=AMD Zen OpenCore 0.8.4
# Generic config suitable for initial installation # OpenCore v0.8.4 AMD Zen Sanity Check =https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/AMD/zen.html =
# [launcheroption]:https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Post-Install/multiboot/bootstrap.html # [kernel]:https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/AMD/zen.html#kernel # [acpi]:https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/AMD/zen.html#acpi # [kexts]:https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/ktext.html#kexts # [debug]:https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/troubleshooting/debug.html # [scanpolicy]:https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Post-Install/universal/security.html#scanpolicy # [platforminfo]:https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/AMD/zen.html#platforminfo ACPI :Add count==0 "-You have no SSDT Patches. Please review the [ACPI Docs]" [Path]==DSDT.aml "-{$Path} You should not be including your dumped DSDT. Please review the [ACPI Docs]." [Path]==SSDT-1.aml "-{$Path} This is just an example SSDT. If you really made this yourself, call it something more descriptive" [Path]~=".dsl$" "!{$Path} Only include .aml files here. dsl files need to be compiled to .aml" [Enabled]==no "-{$Path} is disabled. Either enable it or remove it to get rid of this warning" [Path]==SSDT-EC-USBX-DESKTOP.aml&SSDT-EC.aml "-{$Path} don't use both SSDT-EC-USBX-DESKTOP and SSDT-EC" [Path]~=-EC.+aml :"%You might need something like SSDT-EC.aml or SSDT-EC-USBX-DESKTOP.aml. See the [ACPI Docs]." [Path]~=AWAC.+aml "-{$Path} is not needed on AMD" [Path]~=RTC0.+aml "-{$Path} is not needed on AMD" [Path]~=ALS0.+aml "-{$Path} is not needed on AMD" [Path]==SSDT-PMC.aml "-{$Path} is not needed on AMD" [Path]==SSDT-PNLF.aml "-{$Path} is not needed on AMD" [Path]==* " {$Path} Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory" [Path]==SSDT-OLA.aml "!{$Path} Don't use random files found on sketchy websites, these inject random data that can very likely prevent booting. Please review the [ACPI Docs]." [Path]==SSDT-OLARILA.aml "!{$Path} Don't use random files found on sketchy websites, these inject random data that can very likely prevent booting. Please review the [ACPI Docs]." :Quirks count==5 FadtEnableReset~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" NormalizeHeaders=no RebaseRegions=no ResetHwSig=no ResetLogoStatus=no SyncTableIds=no :Patch count>15 "!You may have added the kernel patches in the wrong section. They should be in the Kernel section. Please review the [Kernel Docs][kernel]" Booter :Quirks AllowRelocationBlock=no AvoidRuntimeDefrag=yes DevirtualiseMmio=no " {$setting} = {$value} If you have TRx40(ie. 3rd Gen ThreadRipper), please enable this" DisableSingleUser=no DisableVariableWrite=no DiscardHibernateMap=no EnableSafeModeSlide=yes EnableWriteUnprotector=no ForceExitBootServices=no ProtectCsmRegion~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.7 - See ProtectMemoryRegions instead" ProtectMemoryRegions=no ProtectSecureBoot=no ProtectUefiServices=no ProvideCustomSlide=yes ProvideMaxSlide=0 ResizeAppleGpuBars=-1 RebuildAppleMemoryMap=yes SetupVirtualMap=no ShrinkMemoryMap~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.7 - See RebuildAppleMemoryMap instead" SignalAppleOS=no SyncRuntimePermissions=yes ForceBooterSignature=no DeviceProperties Kernel :Add count==0 "!You have no Kexts. You definitely need at least Lilu.kext and VirtualSMC.kext. Please review the [Kexts Docs]" [BundlePath]==Lilu.kext " Lilu.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory and the first kext listed here":"!Lilu.kext is missing. Add it to the top of this list" [BundlePath]==FakeSMC.kext&VirtualSMC.kext "-{$BundlePath} don't use both FakeSMC.kext and VirtualSMC.kext" [BundlePath]!=FakeSMC.kext|VirtualSMC.kext "-you should have either FakeSMC.kext or VirtualSMC.kext here" [BundlePath]==VoodooHDA.kext&AppleALC.kext "-{$BundlePath} don't use both VoodooHDA.kext and AppleALC.kext" [BundlePath]==AppleALC.kext "$alcbootarg='-{$setting} = {$value} You need to add alcid=<_layout_\> here since you are using AppleALC.kext';":"$alcbootarg=;" [BundlePath]==SMCProcessor.kext "!{$BundlePath} VirtualSMC plugins don't work on AMD" [BundlePath]==SMCSuperIO.kext "!{$BundlePath} VirtualSMC plugins don't work on AMD" [BundlePath]==SMCLightSensor.kext "!{$BundlePath} VirtualSMC plugins don't work on AMD" [BundlePath]==SMCBatteryManager.kext "!{$BundlePath} VirtualSMC plugins don't work on AMD" [BundlePath]==IntelMausiEthernet.kext "-{$BundlePath} this is probably not the right ethernet kext for an AMD system" [BundlePath]==IntelMausi.kext "-{$BundlePath} this is probably not the right ethernet kext for an AMD system" [BundlePath]==AppleIGB.kext "-{$BundlePath} this is probably not the right ethernet kext for an AMD system" [BundlePath]==SmallTree-Intel-211-AT-PCIe-GBE.kext "-{$BundlePath} while this might work, SmallTreeIntel82576.kext is considered more reliable" [BundlePath]==NullCPUPowerManagement.kext "!{$BundlePath} set the DummyPowerManagement quirk instead of using this kext" [BundlePath]==USBInjectAll.kext "!{$BundlePath} Does not work on AMD" [BundlePath]==Legacy_USB3.kext "!{$BundlePath} shouldn't be here" [BundlePath]!=WhateverGreen.kext "-WhateverGreen.kext is missing. Please review the [Kexts Docs]" [BundlePath]==* " {$BundlePath} make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory" :Patch count<20 "!{$count} patches found - Did you apply the kernel patches correctly? Please review the [Kernel Docs]" count>19 " AMD kernel patches" [MatchOS]~=.+ "!You have used Clover patches, not OpenCore" [Replace]~=\xbb\xbc\x4f\xea\x78\xe9\x5d\x00\x00\x00\x90 " Catalina 10.15.4 CPUFAMILY_INTEL_PENRYN patch found":"-Catalina 10.15.4 CPUFAMILY_INTEL_PENRYN patch is missing or incorrect" [Replace]~=\xb3\x01\xba\xbc\x4f\xea\x78\xe9\x5d\x00\x00\x00\x00\x90 " Big Sur 11.3 CPUFAMILY_INTEL_PENRYN patch found":"-Big Sur 11.3 CPUFAMILY_INTEL_PENRYN patch is missing or incorrect" :Emulate DummyPowerManagement=yes " {$setting} = {$value}":"!{$setting} = {$value} this needs to be enabled" :Quirks AppleCpuPmCfgLock=no AppleXcpmCfgLock=no AppleXcpmExtraMsrs=no AppleXcpmForceBoost=no CustomPciSerialDevice=no CustomSMBIOSGuid=no " {$setting} = {$value} If you have a Dell or VIAO motherboard, please enable this":" {$setting} = {$value} This is only required if you have a Dell or VIAO motherboard" DisableIoMapper=no DisableRtcChecksum~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" DummyPowerManagement~=.* "!{$setting} was moved in OpenCore v0.6.2 - See Kernel -> Emulate" ExtendBTFeatureFlags~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" LegacyCommpage=no ExternalDiskIcons~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" ForceAquantiaEthernet=no ForceSecureBootScheme=no IncreasePciBarSize=no LapicKernelPanic=no " {$setting} = {$value} If you have an HP laptop, please enable this":" {$setting} = {$value} This is only required if you have an HP laptop" PanicNoKextDump=yes PowerTimeoutKernelPanic=yes ProvideCurrentCpuInfo=no SetApfsTrimTimeout=-1 ThirdPartyDrives~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" XhciPortLimit=yes " {$setting} = {$value} turn off after USB port mapping":" {$setting} = {$value} enable if you have USB issues" Misc :Boot BuiltinTextRenderer~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.6 - See UEFI/TextRenderer" ConsoleBehaviourOs~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.6" ConsoleBehaviourUi~="" "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.6" ConsoleMode~=.* "!{$setting} has been moved to UEFI/Output section as of OpenCore v0.5.6" Resolution~=.* "!{$setting} has been moved to UEFI/Output section as of OpenCore v0.5.6" ConsoleAttributes~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" HideSelf~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.9" PollAppleHotKeys=no ShowPicker=yes UsePicker~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.6" TakeoffDelay=0 HibernateMode=None LauncherOption~="Disabled|Full|Short|System" " {$setting} = {$value} LauncherOption set correctly":"-{$setting} = {$value} - Invalid LauncherOption. Please read the [Misc -> Boot Docs]" LauncherPath=Default PickerMode~=(Builtin|External) " {$setting} = {$value}":"!{$setting} = {$value} this should be set to either Builtin or External" HideAuxiliary=no PickerAttributes~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" PickerAudioAssist=no Timeout=5 PickerVariant~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" :Debug AppleDebug=yes ApplePanic=yes DisableWatchDog=yes :" {$setting} enabling this will help debugging" Target=67 :" {$setting} see the [Debugging Docs] for more info on debug target numbers" DisplayLevel=2147483714 :" {$setting} see [Debugging Docs] for more info debug display levels" DisplayDelay=0 SysReport=no : " -->This only works if you are using the Debug version{$setting}=yes" LogModules~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" :Entries [Arguments]~=debug "!Arguments = {$Arguments} boot-args go in the nvram section, not here" :Security AllowNvramReset~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.8.1" AllowSetDefault=yes AllowToggleSip~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.8.1" ApECID=0 AuthRestart=no BlacklistAppleUpdate=yes BootProtect~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.6.6 - See LauncherOption" DmgLoading=Signed EnablePassword=no RequireSignature~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.6 - See Vault" RequireVault~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.6 - See Vault" Vault=Optional SecureBootModel~="Default|Disabled|j137|j680|j132|j174|j140k|j780|j213|j140a|j152f|j160|j230k|j214k|j223|j215|j185|j185f|x86legacy" " {$setting} = {$value} SecureBootModel set correctly":"!{$setting} = {$value} - This is an invalid option for SecureBootModel!" HaltLevel=2147483648 ExposeSensitiveData=6 :" {$setting} = {$value}" ScanPolicy=0 :"-{$setting} = {$value}. Initially you want 0 here, but once you are up and running check [Scanpolicy Docs] for why you should change this" :Serial Init=no Override=no :Tools count==0 " You removed the tool EFIs":"%You can remove the tool EFIs here" NVRAM LegacyEnable=no LegacyOverwrite=no WriteFlash=yes :Add ::4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14 UIScale~=(01|02) " {$setting} = {$value}":" {$setting} = {$value} but it is usally set to 01 or 02" DefaultBackgroundColor~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" ::7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 boot-args~="ncpi=" "!{$setting} = {$value} I think you mean npci= there not ncpi=":"" boot-args~="^(?:(?!alcid).)*$" "{$alcbootarg}":"" boot-args="-v keepsyms=1" " {$setting} = {$value} If you have a navi10 GPU add agdpmod=pikera":" {$setting} = {$value}" run-efi-updater="No" csr-active-config~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" nvda_drv~=.* "!{$setting} = {$value} Remove this setting completely. It is no longer used as of OpenCore v0.5.7" prev-lang:kbd=72752d52553a323532 "-{$setting} = {$value} ({@value}). Unless you speak Russian, remove this entry or fill it in with your language":" {$setting} = {$value} ({@value})" SystemAudioVolume~="^\d+$" " {$setting} = {$value}":"!{$setting} = {$value} this should be a positive number" PlatformInfo Automatic=yes UpdateDataHub=yes UpdateNVRAM=yes UpdateSMBIOS=yes UpdateSMBIOSMode=Create " {$setting} = {$value} If you have a Dell or VIAO motherboard, please set this to Custom":" {$setting} = {$value} This is only required if you have a Dell or VIAO motherboard" :Generic SpoofVendor=yes AdviseFeatures=no ProcessorType~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" SystemMemoryStatus=Auto MaxBIOSVersion=no SupportsCsm~=.* "!{$setting} was replaced with AdviseWindows in OpenCore v0.5.5" SystemProductName~="(iMacPro1,1|MacPro7,1|MacPro6,1|iMac14,2|iMac15,1)" " {$setting} = {$value}":"-{$setting} = {$value} this is not a suggested SMBIOS for AMD systems. See [PlatformInfo Docs]" MLB~="(M000000000001|M0000000000000001)" "!{$setting} should be set to your generated board serial. See [PlatformInfo Docs][":" {$setting} is set" ROM~="(112233000000|112233445566)" "-{$setting} = {$value} You should set this to your NIC MAC address. See [PlatformInfo Docs]":" {$setting} is set" SystemSerialNumber=W0000000001 "!{$setting} should be set to your generated system serial number. See the [PlaformInfo Docs]":" {$setting} is set" SystemUUID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 "!{$setting} should be set to your generated SmUUID. See the [PlaformInfo Docs]":" {$setting} is set" UEFI ConnectDrivers=yes "{$setting} = {$value}" :Drivers [Path]==VBoxHfs.efi|HFSPlus.efi|HfsPlus.efi|OpenHfsPlus.efi "$hfs={$Path}; {$Path}":"!Need either VBoxHfs.efi, OpenHfsPlus.efi or HFSPlus.efi here" 
 [Path]==VBoxHfs.efi|HFSPlus.efi|HfsPlus.efi|OpenHfsPlus.efi "!{$Path} you already have {$hfs}" [Path]==OpenRuntime.efi " {$Path}":"!OpenRuntime.efi is missing" [Path]==FwRuntimeServices.efi "!{$Path} has been replaced by OpenRuntime.efi as of OpenCore v0.5.7" [Path]==ApfsDriverLoader.efi "!ApfsDriverLoader.efi was merged into OpenCore under the UEFI/APFS section as of OpenCore v0.5.8" [Path]==OpenCore.efi "!OpenCore.efi should not be here!" [Path]==AppleUsbKbdxe.efi "!{$Path} has been replaced by OpenUsbKbDxe.efi as of OpenCore v0.5.7" [Path]==CrScreenshotDxe.efi "!{$Path} should not be here!" [Path]==HiiDatabase.efi "!{$Path} should not be here!" [Path]==NvmExpressDxe.efi "!{$Path} should not be here!" [Path]==OpenUsbKbDxe.efi "-{$Path} Unless you are doing a legacy install, you don't need this" [Path]==Ps2KeyboardDxe.efi "-{$Path} Unless you are using a PS2 keyboard, this should not be here!" [Path]==Ps2MouseDxe.efi "-{$Path} Unless you are using a PS2 mouse/trackpad with OpenCanopy, this should not be here!" [Path]==UsbMouseDxe.efi "-{$Path} Unless you are using a USB mouse/trackpad with OpenCanopy, this should not be here!" [Path]==XhciDxe.efi "!{$Path} should not be here!" [Path]==VirtualSmc.efi "!VirtualSmc.efi was merged into OpenCore under the quirk AppleSmcIo!" [Path]==* " {$Path}" :APFS EnableJumpstart=yes GlobalConnect=no " {$setting} = {$value} If you have an HP motherboard and can't see APFS drives in OpenCore, please enable this":" {$setting} = {$value} Only required for HP motherboard that cannot see APFS drives in OpenCore" HideVerbose=yes JumpstartHotPlug=no MinDate=0 MinVersion=0 :AppleInput AppleEvent~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" CustomDelays~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" KeyInitalDelay~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" KeySubsequentDelay~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" PointerSpeedDiv~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" PointerSpeedMul~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" GraphicsInputMirroring=no :Audio AudioSupport~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" DisconnectHda~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" MaximumGain~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" MinimumAssistGain~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" MinimumAudibleGain~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" AudioOutMask~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" AudioDevice~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" AudioCodec~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" PlayChime~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" SetupDelay~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" ResetTrafficClass~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" :Input KeyFiltering=no KeyForgetThreshold=5 KeyMergeThreshold~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.6.9 KeySupport=yes KeySupportMode=Auto KeySwap=no PointerSupport=no PointerSupportMode~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" TimerResolution=50000 KeyInitalDelay~=.* "!{$setting} --> was moved to AppInput in OpenCore v0.6.9" KeySubsequentDelay~=.* "!{$setting} --> was moved to AppInput in OpenCore v0.6.9" PointerPollMask~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" PointerPollMax~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" PointerPollMin~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" :ProtocolOverrides count==18 :"!You should have exactly 18 settings in the UEFI/ProtocolOverrides section" AppleAudio=no AppleBootPolicy=no AppleDebugLog=no AppleEg2Info=no AppleEvent~=.* "!{$setting} --> was moved to AppInput in OpenCore v0.6.9" AppleFramebufferInfo=no AppleImageConversion=no AppleImg4Verification=no AppleKeyMap=no AppleRtcRam=no AppleSecureBoot=no AppleSmcIo=no AppleUserInterfaceTheme=no DataHub=no DeviceProperties=no FirmwareVolume=no " {$setting} = {$value} If you plan to use FileVault2, please enable this":" {$setting} = {$value} This is only required if you plan to use FileVault" HashServices=no " {$setting} = {$value} If you plan to use FileVault2, please enable this":" {$setting} = {$value} This is only required if you plan to use FileVault" OSInfo=no UnicodeCollation=no ConsoleControl~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.6 - See UEFI/TextRenderer" :Output count==15 :"!You should have exactly 15 settings in the UEFI/Output section" TextRenderer=BuiltinGraphics ConsoleMode="" Resolution~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" ForceResolution=no ClearScreenOnModeSwitch=no IgnoreTextInGraphics=no ProvideConsoleGop=yes ReconnectGraphicsOnConnect=no DirectGopRendering=no DirectGopCacheMode~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.9" ReconnectOnResChange=no ReplaceTabWithSpace=no SanitiseClearScreen~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" UgaPassThrough~=.* " {$setting} = {$value}" Scale~=.* "!{$setting} shouldn't be here" :Quirks AvoidHighAlloc~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.6" DeduplicateBootOrder~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.6.5" DisableSecurityPolicy=no EnableVectorAcceleration=no EnableVmx=no ActivateHpetSupport=no ExitBootServicesDelay=0 ForgeUefiSupport=no ForceOcWriteFlash=no IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio=no ReconnectOnResChange~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.6 - See Output/${setting}" IgnoreTextInGraphics~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.6 - See Output/${setting}" ProvideConsoleGop~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.6 - See Output/${setting}" ReleaseUsbOwnership=no ReloadOptionRoms=no RequestBootVarFallback~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.9" RequestBootVarRouting=yes TscSyncTimeout=0 ResizeGpuBars=-1 ReplaceTabWithSpace~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.6 - See Output/${setting}" SanitiseClearScreen~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.6 - See Output/${setting}" ClearScreenOnModeSwitch~=.* "!{$setting} was deprecated since OpenCore v0.5.6 - See Output/${setting}" UnblockFsConnect=no " {$setting} = {$value} If you have an HP system, please enable this" :ReservedMemory