain-specific-guides)
*   [Other Development guides](#other-development-guides)
*   [Other GitLab Development Kit (GDK) guides](#other-gitlab-development-kit-gdk-guides)

# Contributor and Development Docs[](#contributor-and-development-docs "Permalink")

## Get started[](#get-started "Permalink")

*   使用[GitLab 开发套件(GDK)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-development-kit/blob/master/doc/howto/README.md)设置 GitLab 的开发环境
*   [GitLab contributing guide](contributing/index.html)
    *   [发出工作流](contributing/issue_workflow.html)以获取有关以下方面的更多信息:
        *   问题追踪器指南.
        *   分流.
        *   标签.
        *   功能建议.
        *   发行权重.
        *   回归问题.
        *   技术或用户体验债务.
    *   [合并请求工作流](contributing/merge_request_workflow.html)以获取有关以下方面的更多信息:
        *   合并请求准则.
        *   捐款接受标准.
        *   完成的定义.
        *   依赖关系.
    *   [Style guides](contributing/style_guides.html)
    *   [Implement design & UI elements](contributing/design.html)
*   [GitLab Architecture Overview](architecture.html)
*   [](rake_tasks.html)开发[任务](rake_tasks.html)

## Processes[](#processes "Permalink")


*   [代码审查指南,](code_review.html)用于审查代码和审查代码
*   [数据库审阅指南,](database_review.html)用于审阅与数据库有关的更改和复杂的 SQL 查询,并进行审阅
*   [Secure coding guidelines](secure_coding_guidelines.html)
*   [Pipelines for the GitLab project](pipelines.html)


*   [GitLab core team & GitLab Inc. contribution process](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/PROCESS.md)
*   [Security process for developers](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release/docs/blob/master/general/security/developer.md#security-releases-critical-non-critical-as-a-developer)
*   [Guidelines for implementing Enterprise Edition features](ee_features.html)
*   [Danger bot](dangerbot.html)
*   [Generate a changelog entry with `bin/changelog`](changelog.html)
*   [在 GitLab.com 上请求访问 Chatops](chatops_on_gitlabcom.html#requesting-access) (适用于 GitLab 团队成员)

## UX and Frontend guides[](#ux-and-frontend-guides "Permalink")

*   用于使用现有 CSS 样式和元素构建 GitLab 的[GitLab 设计系统](https://design.gitlab.com/)
*   [Frontend guidelines](fe_guide/index.html)
*   [Emoji guide](fe_guide/emojis.html)

## Backend guides[](#backend-guides "Permalink")

*   [GitLab utilities](utilities.html)
*   [Issuable-like Rails models](issuable-like-models.html)
*   [Logging](logging.html)
*   [API 样式指南,](api_styleguide.html)用于贡献 API
*   [GraphQL API 样式指南,](api_graphql_styleguide.html)用于为[GraphQL API](../api/graphql/index.html)做出贡献
*   [Sidekiq guidelines](sidekiq_style_guide.html) for working with Sidekiq workers
*   [Working with Gitaly](gitaly.html)
*   [Manage feature flags](feature_flags/index.html)
*   [Licensed feature availability](licensed_feature_availability.html)
*   [Dealing with email/mailers](emails.html)
*   GitLab 代码库中的[Shell 命令](shell_commands.html)
*   [`Gemfile` guidelines](gemfile.html)
*   [Pry debugging](pry_debugging.html)
*   [Sidekiq debugging](sidekiq_debugging.html)
*   [Accessing session data](session.html)
*   要避免的[陷阱](gotchas.html)
*   尽可能[避免使用带有实例变量的模块](module_with_instance_variables.html)
*   [How to dump production data to staging](db_dump.html)
*   [Working with the GitHub importer](github_importer.html)
*   [Import/Export development documentation](import_export.html)
*   [Test Import Project](import_project.html)
*   [Elasticsearch integration docs](elasticsearch.html)
*   [Working with Merge Request diffs](diffs.html)
*   [Kubernetes integration guidelines](kubernetes.html)
*   [Permissions](permissions.html)
*   [Prometheus](prometheus.html)
*   [Guidelines for reusing abstractions](reusing_abstractions.html)
*   [DeclarativePolicy framework](policies.html)
*   [How Git object deduplication works in GitLab](git_object_deduplication.html)
*   [Geo development](geo.html)
*   [Routing](routing.html)
*   [Repository mirroring](repository_mirroring.html)
*   [Git LFS](lfs.html)
*   [Developing against interacting components or features](interacting_components.html)
*   [File uploads](uploads.html)
*   [Auto DevOps development guide](auto_devops.html)
*   [Mass Inserting Models](mass_insert.html)
*   [Value Stream Analytics development guide](value_stream_analytics.html)
*   [Issue types vs first-class types](issue_types.html)
*   [Application limits](application_limits.html)
*   [Redis guidelines](redis.html)
*   [Rails initializers](rails_initializers.html)
*   [Code comments](code_comments.html)
*   [Renaming features](renaming_features.html)
*   [Windows Development on GCP](windows.html)
*   [Code Intelligence](code_intelligence/index.html)
*   [Approval Rules](approval_rules.html)
*   [Feature categorization](feature_categorization/index.html)

## Performance guides[](#performance-guides "Permalink")

*   [仪器](instrumentation.html)用于 Ruby 代码在生产环境中运行
*   用于编写代码,基准测试和避免某些模式的[性能准则](performance.html)
*   [合并请求性能准则,](merge_request_performance_guidelines.html)以确保合并请求不会对 GitLab 性能产生负面影响
*   [分析](profiling.html) URL,使用 Sherlock 评估性能或使用 Bullet 跟踪 N + 1 查询

## Database guides[](#database-guides "Permalink")

See [database guidelines](database/index.html).

## Integration guides[](#integration-guides "Permalink")

*   [Jira Connect app](integrations/jira_connect.html)
*   [Security Scanners](integrations/secure.html)
*   [Secure Partner Integration](integrations/secure_partner_integration.html)
*   [How to run Jenkins in development environment](integrations/jenkins.html)

## Testing guides[](#testing-guides "Permalink")

*   [Testing standards and style guidelines](testing_guide/index.html)
*   [Frontend testing standards and style guidelines](testing_guide/frontend_testing.html)

## Refactoring guides[](#refactoring-guides "Permalink")

*   [Refactoring guidelines](refactoring_guide/index.html)

## Documentation guides[](#documentation-guides "Permalink")

*   [Writing documentation](documentation/index.html)
*   [Documentation style guide](documentation/styleguide.html)
*   [Markdown](../user/markdown.html)

## Internationalization (i18n) guides[](#internationalization-i18n-guides "Permalink")

*   [Introduction](i18n/index.html)
*   [Externalization](i18n/externalization.html)
*   [Translation](i18n/translation.html)

## Telemetry guides[](#telemetry-guides "Permalink")

*   [Telemetry guide](telemetry/index.html)
*   [Usage Ping guide](telemetry/usage_ping.html)
*   [Snowplow guide](telemetry/snowplow.html)

## Experiment guide[](#experiment-guide "Permalink")

*   [Introduction](experiment_guide/index.html)

## Build guides[](#build-guides "Permalink")

*   [Building a package for testing purposes](build_test_package.html)

## Compliance[](#compliance "Permalink")

*   [许可](licensing.html)确保许可证合规性

## Go guides[](#go-guides "Permalink")

*   [Go Guidelines](go_guide/index.html)

## Shell Scripting guides[](#shell-scripting-guides "Permalink")

*   [Shell scripting standards and style guidelines](shell_scripting_guide/index.html)

## Domain-specific guides[](#domain-specific-guides "Permalink")

*   [CI/CD development documentation](cicd/index.html)

## Other Development guides[](#other-development-guides "Permalink")

*   [Defining relations between files using projections](projections.html)
*   [Reference processing](./reference_processing.html)
*   [Compatibility with multiple versions of the application running at the same time](multi_version_compatibility.html)

## Other GitLab Development Kit (GDK) guides[](#other-gitlab-development-kit-gdk-guides "Permalink")

*   [Run full Auto DevOps cycle in a GDK instance](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-development-kit/blob/master/doc/howto/auto_devops.md)
*   [Using GitLab Runner with the GDK](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-development-kit/blob/master/doc/howto/runner.md)
*   [Using the Web IDE terminal with the GDK](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-development-kit/-/blob/master/doc/howto/web_ide_terminal_gdk_setup.md)