/* mountefiController */ "%@ APFS Container [%@]" = "%1$@ APFS Container [%2$@]"; /* mountefiController */ "%lu partitions" = "%lu partitions"; /* sidebarMenu */ "ACPI" = "ACPI"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "B/s" = "B/s"; /* startScreen */ "Backup Configurations" = "Backup Configurations"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "base64 string" = "base64 string"; /* sidebarMenu */ "Booter" = "Booter"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Cancel" = "Cancel"; /* mountefiController */ "Capacity In Use:" = "Capacity In Use:"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Check" = "Check"; /* mountefiController */ "Check Partition" = "Check Partition"; /* startScreen */ "Configurations Acquired" = "Configurations Acquired"; /* pasteBoardController */ "Copy" = "Copy"; /* AFNetworking */ "Could not decode string: %@" = "Could not decode string: %@"; /* pasteBoardController */ "Cut" = "Cut"; /* AFNetworking */ "Data failed decoding as a UTF-8 string" = "Data failed decoding as a UTF-8 string"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Day" = "Day"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Days" = "Days"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "decimal string" = "decimal string"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Delete: %@ successfully removed" = "Delete: %@ successfully removed"; /* installDriversController */ "Delete: %@.efi successfully removed" = "Delete: %@.efi successfully removed"; /* mountefiController */ "Device BSD Name:" = "Device BSD Name:"; /* mountefiController */ "Device BSD Name: %@" = "Device BSD Name: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Device BSD Name: N/A" = "Device BSD Name: N/A"; /* mountefiController */ "Device Identifier: %@ - APFS Physical Store Disk: %@ - UUID: %@ - Size: %@" = "Device Identifier: %1$@ - APFS Physical Store Disk: %2$@ - UUID: %3$@ - Size: %4$@"; /* mountefiController */ "Device Identifier: %@ - Partition Scheme: %@ - Size: %@" = "Device Identifier: %1$@ - Partition Scheme: %2$@ - Size: %3$@"; /* sidebarMenu */ "DeviceProperties" = "DeviceProperties"; /* mountefiController */ "Devices / Media Name:" = "Devices / Media Name:"; /* mountefiController */ "Devices / Media Name: %@" = "Devices / Media Name: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Identifier:" = "Disk Identifier:"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Identifier: %@ Status: [Current Boot Disk]" = "Disk Identifier: %@ Status: [Current Boot Disk]"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type:" = "Disk Type:"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: %@" = "Disk Type: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: APFS Container" = "Disk Type: APFS Container"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: APFS Volume" = "Disk Type: APFS Volume"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: Apple HFS+" = "Disk Type: Apple HFS+"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: N/A" = "Disk Type: N/A"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: SoftRAID Cache" = "Disk Type: SoftRAID Cache"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: SoftRAID Scratch" = "Disk Type: SoftRAID Scratch"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: SoftRAID Status" = "Disk Type: SoftRAID Status"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: SoftRAID Volume" = "Disk Type: SoftRAID Volume"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk UUID:" = "Disk UUID:"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk UUID: %@" = "Disk UUID: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk UUID: N/A" = "Disk UUID: N/A"; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController opencoreDownloaderController */ "Download" = "Download"; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController */ "Download: %@ has been successfully copied to %@" = "Download: %1$@ has been successfully copied to %2$@"; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController */ "Download: %@ has been successfully updated to %@" = "Download: %1$@ has been successfully updated to %2$@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Download: %@ successfully backed up to %@" = "Download: %1$@ successfully backed up to %2$@"; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController */ "Download: %@ successfully downloaded...." = "Download: %@ successfully downloaded...."; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController */ "Download: Error: %@" = "Download: Error: %@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Download: ERROR: %@" = "Download: ERROR: %@"; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController */ "Download: ERROR: You don't have permission to write here!" = "Download: ERROR: You don't have permission to write here!"; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController */ "Download: Path doesn't exist!" = "Download: Path doesn't exist!"; /* installDriversController */ "Download: Please select a driver name!" = "Download: Please select a driver name!"; /* installToolsController */ "Download: Please select a tool name!" = "Download: Please select a tool name!"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Download: Please select a kext name!" = "Download: Please select a kext name!"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Downloading %@" = "Downloading %@"; /* reading_savingOperation */ "Error" = "Error"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Error during unzipping file!" = "Error during unzipping file!"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Error: %@" = "Error: %@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "FakeSMC detected... Choose an add on to install..." = "FakeSMC detected... Choose an add on to install..."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "GB/s" = "GB/s"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "HEX Converter" = "HEX Converter"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "HEX string" = "HEX string"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Hour" = "Hour"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Hours" = "Hours"; /* openPanelConfigConverterTool */ "Import a Clover config file for conversion" = "Import a Clover config file for conversion"; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController opencoreDownloaderController */ "Initialization: Unable to read database. Cannot find server or there's no internet connection." = "Initialization: Unable to read database. Cannot find server or there's no internet connection."; /* bdmesgController */ "Nothing to read here! Try to configure \"Target\" key in Misc->Debug section" = "Nothing to read here! Try to configure \"Target\" key in Misc->Debug section"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "Invalid base64 data" = "Invalid base64 data"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "Invalid data" = "Invalid data"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "Invalid HEX data" = "Invalid HEX data"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "KB/s" = "KB/s"; /* sidebarMenu */ "Kernel" = "Kernel"; /* left_toolbar */ "Load Configuration" = "Load Configuration"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Manual Installation: %@ has been successfully copied to %@" = "Manual Installation: %1$@ has been successfully copied to %2$@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Manual Installation: %@ has been successfully updated to %@" = "Manual Installation: %1$@ has been successfully updated to %2$@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Manual Installation: %@ successfully backed up to %@" = "Manual Installation: %1$@ successfully backed up to %2$@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Manual Installation: ERROR: %@" = "Manual Installation: ERROR: %@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Manual Installation: ERROR: You don't have permission to write here!" = "Manual Installation: ERROR: You don't have permission to write here!"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Manual Installation: Kext file required!" = "Manual Installation: Kext file required!"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Manual Installation: Path doesn't exist!" = "Manual Installation: Path doesn't exist!"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "MB/s" = "MB/s"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Minute" = "Minute"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Minutes" = "Minutes"; /* sidebarMenu */ "Misc" = "Misc"; /* mountefiController */ "Mount Point:" = "Mount Point:"; /* mountefiController */ "Mount Point: %@" = "Mount Point: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Mount Point: N/A" = "Mount Point: N/A"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "No EFI folder found. Creating one...." = "No EFI folder found. Creating one...."; /* sidebarMenu */ "NVRAM" = "NVRAM"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Old file has been renamed to BOOTx64_%@.efi.bak" = "Old file has been renamed to BOOTx64_%@.efi.bak"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Old file has been renamed to OpenCore_%@.efi.bak" = "Old file has been renamed to OpenCore_%@.efi.bak"; /* reading_savingOperation */ "OpenCore Configurator could not be synchronized because an error occurred: %@" = "OpenCore Configurator could not be synchronized because an error occurred: %@"; /* pasteBoardController */ "Paste" = "Paste"; /* left_toolbar */ "Paypal - Free Donation" = "Paypal - Free Donation"; /* sidebarMenu */ "PlatformInfo" = "PlatformInfo"; /* reading_savingOperation */ "Repair" = "Repair"; /* mainMenu */ "Restart" = "Restart"; /* left_toolbar */ "Save" = "Save"; /* left_toolbar */ "Save As..." = "Save As..."; /* left_toolbar */ "Save, Save As Configuration" = "Save, Save As Configuration"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Second" = "Second"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Seconds" = "Seconds"; /* left_toolbar */ "Share" = "Share"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Show Location: Path doesn't exist!" = "Show Location: Path doesn't exist!"; /* mountefiController */ "Size:" = "Size:"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Some info for %@.kext => Identifier: %@ | Version: %@%@" = "Some info for %1$@.kext =>Identifier: %2$@ | Version: %3$@%4$@"; /* rtvariablesController */ "Sorry to generate a valid ROM, you need unique UUID in System UUID (copy from system or generate one) or go in System UUID and add a valid uuid in the format: XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX." = "Sorry to generate a valid ROM, you need unique UUID in System UUID (copy from system or generate one) or go in System UUID and add a valid uuid in the format: XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX."; /* mountefiController */ "Status:" = "Status:"; /* reading_savingOperation */ "Synchronized" = "Synchronized"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "text string" = "text string"; /* mainMenu */ "To apply this change, you must restart the app" = "To apply this change, you must restart the app"; /* sidebarMenu */ "UEFI" = "UEFI"; /* installDriversController opencoreDownloaderController */ "Unable to read database." = "Unable to read database."; /* mountefiController */ "Untitled" = "Untitled"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Unzip process was aborted because I can't create a backup" = "Unzip process was aborted because I can't create a backup"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Unzip: Error during unzipping file!" = "Unzip: Error during unzipping file!"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Unzipped..." = "Unzipped..."; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Update available for %@.kext => Local version: %@ | Remote version: %@" = "Update available for %1$@.kext =>Local version: %2$@ | Remote version: %3$@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "VirtualSMC detected... Choose an add on to install..." = "VirtualSMC detected... Choose an add on to install..."; /* mountefiController */ "Volume Identifier:" = "Volume Identifier:"; /* mountefiController */ "Volume Identifier: %@" = "Volume Identifier: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Volume Identifier: %@ Status: [Current Boot Disk]" = "Volume Identifier: %@ Status: [Current Boot Disk]"; /* mountefiController */ "Volume Name:" = "Volume Name:"; /* mountefiController */ "Volume Name: %@" = "Volume Name: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Volume UUID:" = "Volume UUID:"; /* mountefiController */ "Volume UUID: %@" = "Volume UUID: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Volume UUID: N/A" = "Volume UUID: N/A"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "You don't have permission to write here!" = "You don't have permission to write here!"; /* dockMenu */ "New Configuration..." = "New Configuration..."; /* dockMenu */ "Open Configuration..." = "Open Configuration..."; /* dockMenu */ "Leave A Message" = "Leave A Message"; /* installDriversController opencoreDownloaderController */ "No EFI folder found.....\n" = "No EFI folder found.....\n"; /* titleBar */ "for Release Configuration" = "for Release Configuration"; /* titleBar */ "for Development Configuration" = "for Development Configuration"; /* preferencesPanel */ "Release Version" = "Release Version"; /* preferencesPanel */ "Development Version" = "Development Version"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Audio Device Properties" = "Audio Device Properties"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Video Device Properties" = "Video Device Properties"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Advanced Properties" = "Advanced Properties"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "display number" = "display number"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Connections" = "Connections"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "connector index" = "connector index"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Other" = "Other"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Presets" = "Presets"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "High Sierra" = "High Sierra"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Mojave and above" = "Mojave and above"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Device Properties" = "Device Properties"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Help" = "Help"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Select '%@' device before adding '%@' key" = "Select '%1$@' device before adding '%2$@' key"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Select a '%@' device before adding a preset" = "Select a '%1$@' device before adding a preset"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Select a Platform ID before adding a preset" = "Select a Platform ID before adding a preset"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Select a valid device path" = "Select a valid device path"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Product Name" = "Product Name"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "CPU Codename" = "CPU Codename"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Platform ID" = "Platform ID"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Device ID" = "Device ID"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Device Name" = "Device Name"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Available Device IDs" = "Available Device IDs"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Available Models" = "Available Models"; /* nvram_add_properties_table */ "Select a valid UUID" = "Select a valid UUID"; /* compatibilityWarningScreen */ "You seem to have an old version of OpenCore bootloader." = "You seem to have an old version of OpenCore bootloader."; /* compatibilityWarningScreen */ "The bootloader looks like it is not installed." = "The bootloader looks like it is not installed."; /* compatibilityWarningScreen */ "2nd_message" = "This app creates a configuration file for %1$@ and higher versions."; /* compatibilityWarningScreen */ "Use at your own risk" = "Use at your own risk"; /* compatibilityWarningScreen */ "(select 'Backup File Before Saving' in Preferences Pane)" = "(select 'Backup File Before Saving' in Preferences Pane)"; /* advancedUser */ "The key “%@” already exists in containing item." = "The key “%@” already exists in containing item."; /* advancedUser */ "(%lu items)" = "(%lu items)"; /* advancedUser */ "Item %lu" = "Item %lu"; /* outlineMode */ "Cut" = "Cut"; /* outlineMode */ "Copy" = "Copy"; /* outlineMode */ "Paste" = "Paste"; /* outlineMode */ "Value Type" = "Value Type"; /* outlineMode */ "Array" = "Array"; /* outlineMode */ "Dictionary" = "Dictionary"; /* outlineMode */ "Boolean" = "Boolean"; /* outlineMode */ "Data" = "Data"; /* outlineMode */ "Date" = "Date"; /* outlineMode */ "Number" = "Number"; /* outlineMode */ "String" = "String"; /* outlineMode */ "Add Item" = "Add Item"; /* miscController */ "Please make sure to select a file from a boot efi path." = "Please make sure to select a file from a boot efi path."; /* miscController */ "No efi boot path found." = "No efi boot path found.";