## @file # Compile standalone firmware filesystem files. # # Copyright (C) 2022-2023, Mike Beaton. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause ## # # For now disable non-64-bit build; Mac Pro cannot use it, and EDK-II # build system does not separate 64 bit and 32 bit .ffs files, which # we want to distribute. # # If we needed all archs in future we could distribute the complete # .fv files, from which the .ffs can be re-extracted. # !if ($(ARCH) == X64) !if ($(ARCH) == X64) [FV.FfsFilesX64] !else [FV.FfsFilesIA32] !endif BlockSize = 0x10000 NumBlocks = 8 FvAlignment = 16 #FV alignment and FV attributes setting. ERASE_POLARITY = 1 MEMORY_MAPPED = TRUE STICKY_WRITE = TRUE LOCK_CAP = TRUE LOCK_STATUS = TRUE WRITE_DISABLED_CAP = TRUE WRITE_ENABLED_CAP = TRUE WRITE_STATUS = TRUE WRITE_LOCK_CAP = TRUE WRITE_LOCK_STATUS = TRUE READ_DISABLED_CAP = TRUE READ_ENABLED_CAP = TRUE READ_STATUS = TRUE READ_LOCK_CAP = TRUE READ_LOCK_STATUS = TRUE # # DXE Drivers (other .inf files for conversion to .ffs may be added here) # INF OpenCorePkg/Staging/EnableGop/EnableGop.inf !if ($(ARCH) == X64) [FV.EnableGopDirectX64] !else [FV.EnableGopDirectIA32] !endif BlockSize = 0x10000 NumBlocks = 8 FvAlignment = 16 #FV alignment and FV attributes setting. ERASE_POLARITY = 1 MEMORY_MAPPED = TRUE STICKY_WRITE = TRUE LOCK_CAP = TRUE LOCK_STATUS = TRUE WRITE_DISABLED_CAP = TRUE WRITE_ENABLED_CAP = TRUE WRITE_STATUS = TRUE WRITE_LOCK_CAP = TRUE WRITE_LOCK_STATUS = TRUE READ_DISABLED_CAP = TRUE READ_ENABLED_CAP = TRUE READ_STATUS = TRUE READ_LOCK_CAP = TRUE READ_LOCK_STATUS = TRUE # # DXE Drivers # # # EnableGopDirect intentionally has the same GUID as EnableGop, so it must go in a separate FV. # (We don't care about the FV, rather the intermediate FFS files which are generated during build.) # INF OpenCorePkg/Staging/EnableGop/EnableGopDirect.inf !endif # # Ideally we would match the compressed layout of DXE drivers in Mac Pro firmware, # as per the commented out lines, but Mac Pro will not load this with standard compression. # With lines commented out we make a different, non-compressed layout which the Mac Pro will load. # # TODO: Is there a way to make a Tiano-compressed COMPRESS section, as in Mac Pro firmware, using # EDK-II build tools? If we manually reconstuct one with UEFITool 0.25.1, Mac Pro will load it. # # Note: `GUIDED A31280AD-481E-41B6-95E8-127F4C984779` will make a Tiano compressed GUIDED # section, but this is different and will not load it. # [Rule.Common.DXE_DRIVER] FILE DRIVER = $(NAMED_GUID) Checksum { # COMPRESS { # GUIDED { DXE_DEPEX DXE_DEPEX Optional $(INF_OUTPUT)/$(MODULE_NAME).depex PE32 PE32 $(INF_OUTPUT)/$(MODULE_NAME).efi UI STRING="$(MODULE_NAME)" Optional # } # } }