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       Copyright \textcopyright 2018-2019 vit9696




This document provides information on
\href{}{OpenCore} user
configuration file format used to setup the correct functioning of macOS
operating system.

\subsection{Known defects}\label{reported-defects}

For OpenCore issues please refer to
\href{}{Acidanthera Bugtracker}.

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\subsection{Generic Terms}\label{generic-terms}
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115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179

  \texttt{plist} --- Subset of ASCII Property List format written in
  XML, also know as XML plist format version 1. Uniform Type Identifier
  (UTI): \texttt{}. Plists consist of
  \texttt{plist\ objects}, which are combined to form a hierarchical
  structure. Due to plist format not being well-defined, all the
  definitions of this document may only be applied after plist is
  considered valid by running \texttt{plutil\ -lint}. External
  \texttt{man\ plutil}.
  \texttt{plist\ type} --- plist collections (\texttt{plist\ array},
  \texttt{plist\ dictionary}, \texttt{plist\ key}) and primitives
  (\texttt{plist\ string}, \texttt{plist\ data}, \texttt{plist\ date},
  \texttt{plist\ boolean}, \texttt{plist\ integer},
  \texttt{plist\ real}).
  \texttt{plist\ object} --- definite realisation of
  \texttt{plist\ type}, which may be interpreted as value.
  \texttt{plist\ array} --- array-like collection, conforms to
  \texttt{array}. Consists of zero or more \texttt{plist\ objects}.
  \texttt{plist\ dictionary} --- map-like (associative array)
  collection, conforms to \texttt{dict}. Consists of zero or more
  \texttt{plist\ keys}.
  \texttt{plist\ key} --- contains one \texttt{plist\ object} going by
  the name of \texttt{plist\ key}, conforms to \texttt{key}. Consists of
  printable 7-bit ASCII characters.
  \texttt{plist\ string} --- printable 7-bit ASCII string, conforms to
  \texttt{plist\ data} --- base64-encoded blob, conforms to
  \texttt{plist\ date} --- ISO-8601 date, conforms to \texttt{date},
  \texttt{plist\ boolean} --- logical state object, which is either true
  (1) or false (0), conforms to \texttt{true} and \texttt{false}.
  \texttt{plist\ integer} --- possibly signed integer number in base 10,
  conforms to \texttt{integer}. Fits in 64-bit unsigned integer in two's
  complement representation, unless a smaller signed or unsigned
  integral type is explicitly mentioned in specific
  \texttt{plist\ object} description.
  \texttt{plist\ real} --- floating point number, conforms to
  \texttt{real}, unsupported.
  \texttt{plist\ metadata} --- value cast to data by the implementation.
  Permits passing \texttt{plist\ string}, in which case the result is
  represented by a null-terminated sequence of bytes (aka C string),
  \texttt{plist\ integer}, in which case the result is represented by
  \emph{32-bit} little endian sequence of bytes in two's complement
  representation, \texttt{plist\ boolean}, in which case the value is
  one byte: \texttt{01} for \texttt{true} and \texttt{00} for
  \texttt{false}, and \texttt{plist\ data} itself. All other types or
  larger integers invoke undefined behaviour.

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181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341

\subsection{Configuration Terms}\label{configuration-terms}

  \texttt{OC\ config} --- OpenCore Configuration file in \texttt{plist}
  format named \texttt{config.plist}. It has to provide extensible way
  to configure OpenCore and is structured to be separated into multiple
  named sections situated in the root \texttt{plist\ dictionary}. These
  sections are permitted to have \texttt{plist\ array} or
  \texttt{plist\ dictionary} types and are described in corresponding
  sections of this document.
  \texttt{valid\ key} --- \texttt{plist\ key} object of
  \texttt{OC\ config} described in this document or its future
  revisions. Besides explicitly described \texttt{valid\ keys}, keys
  starting with \texttt{\#} symbol (e.g. \texttt{\#Hello}) are also
  considered \texttt{valid\ keys} and behave as comments, effectively
  discarding their value, which is still required to be a valid
  \texttt{plist\ object}. All other \texttt{plist\ keys} are not valid,
  and their presence yields to \texttt{undefined\ behaviour}.
  \texttt{valid\ value} --- valid \texttt{plist\ object} of
  \texttt{OC\ config} described in this document that matches all the
  additional requirements in specific \texttt{plist\ object} description
  if any.
  \texttt{invalid\ value} --- valid \texttt{plist\ object} of
  \texttt{OC\ config} described in this document that is of other
  \texttt{plist\ type}, does not conform to additional requirements
  found in specific \texttt{plist\ object} description (e.g.~value
  range), or missing from the corresponding collection.
  \texttt{Invalid\ value} is read with or without an error message as
  any possible value of this \texttt{plist\ object} in an undetermined
  manner (i.e.~the values may not be same across the reboots). Whilst
  reading an \texttt{invalid\ value} is equivalent to reading certain
  defined \texttt{valid\ value}, applying incompatible value to the host
  system may yield to \texttt{undefined\ behaviour}.
  \texttt{optional\ value} --- \texttt{valid\ value} of
  \texttt{OC\ config} described in this document that reads in a certain
  defined manner provided in specific \texttt{plist\ object} description
  (instead of \texttt{invalid\ value}) when not present in
  \texttt{OC\ config}. All other cases of \texttt{invalid\ value} do
  still apply. Unless explicitly marked as \texttt{optional\ value}, any
  other value is required to be present and reads to
  \texttt{invalid\ value} if missing.
  \texttt{fatal\ behaviour} --- behaviour leading to boot termination.
  Implementation must stop the boot process from going any further until
  next host system boot. It is allowed but not required to perform cold
  reboot or show any warning message.
  \texttt{undefined\ behaviour} --- behaviour not prescribed by this
  document. Implementation is allowed to take any measures including but
  not limited to \texttt{fatal\ behaviour}, assuming any states or
  values, or ignoring, unless these measures negatively affect system
  security in general.

\subsection{Configuration Processing}\label{configuration-processing}

\texttt{OC\ config} is guaranteed to be processed at least once if it
was found. Depending on OpenCore bootstrapping mechanism multiple
\texttt{OC\ config} files may lead to reading any of them. No
\texttt{OC\ Config} may be present on disk, in which case all the values
read follow the rules of \texttt{invalid\ value} and
\texttt{optional\ value}.

\texttt{OC\ config} has size, nesting, and key amount limitations.
\texttt{OC\ config} size does not exceed \texttt{16\ MBs}.
\texttt{OC\ config} has no more than \texttt{8} nesting levels.
\texttt{OC\ config} has up to \texttt{16384} XML nodes (i.e.~one
\texttt{plist\ dictionary} item is counted as a pair of nodes) within
each \texttt{plist\ object}.

Reading malformed \texttt{OC\ config} file leads to
\texttt{undefined\ behaviour}. Examples of malformed \texttt{OC\ config}
cover at least the following cases:

  files non-conformant to \texttt{plist} DTD
  files with unsupported or non-conformant \texttt{plist\ objects} found
  in this document
  files violating size, nesting, and key amount limitations

It is recommended but not required to abort loading malformed
\texttt{OC\ config} and continue as if no \texttt{OC\ config} was
present. For forward compatibility it is recommended but not required
for the implementation to warn about the use of
\texttt{invalid\ values}. Recommended practice of interpreting
\texttt{invalid\ values} is to conform to the following convention where

Type & Value\tabularnewline
\texttt{plist\ string} & Empty string
\texttt{plist\ data} & Empty data
\texttt{plist\ integer} & 0
\texttt{plist\ boolean} & False
\texttt{plist\ tristate} & False

\subsection{Configuration Structure}\label{configuration-structure}

\texttt{OC\ config} is separated into following sections, which are described
in separate sections of this document. By default it is tried to not enable
anything and optionally provide kill switches with \texttt{Enable} property
for \texttt{plist dict} entries. In general the configuration is written
idiomatically to group similar actions in subsections:

  \texttt{Add} provides support for data addition.
  \texttt{Block} provides support for data removal or ignorance.
  \texttt{Patch} provides support for data modification.
  \texttt{Quirks} provides support for specific hacks.

Root configuration entries consist of the following:


\emph{Note}: Currently most properties try to have defined values even if not
specified in the configuration for safety reasons. This behaviour should not
be relied upon, and all fields must be properly specified in the configuration.

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\subsection{Directory Structure}\label{directory-structure}
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347 348 349 350
  grow via three points={one child at (0.5,-0.7) and
  two children at (0.5,-0.7) and (0.5,-1.4)},
  edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south) |- (\tikzchildnode.west)}]
351 352 353 354
  \node {ESP}
    child { node {EFI}
      child { node {BOOT}
        child { node [selected] {BOOTx64.efi}}
vit9696 已提交
      child [missing] {}
357 358
      child { node {OC}
        child { node {ACPI}
359 360 361
          child { node [optional] {DSDT.aml}}
          child { node [optional] {SSDT-1.aml}}
          child { node [optional] {MYTABLE.aml}}
362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385
        child [missing] {}
        child [missing] {}
        child [missing] {}
        child { node {Drivers}
          child { node [optional] {MyDriver.efi}}
          child { node [optional] {OtherDriver.efi}}
        child [missing] {}
        child [missing] {}
        child { node {Kexts}
          child { node [optional] {MyKext.kext}}
          child { node [optional] {OtherKext.kext}}
        child [missing] {}
        child [missing] {}
        child { node  {Tools}
          child { node [optional] {Tool.efi}}
        child [missing] {}
        child { node [selected] {OpenCore.efi}}
        child { node [optional] {vault.plist}}
        child { node {config.plist}}
        child { node [optional] {vault.sig}}
387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child [missing] {}
    child { node [optional] {nvram.plist}}
    child { node [optional] {opencore-YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS.txt}}
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411 412 413 414 415
Figure 1. Directory Structure

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416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466
When directory boot is used the directory structure used should follow
the description on \hyperref[fig:DS]{Directory Structure} figure. Available
entries include:

  Initial booter, which loads \texttt{OpenCore.efi} unless it was
  already started as a driver.
  Directory used for storing supplemental ACPI information
  for \hyperref[acpi]{\texttt{ACPI}} section.
  Directory used for storing supplemental \texttt{UEFI}
  drivers for \hyperref[uefi]{\texttt{UEFI}} section.
  Directory used for storing supplemental kernel information
  for \hyperref[kernel]{\texttt{Kernel}} section.
  Directory used for storing supplemental tools.
  Main booter driver responsible for operating system loading.
  Hashes for all files potentially loadable by \texttt{OC Config}.
  \texttt{OC Config}.
  Signature for \texttt{vault.plist}.
  OpenCore variable import file.
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468 469 470 471
  OpenCore log file.

472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479
\subsection{Installation and Upgrade}\label{configuration-install}

To install OpenCore reflect the
\hyperref[configuration-structure]{Configuration Structure} described
in the previous section on a EFI volume of a GPT partition. While
corresponding sections of this document do provide some information
in regards to external resources like ACPI tables, UEFI drivers,
or kernel extensions (kexts), completeness of the matter is out of
vit9696 已提交
480 481 482 483
the scope of this document. Information about kernel extensions may
be found in a separate
\href{}{Kext List}
document available in OpenCore repository. Vaulting information is provided in
484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495
\hyperref[miscsecurityprops]{Security Properties} section of this document.

\texttt{OC\ config}, just like any property lists can be edited with any
stock textual editor (e.g. nano, vim), but specialised software may provide
better experience. On macOS the preferred GUI application is
\href{}{Xcode}. For a lightweight
cross-platform and open-source alternative
\href{}{ProperTree} editor can be

For BIOS booting a third-party UEFI environment provider will have to
be used. \texttt{DuetPkg} is one of the known UEFI environment providers
for legacy systems. To run OpenCore on such a legacy system you can install
\texttt{DuetPkg} with a dedicated tool:
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499 500 501 502 503 504

For upgrade purposes refer to \texttt{Differences.pdf} document, providing
the information about the changes affecting the configuration compared
to the previous release, and \texttt{} document, containing
the list of modifications across all published updates.

505 506

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507 508 509 510 511 512 513
OpenCore can be compiled as an ordinary
\href{}{EDK II}.
Since \href{}{UDK}
development was abandoned by TianoCore, OpenCore requires the use of
\href{}{EDK II Stable}.
Currently supported EDK II release (potentially with patches enhancing the experience)
is hosted in \href{}{acidanthera/audk}.
514 515 516 517 518 519

The only officially supported toolchain is \texttt{XCODE5}. Other toolchains
might work, but are neither supported, nor recommended. Contribution of clean
patches is welcome. Please do follow
\href{}{EDK II C Codestyle}.

vit9696 已提交
520 521 522 523
Required external package dependencies include
\href{}{MacInfoPkg}, and
524 525 526

To compile with \texttt{XCODE5}, besides \href{}{Xcode},
one should also install \href{}{NASM} and
527 528 529
The latest Xcode version is recommended for use despite the toolchain name. Example
command sequence may look as follows:

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\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Compilation Commands, label=compile, style=ocbash]
vit9696 已提交
git clone UDK
533 534
cd UDK
git clone
vit9696 已提交
git clone
536 537 538
git clone
git clone
vit9696 已提交
make -C BaseTools
540 541 542
build -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -p OpenCorePkg/OpenCorePkg.dsc

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543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558
For IDE usage Xcode projects are available in the root of the repositories. Another
approach could be \href{}{Sublime Text} with
\href{}{EasyClangComplete} plugin.
Add \texttt{.clang\_complete} file with similar content to your UDK root:

\begin{lstlisting}[caption=ECC Configuration, label=eccfile, style=ocbash]
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561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571
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573 574
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576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583
\textbf{Warning}: Tool developers modifying \texttt{config.plist} or any other OpenCore
files must ensure that their tool checks for \texttt{opencore-version} NVRAM variable
(see \hyperref[miscdebugprops]{Debug Properties} section below) and warn the user
if the version listed is unsupported or prerelease. OpenCore configuration may change
across the releases and the tool shall ensure that it carefully follows this document.
Failure to do so may result in this tool to be considered as malware and blocked with
all possible means.

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584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591


ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) is an open standard to
discover and configure computer hardware.
\href{}{ACPI specification} defines the
standard tables (e.g.~\texttt{DSDT}, \texttt{SSDT}, \texttt{FACS}, \texttt{DMAR})
and various methods (e.g. \texttt{\_DSM}, \texttt{\_PRW}) for implementation.
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593 594 595
Modern hardware needs little changes to maintain ACPI compatibility, yet
some of those are provided as a part of OpenCore.

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596 597 598 599
To compile and disassemble ACPI tables \href{}{iASL compiler}
can be used developed by \href{}{ACPICA}. GUI front-end to iASL compiler
can be downloaded from \href{}{Acidanthera/MaciASL}.

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600 601 602 603 604 605

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ array}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty\\
  \textbf{Description}: Load selected tables from \texttt{OC/ACPI}
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608 609

610 611
  Designed to be filled with \texttt{plist\ dict} values, describing each block entry.
  See \hyperref[acpipropsadd]{Add Properties} section below.
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612 613 614 615

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ array}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty\\
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617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624
  \textbf{Description}: Remove selected tables from ACPI stack.

  Designed to be filled with \texttt{plist\ dict} values, describing each block entry.
  See \hyperref[acpipropsblock]{Block Properties} section below.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ array}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty\\
626 627
  \textbf{Description}: Perform binary patches in ACPI tables before
  table addition or removal.
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628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639

  Designed to be filled with \texttt{plist\ dictionary} values describing each
  patch entry. See \hyperref[acpipropspatch]{Patch Properties} section below.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Apply individual ACPI quirks described
  in \hyperref[acpipropsquirks]{Quirks Properties} section below.


640 641 642 643 644 645
\subsection{Add Properties}\label{acpipropsadd}

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
647 648 649 650 651 652 653
  \textbf{Description}: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable
  reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
  \textbf{Description}: This ACPI table will not be added unless set to
656 657 658 659 660

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
662 663 664 665 666
  \textbf{Description}: File paths meant to be loaded as ACPI tables.
  Example values include \texttt{DSDT.aml}, \texttt{SubDir/SSDT-8.aml},
  \texttt{SSDT-USBX.aml}, etc.

  ACPI table load order follows the item order in the array. All ACPI tables
  load from \texttt{OC/ACPI} directory.
668 669 670 671 672 673 674

  \textbf{Note}: All tables but tables with \texttt{DSDT} table identifier
  (determined by parsing data not by filename) insert new tables into ACPI stack.
  \texttt{DSDT}, unlike the rest, performs replacement of DSDT table.


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675 676 677
\subsection{Block Properties}\label{acpipropsblock}

678 679 680
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
682 683 684
  \textbf{Description}: If set to \texttt{true}, all ACPI tables matching the
  condition will be dropped. Otherwise only first matched table.

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685 686 687
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
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689 690 691 692 693 694 695
  \textbf{Description}: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable
  reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
697 698 699 700 701 702
  \textbf{Description}: This ACPI table will not be removed unless set to

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 8 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: All zero\\
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704 705 706 707
  \textbf{Description}: Match table OEM ID to be equal to this value
  unless all zero.

vit9696 已提交
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
vit9696 已提交
711 712 713
  \textbf{Description}: Match table size to be equal to this value
  unless \texttt{0}.

714 715 716
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 4 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: All zero\\
718 719 720
  \textbf{Description}: Match table signature to be equal to this value
  unless all zero.

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721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729

\subsection{Patch Properties}\label{acpipropspatch}


  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
vit9696 已提交
731 732 733 734 735 736 737
  \textbf{Description}: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable
  reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
vit9696 已提交
739 740 741 742 743 744
  \textbf{Description}: Number of patch occurrences to apply. \texttt{0} applies
  the patch to all occurrences found.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
746 747 748 749 750 751
  \textbf{Description}: This ACPI patch will not be used unless set to

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty data\\
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753 754 755 756 757
  \textbf{Description}: Data to find. Must equal to \texttt{Replace} in size.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
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759 760 761 762 763 764
  \textbf{Description}: Maximum number of bytes to search for. Can be set to
  \texttt{0} to look through the whole ACPI table.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty data\\
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766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773
  \textbf{Description}: Data bitwise mask used during find comparison.
  Allows fuzzy search by ignoring not masked (set to zero) bits. Can be
  set to empty data to be ignored. Must equal to \texttt{Replace} in size

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 8 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: All zero\\
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775 776 777 778 779 780
  \textbf{Description}: Match table OEM ID to be equal to this value
  unless all zero.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty data\\
vit9696 已提交
782 783 784 785 786
  \textbf{Description}: Replacement data of one or more bytes.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty data\\
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788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795
  \textbf{Description}: Data bitwise mask used during replacement.
  Allows fuzzy replacement by updating masked (set to non-zero) bits. Can be
  set to empty data to be ignored. Must equal to \texttt{Replace} in size

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
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797 798 799 800 801 802
  \textbf{Description}: Number of found occurrences to be skipped before replacement
  is done.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
vit9696 已提交
804 805 806 807 808 809
  \textbf{Description}: Match table size to be equal to this value
  unless \texttt{0}.

  \textbf{Type}: \\texttt{plist\ data}, 4 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: All zero\\
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811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832
  \textbf{Description}: Match table signature to be equal to this value
  unless all zero.


In the majority of the cases ACPI patches are not useful and harmful:

  Avoid renaming devices with ACPI patches. This may fail or perform
  improper renaming of unrelated devices (e.g. \texttt{EC} and
  \texttt{EC0}), be unnecessary, or even fail to rename devices in select tables. For
  ACPI consistency it is much safer to rename devices at I/O Registry
  level, as done by
  Avoid patching \texttt{\_OSI} to support a higher level of feature sets
  unless absolutely required. Commonly this enables a number of hacks on APTIO
  firmwares, which result in the need to add more patches. Modern firmwares
  generally do not need it at all, and those that do are fine with much
  smaller patches.
  Try to avoid hacky changes like renaming \texttt{\_PRW} or \texttt{\_DSM}
vit9696 已提交
834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861
  whenever possible.

Several cases, where patching actually does make sense, include:

  Refreshing \texttt{HPET} (or another device) method header to avoid
  compatibility checks by \texttt{\_OSI} on legacy hardware. \texttt{\_STA}
  method with \texttt{if ((OSFL () == Zero)) \{ If (HPTE)  ...  Return (Zero)}
  content may be forced to always return 0xF by replacing
  \texttt{A0 10 93 4F 53 46 4C 00} with \texttt{A4 0A 0F A3 A3 A3 A3 A3}.
  To provide custom method implementation with in an SSDT, for instance,
  to report functional key presses on a laptop, the original method can be replaced
  with a dummy name by patching \texttt{\_Q11} with \texttt{XQ11}.

Tianocore \href{}{AcpiAml.h}
source file may help understanding ACPI opcodes.

\subsection{Quirks Properties}\label{acpipropsquirks}


  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
863 864 865 866 867 868
  \textbf{Description}: Provide reset register and flag in FADT table to enable
  reboot and shutdown on legacy hardware. Not recommended unless required.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878
  \textbf{Description}: Cleanup ACPI header fields to workaround macOS
  ACPI implementation bug causing boot crashes. Reference:
  AppleACPIPlatform on 10.13} by Alex James aka theracermaster. The
  issue is fixed in macOS Mojave (10.14).

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904
  \textbf{Description}: Attempt to heuristically relocate ACPI memory
  regions. Not recommended.

  ACPI tables are often generated dynamically by underlying firmware
  implementation. Among the position-independent code, ACPI tables may
  contain physical addresses of MMIO areas used for device
  configuration, usually grouped in regions (e.g.
  \texttt{OperationRegion}). Changing firmware settings or hardware
  configuration, upgrading or patching the firmware inevitably leads to
  changes in dynamically generated ACPI code, which sometimes lead to
  the shift of the addresses in aforementioned \texttt{OperationRegion}

  For this reason it is very dangerous to apply any kind of
  modifications to ACPI tables. The most reasonable approach is to make
  as few as possible changes to ACPI and try to not replace any tables,
  especially DSDT. When this is not possible, then at least attempt to
  ensure that custom DSDT is based on the most recent DSDT or remove
  writes and reads for the affected areas.

  When nothing else helps this option could be tried to avoid stalls at
  \texttt{PCI\ Configuration\ Begin} phase of macOS booting by
  attempting to fix the ACPI addresses. It does not do magic, and only
  works with most common cases. Do not use unless absolutely required.

905 906 907
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
909 910 911 912 913 914
  \textbf{Description}: Reset \texttt{FACS} table \texttt{HardwareSignature}
  value to \texttt{0}.

  This works around firmwares that fail to maintain hardware signature across
  the reboots and cause issues with waking from hibernation.

915 916 917
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
919 920 921 922 923 924
  \textbf{Description}: Reset \texttt{BGRT} table \texttt{Displayed}
  status field to \texttt{false}.

  This works around firmwares that provide \texttt{BGRT} table but
  fail to handle screen updates afterwards.

vit9696 已提交
925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935



Device configuration is provided to macOS with a dedicated buffer,
called \texttt{EfiDevicePropertyDatabase}. This buffer is a serialised
map of DevicePaths to a map of property names and their values.

vit9696 已提交
936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945
Property data can be debugged with
To obtain current property data use the following command in macOS:
\begin{lstlisting}[label=gfxutil, style=ocbash]
ioreg -lw0 -p IODeviceTree -n efi -r -x | grep device-properties |
  sed 's/.*<//;s/>.*//' > /tmp/device-properties.hex &&
  gfxutil /tmp/device-properties.hex /tmp/device-properties.plist &&
  cat /tmp/device-properties.plist

vit9696 已提交
946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Sets device properties from a map (\texttt{plist\ dict})
  of deivce paths to a map (\texttt{plist\ dict}) of variable names and their values
  in \texttt{plist\ metadata} format. Device paths must be provided in canonic string
  format (e.g. \texttt{PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)}). Properties will only
  be set if not present and not blocked.

  \emph{Note}: Currently properties may only be (formerly) added by the original driver,
  so unless a separate driver was installed, there is no reason to block the variables.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Removes device properties from a map (\texttt{plist\ dict})
  of deivce paths to an array (\texttt{plist\ array}) of variable names in
  \texttt{plist\ string} format.


\subsection{Common Properties}\label{devpropscommon}

Some known properties include:

  User-specified device identifier used for I/O Kit matching. Has 4 byte data type.
  User-specified vendor identifier used for I/O Kit matching. Has 4 byte data type.
  Intel GPU framebuffer identifier used for framebuffer selection on Ivy Bridge and newer.
  Has 4 byte data type.
  Intel GPU framebuffer identifier used for framebuffer selection on Sandy Bridge.
  Has 4 byte data type.
  Audio layout used for AppleHDA layout selection. Has 4 byte data type.



This section allows to apply different kinds of kernelspace modifications on
Apple Kernel (\href{}{XNU}). The modifications
currently provide driver (kext) injection, kernel and driver patching, and driver


  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ array}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty\\
vit9696 已提交
1017 1018 1019
  \textbf{Description}: Load selected kernel drivers from \texttt{OC/Kexts} directory.

  Designed to be filled with \texttt{plist\ dict} values, describing each driver.
vit9696 已提交
1020 1021 1022
  See \hyperref[kernelpropsadd]{Add Properties} section below. Kernel driver load
  order follows the item order in the array, thus the dependencies should be written
  prior to their consumers.
vit9696 已提交
1023 1024 1025 1026

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ array}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty\\
vit9696 已提交
1028 1029 1030 1031 1032
  \textbf{Description}: Remove selected kernel drivers from prelinked kernel.

  Designed to be filled with \texttt{plist\ dictionary} values, describing each
  blocked driver. See \hyperref[kernelpropsblock]{Block Properties} section below.

1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Emulate select hardware in kernelspace via parameters
  described in \hyperref[kernelpropsemu]{Emulate Properties} section below.

vit9696 已提交
1039 1040 1041
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ array}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty\\
vit9696 已提交
  \textbf{Description}: Perform binary patches in kernel and drivers prior to
  driver addition and removal.
vit9696 已提交
1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060

  Designed to be filled with \texttt{plist\ dictionary} values, describing each
  patch. See \hyperref[kernelpropspatch]{Patch Properties} section below.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Apply individual kernel and driver quirks described
  in \hyperref[kernelpropsquirks]{Quirks Properties} section below.


\subsection{Add Properties}\label{kernelpropsadd}

vit9696 已提交
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
1064 1065
  \textbf{Description}: Kext bundle path (e.g. \texttt{Lilu.kext}
  or \texttt{MyKext.kext/Contents/PlugIns/MySubKext.kext}).
vit9696 已提交
1066 1067 1068 1069

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
vit9696 已提交
1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077
  \textbf{Description}: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable
  reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084
  \textbf{Description}: This kernel driver will not be added unless set to

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
vit9696 已提交
1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091
  \textbf{Description}: Kext executable path relative to bundle
  (e.g. \texttt{Contents/MacOS/Lilu}).

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
vit9696 已提交
1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100
  \textbf{Description}: Blocks kernel driver on selected macOS version only.
  The selection happens based on prefix match with the kernel version, i.e.
  \texttt{16.7.0} will match macOS 10.12.6 and \texttt{16.} will match
  any macOS 10.12.x version.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
vit9696 已提交
1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112
  \textbf{Description}: Kext \texttt{Info.plist} path relative to bundle
  (e.g. \texttt{Contents/Info.plist}).


\subsection{Block Properties}\label{kernelpropsblock}

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
vit9696 已提交
1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120
  \textbf{Description}: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable
  reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
  \textbf{Description}: This kernel driver will not be blocked unless set to
vit9696 已提交
1123 1124 1125 1126 1127

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
vit9696 已提交
1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134
  \textbf{Description}: Kext bundle identifier
    (e.g. \texttt{}).

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
vit9696 已提交
1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142
  \textbf{Description}: Blocks kernel driver on selected macOS version only.
  The selection happens based on prefix match with the kernel version, i.e.
  \texttt{16.7.0} will match macOS 10.12.6 and \texttt{16.} will match
  any macOS 10.12.x version.


1143 1144 1145 1146 1147
\subsection{Emulate Properties}\label{kernelpropsemu}

Andrey1970AppleLife 已提交
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 16 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: All zero\\
1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155
  \textbf{Description}: Sequence of \texttt{EAX}, \texttt{EBX}, \texttt{ECX},
  \texttt{EDX} values in Little Endian order to replace \texttt{CPUID (1)}
  call in XNU kernel.

Andrey1970AppleLife 已提交
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 16 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: All zero\\
  \textbf{Description}: Bit mask of active bits in \texttt{Cpuid1Data}. When
vit9696 已提交
1159 1160
  each \texttt{Cpuid1Mask} bit is set to 0, the original CPU bit is used,
  otherwise set bits take the value of \texttt{Cpuid1Data}.
1161 1162 1163


vit9696 已提交
1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169
\subsection{Patch Properties}\label{kernelpropspatch}

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
vit9696 已提交
1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177
  \textbf{Description}: Selects symbol-matched base for patch lookup (or immediate
  replacement) by obtaining the address of provided symbol name. Can be set to
  empty string to be ignored.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
vit9696 已提交
1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185
  \textbf{Description}: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable
  reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
vit9696 已提交
1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192
  \textbf{Description}: Number of patch occurrences to apply. \texttt{0} applies
  the patch to all occurrences found.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199
  \textbf{Description}: This kernel patch will not be used unless set to

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty data\\
vit9696 已提交
1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207
  \textbf{Description}: Data to find. Can be set to empty for immediate
  replacement at \texttt{Base}. Must equal to \texttt{Replace} in size

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
vit9696 已提交
1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214
  \textbf{Description}: Kext bundle identifier (e.g. \texttt{})
  or \texttt{kernel} for kernel patch.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
vit9696 已提交
1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221
  \textbf{Description}: Maximum number of bytes to search for. Can be set to
  \texttt{0} to look through the whole kext or kernel.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty data\\
vit9696 已提交
1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230
  \textbf{Description}: Data bitwise mask used during find comparison.
  Allows fuzzy search by ignoring not masked (set to zero) bits. Can be
  set to empty data to be ignored. Must equal to \texttt{Replace} in size

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
vit9696 已提交
  \textbf{Description}: Adds kernel driver to selected macOS version only.
vit9696 已提交
1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239
  The selection happens based on prefix match with the kernel version, i.e.
  \texttt{16.7.0} will match macOS 10.12.6 and \texttt{16.} will match
  any macOS 10.12.x version.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty data\\
vit9696 已提交
1241 1242 1243 1244 1245
  \textbf{Description}: Replacement data of one or more bytes.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty data\\
vit9696 已提交
1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254
  \textbf{Description}: Data bitwise mask used during replacement.
  Allows fuzzy replacement by updating masked (set to non-zero) bits. Can be
  set to empty data to be ignored. Must equal to \texttt{Replace} in size

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
vit9696 已提交
1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263
  \textbf{Description}: Number of found occurrences to be skipped before replacement
  is done.


\subsection{Quirks Properties}\label{kernelpropsquirks}


vit9696 已提交
1265 1266 1267
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275
  \textbf{Description}: Disables \texttt{PKG\_CST\_CONFIG\_CONTROL} (\texttt{0xE2})
  MSR modification in AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext, commonly causing early
  kernel panic, when it is locked from writing.

  \emph{Note}: This option should avoided whenever possible. Modern firmwares provide
  \texttt{CFG Lock} setting, disabling which is much cleaner. More details
  about the issue can be found in
  \href{}{VerifyMsrE2} notes.
vit9696 已提交

1278 1279 1280
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288
  \textbf{Description}: Disables \texttt{PKG\_CST\_CONFIG\_CONTROL} (\texttt{0xE2})
  MSR modification in XNU kernel, commonly causing early kernel panic, when it is
  locked from writing (XCPM power management).

  \emph{Note}: This option should avoided whenever possible. Modern firmwares provide
  \texttt{CFG Lock} setting, disabling which is much cleaner. More details
  about the issue can be found in
  \href{}{VerifyMsrE2} notes.

1291 1292 1293
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Disables multiple MSR access critical for select CPUs,
  which have no native XCPM support.

1298 1299
  This is normally used in conjunction with \texttt{Emulate} section on Haswell-E,
  Broadwell-E, Skylake-X, and similar CPUs. More details on the XCPM patches are outlined in
1300 1301

1302 1303 1304
  \emph{Note}: Additional not provided patches will be required for Ivy Bridge or Pentium
  CPUs. It is recommended to use \texttt{AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement.kext} for the former.

1305 1306 1307
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
1309 1310 1311
  \textbf{Description}: Performs GUID patching for \texttt{UpdateSMBIOSMode}
  \texttt{Custom} mode. Usually relevant for Dell laptops.

1312 1313 1314
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322
  \textbf{Description}: Disables \texttt{IOMapper} support in XNU (VT-d),
  which may conflict with the firmware implementation.

  \emph{Note}: This option is a preferred alternative to dropping \texttt{DMAR}
  ACPI table and disabling VT-d in firmware preferences, which does not break
  VT-d support in other systems in case they need it.

vit9696 已提交
1323 1324 1325
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Apply icon type patches to AppleAHCIPort.kext to force
vit9696 已提交
1328 1329 1330 1331 1332
  internal disk icons for all AHCI disks.

  \emph{Note}: This option should avoided whenever possible. Modern firmwares
  usually have compatible AHCI controllers.

1333 1334 1335
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
  \textbf{Description}: Disables kernel panic on LAPIC interrupts.

1339 1340 1341
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
1343 1344 1345
  \textbf{Description}: Prevent kernel from printing kext dump in the panic
  log preventing from observing panic details. Affects 10.13 and above.

vit9696 已提交
1346 1347 1348
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Patch IOAHCIBlockStorage.kext to force TRIM command support
vit9696 已提交
1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359
  on AHCI SSDs.

  \emph{Note}: This option should avoided whenever possible. NVMe SSDs are
  compatible without the change. For AHCI SSDs on modern macOS version there
  is a dedicated built-in utility called \texttt{trimforce}.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367
  \textbf{Description}: Patch various kexts (AppleUSBXHCI.kext, AppleUSBXHCIPCI.kext,
  IOUSBHostFamily.kext) to remove USB port count limit of 15 ports.

  \emph{Note}: This option should avoided whenever possible. USB port limit
  is imposed by the amount of used bits in locationID format and there is no
  possible way to workaround this without heavy OS modification. The only
  valid solution is to limit the amount of used ports to 15 (discarding some).
  More details can be found on \href{}{}.
vit9696 已提交
1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380




This section contains miscellaneous configuration entries for OpenCore
behaviour that does not go to any other sections


vit9696 已提交
1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Apply boot configuration described in
  \hyperref[miscbootprops]{Boot Properties} section below.

vit9696 已提交
1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Apply debug configuration described in
  \hyperref[miscdebugprops]{Debug Properties} section below.

1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Apply security configuration described in
  \hyperref[miscsecurityprops]{Security Properties} section below.

1400 1401 1402 1403
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ array}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Add new entries to boot picker.

1405 1406
  Designed to be filled with \texttt{plist\ dict} values, describing each block entry.
  See \hyperref[misctoolprops]{Tools Properties} section below.

1408 1409 1410
  \emph{Note}: Select tools, for example,
  \href{}{UEFI Shell} or
  \href{}{CleanNvram} are very
vit9696 已提交
1411 1412 1413
  dangerous and \textbf{MUST NOT} appear in production configurations, especially
  in vaulted ones and protected with secure boot, as they may be used to easily
  bypass secure boot chain.

vit9696 已提交
1415 1416

1417 1418 1419 1420
\subsection{Boot Properties}\label{miscbootprops}


1421 1422 1423
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
1425 1426 1427 1428 1429
  \textbf{Description}: Sets console output mode as specified
  with the \texttt{WxH} (e.g. \texttt{80x24}) formatted string.
  Set to empty string not to change console mode. Set to \texttt{Max}
  to try to use largest available console mode.

1430 1431 1432
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
1434 1435 1436 1437
  \textbf{Description}: Set console control behaviour upon operating system load.

  Console control is a legacy protocol used for switching between text and graphics
  screen output. Some firmwares do not provide it, yet select operating systems
  require its presence, which is what \texttt{ConsoleControl} UEFI protocol is for.
1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451

  When console control is available, OpenCore can be made console control aware, and
  and set different modes for the operating system booter (\texttt{ConsoleBehaviourOs}),
  which normally runs in graphics mode, and its own user interface
  (\texttt{ConsoleBehaviourUi}), which normally runs in text mode. Possible
  behaviours, set as values of these options, include:

  \item Empty string --- Do not modify console control mode.
  \item \texttt{Text} --- Switch to text mode.
  \item \texttt{Graphics} --- Switch to graphics mode.
  \item \texttt{ForceText} --- Switch to text mode and preserve it
  (requires \texttt{ConsoleControl}).
  \item \texttt{ForceGraphics} --- Switch to graphics mode and preserve it
  (require \texttt{ConsoleControl}).
1455 1456

1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467
  \item Unless empty works, firstly try to set
  \texttt{ConsoleBehaviourOs} to \texttt{Graphics} and
  \texttt{ConsoleBehaviourUi} to \texttt{Text}.
  \item On APTIO IV (Haswell and earlier) it is usually enough to have
  \texttt{ConsoleBehaviourOs} set to \texttt{Graphics} and
  \texttt{ConsoleBehaviourUi} set to \texttt{ForceText} to avoid visual glitches.
  \item On APTIO V (Broadwell and newer) \texttt{ConsoleBehaviourOs}
  set to \texttt{ForceGraphics} and \texttt{ConsoleBehaviourUi} set to
1468 1469 1470 1471
  \texttt{ForceText} usually works best.
  \item On Apple firmwares \texttt{ConsoleBehaviourOs}
  set to \texttt{Graphics} and \texttt{ConsoleBehaviourUi} set to
  \texttt{Text} is supposed to work best.

1474 1475
  \emph{Note}: \texttt{IgnoreTextInGraphics} and \texttt{SanitiseClearScreen} may need to be enabled for select
  firmware implementations. Particularly APTIO firmwares.
1476 1477 1478 1479

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
1481 1482 1483
  \textbf{Description}: Set console control behaviour upon OpenCore user
  interface load. Refer to \texttt{ConsoleBehaviourOs} description for details.

1484 1485 1486
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{None}\\
1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497
  \textbf{Description}: Hibernation detection mode. The following modes are supported:

    \item \texttt{None} --- Avoid hibernation for your own good.
    \item \texttt{Auto} --- Use RTC and NVRAM detection.
    \item \texttt{RTC} --- Use RTC detection.
    \item \texttt{NVRAM} --- Use NVRAM detection.

vit9696 已提交
1498 1499 1500
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
1502 1503 1504 1505
  \textbf{Description}: Hides own boot entry from boot picker. This
  may potentially hide other entries, for instance, when another UEFI OS is
  installed on the same volume and driver boot is used.

1506 1507 1508
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524
  \textbf{Description}: Sets console output screen resolution.

  \item Set to \texttt{WxH@Bpp} (e.g. \texttt{1920x1080@32}) \texttt{WxH}
  (e.g. \texttt{1920x1080}) formatted string to request custom resolution
  from GOP if available.
  \item Set to empty string not to change screen resolution.
  \item Set to \texttt{Max} to try to use largest available screen resolution.

  On HiDPI screens \texttt{APPLE\_VENDOR\_VARIABLE\_GUID} \texttt{UIScale}
  NVRAM variable may need to be set to \texttt{02} to enable HiDPI scaling
  in FileVault 2 UEFI password interface and boot screen logo. Refer to
  \hyperref[nvramvarsrec]{Recommended Variables} section for more details.
1525 1526 1527 1528 1529

  \emph{Note}: This will fail when console handle has no GOP protocol. When
  the firmware does not provide it, it can be added with \texttt{ProvideConsoleGop}
  UEFI quirk set to \texttt{true}.

1530 1531 1532
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
1534 1535 1536 1537 1538
  \textbf{Description}: Show simple boot picker to allow boot entry selection.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}, 32 bit\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
1540 1541 1542
  \textbf{Description}: Timeout in seconds in boot picker before
  automatic booting of the default boot entry.

1543 1544 1545
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552
  \textbf{Description}: Use OpenCore built-in boot picker for boot management.

  \texttt{UsePicker} set to \texttt{false} entirely disables all boot management
  in OpenCore except policy enforcement. In this case a custom user interface may
  utilise \href{}{OcSupportPkg}
  \texttt{OcBootManagementLib} to implement a user friendly boot picker oneself.
1553 1554 1555
  Reference example of external graphics interface is provided in
  test driver.
1556 1557 1558 1559

  \emph{Note}: By default OpenCore built-in boot picker loads the default discovered
  option, this can be changed by setting \texttt{ShowPicker} to \texttt{true}.

1560 1561

vit9696 已提交
1562 1563 1564 1565
\subsection{Debug Properties}\label{miscdebugprops}


1566 1567 1568
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
1570 1571 1572 1573
  \textbf{Description}: Select firmwares may not succeed in quickly booting
  the operating system, especially in debug mode, which results in watch dog
  timer aborting the process. This option turns off watch dog timer.

vit9696 已提交
vit9696 已提交
vit9696 已提交
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
vit9696 已提交
  \textbf{Description}: Delay in microseconds performed after
vit9696 已提交
  every printed line visible onscreen (i.e. console).
vit9696 已提交

1581 1582 1583
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}, 64 bit\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592
  \textbf{Description}: EDK II debug level bitmask (sum) showed onscreen.
  Unless \texttt{Target} enables console (onscreen) printing,
  onscreen debug output will not be visible. The following levels
  are supported (discover more in

    \item \texttt{0x00000002} (bit \texttt{1}) --- \texttt{DEBUG\_WARN} in \texttt{DEBUG},
      \texttt{NOOPT}, \texttt{RELEASE}.
    \item \texttt{0x00000040} (bit \texttt{6}) --- \texttt{DEBUG\_INFO} in \texttt{DEBUG},
1597 1598
    \item \texttt{0x00400000} (bit \texttt{22}) --- \texttt{DEBUG\_VERBOSE} in custom builds.
    \item \texttt{0x80000000} (bit \texttt{31}) --- \texttt{DEBUG\_ERROR} in \texttt{DEBUG},
1599 1600 1601
      \texttt{NOOPT}, \texttt{RELEASE}.

vit9696 已提交
1602 1603 1604
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
vit9696 已提交
1606 1607
  \textbf{Description}: A bitmask (sum) of enabled logging targets.
  By default all the logging output is hidden, so this option is
1608 1609 1610
  required to be set when debugging is necessary.

  The following logging targets are supported:
vit9696 已提交
1611 1612 1613

1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620
    \item \texttt{0x01} (bit \texttt{0}) --- Enable logging, otherwise all log is discarded.
    \item \texttt{0x02} (bit \texttt{1}) --- Enable basic console (onscreen) logging.
    \item \texttt{0x04} (bit \texttt{2}) --- Enable logging to Data Hub.
    \item \texttt{0x08} (bit \texttt{3}) --- Enable serial port logging.
    \item \texttt{0x10} (bit \texttt{4}) --- Enable UEFI variable logging.
    \item \texttt{0x20} (bit \texttt{5}) --- Enable non-volatile UEFI variable logging.
    \item \texttt{0x40} (bit \texttt{6}) --- Enable logging to file.
vit9696 已提交
1621 1622

  Console logging prints less than all the other variants.
vit9696 已提交
1624 1625 1626
  Depending on the build type (\texttt{RELEASE}, \texttt{DEBUG}, or
  \texttt{NOOPT}) different amount of logging may be read (from least to most).

vit9696 已提交
1627 1628
  Data Hub log will not log kernel and kext patches. To obtain Data Hub log use
  the following command in macOS:
vit9696 已提交
\begin{lstlisting}[label=dhublog, style=ocbash]
vit9696 已提交
ioreg -lw0 -p IODeviceTree | grep boot-log | sort | sed 's/.*<\(.*\)>.*/\1/' | xxd -r -p
vit9696 已提交
1631 1632

vit9696 已提交
1633 1634 1635 1636
  UEFI variable log does not include some messages and has no performance data. For safety
  reasons log size is limited to 32 kilobytes. Some firmwares may truncate it much earlier
  or drop completely if they have no memory. Using non-volatile flag will write the log to
  NVRAM flash after every printed line. To obtain UEFI variable log use the following command
vit9696 已提交
1637 1638
  in macOS:
\begin{lstlisting}[label=nvramlog, style=ocbash]
nvram 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:boot-log |
vit9696 已提交
1640 1641 1642
  awk '{gsub(/%0d%0a%00/,"");gsub(/%0d%0a/,"\n")}1'

1643 1644 1645 1646
  \emph{Warning}: Some firmwares are reported to have broken NVRAM garbage collection.
  This means that they may not be able to always free space after variable deletion.
  Do not use non-volatile NVRAM logging without extra need on such devices.

vit9696 已提交
1647 1648
  While OpenCore boot log already contains basic version information with build type and
  date, this data may also be found in NVRAM in \texttt{opencore-version} variable
  even with boot log disabled.
vit9696 已提交

1651 1652 1653 1654 1655
  File logging will create a file named \texttt{opencore-YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS.txt} at EFI
  volume root with log contents (the upper case letter sequence is replaced with date
  and time from the firmware). Please be warned that some file system drivers present
  in firmwares are not reliable, and may corrupt data when writing files through UEFI.
  Log is attempted to be written in the safest manner, and thus is very slow. Ensure that
vit9696 已提交
  \texttt{DisableWatchDog} is set to \texttt{true} when you use a slow drive.
vit9696 已提交
1657 1658

vit9696 已提交

1660 1661 1662
\subsection{Security Properties}\label{miscsecurityprops}

1663 1664 1665 1666

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{2}\\
1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692
  \textbf{Description}: Sensitive data exposure bitmask (sum) to operating system.

    \item \texttt{0x01} --- Expose printable booter path as an UEFI variable.
    \item \texttt{0x02} --- Expose OpenCore version as an UEFI variable.

  Exposed booter path points to OpenCore.efi or its booter depending on the load order.
  To obtain booter path use the following command in macOS:
\begin{lstlisting}[label=nvrampath, style=ocbash]
nvram 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:boot-path

  To use booter path for mounting booter volume use the following command in macOS:
\begin{lstlisting}[label=nvrampathmount, style=ocbash]
u=$(nvram 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:boot-path | sed 's/.*GPT,\([^,]*\),.*/\1/'); \
  if [ "$u" != "" ]; then sudo diskutil mount $u ; fi

  To obtain OpenCore version use the following command in macOS:
\begin{lstlisting}[label=nvramver, style=ocbash]
nvram 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:opencore-version

1693 1694 1695
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}, 64 bit\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0x80000000} (\texttt{DEBUG\_ERROR})\\
1697 1698 1699
  \textbf{Description}: EDK II debug level bitmask (sum) causing CPU to
  halt (stop execution) after obtaining a message of \texttt{HaltLevel}.
  Possible values match \texttt{DisplayLevel} values.
vit9696 已提交
1700 1701 1702 1703

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{true}\\
vit9696 已提交
1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723
  \textbf{Description}: Require \texttt{vault.sig} signature file for
  \texttt{vault.plist} in \texttt{OC} directory.

  This file should contain a raw 256 byte RSA-2048 signature from SHA-256
  hash of \texttt{vault.plist}. The signature is verified against the public
  key embedded into \texttt{OpenCore.efi}.

  To embed the public key you should do either of the following:

  \item Provide public key during the \texttt{OpenCore.efi} compilation in
  \href{}{\texttt{OpenCoreVault.c}} file.
  \item Binary patch \texttt{OpenCore.efi} replacing zeroes with the public key
  between \texttt{=BEGIN OC VAULT=} and \texttt{==END OC VAULT==} ASCII markers.

  RSA public key 520 byte format description can be found in Chromium OS documentation.
  To convert public key from X.509 certificate or from PEM file use
PMheart 已提交
vit9696 已提交
1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733

  \emph{Note}: \texttt{vault.sig} is used regardless of this option when public key
  is embedded into \texttt{OpenCore.efi}. Setting it to \texttt{true} will only ensure
  configuration sanity, and abort the boot process when public key is not set but
  was supposed to be used for verification.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{true}\\
vit9696 已提交
1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741
  \textbf{Description}: Require \texttt{vault.plist} file present
  in \texttt{OC} directory.

  This file should contain SHA-256 hashes for all files used by OpenCore.
  Presence of this file is highly recommended to ensure that unintentional
  file modifications (including filesystem corruption) do not happen unnoticed.
  To create this file automatically use
PMheart 已提交
  \href{}{\texttt{create\}} script.
vit9696 已提交

vit9696 已提交
1744 1745 1746
  Regardless of the underlying filesystem, path name and case must match
  between \texttt{config.plist} and \texttt{vault.plist}.

vit9696 已提交
1747 1748 1749 1750
  \emph{Note}: \texttt{vault.plist} is tried to be read regardless of the value
  of this option, but setting it to \texttt{true} will ensure configuration
  sanity, and abort the boot process.

vit9696 已提交
1751 1752 1753 1754 1755
  The complete set of commands to:

  \item Create \texttt{vault.plist}.
vit9696 已提交
  \item Create a new RSA key (always do this to avoid loading old configuration).
vit9696 已提交
  \item Embed RSA key into \texttt{OpenCore.efi}.
vit9696 已提交
1758 1759 1760 1761 1762
  \item Create \texttt{vault.sig}.

  Can look as follows:
\begin{lstlisting}[label=createvault, style=ocbash]
vit9696 已提交
cd /Volumes/EFI/EFI/OC
1764 1765
/path/to/ .
/path/to/RsaTool -sign vault.plist vault.sig
vit9696 已提交
1766 1767 1768
off=$(($(strings -a -t d OpenCore.efi | grep "=BEGIN OC VAULT=" | cut -f1 -d' ')+16))
dd of=OpenCore.efi bs=1 seek=$off count=520 conv=notrunc
vit9696 已提交
1769 1770

vit9696 已提交
1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778
  \emph{Note}: While it may appear obvious, but you have to use an external
  method to verify \texttt{OpenCore.efi} and \texttt{BOOTx64.efi} for
  secure boot path. For this you are recommended to at least enable UEFI SecureBoot
  with a custom certificate, and sign \texttt{OpenCore.efi} and \texttt{BOOTx64.efi}
  with your custom key. More details on customising secure boot on modern firmwares
  can be found in \href{}{Taming UEFI SecureBoot}
  paper (in Russian).

1779 1780 1781
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}, 32 bit\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0xF0103}\\
1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797
  \textbf{Description}: Define operating system detection policy.

  This value allows to prevent scanning (and booting) from untrusted
  source based on a bitmask (sum) of select flags. As it is not possible
  to reliably detect every file system or device type, this feature
  cannot be fully relied upon in open environments, and the additional
  measures are to be applied.

  Third party drivers may introduce additional security (and performance)
  measures following the provided scan policy. Scan policy is exposed
  in \texttt{scan-policy} variable of \texttt{4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102}
  GUID for UEFI Boot Services only.

    \item \texttt{0x00000001} (bit \texttt{0}) --- \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_FILE\_SYSTEM\_LOCK}, restricts
1799 1800 1801 1802 1803
    scanning to only known file systems defined as a part of this policy. File system
    drivers may not be aware of this policy, and to avoid mounting of undesired file
    systems it is best not to load its driver. This bit does not affect dmg mounting,
    which may have any file system. Known file systems are prefixed with
    \item \texttt{0x00000002} (bit \texttt{1}) --- \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_DEVICE\_LOCK}, restricts scanning
1805 1806 1807 1808
    to only known device types defined as a part of this policy. This is not always possible
    to detect protocol tunneling, so be aware that on some systems it may be possible for
    e.g. USB HDDs to be recognised as SATA. Cases like this must be reported. Known device
    types are prefixed with \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_DEVICE\_}.
    \item \texttt{0x00000100} (bit \texttt{8}) --- \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_FS\_APFS}, allows scanning
    of APFS file system.
    \item \texttt{0x00000200} (bit \texttt{9}) --- \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_FS\_HFS}, allows scanning
1812 1813 1814
    of HFS file system.
    \item \texttt{0x00000400} (bit \texttt{10}) --- \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_FS\_ESP}, allows scanning
    of EFI System Partition file system.
    \item \texttt{0x00010000} (bit \texttt{16}) --- \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_DEVICE\_SATA}, allow
    scanning SATA devices.
    \item \texttt{0x00020000} (bit \texttt{17}) --- \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_DEVICE\_SASEX}, allow
    scanning SAS and Mac NVMe devices.
    \item \texttt{0x00040000} (bit \texttt{18}) --- \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_DEVICE\_SCSI}, allow
    scanning SCSI devices.
    \item \texttt{0x00080000} (bit \texttt{19}) --- \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_DEVICE\_NVME}, allow
    scanning NVMe devices.
    \item \texttt{0x00100000} (bit \texttt{20}) --- \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_DEVICE\_ATAPI}, allow
    scanning CD/DVD devices.
    \item \texttt{0x00200000} (bit \texttt{21}) --- \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_DEVICE\_USB}, allow
    scanning USB devices.
    \item \texttt{0x00400000} (bit \texttt{22}) --- \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_DEVICE\_FIREWIRE}, allow
    scanning FireWire devices.
    \item \texttt{0x00800000} (bit \texttt{23}) --- \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_DEVICE\_SDCARD}, allow
1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847
    scanning card reader devices.

  \emph{Note}: Given the above description, \texttt{0xF0103} value is expected to allow
  scanning of SATA, SAS, SCSI, and NVMe devices with APFS file system, and prevent scanning
  of any devices with HFS or FAT32 file systems in addition to not scanning APFS file systems
  on USB, CD, USB, and FireWire drives. The combination reads as:
  \item \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_FILE\_SYSTEM\_LOCK}
  \item \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_DEVICE\_LOCK}
  \item \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_FS\_APFS}
  \item \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_DEVICE\_SATA}
  \item \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_DEVICE\_SASEX}
  \item \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_DEVICE\_SCSI}
  \item \texttt{OC\_SCAN\_ALLOW\_DEVICE\_NVME}

1848 1849

1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855
\subsection{Tools Properties}\label{misctoolprops}

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
1857 1858 1859 1860
  \textbf{Description}: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable
  reference for the entry. It is implementation defined whether this value is

1861 1862 1863
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
1865 1866 1867
  \textbf{Description}: This tool will not be listed unless set to

1868 1869 1870
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
1872 1873 1874 1875 1876
  \textbf{Description}: Human readable tool name displayed in boot picker.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Empty string\\
1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883
  \textbf{Description}: File path to select UEFI tool relative to \texttt{OC/Tools}


vit9696 已提交
1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910


Has \texttt{plist\ dict} type and allows to set volatile UEFI variables
commonly referred as NVRAM variables. Refer to \texttt{man\ nvram} for
more details. macOS extensively uses NVRAM variables for OS --- Bootloader
--- Firmware intercommunication, and thus supplying several NVRAM is
required for proper macOS functioning.

Each NVRAM variable consists of its name, value, attributes (refer to
UEFI specification), and its
representing which `section' NVRAM variable belongs to. macOS uses
several GUIDs, including but not limited to:

1911 1912 1913
vit9696 已提交
1914 1915

vit9696 已提交
1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922
\emph{Note}: Some of the variables may be added by
\hyperref[platforminfonvram]{PlatformNVRAM} or
\hyperref[platforminfogeneric]{Generic} subsections of
\hyperref[platforminfo]{PlatformInfo} section.
Please ensure that variables of this section never collide with them,
as behaviour is undefined otherwise.

vit9696 已提交
1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Sets NVRAM variables from a map (\texttt{plist\ dict})
  of GUIDs to a map (\texttt{plist\ dict}) of variable names and their values
  in \texttt{plist\ metadata} format. GUIDs must be provided in canonic string
  format in upper or lower case (e.g. \texttt{8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C}).

  Created variables get \texttt{EFI\_VARIABLE\_BOOTSERVICE\_ACCESS} and
  \texttt{EFI\_VARIABLE\_RUNTIME\_ACCESS} attributes set.
  Variables will only be set if not present and not blocked.
  To overwrite a variable add it to \texttt{Block} section. This approach
  enables to provide default values till the operating system takes the lead.

  \emph{Note}: If \texttt{plist\ key} does not conform to GUID format,
  behaviour is undefined.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Removes NVRAM variables from a map (\texttt{plist\ dict})
  of GUIDs to an array (\texttt{plist\ array}) of variable names in
  \texttt{plist\ string} format.

1950 1951 1952
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967
  \textbf{Description}: Enables loading of NVRAM variable file named \texttt{nvram.plist}
  from EFI volume root.

  This file must have root \texttt{plist\ dictionary} type and contain two fields:
  \item \texttt{Version} --- \texttt{plist\ integer}, file version, must be set to 1.
  \item \texttt{Add} --- \texttt{plist\ dictionary}, equivalent to \texttt{Add} from

  Variable loading happens prior to \texttt{Block} (and \texttt{Add}) phases, and will not
  overwrite any existing variable. Variables allowed to be set must be specified in
  \texttt{LegacySchema}. Third-party scripts may be used to create \texttt{nvram.plist}
vit9696 已提交
1968 1969 1970
  file. An example of such script can be found in \texttt{Utilities}. The use of third-party
  scripts may require \texttt{ExposeSensitiveData} set to \texttt{0x3} to provide
  \texttt{boot-path} variable with OpenCore EFI partition UUID.
1971 1972 1973 1974

  \textbf{WARNING}: This feature is very dangerous as it passes unprotected data to your
  firmware variable services. Use it only when no hardware NVRAM implementation is provided
  by the firmware or it is incompatible.

1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Allows setting select NVRAM variables from a map
  (\texttt{plist\ dict}) of GUIDs to an array (\texttt{plist\ array}) of
  variable names in \texttt{plist\ string} format.

  You can use \texttt{*} value to accept all variables for select GUID.

  \textbf{WARNING}: Choose variables very carefully, as nvram.plist is not vaulted.
  For instance, do not put \texttt{boot-args} or \texttt{csr-active-config}, as
  this can bypass SIP.

vit9696 已提交
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

To read NVRAM variable value from macOS one could use \texttt{nvram}
by concatenating variable GUID and name separated by \texttt{:} symbol.
For example, \texttt{nvram 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:boot-args}.

A continuously updated variable list can be found in a corresponding document:
\href{}{NVRAM Variables}.

\subsection{Mandatory Variables}\label{nvramvars}

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
\emph{Warning}: These variables may be added by
\hyperref[platforminfonvram]{PlatformNVRAM} or
\hyperref[platforminfogeneric]{Generic} subsections of
\hyperref[platforminfo]{PlatformInfo} section.
Using \texttt{PlatformInfo} is the recommend way of setting these variables.

vit9696 已提交
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069
The following variables are mandatory for macOS functioning:

  32-bit \texttt{FirmwareFeatures}. Present on all Macs to avoid extra parsing of SMBIOS tables
  32-bit \texttt{FirmwareFeaturesMask}. Present on all Macs to avoid extra parsing
  of SMBIOS tables.
  \texttt{BoardSerialNumber}. Present on newer Macs (2013+ at least) to avoid extra parsing
  of SMBIOS tables, especially in boot.efi.
  Primary network adapter MAC address or replacement value. Present on newer Macs
  (2013+ at least) to avoid accessing special memory region, especially in boot.efi.

\subsection{Recommended Variables}\label{nvramvarsrec}

The following variables are recommended for faster startup or other

  32-bit System Integrity Protection bitmask. Declared in XNU source code in
  Combined \texttt{FirmwareFeatures} and \texttt{ExtendedFirmwareFeatures}. Present on
  newer Macs to avoid extra parsing of SMBIOS tables
  Combined \texttt{FirmwareFeaturesMask} and \texttt{ExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask}.
  Present on newer Macs to avoid extra parsing of SMBIOS tables.
  Hardware \texttt{BoardProduct} (e.g. \texttt{Mac-35C1E88140C3E6CF}). Not present on
  real Macs, but used to avoid extra parsing of SMBIOS tables, especially in boot.efi.
  Hardware \texttt{BoardSerialNumber}. Override for MLB. Present on newer Macs (2013+ at least).
  Hardware ROM. Override for ROM. Present on newer Macs (2013+ at least).
  ASCII string defining default keyboard layout. Format is \texttt{lang-COUNTRY:keyboard},
vit9696 已提交
2070 2071
  e.g. \texttt{ru-RU:252} for Russian locale and ABC keyboard. Also accepts short forms:
  \texttt{ru:252} or \texttt{ru:0} (U.S. keyboard, compatible with 10.9). Full decoded
  keyboard list from \texttt{AppleKeyboardLayouts-L.dat} can be found
PMheart 已提交
  \href{}{here}. Using non-latin keyboard on 10.14
vit9696 已提交
  will not enable ABC keyboard, unlike previous macOS versions, and is thus not recommended.
vit9696 已提交
2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086
  ASCII string defining FireWire security mode. Legacy, can be found in IOFireWireFamily
  source code in
  It is recommended not to set this variable, which may speedup system startup. Setting to
  \texttt{full} is equivalent to not setting the variable and \texttt{none} disables
  FireWire security.
2087 2088
  One-byte data defining boot.efi user interface scaling. Should be \textbf{01} for normal
  screens and \textbf{02} for HiDPI screens.
vit9696 已提交
2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103

\subsection{Other Variables}\label{nvramvarsother}

The following variables may be useful for certain configurations or

  Kernel arguments, used to pass configuration to Apple kernel and drivers.
  There are many arguments, which may be found by looking for the use of
  \texttt{PE\_parse\_boot\_argn} function in the kernel or driver code.
  Some of the known boot arguments include:
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2105 2106

2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116
  \item \texttt{acpi\_layer=0xFFFFFFFF}
  \item \texttt{acpi\_level=0xFFFF5F} (implies
  \item \texttt{cpus=VALUE}
  \item \texttt{debug=VALUE}
  \item \texttt{io=VALUE}
  \item \texttt{keepsyms=1}
  \item \texttt{kextlog=VALUE}
  \item \texttt{nvda\_drv=1}
  \item \texttt{lapic\_dont\_panic=1}
2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123
  \item \texttt{slide=VALUE}
  \item \texttt{-nehalem\_error\_disable}
  \item \texttt{-no\_compat\_check}
  \item \texttt{-s}
  \item \texttt{-v}
  \item \texttt{-x}
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2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158

  Booter arguments, similar to \texttt{boot-args} but for boot.efi. Accepts a set of
  arguments, which are hexadecimal 64-bit values with or without 0x prefix primarily
  for logging control:
  \item \texttt{log=VALUE}
    \item \texttt{1} --- AppleLoggingConOutOrErrSet/AppleLoggingConOutOrErrPrint
    (classical ConOut/StdErr)
    \item \texttt{2} --- AppleLoggingStdErrSet/AppleLoggingStdErrPrint (StdErr or serial?)
    \item \texttt{4} --- AppleLoggingFileSet/AppleLoggingFilePrint (BOOTER.LOG/BOOTER.OLD
    file on EFI partition)
  \item \texttt{debug=VALUE}
  \item \texttt{1} --- enables print something to BOOTER.LOG (stripped code implies there
  may be a crash)
  \item \texttt{2} --- enables perf logging to /efi/debug-log in the device three
  \item \texttt{4} --- enables timestamp printing for styled printf calls
  \item \texttt{level=VALUE} --- Verbosity level of DEBUG output. Everything but
  \texttt{0x80000000} is stripped from the binary, and this is the default value.
  \item \texttt{kc-read-size=VALUE} --- Chunk size used for buffered I/O from network or
  disk for prelinkedkernel reading and related. Set to 1MB (0x100000) by default, can be
  tuned for faster booting.
\item \texttt{7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:bootercfg-once}
  Booter arguments override removed after first launch. Otherwise equivalent to \texttt{bootercfg}.
2159 2160
  Current saved host name. ASCII string.
vit9696 已提交
2161 2162
2163 2164 2165
  NVIDIA Web Driver control variable. Takes ASCII digit \texttt{1} or \texttt{0}
  to enable or disable installed driver.
vit9696 已提交
2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171


Platform information is comprised of several identification fields
generated or filled manually to be compatible with macOS services. The
2172 2173
base part of the configuration may be obtained from
vit9696 已提交
2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182
package, which itself generates a set of interfaces based on a database
in \href{}{YAML} format. These fields
are written to three select destinations:

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2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198

Most of the fields specify the overrides in SMBIOS, and their field
names conform to EDK2
header file. However, several important fields reside in Data Hub and
NVRAM. Some of the values can be found in more than one field and/or
destination, so there are two ways to control their update process:
manual, where one specifies all the values (the default), and semi-automatic,
where (\texttt{Automatic}) only select values are specified, and later used
for system configuration.

vit9696 已提交
2199 2200 2201 2202
To inspect SMBIOS contents \href{}{dmidecode} utility can
be used. Version with macOS specific enhancements can be downloaded from

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2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
2210 2211 2212 2213 2214
  \textbf{Description}: Generate PlatformInfo based on \texttt{Generic}
  section instead of using values from \texttt{DataHub}, \texttt{NVRAM},
  and \texttt{SMBIOS} sections.

  Enabling this option is useful when \texttt{Generic} section is flexible
2215 2216
  enough. When enabled \texttt{SMBIOS}, \texttt{DataHub}, and
  \texttt{PlatformNVRAM} data is unused.
vit9696 已提交
2217 2218 2219
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Update Data Hub fields. These fields are read
vit9696 已提交
2222 2223 2224 2225 2226
  from \texttt{Generic} or \texttt{DataHub} sections depending on
  \texttt{Automatic} value.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240
  \textbf{Description}: Update NVRAM fields related to platform information.

  These fields are read from \texttt{Generic} or \texttt{PlatformNVRAM} sections
  depending on \texttt{Automatic} value. All the other fields are
  to be specified with \texttt{NVRAM} section.

  If \texttt{UpdateNVRAM} is set to \texttt{false} the aforementioned
  variables can be updated with \hyperref[nvram]{\texttt{NVRAM}}
  section. If \texttt{UpdateNVRAM} is set to \texttt{true} the behaviour is
  undefined when any of the fields are present in \texttt{NVRAM} section.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247
  \textbf{Description}: Update SMBIOS fields. These fields are read from
  \texttt{Generic} or \texttt{SMBIOS} sections depending on
  \texttt{Automatic} value.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{Create}\\
vit9696 已提交
2249 2250 2251 2252 2253
  \textbf{Description}: Update SMBIOS fields approach:

    \texttt{TryOverwrite} --- \texttt{Overwrite} if new size is \textless{}= than
vit9696 已提交
    the page-aligned original and there are no issues with legacy region
    unlock. \texttt{Create} otherwise. Has issues with some firmwares.
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2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269
    \texttt{Create} --- Replace the tables with newly allocated
    EfiReservedMemoryType at AllocateMaxAddress without any fallbacks.
    \texttt{Overwrite} --- Overwrite existing gEfiSmbiosTableGuid and
    gEfiSmbiosTable3Guid data if it fits new size. Abort with
    unspecified state otherwise.
    \texttt{Custom} --- Write first SMBIOS table
    (\texttt{gEfiSmbiosTableGuid}) to \texttt{gOcCustomSmbiosTableGuid}
    to workaround firmwares overwriting SMBIOS contents at
    ExitBootServices. Otherwise equivalent to \texttt{Create}. Requires
    patching AppleSmbios.kext and AppleACPIPlatform.kext to read from
2270 2271
    another GUID: \texttt{"EB9D2D31"} - \texttt{"EB9D2D35"} (in ASCII),
    done automatically by \texttt{CustomSMBIOSGuid} quirk.
vit9696 已提交
2272 2273 2274 2275
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dictonary}\\
  \textbf{Optional}: When \texttt{Automatic} is \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
2277 2278 2279 2280 2281
  \textbf{Description}: Update all fields. This section is read only
  when \texttt{Automatic} is active.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dictonary}\\
  \textbf{Optional}: When \texttt{Automatic} is \texttt{true}\\
vit9696 已提交
2283 2284 2285 2286 2287
  \textbf{Description}: Update Data Hub fields. This section is read
  only when \texttt{Automatic} is not active.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dictonary}\\
  \textbf{Optional}: When \texttt{Automatic} is \texttt{true}\\
vit9696 已提交
2289 2290 2291 2292 2293
  \textbf{Description}: Update platform NVRAM fields. This section is
  read only when \texttt{Automatic} is not active.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dictonary}\\
  \textbf{Optional}: When \texttt{Automatic} is \texttt{true}\\
vit9696 已提交
2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301
  \textbf{Description}: Update SMBIOS fields. This section is read only
  when \texttt{Automatic} is not active.

\subsection{Generic Properties}\label{platforminfogeneric}

2302 2303 2304
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
2306 2307 2308 2309 2310
  \textbf{Description}: Sets SMBIOS vendor fields to \texttt{Acidanthera}.

  It is dangerous to use Apple in SMBIOS vendor fields for reasons given
  in \texttt{SystemManufacturer} description. However, certain firmwares
  may not provide valid values otherwise, which could break some software.
vit9696 已提交
2311 2312 2313
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{MacPro6,1}\\
vit9696 已提交
2315 2316 2317 2318
  \textbf{Description}: Refer to SMBIOS \texttt{SystemProductName}.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{OPENCORE\_SN1}\\
vit9696 已提交
2320 2321 2322 2323
  \textbf{Description}: Refer to SMBIOS \texttt{SystemSerialNumber}.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}, GUID\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2325 2326 2327 2328
  \textbf{Description}: Refer to SMBIOS \texttt{SystemUUID}.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{OPENCORE\_MLB\_SN11}\\
vit9696 已提交
2330 2331 2332 2333
  \textbf{Description}: Refer to SMBIOS \texttt{BoardSerialNumber}.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 6 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: all zero\\
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2335 2336
  \textbf{Description}: Refer to

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2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345

\subsection{DataHub Properties}\label{platforminfodatahub}

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
vit9696 已提交
2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352
  \textbf{Description}: Sets \texttt{name} in
  \texttt{gEfiMiscSubClassGuid}. Value found on Macs is
  \texttt{platform} in ASCII.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
vit9696 已提交
2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359
  \textbf{Description}: Sets \texttt{Model} in
  \texttt{gEfiMiscSubClassGuid}. Value found on Macs is equal to SMBIOS
  \texttt{SystemProductName} in Unicode.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
vit9696 已提交
2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366
  \textbf{Description}: Sets \texttt{SystemSerialNumber} in
  \texttt{gEfiMiscSubClassGuid}. Value found on Macs is equal to SMBIOS
  \texttt{SystemSerialNumber} in Unicode.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}, GUID\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
vit9696 已提交
2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373
  \textbf{Description}: Sets \texttt{system-id} in
  \texttt{gEfiMiscSubClassGuid}. Value found on Macs is equal to SMBIOS
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
vit9696 已提交
2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380
  \textbf{Description}: Sets \texttt{board-id} in
  \texttt{gEfiMiscSubClassGuid}. Value found on Macs is equal to SMBIOS
  \texttt{BoardProduct} in ASCII.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 1 byte\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
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2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387
  \textbf{Description}: Sets \texttt{board-rev} in
  \texttt{gEfiMiscSubClassGuid}. Value found on Macs seems to correspond
  to internal board revision (e.g. \texttt{01}).
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}, 64-bit\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
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2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441
  \textbf{Description}: Sets \texttt{StartupPowerEvents} in
  \texttt{gEfiMiscSubClassGuid}. Value found on Macs is power management
  state bitmask, normally 0. Known bits read by

    \texttt{0x00000001} --- Shutdown cause was a \texttt{PWROK} event
    (Same as \texttt{GEN\_PMCON\_2} bit 0)
    \texttt{0x00000002} --- Shutdown cause was a \texttt{SYS\_PWROK}
    event (Same as \texttt{GEN\_PMCON\_2} bit 1)
    \texttt{0x00000004} --- Shutdown cause was a \texttt{THRMTRIP\#}
    event (Same as \texttt{GEN\_PMCON\_2} bit 3)
    \texttt{0x00000008} --- Rebooted due to a SYS\_RESET\# event (Same
    as \texttt{GEN\_PMCON\_2} bit 4)
    \texttt{0x00000010} --- Power Failure (Same as
    \texttt{GEN\_PMCON\_3} bit 1 \texttt{PWR\_FLR})
    \texttt{0x00000020} --- Loss of RTC Well Power (Same as
    \texttt{GEN\_PMCON\_3} bit 2 \texttt{RTC\_PWR\_STS})
    \texttt{0x00000040} --- General Reset Status (Same as
    \texttt{GEN\_PMCON\_3} bit 9 \texttt{GEN\_RST\_STS})
    \texttt{0xffffff80} --- SUS Well Power Loss (Same as
    \texttt{GEN\_PMCON\_3} bit 14)
    \texttt{0x00010000} --- Wake cause was a ME Wake event (Same as
    PRSTS bit 0, \texttt{ME\_WAKE\_STS})
    \texttt{0x00020000} --- Cold Reboot was ME Induced event (Same as
    \texttt{PRSTS} bit 1 \texttt{ME\_HRST\_COLD\_STS})
    \texttt{0x00040000} --- Warm Reboot was ME Induced event (Same as
    \texttt{PRSTS} bit 2 \texttt{ME\_HRST\_WARM\_STS})
    \texttt{0x00080000} --- Shutdown was ME Induced event (Same as
    \texttt{PRSTS} bit 3 \texttt{ME\_HOST\_PWRDN})
    \texttt{0x00100000} --- Global reset ME Wachdog Timer event (Same as
    \texttt{PRSTS} bit 6)
    \texttt{0x00200000} --- Global reset PowerManagment Wachdog Timer
    event (Same as \texttt{PRSTS} bit 15)
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}, 64-bit\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
vit9696 已提交
2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448
  \textbf{Description}: Sets \texttt{InitialTSC} in
  \texttt{gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid}. Sets initial TSC value, normally
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}, 64-bit\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Automatic\\
vit9696 已提交
2450 2451 2452 2453 2454
  \textbf{Description}: Sets \texttt{FSBFrequency} in
  \texttt{gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid}. Sets CPU FSB frequency.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}, 64-bit\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
vit9696 已提交
2456 2457 2458 2459 2460
  \textbf{Description}: Sets \texttt{ARTFrequency} in
  \texttt{gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid}. Sets CPU ART frequency, Skylake
  and newer.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}, 32-bit\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
vit9696 已提交
  \textbf{Description}: Sets \texttt{DevicePathsSupported} in
  \texttt{gEfiMiscSubClassGuid}. Must be set to \texttt{1} for
2465 2466
  AppleACPIPlatform.kext to append SATA device paths to
  \texttt{Boot\#\#\#\#} and \texttt{efi-boot-device-data} variables.
  Set to \texttt{1} on all modern Macs.
vit9696 已提交
2468 2469 2470
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 6 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
vit9696 已提交
2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478
  \textbf{Description}: Sets \texttt{REV} in
  \texttt{gEfiMiscSubClassGuid}. Custom property read by
  \texttt{VirtualSMC} or \texttt{FakeSMC} to generate SMC \texttt{REV}
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 8 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
vit9696 已提交
2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486
  \textbf{Description}: Sets \texttt{RBr} in
  \texttt{gEfiMiscSubClassGuid}. Custom property read by
  \texttt{VirtualSMC} or \texttt{FakeSMC} to generate SMC \texttt{RBr}
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 8 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
vit9696 已提交
2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499
  \textbf{Description}: Sets \texttt{RPlt} in
  \texttt{gEfiMiscSubClassGuid}. Custom property read by
  \texttt{VirtualSMC} or \texttt{FakeSMC} to generate SMC \texttt{RPlt}

\subsection{PlatformNVRAM Properties}\label{platforminfonvram}

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
vit9696 已提交
2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506
  \textbf{Description}: Specifies the value of NVRAM variable

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 6 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
vit9696 已提交
  \textbf{Description}: Specifies the values of NVRAM variables
vit9696 已提交
2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514
  \texttt{4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:HW\_ROM} and

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
vit9696 已提交
2516 2517 2518 2519
  \textbf{Description}: Specifies the values of NVRAM variables
  \texttt{4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:HW\_MLB} and

2520 2521 2522
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 8 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534
  \textbf{Description}: This variable comes in pair with \texttt{FirmwareFeaturesMask}.
  Specifies the values of NVRAM variables:
  \item \texttt{4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:FirmwareFeatures}
  \item \texttt{4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:ExtendedFirmwareFeatures}

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 8 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Not installed\\
2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543
  \textbf{Description}: This variable comes in pair with \texttt{FirmwareFeatures}.
  Specifies the values of NVRAM variables:
  \item \texttt{4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:FirmwareFeaturesMask}
  \item \texttt{4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:ExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask}

vit9696 已提交
2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551

\subsection{SMBIOS Properties}\label{platforminfosmbios}

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: BIOS Information (Type 0) --- Vendor\\
  \textbf{Description}: BIOS Vendor. All rules of
  \texttt{SystemManufacturer} do apply.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: BIOS Information (Type 0) --- BIOS Version\\
  \textbf{Description}: Firmware version. This value gets updated and
  takes part in update delivery configuration and macOS version
  compatibility. This value could look like
  \texttt{MM71.88Z.0234.B00.1809171422} in older firmwares, and is
  described in
  In newer firmwares it should look like \texttt{} or
  \texttt{\ (iBridge:\ 16.16.2542.0.0,0)}. iBridge version
  is read from \texttt{BridgeOSVersion} variable, and is only present on
  macs with T2.

Apple ROM Version
 BIOS ID:      MBP151.88Z.F000.B00.1811142212
 Model:        MBP151
 EFI Version:
 Built by:     root@quinoa
 Date:         Wed Nov 14 22:12:53 2018
 Revision:     220.230.16 (B&I)
 ROM Version:  F000_B00
 Build Type:   Official Build, RELEASE
 Compiler:     Apple LLVM version 10.0.0 (clang-1000.2.42)
 UUID:         E5D1475B-29FF-32BA-8552-682622BA42E1
 UUID:         151B0907-10F9-3271-87CD-4BF5DBECACF5
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: BIOS Information (Type 0) --- BIOS Release Date\\
  \textbf{Description}: Firmware release date. Similar to
  \texttt{BIOSVersion}. May look like \texttt{12/08/2017}.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: System Information (Type 1) --- Manufacturer\\
  \textbf{Description}: OEM manufacturer of the particular board. Shall
  not be specified unless strictly required. Should \emph{not} contain
  \texttt{Apple\ Inc.}, as this confuses numerous services present in
  the operating system, such as firmware updates, eficheck, as well as
  kernel extensions developed in Acidanthera, such as Lilu and its
vit9696 已提交
2603 2604
  plugins. In addition it will also make some operating systems
  like Linux unbootable.
vit9696 已提交
2605 2606 2607
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: System Information (Type 1), Product Name\\
  \textbf{Description}: Preferred Mac model used to mark the device as
  supported by the operating system. This value must be specified by any
  configuration for later automatic generation of the related values in
  this and other SMBIOS tables and related configuration parameters. If
  \texttt{SystemProductName} is not compatible with the target operating
  system, \texttt{-no\_compat\_check} boot argument may be used as an

  \emph{Note}: If \texttt{SystemProductName} is unknown, and related
  fields are unspecified, default values should be assumed as being set
  to \texttt{MacPro6,1} data. The list of known products can be found in
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: System Information (Type 1) --- Version\\
  \textbf{Description}: Product iteration version number. May look like
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: System Information (Type 1) --- Serial Number\\
  \textbf{Description}: Product serial number in defined format. Known
  formats are described in
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}, GUID\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: System Information (Type 1) --- UUID\\
  \textbf{Description}: A UUID is an identifier that is designed to be
  unique across both time and space. It requires no central registration
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: System Information (Type 1) --- SKU Number\\
  \textbf{Description}: Mac Board ID (\texttt{board-id}). May look like
  \texttt{Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94} or \texttt{Mac-F221BEC8} in older
  models. Sometimes it can be just empty.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2657 2658 2659 2660 2661
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: System Information (Type 1) --- Family\\
  \textbf{Description}: Family name. May look like \texttt{iMac\ Pro}.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) -
  \textbf{Description}: Board manufacturer. All rules of
  \texttt{SystemManufacturer} do apply.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) -
  \textbf{Description}: Mac Board ID (\texttt{board-id}). May look like
  \texttt{Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94} or \texttt{Mac-F221BEC8} in older
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) -
  \textbf{Description}: Board version number. Varies, may match
  \texttt{SystemProductName} or \texttt{SystemProductVersion}.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) --- Serial
  \textbf{Description}: Board serial number in defined format. Known
  formats are described in
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) --- Asset
  \textbf{Description}: Asset tag number. Varies, may be empty or
  \texttt{Type2\ -\ Board\ Asset\ Tag}.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) --- Board
  \textbf{Description}: Either \texttt{0xA} (Motherboard (includes
  processor, memory, and I/O) or \texttt{0xB} (Processor/Memory Module),
  refer to Table 15 -- Baseboard: Board Type for more details.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) --- Location
  in Chassis\\
  \textbf{Description}: Varies, may be empty or
  \texttt{Part\ Component}.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3) --- Manufacturer\\
  \textbf{Description}: Board manufacturer. All rules of
  \texttt{SystemManufacturer} do apply.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3) --- Type\\
  \textbf{Description}: Chassis type, refer to Table 17 --- System
  Enclosure or Chassis Types for more details.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2736 2737 2738 2739 2740
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3) --- Version\\
  \textbf{Description}: Should match \texttt{BoardProduct}.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2742 2743 2744 2745 2746
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3) --- Version\\
  \textbf{Description}: Should match \texttt{SystemSerialNumber}.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ string}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3) --- Asset Tag
  \textbf{Description}: Chassis type name. Varies, could be empty or
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}, 32-bit\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0xFFFFFFFF}\\
vit9696 已提交
2756 2757 2758 2759
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: \texttt{APPLE\_SMBIOS\_TABLE\_TYPE133} -
  \textbf{Description}: Platform features bitmask. Refer to
2760 2761 2762 2763
  for more details. Use \texttt{0xFFFFFFFF} value to not provide this table.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 16 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: All zero\\
2765 2766 2767
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: \texttt{APPLE\_SMBIOS\_TABLE\_TYPE134} - \texttt{Version}\\
  \textbf{Description}: ASCII string containing SMC version in upper case.
  Missing on T2 based Macs. Ignored when zero.
vit9696 已提交
2768 2769
vit9696 已提交
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 8 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
vit9696 已提交
2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: \texttt{APPLE\_SMBIOS\_TABLE\_TYPE128} -
  \texttt{FirmwareFeatures} and \texttt{ExtendedFirmwareFeatures}\\
  \textbf{Description}: 64-bit firmware features bitmask. Refer to
  for more details. Lower 32 bits match \texttt{FirmwareFeatures}. Upper
  64 bits match \texttt{ExtendedFirmwareFeatures}.
vit9696 已提交
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ data}, 8 bytes\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
vit9696 已提交
2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: \texttt{APPLE\_SMBIOS\_TABLE\_TYPE128} -
  \texttt{FirmwareFeaturesMask} and
  \textbf{Description}: Supported bits of extended firmware features
  bitmask. Refer to
  for more details. Lower 32 bits match \texttt{FirmwareFeaturesMask}.
  Upper 64 bits match \texttt{ExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask}.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}, 16-bit\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: Automatic\\
vit9696 已提交
2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: \texttt{APPLE\_SMBIOS\_TABLE\_TYPE131} -
  \textbf{Description}: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types.
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}, 8-bit\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: OEM specified\\
vit9696 已提交
2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812
  \textbf{SMBIOS}: Memory Device (Type 17) --- Form Factor\\
  \textbf{Description}: Memory form factor. On Macs it should be DIMM or



\href{}{UEFI} (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface)
is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and
platform firmware. This section allows to load additional UEFI modules and/or apply
vit9696 已提交
2813 2814 2815
tweaks for the onboard firmware. To inspect firmware contents, apply modifications
and perform upgrades \href{}{UEFITool}
and supplementary utilities can be used.
vit9696 已提交
2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822


  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832
  \textbf{Description}: Perform UEFI controller connection after driver
  loading. This option is useful for loading filesystem drivers, which
  usually follow UEFI driver model, and may not start by themselves.
  While effective, this option is not necessary with e.g. APFS loader
  driver, and may slightly slowdown the boot.

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ array}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: None\\
vit9696 已提交
2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841
  \textbf{Description}: Load selected drivers from \texttt{OC/Drivers}

  Designed to be filled with string filenames meant to be loaded as UEFI
  drivers. Depending on the firmware a different set of drivers may be required.
  Loading an incompatible driver may lead your system to unbootable state or
  even cause permanent firmware damage. Some of the known drivers include:

vit9696 已提交
2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851
  \item \href{}{\texttt{ApfsDriverLoader}}
  --- APFS file system bootstrap driver adding the support of embedded APFS drivers
  in bootable APFS containers in UEFI firmwares.
  \item \href{}{\texttt{AppleUiSupport}}
  --- Apple-specific user interface support driver. This driver brings the support
  for FileVault 2 GUI, hotkey parsing (shift, cmd+v, etc.), language collation support,
  and certain other features important for normal macOS functioning. For hotkey support
  \texttt{AppleKeyMapAggregator}-compatible driver is required.
  \item \href{}{\texttt{AppleGenericInput}}
vit9696 已提交
2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861
  --- user input driver adding the support of \texttt{AppleKeyMapAggregator} protocols
  on top of different UEFI input protocols. Additionally resolves mouse input issues
  on select firmwares. This is an alternative to \texttt{UsbKbDxe}, which may work
  better or worse depending on the firmware.
  \item \href{}{\texttt{AptioMemoryFix}}
  --- a set of quirks for various firmwares. While it primarily targets APTIO
  firmwares, other firmwares may be compatible as well. Among the resolved issues
  are hibernation support, KASLR, Lilu NVRAM security enhancements, NVRAM, and UEFI
  Boot entry preservation.
  \item \href{}{\texttt{EmuVariableRuntimeDxe}}
vit9696 已提交
2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896
  --- NVRAM emulation driver from \texttt{MdeModulePkg}. NVRAM is supported by most
  modern firmwares. For firmwares with macOS incompatible NVRAM implementation an
  emulated driver may be used. This driver will not preserve NVRAM contents across the
  \item \href{}{\texttt{EnglishDxe}}
  --- Unicode collation driver from \texttt{MdeModulePkg}. This driver is a lightweight
  alternative to \texttt{AppleUiSupport}, which contains no Apple-specific code, and
  only provides unicode collation support. The driver is not recommended for use
  on any hardware but few original Macs.
  \item \href{}{\texttt{EnhancedFatDxe}}
  --- FAT filesystem driver from \texttt{FatPkg}. This driver is embedded in all
  UEFI firmwares, and cannot be used from OpenCore. It is known that multiple firmwares
  have a bug in their FAT support implementation, which leads to corrupted filesystems
  on write attempt.  Embedding this driver within the firmware may be required in case
  writing to EFI partition is needed during the boot process.
  \item \href{}{\texttt{NvmExpressDxe}}
  --- NVMe support driver from \texttt{MdeModulePkg}. This driver is included in most
  firmwares starting with Broadwell generation. For Haswell and earlier embedding it
  within the firmware may be more favourable in case a NVMe SSD drive is installed.
  \item \href{}{\texttt{UsbKbDxe}}
  --- USB keyboard driver adding the support of \texttt{AppleKeyMapAggregator} protocols
  on top of a custom USB keyboard driver implementation. This is an alternative to
  \texttt{AptioInputFix}, which may work better or worse depending on the firmware.
  \item \href{}{\texttt{VirtualSmc}}
  --- UEFI SMC driver, required for proper FileVault 2 functionality and potentially
  other macOS specifics. An alternative, named \texttt{SMCHelper}, is not compatible
  with \texttt{VirtualSmc} and OpenCore, which is unaware of its specific interfaces.
  In case \texttt{FakeSMC} kernel extension is used, manual NVRAM variable addition
  may be needed and \texttt{VirtualSmc} driver should still be used.
  \item \href{}{\texttt{VBoxHfs}}
  --- HFS file system driver with bless support. This driver is an alternative to
  a closed source \texttt{HFSPlus} driver commonly found in Apple firmwares. While
  it is feature complete, it is approximately 3~times slower and is yet to undergo
  a security audit.
vit9696 已提交
2897 2898 2899 2900
  \item \href{}{\texttt{XhciDxe}}
  --- XHCI USB controller support driver from \texttt{MdeModulePkg}. This driver is
  included in most firmwares starting with Sandy Bridge generation. For earlier firmwares
  or legacy systems it may be used to support external USB 3.0 PCI cards.
vit9696 已提交
2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912

  To compile the drivers from TianoCore UDK use the same command you do normally use
  for OpenCore compilation, but choose a corresponding package:
\begin{lstlisting}[label=compileudk, style=ocbash]
git clone -b UDK2018 UDK
cd UDK
make -C BaseTools
build -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -p FatPkg/FatPkg.dsc
build -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -p MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc
2913 2914 2915 2916

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: None\\
2918 2919 2920
  \textbf{Description}: Force builtin versions of select protocols described
  in \hyperref[uefiprotoprops]{Protocols Properties} section below.

vit9696 已提交
2921 2922
  \emph{Note}: all protocol instances are installed prior to driver loading.

vit9696 已提交
2923 2924 2925
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ dict}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: None\\
vit9696 已提交
2927 2928 2929 2930 2931
  \textbf{Description}: Apply individual firmware quirks described in
  \hyperref[uefiquirkprops]{Quirks Properties} section below.


2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938
\subsection{Protocols Properties}\label{uefiprotoprops}


  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Reinstalls Apple Boot Policy protocol with a builtin
2941 2942
  version. This may be used to ensure APFS compatibility on VMs or legacy Macs.

2943 2944 2945
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957
  \textbf{Description}: Replaces Console Control protocol with a builtin version.

  macOS bootloader requires console control protocol for text output, which some firmwares
  miss. This option is required to be set when the protocol is already available in the
  firmware, and other console control options are used, such as \texttt{IgnoreTextInGraphics},
  \texttt{SanitiseClearScreen}, and sometimes \texttt{ConsoleBehaviourOs} with

  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
2959 2960 2961
  \textbf{Description}: Reinstalls Data Hub protocol with a builtin version.
  This will drop all previous properties if the protocol was already installed.

2962 2963 2964
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Reinstalls Device Property protocol with a builtin
2967 2968 2969 2970 2971
  version. This will drop all previous properties if it was already installed.
  This may be used to ensure full compatibility on VMs or legacy Macs.


vit9696 已提交
2972 2973 2974 2975
\subsection{Quirks Properties}\label{uefiquirkprops}


2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
  \textbf{Description}: Advises allocators to avoid allocations above first 4 GBs of RAM.

  This is a workaround for select board firmwares, namely GA-Z77P-D3 (rev. 1.1), failing
  to properly access higher memory in UEFI Boot Services. Not recommended unless required
  for booting. May cause recovery boot failures on unaffected boards.

2986 2987 2988
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ integer}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{0}\\
2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998
  \textbf{Description}: Adds delay in microseconds after \texttt{EXIT\_BOOT\_SERVICES}

  This is a very ugly quirk to circumvent "Still waiting for root device" message
  on select APTIO IV firmwares, namely ASUS Z87-Pro, when using FileVault 2 in particular.
  It seems that for some reason they execute code in parallel to \texttt{EXIT\_BOOT\_SERVICES},
  which results in SATA controller being inaccessible from macOS. A better approach should be
  found in some future. Expect 3-5 seconds to be enough in case the quirk is needed.

vit9696 已提交
2999 3000 3001
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009
  \textbf{Description}: Select firmwares, namely APTIO IV, may contain invalid values in
  \texttt{MSR\_FLEX\_RATIO} (\texttt{0x194}) MSR register. These values may cause
  macOS boot failure on Intel platforms.

  \emph{Note}: While the option is not supposed to induce harm on unaffected firmwares,
  its usage is not recommended when it is not required.

vit9696 已提交
3010 3011 3012
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020
  \textbf{Description}: Select firmwares output text onscreen in both graphics and
  text mode. This is normally unexpected, because random text may appear over
  graphical images and cause UI corruption. Setting this option to \texttt{true} will
  discard all text output when console control is in mode different from \texttt{Text}.

  \emph{Note}: While the option is not supposed to induce harm on unaffected firmwares,
  its usage is not recommended when it is not required. This option may hide
  onscreen error messages. \texttt{ConsoleControl} may need to be set to
  \texttt{true} for this to work.
vit9696 已提交

vit9696 已提交
3024 3025 3026
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
vit9696 已提交
3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034
  \textbf{Description}: macOS bootloader requires GOP (Graphics Output Protocol)
  to be present on console handle. This option will install it if missing.

  \emph{Note}: Some drivers, like AptioMemoryFix, may provide equivalent functionality.
  These drivers are not guaranteed to adhere to the same logic, and if a quirk is
  necessary, this option is preferred.

3035 3036 3037
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
3039 3040 3041 3042 3043
  \textbf{Description}: Attempt to detach USB controller ownership from
  the firmware driver. While most firmwares manage to properly do that,
  or at least have an option for, select firmwares do not. As a result,
  operating system may freeze upon boot. Not recommended unless required.

3044 3045 3046
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055
  \textbf{Description}: Request NVRAM driver (or AptioMemoryFix) to redirect
  \texttt{Boot} prefixed variables from \texttt{EFI\_GLOBAL\_VARIABLE\_GUID}
  to \texttt{OC\_VENDOR\_VARIABLE\_GUID}.

  This will set special \texttt{boot-redirect} variable, which a compatible
  driver will abide after booter start. The quirk lets default boot entry
  preservation at times when firmwares delete incompatible boot entries.

3056 3057 3058
  \textbf{Type}: \texttt{plist\ boolean}\\
  \textbf{Failsafe}: \texttt{false}\\
3060 3061 3062 3063 3064
  \textbf{Description}: Some firmwares reset screen resolution to a failsafe
  value (like \texttt{1024x768}) on the attempts to clear screen contents
  when large display (e.g. 2K or 4K) is used. This option attempts to apply
  a workaround.

  \emph{Note}: \texttt{ConsoleControl} may need to be set to
3066 3067 3068
  \texttt{true} for this to work. On all known affected systems
  \texttt{ConsoleMode} had to be set to empty string for this to work.

vit9696 已提交
3069 3070 3071 3072


vit9696 已提交
\subsection{Windows support}\label{troubleshootingwin}
vit9696 已提交

vit9696 已提交
3075 3076 3077
  \textbf{Can I install Windows?}

  While no official Windows support is provided, 64-bit UEFI Windows installations (Windows 8 and
vit9696 已提交
  above) prepared with Boot Camp are supposed to work. Third-party UEFI installations
vit9696 已提交
  as well as systems partially supporting UEFI boot, like Windows 7, might work with
vit9696 已提交
3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086
  some extra precautions. Things to keep in mind:
  \item MBR (Master Boot Record) installations are legacy and will not be supported.
  \item Installing Windows and macOS on the same drive is currently unsupported but
  will be addressed later.
  \item All the modifications applied (to ACPI, NVRAM, SMBIOS, etc.) are supposed
vit9696 已提交
  to be operating system agnostic, i.e. apply equally regardless of the OS booted.
vit9696 已提交
3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093
  This enables Boot Camp software experience on Windows.
  \item macOS requires the first partition to be EFI System Partition, and does
  not support the default Windows layout. While OpenCore does have a
  for this, it is highly recommend not to rely on it and install properly.
  \item Windows may need to be reactivated. To avoid it consider
3094 3095
  leaving SystemUUID field empty, so that the original firmware UUID is used. Be warned,
  on old firmwares it may be invalid, i.e. not random. In case you still have issues,
vit9696 已提交
  consider using HWID or KMS38 license. The nuances of Windows activation are out of the
  scope of this document and can be found online.
vit9696 已提交
3098 3099 3100

  \textbf{What additional software do I need?}

3102 3103 3104 3105 3106
  To enable operating system switching and install relevant drivers in the majority of
  cases you will need Windows support software from
  \href{}{Boot Camp}. For simplicity of the download
  process or when configuring an already installed Windows version a third-party utility,
  \href{}{Brigadier}, can be used successfully.
vit9696 已提交
3107 3108 3109
  Note, that you may have to download and install \href{}{7-Zip}
  prior to using Brigadier.

vit9696 已提交
3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119
  Remember to always use the latest version of Windows support software from Boot Camp,
  as versions prior to 6.1 do not support APFS, and thus will not function correctly.
  To download newest software pass most recent Mac model to Brigadier, for example
  \texttt{./brigadier.exe -m iMac19,1}. To install Boot Camp on an unsupported Mac model
  afterwards run PowerShell as Administrator and enter \texttt{msiexec /i BootCamp.msi}.
  In case you already have a previous version of Boot Camp installed you will have to
  remove it first by running \texttt{msiexec /x BootCamp.msi} command. \texttt{BootCamp.msi}
  file is located in \texttt{BootCamp/Drivers/Apple} directory and can be reached through
  Windows Explorer.

vit9696 已提交
  While Windows support software from Boot Camp solves most of compatibility problems,
vit9696 已提交
3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136
  sometimes you may have to address some of them manually:
  \item To invert mouse wheel scroll direction \texttt{FlipFlopWheel} must be set
  to \texttt{1} as explained on \href{}{SuperUser}.
  \item \texttt{RealTimeIsUniversal} must be set to \texttt{1} to avoid time
  desync between Windows and macOS as explained on
  \href{}{SuperUser} (this one is usually not needed).
  \item To access Apple filesystems like HFS and APFS separate software may need to
  be installed. Some of the known tools are:
  \href{}{Apple HFS+ driver}
  (\href{}{hack for Windows 10}),
  \href{}{HFSExplorer}, MacDrive, Paragon APFS,
  Paragon HFS+, TransMac, etc. Remember to never ever attempt to modify Apple file systems
  from Windows as this often leads to irrecoverable data loss.

  \textbf{Why do I see \texttt{Basic data partition} in Boot Camp Startup Disk control panel?}
3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178

  Boot Camp control panel uses GPT partition table to obtain each boot option name.
  After installing Windows separately you will have to relabel the partition manually.
  This can be done with many tools including open-source
  \href{}{gdisk} utility. Reference example:

\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Relabeling Windows volume, label=relabel, style=ocbash]
PS C:\gdisk> .\gdisk64.exe \\.\physicaldrive0
GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 1.0.4

Command (? for help): p
Disk \\.\physicaldrive0: 419430400 sectors, 200.0 GiB
Sector size (logical): 512 bytes
Disk identifier (GUID): DEC57EB1-B3B5-49B2-95F5-3B8C4D3E4E12
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
Main partition table begins at sector 2 and ends at sector 33
First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 419430366
Partitions will be aligned on 2048-sector boundaries
Total free space is 4029 sectors (2.0 MiB)

Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
   1            2048         1023999   499.0 MiB   2700  Basic data partition
   2         1024000         1226751   99.0 MiB    EF00  EFI system partition
   3         1226752         1259519   16.0 MiB    0C01  Microsoft reserved ...
   4         1259520       419428351   199.4 GiB   0700  Basic data partition

Command (? for help): c
Partition number (1-4): 4
Enter name: BOOTCAMP

Command (? for help): w

Final checks complete. About to write GPT data. THIS WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING PARTITIONS!!

Do you want to proceed? (Y/N): Y
OK; writing new GUID partition table (GPT) to \\.\physicaldrive0.
Disk synchronization succeeded! The computer should now use the new partition table.
The operation has completed successfully.

vit9696 已提交

3180 3181 3182 3183
  \textbf{How to choose Windows BOOTCAMP with custom NTFS drivers?}

  Third-party drivers providing NTFS support, such as
  \href{}{NTFS-3G}, Paragon NTFS,
3184 3185
  Tuxera NTFS or \href{}{Seagate Paragon Driver}
  break certain macOS functionality, including
3186 3187 3188
  \href{}{Startup Disk} preference
  pane normally used for operating system selection. While the recommended option
  remains not to use such drivers as they commonly corrupt the filesystem, and prefer
3189 3190 3191
  the driver bundled with macOS with optional write support (
  \href{}{command} or
3192 3193 3194 3195
  there still exist vendor-specific workarounds for their products:
  \href{}{Paragon}, etc.

vit9696 已提交
3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202

Similar to other projects working with hardware OpenCore supports auditing and debugging.
The use of \texttt{NOOPT} or \texttt{DEBUG} build modes instead of \texttt{RELEASE}
can produce a lot more debug output. With \texttt{NOOPT} source level debugging with
GDB or IDA Pro is also available. For GDB check
\href{}{OcSupport Debug}
3203 3204 3205
page. For IDA Pro you will need IDA Pro 7.3 or newer, refer to
\href{}{Debugging the XNU Kernel with IDA Pro}
for more details.
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To obtain the log during boot you can make the use of serial port debugging. Serial port
debugging is enabled in \texttt{Target}, e.g. \texttt{0xB} for onscreen with serial. OpenCore
uses \texttt{115200} baud rate, \texttt{8} data bits, no parity, and \texttt{1} stop bit.
For macOS your best choice are CP2102-based UART devices. Connect motherboard \texttt{TX}
to USB UART \texttt{GND}, and motherboard \texttt{GND} to USB UART \texttt{RX}. Use
\texttt{screen} utility to get the output, or download GUI software, such as

Remember to enable \texttt{COM} port in firmware settings, and never use USB cables longer
than 1 meter to avoid output corruption. To additionally enable XNU kernel serial output
you will need \texttt{debug=0x8} boot argument.

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\subsection{Tips and Tricks}\label{troubleshootingtricks}

  \textbf{How to debug boot failure?}

  Normally it is enough to obtain the actual error message. For this
  ensure that:
  \item You have a \texttt{DEBUG} or \texttt{NOOPT} version of OpenCore.
  \item Logging is enabled (\texttt{1}) and shown onscreen (\texttt{2}):
  \texttt{Misc} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Debug} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Target}
  $=$ \texttt{3}.
  \item Logged messages from at least \texttt{DEBUG\_ERROR}
  (\texttt{0x80000000}), \texttt{DEBUG\_WARN} (\texttt{0x00000002}), and
  \texttt{DEBUG\_INFO} (\texttt{0x00000040}) levels are visible onscreen:
  \texttt{Misc} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Debug} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{DisplayLevel}
  $=$ \texttt{0x80000042}.
  \item Critical error messages, like \texttt{DEBUG\_ERROR}, stop booting:
  \texttt{Misc} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Security}
  $\rightarrow$ \texttt{HaltLevel} $=$ \texttt{0x80000000}.
  \item Watch Dog is disabled to prevent automatic reboot:
Andrey1970AppleLife 已提交
  \texttt{Misc} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Debug} $\rightarrow$
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3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267
  \texttt{DisableWatchDog} $=$ \texttt{true}.
  \item Boot Picker (entry selector) is enabled: \texttt{Misc}
  $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Boot} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{ShowPicker} $=$ \texttt{true}.

  If there is no obvious error, check the available hacks in \texttt{Quirks} sections
  one by one.

  \textbf{How to customise boot entries?}

  OpenCore follows standard Apple Bless model and extracts the entry name
  from \texttt{.contentDetails} and \texttt{.disk\_label.contentDetails} files in the
  booter directory if present. These files contain an ASCII string with an entry title,
  which may then be customised by the user.

  \textbf{What is the simplest way to install macOS?}

  Copy online recovery image (\texttt{*.dmg} and \texttt{*.chunklist} files)
  to \texttt{} directory on a FAT32 partition with OpenCore.
  Load OpenCore Boot Picker and choose the entry, it will have a \texttt{(dmg)} suffix.
  Custom name may be created by providing \texttt{.contentDetails} file.

  To download recovery online you may use
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  tool from \href{}{OcSupportPkg}.

3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277
  \textbf{Why do online recovery images (\texttt{*.dmg} fail to load?}

  This may be caused by missing HFS+ driver, as all presently known recovery volumes
  have HFS+ filesystem. Another cause may be buggy firmware allocator, which can be
  worked around with \texttt{AvoidHighAlloc} UEFI quirk.

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  \textbf{Can I use this on Apple hardware or virtual machines?}

  Sure, most relatively modern Mac models including \texttt{MacPro5,1} and virtual machines
  are fully supported. Even though there are little to none specific details relevant to
  Mac hardware, some ongoing instructions can be found in

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  \textbf{Why do Find\&Replace patches must equal in length?}

  For machine code (x86 code) it is not possible to do such replacements due to
  \href{}{relative addressing}.
  For ACPI code this is risky, and is technically equivalent to ACPI table replacement,
  thus not implemented. More detailed explanation can be found on

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