提交 547920cb 编写于 作者: cdy816's avatar cdy816

BUG 修改

上级 50cabe22
......@@ -49,6 +49,16 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
#endregion ...Constructor...
#region ... Properties ...
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public Dictionary<int, CompressUnitbase2> CompressUnit
return mCompressUnit;
#endregion ...Properties...
......@@ -170,7 +170,8 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
......@@ -207,50 +208,11 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
mLastTime = tmp;
//if (mLastProcessOffset == -1)
// offset = mLastProcessOffset;
// //读取数据区时间
// time = ss.ReadDateTime(offset + 16);
// long oset = offset;
// //读取下个区域位置
// offset = ss.ReadLong(offset + 8);
// if (offset != 0)
// {
// var dt2 = ss.ReadDateTime(offset + 16);
// if (mTimeOffsets.ContainsKey(time))
// {
// mTimeOffsets[time] = new Tuple<TimeSpan, long, DateTime>(dt2 - time, oset, dt2);
// }
// else
// {
// mTimeOffsets.Add(time, new Tuple<TimeSpan, long, DateTime>(dt2 - time, oset, dt2));
// }
// tmp = dt2;
// }
// else
// {
// var tspan = StartTime + Duration - time;
// if (tspan.TotalMilliseconds > 0)
// {
// if (mTimeOffsets.ContainsKey(time))
// {
// mTimeOffsets[time] = new Tuple<TimeSpan, long, DateTime>(tspan, oset, time + tspan);
// }
// else
// {
// mTimeOffsets.Add(time, new Tuple<TimeSpan, long, DateTime>(tspan, oset, time + tspan));
// }
// }
// tmp = time + tspan;
// }
mInited = true;
......@@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach(mTargetMemorys.Where(e => e.Value.HasManualCompressItems), (mm) =>
......@@ -207,16 +207,29 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
long lsize = 0;
//var tagserver = ServiceLocator.Locator.Resolve<IHisEngine2>();
//var tags = tagserver.ListAllTags().Where(e => e.Id >= Id * TagCountPerMemory && e.Id < (Id + 1) * TagCountPerMemory).OrderBy(e => e.Id);
foreach(var vv in CompressUnitManager2.Manager.CompressUnit)
mCompressCach.Add(vv.Key, vv.Value.Clone());
//foreach(var vv in tags)
// var cpt = vv.CompressType;
// if (!mCompressCach.ContainsKey(cpt))
// {
// mCompressCach.Add(cpt, CompressUnitManager2.Manager.GetCompressQuick(cpt).Clone());
// }
foreach (var vv in sourceM.TagAddress.Where(e => e.Key >= Id * TagCountPerMemory && e.Key < (Id + 1) * TagCountPerMemory))
dtmp.Add(vv.Key, 0);
var cpt = mHisTagService.GetHisTag(vv.Key).CompressType;
if (!mCompressCach.ContainsKey(cpt))
mCompressCach.Add(cpt, CompressUnitManager2.Manager.GetCompressQuick(cpt).Clone());
if (vv.Value != null)
lsize += vv.Value.Length;
......@@ -848,14 +848,14 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
cachHeadSize += css;
mMergeMemory1.AddTagAddress(vv.Value.Id, null);
mMergeMemory2.AddTagAddress(vv.Value.Id, null);
// mMergeMemory1.AddTagAddress(vv.Value.Id, null);
// mMergeMemory2.AddTagAddress(vv.Value.Id, null);
mCachMemory1.AddTagAddress(vv.Value.Id, null);
mCachMemory2.AddTagAddress(vv.Value.Id, null);
// mCachMemory1.AddTagAddress(vv.Value.Id, null);
// mCachMemory2.AddTagAddress(vv.Value.Id, null);
......@@ -1054,14 +1054,18 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
foreach (var tag in mHisTags)
//foreach (var tag in mHisTags)
foreach(var vv in mcc.TagAddress)
var taddrs = mCurrentMergeMemory.TagAddress[tag.Value.Id];
var tag = mHisTags[vv.Key];
var taddrs = mCurrentMergeMemory.TagAddress[tag.Id];
var saddrs = mcc.TagAddress[tag.Value.Id];
//var saddrs = mcc.TagAddress[tag.Value.Id];
var saddrs = vv.Value;
if (taddrs == null || saddrs == null) continue;
//if (taddrs == null || saddrs == null) continue;
var dlen = saddrs.ValueAddress;
......@@ -1071,12 +1075,12 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
dlen = saddrs.QualityAddress - saddrs.ValueAddress;
vtimeaddr = taddrs.ValueAddress + dlen * count + tag.Value.SizeOfValue;
vtimeaddr = taddrs.ValueAddress + dlen * count + tag.SizeOfValue;
saddrs.CopyTo(taddrs, saddrs.ValueAddress, vtimeaddr, dlen);
dlen = tag.Value.DataSize - saddrs.QualityAddress;
dlen = tag.DataSize - saddrs.QualityAddress;
vtimeaddr = taddrs.QualityAddress + dlen * count + 1;
saddrs.CopyTo(taddrs, saddrs.QualityAddress, vtimeaddr, dlen);
......@@ -1166,6 +1170,7 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
foreach(var vv in mHisTags)
if(vv.Value.Type != RecordType.Driver)
......@@ -1314,9 +1319,12 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
mNeedSnapAllTag = true;
mForceSubmiteToCompress = true;
mIsClosed = true;
while (!mMegerProcessIsClosed) Thread.Sleep(1);
/// <summary>
......@@ -1619,7 +1627,7 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
isNeedSubmite = true;
if (isNeedSubmite)
......@@ -1641,173 +1649,6 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
private bool ManualRecordHisValues(long id, Cdy.Tag.TagValue value, int timeUnit = 100)
return ManualRecordHisValues(id, value.Time, value.Value, value.Quality, timeUnit);
//if (mIsClosed) return false;
//int valueOffset, qulityOffset = 0;
//DateTime mLastTime = DateTime.MinValue;
//SortedDictionary<DateTime, ManualHisDataMemoryBlock> datacach;
//if (mHisTags.ContainsKey(id) && mHisTags[id].Type == RecordType.Manual)
// if (mManualHisDataCach.ContainsKey(id))
// {
// datacach = mManualHisDataCach[id];
// }
// else
// {
// datacach = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, ManualHisDataMemoryBlock>();
// mManualHisDataCach.Add(id, datacach);
// }
// var tag = mHisTags[id];
// ManualHisDataMemoryBlock hb = null;
// var vdata = value.Time.Date;
// var mms = (int)(value.Time.Subtract(vdata).TotalSeconds / MergeMemoryTime);
// var time = vdata.AddSeconds(mms * MergeMemoryTime);
// if (datacach.ContainsKey(time))
// {
// hb = datacach[time];
// }
// else
// {
// var css = CalCachDatablockSize(tag.TagType, 0, MergeMemoryTime * 1000 / timeUnit, out valueOffset, out qulityOffset);
// hb = ManualHisDataMemoryBlockPool.Pool.Get(css);
// hb.Time = time;
// hb.MaxCount = MergeMemoryTime * 1000 / timeUnit;
// hb.TimeUnit = timeUnit;
// hb.TimeLen = 4;
// hb.TimerAddress = 0;
// hb.ValueAddress = valueOffset;
// hb.QualityAddress = qulityOffset;
// hb.Id = (int)id;
// hb.CurrentCount = 0;
// datacach.Add(time, hb);
// }
// mLastTime = time;
// if (hb.CurrentCount < hb.MaxCount && value.Time > hb.EndTime)
// {
// hb.Lock();
// var vtime = (int)((value.Time - hb.Time).TotalMilliseconds / timeUnit);
// //写入时间戳
// hb.WriteInt(hb.TimerAddress + hb.CurrentCount * 4, vtime);
// switch (tag.TagType)
// {
// case TagType.Bool:
// hb.WriteByteDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToBoolean(value.Value)));
// break;
// case TagType.Byte:
// hb.WriteByteDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, Convert.ToByte(value.Value));
// break;
// case TagType.Short:
// hb.WriteShortDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, Convert.ToInt16(value.Value));
// break;
// case TagType.UShort:
// hb.WriteUShortDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, Convert.ToUInt16(value.Value));
// break;
// case TagType.Int:
// hb.WriteIntDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, Convert.ToInt32(value.Value));
// break;
// case TagType.UInt:
// hb.WriteUIntDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, Convert.ToUInt32(value.Value));
// break;
// case TagType.Long:
// hb.WriteLongDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, Convert.ToInt64(value.Value));
// break;
// case TagType.ULong:
// hb.WriteULongDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, Convert.ToUInt64(value.Value));
// break;
// case TagType.Float:
// hb.WriteFloatDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, Convert.ToSingle(value.Value));
// break;
// case TagType.Double:
// hb.WriteDoubleDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, Convert.ToDouble(value.Value));
// break;
// case TagType.String:
// hb.WriteStringDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, Convert.ToString(value.Value), Encoding.Unicode);
// break;
// case TagType.DateTime:
// hb.WriteDatetime(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, Convert.ToDateTime(value.Value));
// break;
// case TagType.UIntPoint:
// UIntPointData data = (UIntPointData)value.Value;
// hb.WriteUIntDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, data.X);
// hb.WriteUIntDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue + 4, data.Y);
// break;
// case TagType.IntPoint:
// IntPointData idata = (IntPointData)value.Value;
// hb.WriteIntDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, idata.X);
// hb.WriteIntDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue + 4, idata.Y);
// break;
// case TagType.UIntPoint3:
// UIntPoint3Data udata3 = (UIntPoint3Data)value.Value;
// hb.WriteUIntDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, udata3.X);
// hb.WriteUIntDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue + 4, udata3.Y);
// hb.WriteUIntDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue + 8, udata3.Z);
// break;
// case TagType.IntPoint3:
// IntPoint3Data idata3 = (IntPoint3Data)value.Value;
// hb.WriteIntDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, idata3.X);
// hb.WriteIntDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue + 4, idata3.Y);
// hb.WriteIntDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue + 8, idata3.Z);
// break;
// case TagType.ULongPoint:
// ULongPointData udata = (ULongPointData)value.Value;
// hb.WriteULongDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, udata.X);
// hb.WriteULongDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue + 8, udata.Y);
// break;
// case TagType.LongPoint:
// LongPointData lidata = (LongPointData)value.Value;
// hb.WriteLongDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, lidata.X);
// hb.WriteLongDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue + 8, lidata.Y);
// break;
// case TagType.ULongPoint3:
// ULongPoint3Data ludata3 = (ULongPoint3Data)value.Value;
// hb.WriteULongDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, ludata3.X);
// hb.WriteULongDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue + 16, ludata3.Y);
// hb.WriteULongDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue + 24, ludata3.Z);
// break;
// case TagType.LongPoint3:
// LongPoint3Data lidata3 = (LongPoint3Data)value.Value;
// hb.WriteLongDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue, lidata3.X);
// hb.WriteLongDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue + 16, lidata3.Y);
// hb.WriteLongDirect(hb.ValueAddress + hb.CurrentCount * tag.SizeOfValue + 24, lidata3.Z);
// break;
// }
// hb.WriteInt(hb.QualityAddress + hb.CurrentCount, value.Quality);
// hb.EndTime = value.Time;
// hb.CurrentCount++;
// hb.Relase();
// HisDataMemoryQueryService.Service.RegistorManual(id, hb.Time, hb.EndTime, hb);
// }
// bool isNeedSubmite = false;
// foreach (var vv in datacach.ToArray())
// {
// if (vv.Key < mLastTime || vv.Value.CurrentCount >= vv.Value.MaxCount)
// {
// ServiceLocator.Locator.Resolve<IDataCompress2>().RequestManualToCompress(vv.Value);
// datacach.Remove(vv.Key);
// isNeedSubmite = true;
// }
// }
// if (isNeedSubmite)
// ServiceLocator.Locator.Resolve<IDataCompress2>().SubmitManualToCompress();
// return true;
// return false;
/// <summary>
......@@ -262,11 +262,9 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
if (id >= vv.Value.IdStart && id < vv.Value.IdEnd)
vv.Value.AppendManualSeriseFile(id, data);
//if (mManualRequestSaveCount > 10) RequestToSave();
/// <summary>
......@@ -313,9 +311,6 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
LoggerService.Service.Info("SeriseEnginer", ">>>>>>>>>完成执行存储>>>>>>> ElapsedMilliseconds:" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, ConsoleColor.Cyan);
if (mIsClosed)
......@@ -435,9 +430,11 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
private List<int> mTagIdsCach;
private Dictionary<DateTime, Dictionary<int, long>> mPointerCach = new Dictionary<DateTime, Dictionary<int, long>>();
//private Dictionary<DateTime, Dictionary<int, long>> mPointerCach = new Dictionary<DateTime, Dictionary<int, long>>();
private Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, IMemoryBlock>> mManualHisDataCach = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, IMemoryBlock>>();
private Dictionary<string, Queue<IMemoryBlock>> mManualHisDataCach = new Dictionary<string, Queue<IMemoryBlock>>();
private Dictionary<int, int> mTagIndexCach = new Dictionary<int, int>();
private int mId = 0;
......@@ -801,10 +798,10 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
private Dictionary<int,long> GetDataRegionHeadPoint(string sfile, SortedDictionary<int,DateTime> ids, DateTime time, out DataFileSeriserbase mFileReader)
private Dictionary<int, List<long>> GetDataRegionHeadPoint(string sfile, SortedDictionary<int,List<DateTime>> ids, DateTime time, out DataFileSeriserbase mFileReader)
Dictionary<int, long> re = new Dictionary<int, long>();
Dictionary<int,List<long>> re = new Dictionary<int, List<long>>();
DataFileSeriserbase dfs;
......@@ -852,15 +849,17 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
long regionOffset = 0;
foreach (var vv in ids)
foreach (var vvv in vv.Value)
long ltmp = 0;
var fsh = (vv.Value.Hour / FileDuration) * FileDuration;
int bid = ((vv.Value.Hour - fsh) * 60 + time.Minute) / BlockDuration;
var fsh = (vvv.Hour / FileDuration) * FileDuration;
int bid = ((vvv.Hour - fsh) * 60 + time.Minute) / BlockDuration;
if (mLastRegionStartTime == DateTime.MaxValue || vv.Value < mLastRegionStartTime || vv.Value > mLastRegionEndTime)
if (mLastRegionStartTime == DateTime.MaxValue || vvv < mLastRegionStartTime || vvv > mLastRegionEndTime)
regionOffset = SearchDataRegionToDatetime(dfs, vv.Value,out mLastRegionStartTime,out mLastRegionEndTime);
regionOffset = SearchDataRegionToDatetime(dfs, vvv, out mLastRegionStartTime, out mLastRegionEndTime);
ltmp = regionOffset;
......@@ -874,11 +873,20 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
return re;
var icount = mTagIdsCach.IndexOf(vv.Key);
//var icount = mTagIdsCach.IndexOf(vv.Key);
var icount = mTagIndexCach[vv.Key];
ltmp += mDataRegionHeadSize + mTagCount * 8 * bid + icount * 8;
if (re.ContainsKey(vv.Key))
re.Add(vv.Key,new List<long>() { ltmp });
// re.Add(vv.Key, ltmp);
//LoggerService.Service.Debug("SeriseEnginer", "DataRegion Pointer:" + ltmp + ",mDataRegionHeadSize:" + mDataRegionHeadSize + ",BlockIndex:" + bid + " tag index:" + icount);
......@@ -972,17 +980,12 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
if (mManualHisDataCach.ContainsKey(sfile))
if (!mManualHisDataCach[sfile].ContainsKey(id))
mManualHisDataCach[sfile].Add(id, datablock);
LoggerService.Service.Warn("SeriseEnginer", "数据存储出现阻塞:"+id);
Dictionary<int, IMemoryBlock> blocks = new Dictionary<int, IMemoryBlock>();
blocks.Add(id, datablock);
Queue<IMemoryBlock> blocks = new Queue<IMemoryBlock>();
mManualHisDataCach.Add(sfile, blocks);
......@@ -996,8 +999,8 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
string oldFile = string.Empty;
DataFileSeriserbase mwriter;
Dictionary<int, long> mHeadAddress = new Dictionary<int, long>();
Dictionary<int, long> mHeadValue = new Dictionary<int, long>();
Dictionary<int,List<long>> mHeadAddress = new Dictionary<int, List<long>>();
Dictionary<int, List<long>> mHeadValue = new Dictionary<int, List<long>>();
......@@ -1007,31 +1010,40 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
//Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
//LoggerService.Service.Info("SeriseEnginer", "SeriseFileItem" + this.Id + " 开始执行存储,数据块:" + vv.Value.Count, ConsoleColor.Cyan);
//LoggerService.Service.Info("SeriseEnginer", "SeriseFileItem" + this.Id + " 开始执行存储,数据块:" + vv.Value.Count+" 剩余:"+mManualHisDataCach.Count, ConsoleColor.Cyan);
SortedDictionary<int, DateTime> times = new SortedDictionary<int, DateTime>();
SortedDictionary<int,List<DateTime>> times = new SortedDictionary<int, List<DateTime>>();
DateTime maxTime = DateTime.MinValue;
DateTime mLastModifyTime = DateTime.MinValue;
foreach(var vvv in vv.Value)
DateTime time = vvv.Value.ReadDateTime(4);
int id = vvv.ReadInt(0);
DateTime time = vvv.ReadDateTime(4);
DateTime endTime = vvv.ReadDateTime(12);
DateTime endTime = vvv.Value.ReadDateTime(12);
//mTagCount = vvv.ReadInt(24);//变量个数
mTagCount = vvv.Value.ReadInt(24);//变量个数
times.Add(id, new List<DateTime>() { time });
times.Add(vvv.Key, time);
maxTime = time > maxTime ? time : maxTime;
mLastModifyTime = endTime > mLastModifyTime ? endTime : mLastModifyTime;
mHeadAddress = GetDataRegionHeadPoint(vv.Key, times, maxTime, out mwriter);
//long ltmp = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
long ltmp = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
......@@ -1040,21 +1052,34 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
foreach (var vvv in vv.Value)
int size = vvv.Value.ReadInt(20);
mHeadValue.Add(vvv.Key, vpointer);
vvv.Value.WriteToStream(mwriter.GetStream(), 28, size - 28);//直接拷贝数据块
int id = vvv.ReadInt(0);
int size = vvv.ReadInt(20);
mHeadValue.Add(id, new List<long>() { vpointer });
// mHeadValue.Add(vvv.Key, vpointer);
vvv.WriteToStream(mwriter.GetStream(), 28, size - 28);//直接拷贝数据块
vpointer += (size - 28);
//long ltmp2 = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
long ltmp2 = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
foreach (var hd in mHeadAddress)
mwriter.Write(mHeadValue[hd.Key], hd.Value);
for(int i=0;i<hd.Value.Count;i++)
mwriter.Write(mHeadValue[hd.Key][i], hd.Value[i]);
//mwriter.Write(mHeadValue[hd.Key], hd.Value);
//long ltmp3 = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
long ltmp3 = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
......@@ -1072,43 +1097,12 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
foreach (var vvv in vv.Value)
(vvv.Value as MarshalMemoryBlock).MakeMemoryNoBusy();
MarshalMemoryBlockPool.Pool.Release(vvv.Value as MarshalMemoryBlock);
(vvv as MarshalMemoryBlock).MakeMemoryNoBusy();
MarshalMemoryBlockPool.Pool.Release(vvv as MarshalMemoryBlock);
foreach (var tm in times)
var vtime = FormateTime(tm.Value);
lock (mPointerCach)
if (tm.Value > mCurrentTime)
if (mPointerCach.ContainsKey(vtime))
var dd = mPointerCach[vtime];
if (dd.ContainsKey(tm.Key))
dd[tm.Key] = mHeadValue[tm.Key];
dd.Add(tm.Key, mHeadValue[tm.Key]);
Dictionary<int, long> dtmp = new Dictionary<int, long>();
dtmp.Add(tm.Key, mHeadValue[tm.Key]);
mPointerCach.Add(vtime, dtmp);
//LoggerService.Service.Info("SeriseEnginer", "SeriseFileItem" + this.Id + " 完成存储,数据块:" + vv.Value.Count + " ReadHeadPoint:" + ltmp + " WriteData:" + (ltmp2 - ltmp) + " UpdateHead:" + (ltmp3 - ltmp2), ConsoleColor.Cyan);
LoggerService.Service.Info("SeriseEnginer", "SeriseFileItem" + this.Id + " 完成存储,数据块:" + vv.Value.Count + " ReadHeadPoint:" + ltmp + " WriteData:" + (ltmp2 - ltmp) + " UpdateHead:" + (ltmp3 - ltmp2), ConsoleColor.Cyan);
......@@ -1131,7 +1125,7 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
DateTime time = datablock.ReadDateTime(4);
DateTime endTime = datablock.ReadDateTime(12);
int size = datablock.ReadInt(20);
mTagCount = datablock.ReadInt(24);//变量个数
//mTagCount = datablock.ReadInt(24);//变量个数
var heads = GetDataRegionHeadPoint(id, time, out mwriter);
......@@ -1160,34 +1154,34 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
var vtime = FormateTime(time);
//var vtime = FormateTime(time);
lock (mPointerCach)
if (time > mCurrentTime)
if (mPointerCach.ContainsKey(vtime))
var dd = mPointerCach[vtime];
if (dd.ContainsKey(id))
dd[id] = vpointer;
dd.Add(id, vpointer);
Dictionary<int, long> dtmp = new Dictionary<int, long>();
dtmp.Add(id, vpointer);
mPointerCach.Add(vtime, dtmp);
//lock (mPointerCach)
// if (time > mCurrentTime)
// {
// if (mPointerCach.ContainsKey(vtime))
// {
// var dd = mPointerCach[vtime];
// if (dd.ContainsKey(id))
// {
// dd[id] = vpointer;
// }
// else
// {
// dd.Add(id, vpointer);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// Dictionary<int, long> dtmp = new Dictionary<int, long>();
// dtmp.Add(id, vpointer);
// mPointerCach.Add(vtime, dtmp);
// }
// }
......@@ -1211,7 +1205,9 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
private int CalTagIdsSize()
if (mTagIdMemoryCach != null) mTagIdMemoryCach.Dispose();
mTagIdsCach = ServiceLocator.Locator.Resolve<IHisEngine2>().ListAllTags().Where(e => e.Id >= Id * TagCountOneFile && e.Id < (Id + 1) * TagCountOneFile).OrderBy(e => e.Id).Select(e => e.Id).ToList();
//mTagIdsCach = ServiceLocator.Locator.Resolve<IHisEngine2>().ListAllTags().Where(e => e.Id >= Id * TagCountOneFile && e.Id < (Id + 1) * TagCountOneFile).OrderBy(e => e.Id).Select(e => e.Id).ToList();
mTagIdSum = 0;
......@@ -1221,9 +1217,13 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
int preids = mTagIdsCach[0];
mTagIdSum += preids;
mTagIndexCach.Add(preids, 0);
for (int i = 1; i < mTagIdsCach.Count; i++)
var id = mTagIdsCach[i];
mTagIndexCach.Add(id, i);
mTagIdMemoryCach.WriteInt32(id - preids);
mTagIdSum += id;
preids = id;
......@@ -1242,13 +1242,19 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
var vv = ServiceLocator.Locator.Resolve<IHisEngine2>();
var tags = vv.ListAllTags().Where(e => e.Id >= Id * TagCountOneFile && e.Id < (Id + 1) * TagCountOneFile).OrderBy(e => e.Id);
mTagIdsCach = tags.Select(e => e.Id).ToList();
if (mBlockPointMemory != null) mBlockPointMemory.Dispose();
mBlockPointMemory = new MemoryBlock(tags.Count() * 8, 4 * 1024 * 1024);
LoggerService.Service.Info("SeriseEnginer", "Cal BlockPointMemory memory size:" + (mBlockPointMemory.AllocSize) / 1024.0 / 1024 + "M", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
mTagCount = mTagIdsCach.Count();
LoggerService.Service.Info("SeriseEnginer", "Cal BlockPointMemory memory size:" + (mBlockPointMemory.AllocSize) / 1024.0 / 1024 + "M", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
/// <summary>
......@@ -1356,7 +1362,7 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
var datasize = mProcessMemory.ReadInt(dataOffset);
var count = mProcessMemory.ReadInt(dataOffset + 4);//变量个数
mTagCount = count;
//mTagCount = count;
mCurrentTime = time;
var ltmp = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
......@@ -1389,20 +1395,23 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
mBlockPointMemory.CheckAndResize(mTagCount * 8);
var vtime = FormateTime(time);
Dictionary<int, long> timecach;
lock (mPointerCach)
if (mPointerCach.ContainsKey(time))
timecach = mPointerCach[time];
timecach = new Dictionary<int, long>();
Dictionary<int, long> mHeadValues = new Dictionary<int, long>();
var vtime = FormateTime(time);
//Dictionary<int, long> timecach;
//lock (mPointerCach)
// if (mPointerCach.ContainsKey(time))
// {
// timecach = mPointerCach[time];
// }
// else
// {
// timecach = new Dictionary<int, long>();
// }
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
......@@ -1413,29 +1422,31 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
offset += 8;
if (id > -1)
if (timecach.ContainsKey(id))
mBlockPointMemory.WriteLong(i * 8, timecach[id]);
mBlockPointMemory.WriteLong(i * 8, addr);
//if (timecach.ContainsKey(id))
// mBlockPointMemory.WriteLong(i * 8, timecach[id]);
//mBlockPointMemory.WriteLong(i * 8, addr);
lock (mPointerCach)
foreach (var vv in mPointerCach.Keys.ToArray())
if (vv <= mCurrentTime)
mHeadValues.Add(id, addr);
//lock (mPointerCach)
// foreach (var vv in mPointerCach.Keys.ToArray())
// {
// if (vv <= mCurrentTime)
// {
// mPointerCach.Remove(vv);
// }
// }
FileStartHour = (time.Hour / FileDuration) * FileDuration;
......@@ -1444,14 +1455,22 @@ namespace Cdy.Tag
var pointAddr = mBlockPointOffset + count * 8 * bid;
var ltmp3 = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
//long lpp = mFileWriter.CurrentPostion;
mProcessMemory.WriteToStream(mFileWriter.GetStream(), start, datasize);//直接拷贝数据块
mFileWriter.Write(mBlockPointMemory.Buffers, pointAddr, 0, (int)mBlockPointMemory.AllocSize);
// mFileWriter.Write(mBlockPointMemory.Buffers, pointAddr, 0, (int)mBlockPointMemory.AllocSize);
foreach(var vv in mHeadValues)
mFileWriter.Write(pointAddr + mTagIndexCach[vv.Key] * 8, vv.Value);
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