# BERT-pytorch ### Introduction: This mechine could be trained by "train_demo.py" And there are mainly two datasets demo, one is a json file about poem, another is a conversation demo created by myself. However I don't recommand to use those demo_datas to train, I prefer use formal datasets. Fine-tune method could be found in "Bert_finetune.py", Fine-tune of BERT mainly include two examples. First is the word classify prediction, could be found in ["bert_for_word_classify.py"](https://codechina.csdn.net/captainAAAjohn/BERT-pytorch/-/blob/main/bert_for_word_classify.py) Second is the sentences classify prediction, could be found in [" bert_for_sentence_classify.py"](https://codechina.csdn.net/captainAAAjohn/BERT-pytorch/-/blob/main/bert_for_sentence_classify.py) Next, I will enrich the language generation as well as conversation process. # How to use ## preparation: ### if your develop env is unbuntu, plz load the terminal, and input the fellow bash codes. sudo apt-get install ipython3 sudo apt-get install pip sudo apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/stevezhangz/BERT-pytorch.git cd BERT-pytorch pip install -r requirements.txt ### for win users, if u utlize the python IDEs such as pycharm, please find terminals of pycharm, and input the bash codes as shown in fellows: pip install git pip install ipython3 git clone https://github.com/stevezhangz/BERT-pytorch.git cd BERT-pytorch pip install -r requirements.txt part of you may use anaconda3, so you have to load "anaconda3 prompt" and input fellow bash codes: conda install pip conda install git conda install ipython3 git clone https://github.com/stevezhangz/BERT-pytorch.git cd BERT-pytorch pip install -r requirements.txt I prepare a demo for model training(your can select poem or conversation in the source code) run train_demo.py to train ipython3 train_demo.py ### except that, you have to learn about how to run it on your dataset - first use "general_transform_text2list" in data_process.py to transform txt or json file to list which could be defined as "[s1,s2,s3,s4.....]" - then use "generate_vocab_normalway" in data_process.py to transform list file to "sentences, id_sentence, idx2word, word2idx, vocab_size" - Last but not least, use "creat_batch" in data_process.py to transform "sentences, id_sentence, idx2word, word2idx, vocab_size" to a batch. - finally using dataloder in pytorch to load data. ### for example: np.random.seed(random_seed) #json2list=general_transform_text2list("data/demo.txt",type="txt") json2list=general_transform_text2list("data/chinese-poetry/chuci/chuci.json",type="json",args=['content']) data=json2list.getdata() list2token=generate_vocab_normalway(data,map_dir="words_info.json") sentences,token_list,idx2word,word2idx,vocab_size=list2token.transform() batch = creat_batch(batch_size,max_pred,maxlen,word2idx,idx2word,token_list,0.15) loader = Data.DataLoader(Text_file(batch), batch_size, True) model=Bert(n_layers=n_layers, vocab_size=vocab_size, emb_size=d_model, max_len=maxlen, seg_size=n_segments, dff=d_ff, dk=d_k, dv=d_v, n_head=n_heads, n_class=2, drop=drop) if use_gpu: with torch.cuda.device(device) as device: model.to(device) criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.Adadelta(model.parameters(), lr=lr) model.Train(epoches=epoches, train_data_loader=loader, optimizer=optimizer, criterion=criterion, save_dir=weight_dir, save_freq=100, load_dir="checkpoint/checkpoint_199.pth", use_gpu=use_gpu, device=device ) # How to config Modify super parameters directly in “Config.cfg” # About fine-tune To identify the trained bert has learned something from the training dataset, bert fine-tune on the other dataset which various from the original one is necessary. We provide two examples, first one is about the prediction of specific sentence classification(there are no meanings about the classification, because bert trainning process is a self-learning process without supervise infomation about classification of per sentence), another one is about the word prediction of a specific sentence. Next, we will enrich about the language generation and conversation. - sentence classification: ipython3 bert_for_sentence_classify.py - word prediction: ipython3 bert_for_word_classify.py # Pretrain Because of time, I can't spend time to train the model. You are welcome to use my model for training and contribute pre train weight to this project # About me author={ E-mail:stevezhangz@163.com } # Acknowledgement Acknowledgement for the open-source [poem dataset](https://github.com/chinese-poetry/chinese-poetry) and a little bit codes of this [project named nlp-tutorial](https://codechina.csdn.net/mirrors/wmathor/nlp-tutorial/-/tree/master/5-2.BERT) for inspiration.