#WARNING - 1 This is just a sample. Do NOT try loading it. #WARNING - 2 Ensure you understand EVERY field before booting. #WARNING - 3 In most cases recommended to use Sample.plist #WARNING - 4 Use SampleCustom.plist only for special cases. ACPI Add Comment My custom DSDT Enabled Path DSDT.aml Comment My custom SSDT Enabled Path SSDT-1.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-ALS0.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-AWAC-DISABLE.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-BRG0.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-EC-USBX.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-EC.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-EHCx-DISABLE.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-IMEI.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-PLUG.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-PMC.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-PNLF.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-PNLFCFL.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-RTC0-RANGE.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-RTC0.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-SBUS-MCHC.aml Comment Read the comment in dsl sample Enabled Path SSDT-UNC.aml Delete All Comment Delete CpuPm Enabled OemTableId Q3B1UG0AAAA= TableLength 0 TableSignature U1NEVA== All Comment Delete Cpu0Ist Enabled OemTableId Q3B1MElzdAA= TableLength 0 TableSignature U1NEVA== Patch Base BaseSkip 0 Comment Replace one byte sequence with another Count 0 Enabled Find ESIzRA== Limit 0 Mask OemTableId Replace RDMiEQ== ReplaceMask Skip 0 TableLength 0 TableSignature Base \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.HPET BaseSkip 0 Comment HPET _CRS to XCRS Count 1 Enabled Find X0NSUw== Limit 0 Mask OemTableId Replace WENSUw== ReplaceMask Skip 0 TableLength 0 TableSignature Quirks FadtEnableReset NormalizeHeaders RebaseRegions ResetHwSig ResetLogoStatus Booter MmioWhitelist Address 4275159040 Comment Haswell: SB_RCBA is a 0x4 page memory region, containing SPI_BASE at 0x3800 (SPI_BASE_ADDRESS) Enabled Address 4278190080 Comment Generic: PCI root is a 0x1000 page memory region used by some types of firmware Enabled Patch Arch Any Comment macOS to hacOS Count 1 Enabled Find bWFjT1M= Identifier Apple Limit 0 Mask Replace aGFjT1M= ReplaceMask Skip 0 Quirks AllowRelocationBlock AvoidRuntimeDefrag DevirtualiseMmio DisableSingleUser DisableVariableWrite DiscardHibernateMap EnableSafeModeSlide EnableWriteUnprotector ForceBooterSignature ForceExitBootServices ProtectMemoryRegions ProtectSecureBoot ProtectUefiServices ProvideCustomSlide ProvideMaxSlide 0 RebuildAppleMemoryMap SetupVirtualMap SignalAppleOS SyncRuntimePermissions DeviceProperties Add PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1b,0x0) layout-id AQAAAA== Delete Kernel Add Arch x86_64 BundlePath Lilu.kext Comment Patch engine Enabled ExecutablePath Contents/MacOS/Lilu MaxKernel MinKernel 10.0.0 PlistPath Contents/Info.plist Arch x86_64 BundlePath VirtualSMC.kext Comment SMC emulator Enabled ExecutablePath Contents/MacOS/VirtualSMC MaxKernel MinKernel 10.0.0 PlistPath Contents/Info.plist Arch x86_64 BundlePath WhateverGreen.kext Comment Video patches Enabled ExecutablePath Contents/MacOS/WhateverGreen MaxKernel MinKernel 12.0.0 PlistPath Contents/Info.plist Arch x86_64 BundlePath AppleALC.kext Comment Audio patches Enabled ExecutablePath Contents/MacOS/AppleALC MaxKernel MinKernel 12.0.0 PlistPath Contents/Info.plist Arch x86_64 BundlePath IntelMausi.kext Comment Intel Ethernet LAN Enabled ExecutablePath Contents/MacOS/IntelMausi MaxKernel MinKernel PlistPath Contents/Info.plist Arch x86_64 BundlePath Legacy_USB3.kext Comment XHC ports configuration Enabled ExecutablePath MaxKernel MinKernel 15.0.0 PlistPath Contents/Info.plist Arch x86_64 BundlePath AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext Comment AppleMCEReporter disabler Enabled ExecutablePath MaxKernel MinKernel 19.0.0 PlistPath Contents/Info.plist Arch x86_64 BundlePath VoodooPS2Controller.kext Comment Enabled ExecutablePath Contents/MacOS/VoodooPS2Controller MaxKernel MinKernel 15.0.0 PlistPath Contents/Info.plist Arch x86_64 BundlePath VoodooPS2Controller.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooPS2Keyboard.kext Comment Enabled ExecutablePath Contents/MacOS/VoodooPS2Keyboard MaxKernel MinKernel 15.0.0 PlistPath Contents/Info.plist Arch x86_64 BundlePath VoodooPS2Controller.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooPS2Mouse.kext Comment Enabled ExecutablePath Contents/MacOS/VoodooPS2Mouse MaxKernel MinKernel 15.0.0 PlistPath Contents/Info.plist Arch x86_64 BundlePath VoodooPS2Controller.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooPS2Trackpad.kext Comment Enabled ExecutablePath Contents/MacOS/VoodooPS2Trackpad MaxKernel MinKernel 15.0.0 PlistPath Contents/Info.plist Arch x86_64 BundlePath VoodooPS2Controller.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooInput.kext Comment Enabled ExecutablePath Contents/MacOS/VoodooInput MaxKernel MinKernel 15.0.0 PlistPath Contents/Info.plist Block Arch Any Comment Enabled Identifier com.apple.driver.AppleTyMCEDriver MaxKernel MinKernel Emulate Cpuid1Data Cpuid1Mask DummyPowerManagement MaxKernel MinKernel Force Arch Any BundlePath System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext Comment Enabled ExecutablePath Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily Identifier com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily MaxKernel 13.99.99 MinKernel PlistPath Contents/Info.plist Patch Arch Any Base __ZN8AppleRTC18setupDateTimeAlarmEPK11RTCDateTime Comment Disable RTC wake scheduling Count 1 Enabled Find Identifier com.apple.driver.AppleRTC Limit 0 Mask MaxKernel MinKernel 19.0.0 Replace ww== ReplaceMask Skip 0 Arch Any Base _AcpiOsVprintf Comment Disable ACPI logging Count 0 Enabled Find Identifier com.apple.driver.AppleACPIPlatform Limit 0 Mask MaxKernel 18.5.0 MinKernel 18.5.0 Replace ww== ReplaceMask Skip 0 Arch x86_64 Base __ZN11BCM5701Enet14getAdapterInfoEv Comment Broadcom BCM57785 patch Count 1 Enabled Find 6AAA//9miYMABQAA Identifier com.apple.iokit.AppleBCM5701Ethernet Limit 0 Mask /wAA//////////// MaxKernel 19.9.9 MinKernel Replace uLQWAABmiYMABQAA ReplaceMask Skip 0 Arch x86_64 Base _panic Comment Send panic string to serial port Count 1 Enabled Find Identifier kernel Limit 0 Mask MaxKernel MinKernel Replace MfaKD4TJdQT/xrEKZrr9A+yoIHT7Zrr4A4jI7kj/x4X2dN/r/g== ReplaceMask Skip 0 Arch x86_64 Base _kernel_debug_string_early Comment Send early prints to serial port Count 1 Enabled Find Identifier kernel Limit 0 Mask MaxKernel MinKernel Replace MfaKD4TJdQT/xrEKZrr9A+yoIHT7Zrr4A4jI7kj/x4X2dN/D ReplaceMask Skip 0 Arch x86_64 Base _vstart Comment Print K and dead loop Count 1 Enabled Find Identifier kernel Limit 0 Mask MaxKernel MinKernel Replace sUtmuv0D7KggdPtmuvgDiMjusQpmuv0D7KggdPtmuvgDiMju6/4= ReplaceMask Skip 0 Arch x86_64 Base _vstart Comment Early reboot Count 1 Enabled Find Identifier kernel Limit 0 Mask MaxKernel MinKernel Replace McCwBrr5DAAA7uv+ ReplaceMask Skip 0 Quirks AppleCpuPmCfgLock AppleXcpmCfgLock AppleXcpmExtraMsrs AppleXcpmForceBoost CustomSMBIOSGuid DisableIoMapper DisableLinkeditJettison DisableRtcChecksum ExtendBTFeatureFlags ExternalDiskIcons ForceSecureBootScheme IncreasePciBarSize LapicKernelPanic LegacyCommpage PanicNoKextDump PowerTimeoutKernelPanic SetApfsTrimTimeout -1 ThirdPartyDrives XhciPortLimit Scheme FuzzyMatch KernelArch x86_64 KernelCache Auto Misc BlessOverride Boot ConsoleAttributes 0 HibernateMode None HideAuxiliary LauncherOption Disabled LauncherPath Default PickerAttributes 17 PickerAudioAssist PickerMode Builtin PickerVariant Auto PollAppleHotKeys ShowPicker TakeoffDelay 0 Timeout 5 Debug AppleDebug ApplePanic DisableWatchDog DisplayDelay 0 DisplayLevel 2147483650 SerialInit SysReport Target 3 Entries Arguments Auxiliary Comment Not signed for security reasons Enabled Name CustomOS Path PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x1)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,11-22-33-44-55-66-77-88)/HD(1,GPT,00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,0x800,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI TextMode Security AllowNvramReset AllowSetDefault ApECID 0 AuthRestart BlacklistAppleUpdate DmgLoading Signed EnablePassword ExposeSensitiveData 6 HaltLevel 2147483648 PasswordHash PasswordSalt ScanPolicy 17760515 SecureBootModel Default Vault Secure Tools Arguments Auxiliary Comment Not signed for security reasons Enabled Name UEFI Shell Path OpenShell.efi RealPath TextMode Arguments Auxiliary Comment Memory testing utility Enabled Name memcheck Path memcheck/memcheck.efi RealPath TextMode Arguments Shutdown Auxiliary Comment Perform shutdown Enabled Name Shutdown Path ResetSystem.efi RealPath TextMode NVRAM Add 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14 DefaultBackgroundColor AAAAAA== UIScale AQ== 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102 rtc-blacklist 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 SystemAudioVolume Rg== boot-args -v keepsyms=1 csr-active-config AAAAAA== prev-lang:kbd cnUtUlU6MjUy run-efi-updater No Delete 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14 UIScale DefaultBackgroundColor 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102 rtc-blacklist 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 boot-args LegacyEnable LegacyOverwrite LegacySchema 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 EFILoginHiDPI EFIBluetoothDelay LocationServicesEnabled SystemAudioVolume SystemAudioVolumeDB SystemAudioVolumeSaved bluetoothActiveControllerInfo bluetoothInternalControllerInfo flagstate fmm-computer-name fmm-mobileme-token-FMM fmm-mobileme-token-FMM-BridgeHasAccount nvda_drv prev-lang:kbd 8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C Boot0080 Boot0081 Boot0082 BootNext BootOrder WriteFlash PlatformInfo Automatic CustomMemory Generic AdviseWindows MaxBIOSVersion MLB M0000000000000001 ProcessorType 0 ROM ESIzRFVm SpoofVendor SystemMemoryStatus Auto SystemProductName iMac19,1 SystemSerialNumber W00000000001 SystemUUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 UpdateDataHub UpdateNVRAM UpdateSMBIOS UpdateSMBIOSMode Create UseRawUuidEncoding UEFI APFS EnableJumpstart GlobalConnect HideVerbose JumpstartHotPlug MinDate 0 MinVersion 0 AppleInput AppleEvent Builtin CustomDelays KeyInitialDelay 50 KeySubsequentDelay 5 PointerSpeedDiv 1 PointerSpeedMul 1 Audio AudioCodec 0 AudioDevice PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1b,0x0) AudioOut 0 AudioSupport MinimumVolume 20 PlayChime Auto ResetTrafficClass SetupDelay 0 VolumeAmplifier 0 ConnectDrivers Drivers HfsPlus.efi OpenRuntime.efi #OpenCanopy.efi #AudioDxe.efi #OpenPartitionDxe.efi #OpenUsbKbDxe.efi #UsbMouseDxe.efi #Ps2KeyboardDxe.efi #Ps2MouseDxe.efi #HiiDatabase.efi #NvmExpressDxe.efi #XhciDxe.efi #ExFatDxe.efi #CrScreenshotDxe.efi Input KeyFiltering KeyForgetThreshold 5 KeySupport KeySupportMode Auto KeySwap PointerSupport PointerSupportMode ASUS TimerResolution 50000 Output ClearScreenOnModeSwitch ConsoleMode DirectGopRendering ForceResolution GopPassThrough IgnoreTextInGraphics ProvideConsoleGop ReconnectOnResChange ReplaceTabWithSpace Resolution Max SanitiseClearScreen TextRenderer BuiltinGraphics UgaPassThrough ProtocolOverrides AppleAudio AppleBootPolicy AppleDebugLog AppleFramebufferInfo AppleImageConversion AppleImg4Verification AppleKeyMap AppleRtcRam AppleSecureBoot AppleSmcIo AppleUserInterfaceTheme DataHub DeviceProperties FirmwareVolume HashServices OSInfo UnicodeCollation Quirks ActivateHpetSupport DisableSecurityPolicy EnableVectorAcceleration ExitBootServicesDelay 0 ForgeUefiSupport IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio ReleaseUsbOwnership ReloadOptionRoms RequestBootVarRouting TscSyncTimeout 0 UnblockFsConnect ReservedMemory Address 268435456 Comment HD3000: IGPU memory corruption errata Enabled Size 268435456 Type Reserved Address 569344 Comment Fix black screen on wake from hibernation for Lenovo Thinkpad T490 Enabled Size 4096 Type RuntimeCode